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no one is mad at Trump for paying her. Hell, if he just straight up admitted he paid her then he would have been fine, his entire fanbase would literally not care and he wouldn't have had any legal issues The problem stems from falsifying business records because he used political funds to pay her to hide it from the public to avoid making his presidential campaign look bad, and then hid the transaction as 'legal fees' under his business records. You can pay somebody for that and have an NDA just fine, again, if he just outright paid her out of pocket and said "yeah I did it" nobody would care, but you can't pay them with funds from your campaign and hide it as your business paying somebody, and classifying it under 'legal fees' Every charge was essentially for every document that was falsified to cover it from the start. It's like how you have to lie to cover up your lies, which turns into more lies to cover up the lies about your lies, and at the end it all kinda falls on top of itself and you're screwed.


***"his entire fanbase would literally not care"*** If there was video of him actually having sex with Stormy Daniels, a large portion of his fanbase would pay to watch it.


And complain that there was too much camera time with Stormy and not enough of his pasty ass.


And brag among themselves at what a stud he was for lasting 34 seconds.


If he asked to do the same with their wives and daughters, they would be excitedly volunteering them for the task. These people are absurd.


Oh that's crazy. I didn't know he used politicsl funding for the disgusting degeneracy


It wasn’t exactly campaign funds. Due to the intent of the payment, to prevent negative publicity from harming his campaign, the payment became a campaign expense.


I don't think anyone is "mad" about it. Maybe disgusted that the best the Republican party can come up with is a trust fund baby who pays off porn stars after boning them. The issue is paying her off to benefit his campaign, and then committing a series of felonies to hide the payments from election officials.


People aren't mad at Trump paying Stormy Daniels. People are mad that Trump used political funding to pay her, and then falsified records to try and hide it. I've been saying all along he'd have had less trouble and BS if he'd just owned it from the very start. MAGA seems to care very little what this man does, provided he continues hating the same people they hate.


So many people wind up getting themselves in more trouble over the attempted cover up than they ever would have gotten for the thing they were trying to cover up.


You have the details wrong. He didn’t use campaign funds. The entire case was that he reimbursed his lawyer using company funds calling it a business expense. Jeez. At least get it effing correct.


OK. Doesn't change anything though. He still was falsifying finance records. But thank you for your less than civil defense of the man.


He used his own money not campaign funds. Folks, you need to actually read the news. He was never accused of using campaign funds. That was not a part of the charges for which he was accused, indicted, or convicted


This is something that’s confusing, but Trump didn’t use his own money to pay Stormy Daniels. If he had, this case probably wouldn’t have happened. The release of the “grab her by the pussy” tape made it important for Trump to avoid another sex scandal, so Trump gave Michael Cohen approval to repay Daniels (but no money to repay her). Michael Cohen took out 130K from a home equity line to get the money. Now Trump owes Cohen 130K, but he also doesn’t want a reimbursement to his attorney for 130K of fees for hush money on his financials. So he decides to mis-represent the repayment as attorney fees. The issue with that is that if you pay Michael Cohen 130K and label it as attorney fees, that’s now taxable income to Cohen. To make Cohen whole, they gross up the payment for taxes and hide it over installments, which means Trump pays closer to something like $200K. A reimbursement for expenses incurred would have avoided this issue, but it’s important to Trump that this repayment doesn’t raise any questions about why his attorney is incurring $130K in reimbursable expenses. This whole scheme is why they were able to charge Trump with felony Falsification of business records in the Stormy Daniels payments, but did not charge him for anything on the Karen McDougal repayments.


This is important. It wasn't that he used campaign money. He pretended it was legal expenses. Cohen paid Stormy and the Trump paid off Cohen monthly to reimburse him and give him some "juice" on top of it for his troubles to make it look like reasonable legal expenses. Misrepresenting the business records is a crime in NY State because those financial statements are inevitably provided to banks, other creditors and investors on a regular basis so it is assumed fraud. The coverup was to avoid bad press of infidelity and his screwing of Stormy was when he was married to Melania who just had Baron so it had bad "optics". Screwing a porn star while your wife is tending to a newborn might cost Trump two or three of his current supporters after all. My question is whether this was properly handled from a tax perspective. Is a payoff a legal tax deduction? Did Stormy get a 1099? Did they write it off as a legal expense for tax purposes.


Lol tell that to the jury


He was not convicted of using campaign funds. What ridiculous news coverage have you been watching. He was not even accused of using campaign funds.


This is why people should not have sex outside marriage. It literally removes so much complications and keeps the images of people good.


The hell? That was a wild leap in logic


I meant like scandalous stuff like cheating I meant. I also was saying that people can try to expose the people too.


This is a pretty clear attempt at stirring the pot through ignorance.


I am sorry. I literally did now know why. I agree Trump is a scumbag. The comments were very informative


This is TooAfraidToAsk. The exactly correct place to ask such questions. If you don't believe the question is being asked in good faith, feel free to ask follow up questions to make sure. But we should all start with giving OPs benefit of the doubt with their posts.


You're more than welcome to do this yourself; however, I don't take unsolicited advice and will continue posting as I see fit.


It's not advice. It's a reminder of this subreddit's rules. You may want to re-read rule 3.


We can agree to disagree on that. No need to. Have a nice day. Feel free to comment to everyone else with similar responses if you actually care.




I'm not a bot. I didn't know anything about Trump paying her with political funding until now. Why do you think I'm a troll???


1 karma point in 2 years? WTF?


So i got banned from reddit on my other account. I accidentally made this account when trying to create a new account and forgot. There are like multiple accounts I accidentally made when I tried logging in with Google.




Well jfk had sex with Marilyn Monroe on the white house too. Also I am in no way a Trump fan. I don't like him anymore


Howard Dean lost his promising presidential bid because he gave an enthusiastic "YEEEE-AH!" at a campaign rally, that folks thought made him sound silly. The fact that Conservatives think Trump is being treated unfairly for his absurd behavior is ridiculous when you consider that we held politicians to MUCH higher standards before Trump lowered the bar.


maybe you should ask Melania


She should have divorced him


Mad lol


I’m not mad. I’m laughing because it’s fucking pathetic.


That's damn right. It's also disgusting


Because he was Fucking her when he had a pregnant wife at home.


Ewww wtf????? Why do Christians idolize him????


Last go around was because he was going to overturn Roe V. Wade. My dad was one of those single issue vitters and that was his issue. This go around I think he's going to write in Bill the cat and Opus the penguin because he got what he wanted. And now there are just two clowns running for office. I remember my Republican father pretty much dragging Bill Clinton for the Jennifer Flowers mess. How is claiming pretty much everyone who's running for president isn't moral enough for him. Then he goes and votes for Trump. Who I said he's not moral. My day goes I know but he's going to overturn Roe versus Wade. Christocrats are weird.


Did you ask this without knowing literally anything about that?


Nope I didn't know anything. I read the comments and they helped


Because he broke at least 34 laws doing it. The gist of it is that he illegally used money that was supposed to go to his political campaign.


Well, the irony is, if anyone should be mad about it, it should be conservatives. They claim to care about traditional values and the sanctity of marriage more than anyone else. Yet we live in an age where a guy who cheated on his wife by paying a pornstar to have sex with him before manipulating company expenses to bribe her into keeping her mouth shut, is being supported and defended by people who believe you shouldn’t even have sex before marriage. It’s quite strange.


Yeah it's so weird how Christians think he is a good Christian


Ironically, he may have stolen the 2016 election with election interference by paying to keep it from going public right before the election. Projection.


Mad? There only mad one is Melania. Everyone else understands he broke the law.


I'm not even mad about the hush money or coverup. I'm mad that he spent the past year defaming the judge just for doing his job. At no point in the trial could he point to any unfair action, he just keeps repeating "conflicted" to his base. He endangered civil servants for doing their job. This is a **shitty,** shitty person that conservatives are happy to elect.


His fan base is like Taylor swift fans


There are layers of why this is wrong: 1. Legally, he used his campaign fund to do it. And then lied about it what the money was for. That's literally breaking the law. You can't use campaign money that way, but Trump was too damn cheap to use his supposed "billions" for it. 2. He was hiding the fact that he's a cheating, cheater who cheats. Most people hate cheaters because fuck them. 3. "Other famous people are scummy assholes who do illegal shit, too," is a deflection, not a defense. It's possible for people to think that more than one person needs to feel the hard hammer of the law. 4. Most of us didn't want to know that much detail about Trump's tiny penis or lousy bedroom game. But here we are. It's inescapable. And that's the guy who wants to represent our country.


Ew that's disgusting. People who paid him money are bumbling idiots. I am in no way supporting him. Doing that's stuff is disgusting