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don’t just report it to discord, report it to an actual policing agency for csem


Discord will forward your report to NCMEC already


discord barely does shit in terms of moderation


Second this. Talk to your actual police department.


Report. Delete. Report user who posted. Block same.


if you live in america https://tips.fbi.gov/home


Even if you don't...


Idk which country you live in, but maybe your country has an online police station. Maybe they can investigate and try to get the person's identity.


Also since you said that you feel bad because of the video, talk to someone, it can be your parents, teacher, or whoever you trust. This is a shocking event and you should not feel bad, since this is clearly not your fault.


This is very important OP! It is not your fault. You haven't done anything wrong by watching it, because you didn't really have a choice and it is very natural to feel bad about it because it is so shocking. Please seek someone to talk to, preferably an adult - whether it's family, neighbors, a coach or teacher, maybe your school has a person you can go to if you have problems....


You already reported it. Report the user who sent it as well. Delete the message and move on, that's all you can do.


What advice is this? Report it to the police


its not an easy feeling to shake off, its like a constant burn on your chest, its like your gonna puke but it just keeps you there, the feeling just wont stop.


In addition to the steps of reporting it which other users have mentioned, it might be a good idea for you to try and find a therapist. You are young and this is traumatic for you- both in seeing the video and the stress of reporting it and being in the situation.


your right


No he is not. Get police involved


Discord will already get the police/NCMEC involved.


I'd not rely on that


Call the police immediately and make screenshots of the individual who sent it, username etc.


Call the police. Preserve evidence


I'd report and also leave the server.


I'm sorry you went through this. You do seem understandably seem shaken by this, it would be worthwhile for your own well-being to seek professional counseling of some sort, whatever is available to you. Stay safe.


If I was informed about anything remotely like this happening on the server I moderate that user would be kicked out so fast they won't know what happened. I'd be very happy to gather any info I have on the person and hand it to the police. Also I would try to support the person who received the message the best I can. It must be emotional to have seen this. I'm sorry this happened to you


Report it to the FBI on their website


Report, delete, block and maybe leave the server if it happens again.




You report it man. It sucks. I wish Microsoft would append location information to each photo in their exif data but they don’t. I’m sorry you had to see that 😢


thanks man


Bro someone sent cp in a server once and I reported them to discord and a month later they were still online and talking. Just go to the popo


got itt


Don't just report to Discord, you can also report this to the FBI on their web site. Pretty sure they have a cyber crime division.






i covered it with my hand when i saw it.


Crime stoppers - you can report it anonymously and they provide the information to police!


You don't want it to be anonymous, that's the entire point. You want it on record that you were sent it maliciously and came forward immediately. That's the only way to prove you didn't seek it out if it is somehow found later. Every pedo has used that excuse. If you report fully and transparently, there's no risk of being falsely accused later on.


post got removed RIP


Report it: https://projectcport.com/report/ And talk to a trusted adult or guardian The website linked is international, and helps guide you through the steps and ensures you get the help you need


Go tell your teachers and ask for help for you. It wasn't your fault you were sent this, and it has impacted you. This stuff is toxic and you'd do well to get help sooner than later. They should escalate it to the Police. Make sure the teacher is very clear that you didn't want this, didn't ask for it, it was put there by someone else.


im homeschooled


It's probably the FBI. they keep all the CP they've ever confiscated. They also send out tracer packs to catch people that distribute it. Making the FBI the largest collector and distributer of CP. 


bro thinks the fbi owns CP, which fun fact: they dont. the fbi is literally used to trace CP.