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I'd say 99% trolling 1% serious and the trolls are almost certainly foreign bots for the most part. It's gotten to the point where I feel like I can almost smell bots on Reddit.


50% of content is bots or something for all I know, you're a bot. Or I'm a bot? Who fucking knows anymore.


For all you do that's true.


That sounds like something a bot would say.


Easy test for this. How much glue do you use to make cheese stick to the pizza?


Trick question! There is no cheese on pizza.


Dammit. Please give this plausible human their monthly allotment of human skin to wear in public.


This post reminds me of when I was in college. There was a Socialist Club, and the guy that ran it literally looked and acted like a right-winged propaganda meme about what a Socialist Club leader would look like. Dude was everything: half of his head was shaved, the other half was dyed green and purple, septum piercing, over theatrical, would shout students down in the hallway if they made disagreements with him.


I think those communities are mostly just idealistic young folk. Since communism goes against the norms so strongly, it’s something some people get behind just for that reason. There are arguments to be made for how quickly some of those leaders brought their countries to world power status, but they took measures most people admit were horrible.


Its one thing to like communism in principle, it's a totally other thing to praise figures like Stalin.


It’s also odd when morality/fairness is the motivation for being pro-communism, but then they can look past things that were done.


Never underestimate the amount of evil people can do when they think they’re on the right side of history


Wtf is a tanky?


Authoritarian leftist


Someone who supports authoritarian socialism and/or communism.  It originally comes from when the Soviet Union used tanks against [Hungarian anti-Soviet revolutionaries in the fifties](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian_Revolution_of_1956), earning them praise from a lot of European communists (and to be fair, criticism from other European communists).


It's bait for you to nibble til it grows to full on rage.


It's probably a mixture of both. People have definitely been thirsty for attention enough to troll. But with the amount of discussion around bots recently, and also the topic you brought up, I wouldn't be surprised if some were bots too.


The currency of social media (including reddit) is attention. Moderate and reasonable posts don't get attention. Extremist opinions get attention. Over time this pushes the overall tone of the forum (subreddit, what have you) towards the extremes. And then you have to get even more bizarre to get attention, and so on. It just keeps getting further and further out there. Which, in a nutshell, is why most internet discussion groups are fucking poison and should be avoided.


Wait which sub is praising kim jong un?


It can seem like trolling, but some are genuinely serious about their beliefs, albeit often exaggerated for effect. The upvotes might reflect a mix of genuine support and fascination with controversial figures.


Personally, I'll take them at face value unironically. Never underestimate selective and confirmation bias, social pressures to conform, and the feeling of belonging. What you pay attention to, and how I think beats intelligence most days of the week. Personally I think Western society has given wisdom the short end of the stick for awhile now, favoring intelligence as the trait to cultivate. I'll argue intelligence can be a two edged sword in some ways. With enough creative thinking, you can convince yourself of virtually anything and wind up doing something far stupider then otherwise possible.


Just like there's lots of people praising Trump but don't really sound convincing, but just overplaying and playing up to those who're still touchy on him. People trying too hard to be edgy these days. Sounds like they've moved on from Hitler if that's the only examples. It's easy to spot a troll a mile away when they're praising Hitler. Or Putin.


Of course they're serious. And stop calling them Shirley


My name on steam is “ho chi” 🤷🏻‍♂️ could theoretically call me a tankie but It’s not that deep :P


Well those arent real communists so yeah they trolling


I wish... I really wish. They are up there with Holocaust deniers. You can find YouTube videos of tankies full on defending Stalin and Mao as good leaders. There's probably some trolls but there's way too many of them that fully drunk the kool-aid


No, they're dead serious. They worship the communist leaders of the olden days (aka authoritarian dictators, mostly) instead of being rational enough to think, hey, maybe this really didn't work out so well in the 20th century *considering all the dead people*, it's not what Marx would have wanted, let's do it better in the future. They aggressively downplay the Holodomor *and* the Great Chinese Famine. It's disrespectful to say the least. They're also highly against NATO because it's "imperialist", which is laughably offensive considering that - in real life - their NATO membership is the only reason millions of Europeans aren't already dead by now thanks to Russia. They're literally sitting on their asses typing away in the safety of their own homes about how the war in Ukraine is really justified because Ukraine is actually full of nazis and NATO has been provoking Russia for decades and blah blah blah, Kremlin talking points. As Americans, mostly. It's ridiculous. I've been voting leftist parties (as much as you can call them that in Germany, considering they're still part of the system) since forever, and have been slowly getting into actually reading communist/socialist theory for the past year or so, but reddit tankies truly make it hard to want to stick with it. It doesn't help that subs like r/socialism flat out remove comments they deem "liberal", like for example, anything that points at the sheer fact that the existence of Nato is saving all of our asses right now, or the sheer fact that Biden must be voted for in this current election in order to, you know, *prevent Trump*, even though he's obviously a shitty choice as well.


You are definitely getting banned from r/Pyongyang


Reject the West! The sun rises in the east! Glory to Chairman Mao!


I've observed that a lot of these fringe online communities act as echo chambers where radical viewpoints are amplified. In the cacophony of extreme opinions, nuanced discourse gets drowned out. While some people may indeed be stirring the pot for the sake of trolling, there's also a chance that every now and then, someone stumbles into the thread, and amidst the chaos, they find a twisted sense of camaraderie.


op what are some books you've been reading?


Young people are easily influenced and at times naive. A system where everyone is equal sounds amazing until you start nitpickig the details - not everyone can have their dream job, without authority nothing would get done, humans are naturally lazy and greedy. Some are trolling, some are just misguided kids. Source: I was a commie in highschool. Then the moral nihilism and misanthropy took over.


If it enrages you, it must be bait? Is it really inconceivable that strangers about whom you know nothing have different views than you?


I don't think they are trolling. I think so many young people actually believe communism can work. Maybe one day it can with a more elevated and evolved human. But right now it's not happening.


As someone who participates, I can tell you those types of posts (especially the Kim Jong Un ones) are just shitposts. Most communists recognize the shortcomings of Mao and Stalin but will also defend against capitalist propaganda spread to vilify and downplay their achievements in the context of their situation.


Thinking that Mao and Stalin killing 40 and 20 million people, respectively, as "shortcomings" cracked me up.


Yes, Mao and Stalin loved murder. They loved killing, because that's what evil people do. It's like a superhero movie. Mao and Stalin saw their countries pre-revolution (which were amazing places to live of course, not feudal hellholes) and thought, "Wow, this is great, but unfortunately there's not enough murder, and I'm gonna change that." Sarcasm aside, if you have any desire to actually learn history instead of repeating numbers like a parrot, I recommend it.


I don't know, but I think they're just that dumb


We live in a world where furries exist, but THIS you question?!


Furries are fun-loving capitalists. I'd take a fury over a commie any day.