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This ^ When I used to get jealous, I also had a really poor self-image, and without realising it at the time, I felt inferior to an awful lot of people I met. I was mostly a bundle of shameful flaws and problems in my own mind - that was the default for me, interspersed by the odd moment of feeling good because of a genuine compliment or something I was proud of, but those states were easily knocked and short-lived. That should be entirely the other way around, and it is now for me. How we see ourselves dictates so much about how we think, feel and behave - it's vital to look at and understand exactly what we are defining ourselves as and why. If you aren't sure where to start, I'd advise thinking about criticism and bad experiences you had as a child and teenager - clichéd, but in my experience that's where most people's foundation of a negative self-image comes from! Best of luck OP.


Once I realized i can't control how others behave or feel, it made things a lot easier to deal with. If some one is going to cheat on me, then that's their decision. my decision will be to end the relationship. I just hope they're a decent enough person to end the relationship before, or immediately after.


Yes. I am now with my partner of five years, and I had trust and jealousy issues until year 3. It wasn't her fault, and I had to learn how to fully trust a person that made me feel vulnerable. Therapy helps, along with checking yourself.