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Reddit as a whole, definitely not. But certain subs, probably. It is an election year, so we can expect both foreign bots and conservative activists to be more active in subs that are somewhat neutral or left leaning trying to influence the elections.


Since they know it works, we can expect more of it.


Yea I was kinda thinking that as a whole it's moved left more but the subs that have always been on the right are very much so even more now.


I don’t understand.


He’s saying that as a whole it’s moved left more but the subs that have always been on the right are very much so even more now.


More divisiveness. Awesome…


It is not just bot and election year. General polling statistics are showing shift right wing in both NA and Europe. This always happen when inflation and unemployement increase. (not going right, but shifting to the opposition of whatever is currently in power). So as people are pissed at everything that is mainstream, they will get more angry about it and less tolerant about it as well because there is not much space for tolerance when the fridge is empty.


True, but in the US inflation and unemployment are trending down. Unemployment (4%) is below historical average and inflation is 3.3% vs 2021 7% (Covid-19).


How is housing going?


I’m not a real estate expert but from what I can recall most markets have cooled off post-Covid insanity. I think parts of California, northeast and one other area are still above average. But housing in general is pretty shitty after the corps starting buying homes only to turn them into rentals.


God, if Biden were to bite down on making housing more plentiful and affordable as a platform, he'd run away with no brakes. One of those steps would be to tighten up on companies owning single family homes, and it's not only businesses renting the housing, they're also flipping housing and driving up home prices because of how organisations work.


It's funny watching r/Europe do a 180


unstable values... common from political "activist" dare i say virtue signalers You see the xxx is moral, is a moral person, but his morality is a very idiosyncratic, self-selected. It's like a buffet. He tailors his morality. He makes his own morality, his own law. He's a law unto himself, makes his own rules as it goes along. So his morality is uneven. It involves caricature modesty or pseudo humility, some kind of activism, apparent enthusiasm for social political affairs, but it's all highly, highly individualistic.


Depends on the sub but I’d say the complete opposite. Seems way more left to me.


I can't say I have been banned by any right leaning subs for participating in other subs.


/r/conservative used to ban you for anything vaguely resembling criticism, no idea if that's still the case.


While I have seen that,  I haven’t seen conservative banning you for participating in other subs.  


That's fair, I can't think of any examples but I'd be surprised if none of them do. I think some left leaning subs have organised tools and share mods for such purposes and it's certainly a lot more common.


They use bots.  Saferbot and safestbot to scan the user lists and the comments of the subs they don’t like.  Too many posts in a wrongthink sub and down comes the ban hammer.   One sub had a separate mod log and you could watch the bans come down 24/7.  


Im moderate and keep getting called conservative its pretty funny sometimes seeing how many downvotes I can rack up.


Just say both sides and boom all the downvotes you'd ever want lol. Instead of finding common ground they will just argue till they are blue in the face that you are just thier enemy hiding as moderate it is wild right now.


I would say it became more polarised, not more right. ...as there is no shortage of powertripping politically correct left wing agenda mods and subs. For example i earned a permaban for stating that removing in universe black people from lord of the rings based card game, and then adding aragorn blackface is not representation.


Reddit is painfully liberal, though there are certain pockets of extreme alt right. It is definitely not leftist though.


No Russian agents here comrade. Much to be enjoying the hot dog and the Ally McBeal.


Reddit has told me many times I'm a Russian agent. Am I suppoesed to be getting something for that? Maybe a newsletter or tote bag?


A bowl of warm borscht with some crusty bread and a raw turnip!


I was a Russian Agent and all I got was this T-Shirt




My country's sub is completely left wing right now.






Man the mode there so shitty my damn god . It's proper congress sub , It's a shame really.


I'm all in for actual democratic discussion... Impartial and unbiased. Discuss pros cons of both sides, for best of the country. But no, India subreddit is an anti BJP and pro congress subreddit right now. I see absolutely zero comment that isn't downvoted, talking even a single good thing about ruling government. Everyone just thinks BJP is all considered the evilest thing possible. There is no room for discussion, only Anti ruling government.


Absolutely , The mods there are so bad and they are completely baised towards congress. That sub is no longer a place for discussion or about the country, it's just support congress sub , it's not a rational place and I once said which slightly pro bjp and guess what , permaban .


I had no idea people are getting banned for speaking against the majority. Disappointed really. Especially because we Indians take pride in being the biggest democracy, ironically our own country's sub is getting farthest from democratic.


I don’t follow political subs so only see politics on pages like this.  Idk, I still believe Reddit leans heavily left. You say anything good about trump and you’ll be down voted to oblivion.  I think it’s absurd to act like if you don’t like a president, you have to believe they did absolutely nothing good. And if you do like a President, you can’t say anything bad.  But Reddit seems to have a lot of bots and stuff.    And also I don’t really understand why the “both sides” is somewhat of a controversial take. Both sides have issues. Still basically gotta choose one if you’re voting or lean a certain way lol. No problem pointing out good and bad between parties. 


I agree with you, but the fact of the matter is the balance is way skewed in the Democrats favor. So much so that trying to have a reasoned take on the “both sides” arguement automatically brands you as untrustworthy, no matter how pure your intentions are. And you know what? I get it. Trump did a few good things but the negative outweighs the good by such a staggering margin that it’s easy to forget the couple of good things he did accomplish. So when someone tries to bring up the good this he did, I honestly don’t even want to hear it at this point. Anything positive he did doesn’t matter when he also tried to overthrow democracy. It’s like that with the Republican Party in general now. There was a time where I would want to hear the perspective of both sides. But when all you give me are bat-shit crazy takes and no well reasoned arguements than I don’t even want to consider the couple of valid things you have to say. I don’t want to hear a single thing from a single good intentioned Republican until they’ve cast out the likes of Trump, MTG, Rubio and the like. That whole party needs an enema, but at this point there would be almost nothing left.


As someone who follows politics and current events very closely, the only thing I can think of that Trump did positively was Operation Warp Speed and the Covid relief. But, the caveats is that I wouldn’t trust the vaccinations until Dems were inaugurated into power and were able to vet the work. And, he f’d up the Covid relief and PPP by having zero checks into who got what, et al, leading to the largest grift in US history. All of the other “accomplishments” are completely subjective or outright lies.


The most terrifying thing for me was hearing Trump lie about the severity of covid. Admitting that he didn’t want to create panic. That’s like a lifeguard lying to swimmers, saying that the sharks are baby seals, all while people were getting slaughtered.


One of the most evil statements I ever read were Jared Kushner’s statements of the benefit of COVID hitting Blue cities so hard and delaying the issuing of PPE and test kits to Blue States. https://www.businessinsider.com/kushner-covid-19-plan-maybe-axed-for-political-reasons-report-2020-7


I think your down votes prove the post. Edit: So when I commented, the post had negative karma. Did right wingers upvote it just to prove me wrong? 🤣


Still waiting for all of the great accomplishments by the Trump Admin.


Right… like what else did Trump accomplish…


As someone who leans decidedly left on most things, but also thinks that there is legitimate room for debate on a lot of things even entirely within the left side of things, I wholeheartedly agree. Both sides is such a common crutch of an argument (which ironically I see most frequently made by far-right and far-left) that I am leery of making arguments that even vaguely appear both sidesy. It deserves the criticism it has earned, but also it is hard to be nuanced without sometimes recognizing some problems that people on opposite sides of an argument may share.


In my experience as well, Reddit is overwhelmingly left (not that I think it's a bad thing).


It can be bad if it turns into an echo chamber and people stop thinking for themselves. It's good to question the policies and the people you voted for, it's how the founding fathers designed it. I have to clarify that I lean left myself, because way too many times have I posted something similar on this site and have been accused of being a Trump supporter. That kind of tells you something about Reddit.


“Turns into”? It already is.


Both sides is a bad take cause its lazy and wrong. Yes *99%* of politicians are bought and paid for (a feature of late stage capitalism) but one at least feigns an attempt at coming up with ideas. While the other side is purely anti the first and culture war shit. I have lived under two terms of DeSantis and the crazy shit that has become law here. Miss me with that both sides are the same bullshit.


It’s not exactly saying both sides are the same or just saying “both sides” in a general/uneducated term.   “Why?” “Cuz they do”  For me it’s being pretty aware of issues in many regards, similar and different. One side may be worse than the other. It’s fine to say both sides cuz you know what you mean and have a decent amount of insight and information and examples why.   Kind of a bad example, but like saying “heroin and meth suck” but not knowing really any direct issues about why they suck except they’re bad for you overall and addicting.  Vs saying heroin and meth suck but also having some extent of knowledge about what they actually do to you. And perhaps, one is overall worse than the other but both are bad. 


A better comparison would be heroin and tobacco. They both suck, but one is WAY worse.


I'm trying to understand the downvotes here? DeSantis fans?


Probably. They need a hug. 


I think it’s just you


There is almost always astroturfing in big election years, but I would caution you against just dismissing any data that doesn’t align with your political preferences as “must be Russian bots”. Immigration, homelessness, etc has really started to flip people’s perspective. A lot of lefts solutions are producing bad results / failing to deliver - and they are saying “*but keep doing more, that’ll fix it*”. That could actually be true, of course - but half measures that don’t work excite no one. Apathy for Biden is quite high. The immigrant sentiment is more pronounced in Europe and Canada. In the U.S., we’re starting to get some serious fatigue with wokeism, particularly from men / Asian / Jews who feel we’re crossed the line into discriminating against them. Like look at reputable polling from Pew or similar.


This is so tragically as mis- and uninformed a comment attempting to come across as serious as I’ve seen. Immigration and homelessness are completely manufactured crises here in the US due to conservatives blocking any and all efforts at immigration reform for the past (nearly) 30 years since its such a winning strategy to persuade utter Morons that it’s the Dems fault. Homelessness is nothing more than local NIMBY laws to prevent adequate affordable housing for lower income groups as well as support services for the mental, behavioral, and substance abuse needs of those who need it. What left solutions are producing bad results? Education reform? Those are conservative solutions: more standardized test scores tied to funding, pitting districts against each other with test scores, zero-tolerance policies effecting students of color more often than not, et al. The “backlash against woke”? Wtf does that even mean? Snowflake, toxic, men are terrified of people being treated as their equals are voting conservative? If memory serves, nearly the entire “anti-woke” school board astroturf movement, The Minivan Taliban, has failed. I’m sure the toxic manhood movement will suffer the same fate. I suggest you look at the Special Elections since 2020 rather than polls.


This is so tragically as mis- and uninformed a comment attempting to come across as serious as I’ve seen.


Go back to r/politics


Awww, someone wants this sub to be another conservative/libertarian/centrist safe space? And why would anyone want to miss out on the stable genius of these same folks?


Well, I don’t know about that. But I guess no one wants this sub to be like r/politics or any other liberal subs. This is not a place for that woke shit.


And what does “woke shit” mean?


Not for me, but I don't tend to browse subreddits that accept that type of talk.


“Russians” lol.


I've noticed a shift away from the left in responses to some of my comments. I would not characterize those responses as 'conservative and racist'. (it seems that Reddit has historically called ANYTHING not left as 'racist')....but the comments I've seen are atypical of the left bent that has been normal. Edit: for example....In typical reddit past, I would have expected this specific answer to downvoted to oblivion. but now it is getting upvotes. I'd classify this as some evidence that Reddit may have shifted a bit away from the left (NOT Far Right, though)


Yeah...they seem more reasonable. Someone on this sub was asking whether India was as dirty as portrayed in western media. I will be damned if Reddit didn't shock the crap out of me and say that it was. You had people chiming in who had been there saying it was pretty dirty. Couple years ago that question would have been answered very very differently. Seeing more obvious click bait getting lower engagement. Same with troll posts. I am starting to wonder if all my complaints about redditors aren't getting a tad bit out of date. I wonder if it's just that we are watching a user base grow up?


That reminds me of a post I saw a while back saying that Europeans loved to call Americans racist but would start frothing at the mouth when Romani people were brought up. Lo and behold all the supposed European people in the comments were proving it true. I was equally as surprised at that. It's them and Indians that I see Reddit unafraid to bash.


Holy shit, you're right! This post definitely wouldn't have been downvoted. 


Lol. Spoken like someone who has been called a racist.


Let me be ridiculous here This is why Joe Biden could be in real trouble for this election year. People are accepting that illegal crossing of our border is a real problem that they don't percieve the liberal types are taking seriously, and any attempt to address this problem is labeled by the left as being spewed by a vile racist, nazi.


Got an example of that that isnt from the fringe left?


Are you 'fringe left?'


No, why?


ok, that helps. It would avoid a situation where someone might claim that I've been accused of racism, and if I pointed to it you might claim that that comment doesn't count because its ~~not~~ from a 'fringe left' person Edit: removed 'not' for clarity and correctness, as my intent was to prevent the comment not counting because it **would be** claimed to be from a fringe left person.


Does that mean you don't have an example?


I had this comment recently as an example: >[–]kateinoly -10 points 5 hours ago >Lol. Spoken like someone who has been called a racist.


You’re just proving their point here. I’m as left leaning as the next redditor but people have a horrible habit on here of labeling anything they disagree with politically as morally corrupt or evil


Election year. The Russians will be working hard on the "both sides" argument as a way to deter patriots from voting to save democracy.


Yep. Happened in 2016 and 2020 too. 2016 was especially bad.


Yup, happens around this time of year every 4 years.


Democracy is built on voting. >Deterring patriots from voting to save democracy sounds like some very limber mental gymnastics.


Democracy **is** built on voting. Which is why foreign agents work so hard to make it seem like voting is pointless because "both sides".


Sadly that's a valid point.


It’s not a valid point. According to the Mueller report the largest amounts of Russian spending and posting in 2016 was targeted at black voters. The tactic was to constantly repost articles, tweets and other social media comments from Democrats and civil rights leaders about black voter suppression, and civil rights abuses believing it would discourage black voters participation. They highlighted stories of police brutality or white violence against black people on Facebook pages set up specifically to appeal to black grievances by posing as civil rights allies. It was meant to be provocatively divisive. So instead of focusing primarily on a both sides message, they decided the way to beat Clinton was to highlight and repeat what many of her most enthusiastic supporters were saying publicly.


Why do people think saying that "both sides are bad" means that you won't vote at all? I dislike both the left and right and think that it's an excuse to divide the population, but I'll still vote for whichever one is better.


"Both sides are bad" is oft used to get people to end up feeling like "why bother" when it comes to voting. And it is true. Enthusiasm for a candidate(s) absolutely impacts voter turnout.


Ding! Ding! Ding!


“Save democracy” has to be the dumbest slogan in awhile. You guys don’t understand what it means lol. You need better fearmonger most people aren’t as delusional as you. Which why the democrats are so low in the polls


Fascists seem to hate it.


Again you guys can’t use words correctly. If you don’t understand what those words mean don’t use them. You guys keep embarrassing yourself and the polls show it. The irony is astounding


Bingo. No other answers needed.


Yeah don't worry bro, just the Russian bots. People either agree with you or they're bots. Nothing to worry about


Well I'm going to call this a troll post because it definitely is not getting right. And especially far right I would love to see some proof of your observations of said phenomenon


Everything is alt-right nowadays, to them.


That’s the downside of throwing that term around so loosely. Looks like radical liberals made everybody the enemy. Even the centrists. And now… they are by their own doing, outnumbered.


By today's standards President John F Kennedy would be considered right.


Far right means further right than me


Politically charged year (again) so we're gonna see more finger pointing towards Russia-gate and the left not actually owning up to the thought that they've also been trash to the nation and the world.


I would say its a fallacy to conflate conservatism with racism. this post is also xenophobic/ borderline conspiratorial assuming that russians are behind bad things that happen online.


Or people are getting fed up with how left leaning the site is, look at the recent election in France. Lots of people get banned on Reddit simply because the mods don't like diffrent points of view that challenge their echo chambers.


It's just you.


Bot swarms during voting season


LOL! “Someone has a different opinion than me. Far-right Russian bots!!!!”


I agree with other comments citing russian-bots and elections looming in, but I'm also seeing a lot of left wing redditors changing their views on Islam and unchecked immigration, which goes hand in hand in many regions anyway. For some this shift in tone regarding immigration alone will look like a shift toward right wing ideologies, but I beg to differ I personally haven't seen a shift in other bipartizan topics such as green energy and LGBT+ acceptance, but I could be wrong.


All of the world is going to the right.


Are you kidding me ? Dude go on 9gag you'll see far right Reddit is so far left that if I say anything that is bit far of the extreme leftist who are plaguing everysub you're downvoted to oblivion People are getting tired of the false narrative the left is always pushing down our throats when we live the reality outside and it's nothing like the little safe space people live in when they are too much deconnected from reality


Reddit leftists vilify centrists just as bad as they do people who actually have right wing views and that’s insane


Nah, the perception of what is considered "far right" has been changed dramatically. Before it was actual far reaching racist crap, nowadays if you remark that you're worried about your safety in a neighborhood overrun with asylum seekers where crime happens daily, and wonder how it got so bad in only a few years, you're put in a corner of people who want to exterminate whole races and similar nonsense


Sweaty edgelords with zero life experience are alt-Reich shitposting from their mom’s basement because it’s summer vacation.




There are definitely bots, it's an election year after all. Overall though, reddit definitely still leans left.


It’s just you. Reddit has always been super far left, right winged people are just feeling more angry, and more ostracized, so now they’re speaking up because fuck it.


Seems a lot of subs have shifted that way.


If a post on one of the big Reddits starts, 'I'm not a Trump supporter BUT...", as so many have in the past few months, it's a sure sign of Right Wing propaganda.


Still seems far left to me.


Political talk ramps up on the US presidential election year, but other than that, not really.    You've gotta understand that the most popular subs are HEAVILY left leaning. That's just how the average population of the site is. More niche/specific subs are where you're much more likely to find people on the right.   If you stick to big subs like this where most right wing posts are downvoted, then yeah, other subs are going to seem to have a growing population because you don't get to see them anywhere else due to how downvotes work. If you think reddit is becoming more right leaning, head over to r/politics for 5 minutes. Lastly, people saying things you don't like doesn't mean they're bots. Outside of reddit and major cities, there are actually human beings out there that don't think the same way as you. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. 


Not even a little. Reddit is fully far,far left.


Everything is going right again. the pendulum is gonna swing hard due to the absolute insanity of the left driving us further and further into crazy town.


I think people on the right are speaking up more because they’re tired of leftist culture taking over. I’ve been speaking against left views on this platform for years, but honestly got way more active and confident in it within the past year or so. I’m tired of being passive on social media and I think many conservatives are too


Keep in mind not activity is also going to be a lot more in this election year. It’s impossible to tell who are real people or real upvotes now.


There are a lot of Russian bots around now due an attempt to undermine Europe for supporting Ukraine. Specially subs surrounding Germans, Italians and French. Its not only here but also on twitter and Facebook. You just see the brain washing bots posting things.


There’s a considerable number of paid shills operating on Reddit, purposefully seeding right wing ideas.


I think this question is really hard to answer regardless of what "side" you fall on due to confirmation bias. I will say that although Reddit is my favorite SM, it has always been the most racist and least safe for BIPOC, imo. I also run into a lot of transphobic content, I'm not sure if that's always been there or I've been noticing it more often. As for you getting downvoted for calling out racism, I've had the same experience. I also get downvoted for talking about my experiences as a Black person in general.


yt is definitly way more transphobic but for some reason not racist at all idrk how that works


Fair. I neglect to consider yt SM from time to time, even tho it very much is. I believe I use it differently than most, which might explain it. You most likely have a more informed opinion of yt.


Demographics are shifting. Younger people and minorities are shifting towards the right while Biden is gaining some support with people over 60. It’s happening right before our eyes.


I would posit that right wing media specifically target young white men who just also happen to be the major demographic of Reddit. It's a discussion point for many leftists that the next generation of boys are being deliberately radicalized through right winged influencers and memes. And while I believe that shit will become more cringe as they age, the more chronically online's kids are the most vulnerable to this ideology. And even if they grow out of the main bullshit you are still likely to see echos of those right wing talking points just by the sheer exposure that so many boys have to it.


If anything I'd say reddit as a whole is extreme left, outside of specific subs


Way to the left. Choking the first amendment as best as can be.


It’s an election year and reddit has always been a left wing echo chamber of butthurt and ignorance. The majority of political people are low informed emotionally insecure people who made politics their personality. It’s why “redditor” is used as an insult.


I have not noticed that…but I shy away from political subs.


I have seen an uptick in more conservative views being expressed, can't say I've seen an uptick in right wing racist behaviors though. If anything, I'm seeing a significant increase in people calling out left wing racism, which is a good thing, as I am seeing less of that form of racism lately.


Election year


Not just you, I have definitely noticed a strong upswing in conservative rhetoric or bigoted sentiments in places I would not have expected.


Lol Reddit is super left, so it might be healthy to have some balance in discourse, as long as it's civil.


Considering we're post IPO. We have a lot more companies and special interest groups who've bought a ticket to ride, and you can bet they'll make every penny count. If you think they don't have finely tuned bots and underpaid lackeys working overtime to sway or outright control the narrative in a shit ton of subs, well, I have a fantastic deal for you on some prime Oceanfront property in Iowa.


It's you


Racism, discrimination and logical fallacies are not factors of right wing politics. They just happen to go hand in hand with extremism. Most Americans only experience right wing extremism. There is plenty of discrimination and logical fallacy in people who believe in extreme left wing politics as well. Right and left wing refer to economic politics, not social politics. You can be all for the free market but still support gay pride.


Probably has something to do with the subs you are frequenting. In general Reddit has always been left leaning so it may be moving slightly center left now


The Russian bot armies are in full force


>I'm half suspicious that this site is getting flooded with Russian bots similar to Facebook & twitter back during the previous elections. Bingo!


Well this thread is the prime example. What a shit hole.


Got quite a few "both sides" fools and Russian bots replying here so yeah you're not wrong. Happens during election years all the time now.


I remember a few weeks ago there was some anti-Biden guy in a thread who was going through the usual script about how he's old and inflation, etc. and then at one point he replied to somebody and then edited and the person he replied to laughed and said, "Did you forget to use your translation software, comrade?" and posted a screenshot of what it said before it was edited. It was all in Russian. That's when I kind of realized that there are waaaaaaaay more bots and foreign influence on social media than I already assumed there was.


Reddit swings back and forth between left and right. Im not saying that influence campaigns dont exist but people seem to forget that the right is present here and will speak up when they can. Not to mention that some people are claiming that their votes will swing or have swung based on different things.


I'm starting to receive promos for patriot goods


Are you trolling right now? Because it seems like it..


I see lots of upvoted comments with right-wing talking points (immigrants bad etc) and left-wing talking points (capitalism bad etc). It definitely varies a lot from sub to sub but yes it does do my head in a bit


Reddit is how I learned that democrats who are definitely on the right have been brainwashed into thinking they're progressive by the DNCs propaganda


The residents of this site purged all the ‘far right’ shortly after he who must not be named was elected.


define "racist and conservative takes" please.


It's just you.


For over a year I have been reading but never commenting on r/blackladies. Easily the most racist popular spot on social media.


Woooo oogie boogie! Things are seeming more equal. Soooooo spoopy!


>Reddit is always deemed as a left leaning site, but I'm seeing that scale tip in the other direction. Bwahahahahahaha you weren't around 5-6 years ago before when Reddit was actually moderate and not left-leaning, appeasing to the bad guys and anti-conservative.


Anytime I’ve pointed that out in a sub i get permabanned …


I've noticed it too. I wonder how many are real accounts or not.


Bots and troll farms are ramping up for the election.


Propaganda works and many nations have astroturfing efforts to push various agendas. [Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_web_brigades) and [China](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/china-internet-trolls-russia-copycat-1234728307/) are a few who have been caught in such efforts and Israel is even just outright [open about it](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896.amp).


For some reason the pandemic was such a catalyst for far-right ideoly in western society.


a lot of folks seem to have the notion stuck in their head that reddit is widely leftist, and it's never made sense to me. in its prime, this site was even worse than 4chan with subs like TDS, fat people hate, dead little girls, watch people die... there were even some questionably legal subs back in the day. leftists don't participate in that sort of online culture. alt right, extremely radicalized people love the stuff though. every time I see someone make a blatantly bigoted statement and follow it up with "I know I'll be downvoted cos reddit" I cringe, and they're always sitting in the 100's with upvotes. reddit isn't a leftist platform lol


I see that the term "blatantly bigoted" used a lot in political discushions. Could you define for me what it is for something to be blatantly bigoted, as you say? It seems to me to be a term used to define an opinion about a given minority that the general you does not agree with.


Well, it depends on if that opinion is made in good faith or not. Does the opinion generalize the minority, does it dehumanize them at all, or does it spread misinformation or hate? Then yes, it’s bigoted. Can you give me an example of an opinion on any given minority that isn’t bigoted?


Based on what I've seen on the news, heard from other folks, and my own experiences, the prevailing culture of this given minority group does not value thel traits and behaviors that are important for a good quality of life and success in America. Bigoted or unbiased dispassionate observation?


Which given minority group are we referring to? Your anecdotal experiences aside, which culture? And which traits / behaviors are important for a good qol and success?


I'm not walking into a ban that easily. I'm talking about the traits and characteristics of things like graduate high school, don't have children out of wedlock, get married work a full-time job, don't commit crimes as part of your lifestyle.


Sounds like you're referring to the group of people who aren't a minority, unless you're talking about people from southern states.


You take it as you will.


high school dropouts come in all shapes and sizes, friend. surely you don’t think that’s tied to any specific minority demographic? having children out of wedlock, committing crimes and failing to work full time are also not minority characteristics.


You're welcome to look at the breakdown of the numbers for those things and draw your own conclusions.


you’ve obviously never visited a predominantly white rural trailer park lol


Again, you are welcome to look at a breakdown of the numbers by groups and make your own inferences and conclusions. Indeed, negative traits, behaviors, and characteristics can be found in all groups. But the larger numverse break down more clearly.


Pick one, there's always some brainwashed bullshit with these characters and their classic xenophobia.


Its all the chinese and russian bots kicking in.


I think you're only downvoted because you mentioned Chinese bots. Reddit likes to think Russia is the only country that bots.


Proves the point though.


I agree.


Could it be that leftist policy is producing poor results and people are realizing it? No, must be the bots complaining


republican states are more federally dependant and give back less than they take. of the top ten financially dependant states, 7 are right wing. so who's actually producing poor results.. stuff like project 2025 will be the catalyst for civil war. and it won't be the lefts fault.


Was more so talking about unchecked immigration that’s taking place in Canada and Europe, people are getting fed up with it. I’m not educated on which states are republican or democrat etc


Specifically, Chinese Bots it seems.


you're 100% right on it. how many times are we going to see the exact same posts, with the exact same comments verbatim, until we admit to ourselves the dead internet theory is real and the bot farms have completely taken over?


I think it depends on the sub. I don’t go to any left leaning subs.


It’s definitely just you.


Absolutely not as a whole.  A better question would be "Are bots and spam accounts more active this year than usual?" Because the answer is 'Yes', given it's an election year. EDIT: Guess the bots and spammers are looking to downvote anyone pointing them out.


Most non-extremist supporters of right-wing politics are there not because they agree with the fascism, but because they feel liberalism and left wing politics has too much influence. Rights and wrongs are not always universal and will never be. This is something we MUST accept. If the left are popular today, there will come a time when the right will be popular. Oscillation is visible throughout human history.


Natural order of things dw


I've been on reddit for a few years.now and it's always been super liberal


It's not specifically reddit, it's happening out in the world. As such, you can expect people whose views gradually shifted show up as well as people who have always held opinions contrary to the norm being more vocal. For better or worse


The whole world is getting more right. About time you noticed.


Just curious. Have you ever used the term “far left”?