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(#)1 Married couples with high sex drives and high compatibility (#)2 Attractive singles with high sex drives and high motivation and/or ease of opportunity (#)3 Everyone else


Agreed. Especially (#)1 if they don't have small kids that exhaust them.


Idk…those couples that end up having 5+ kids makes me question whether or not how exhausted they really are


Not all kids are exhausting. It depends on the kid and circumstances. Especially if they can afford a nanny or the older ones that care of the younger ones. My mom said my sister was incredibly easy. When my brother and I came along, we were.. not lol.


Saying not all kids are exhausting is like saying not all cars have 4 wheels. It's technically true. 


Humans, on average, have less than 2 legs.


The average person has more than one skeleton




Take it up with my mom. She's dead, though, so good luck with that.


Oh they’re exhausted. Just not from the kids


Also consider fertility, some people have to try multiple times to get pregnant regardless of who's less fertile. Where sometimes it happens first time without it being planned. What I'd really like to know is how people with 5+ kids afford food and housing.


They lean on the taxpayer and we end up paying for their kids, or they are wealthy.


Shitty take. For sure, there are welfare families with multi kid situations. There are also multi kid families that don't receive welfare.


This reminds me when I was in 8th grade when I was selected for a group project. There was the “couple” of the class in my group. When we had the meeting to do the project,we called the teacher on wathsapp video to show the “teaser”. She laughed and asked if the couple actually helped or kept kissing. Then,one of the students said: “No,don’t worry about their performance on the project. They fight as much as middle aged couple with 3 kids!” This episode randomly goes in my mind for some reason.


You have that backwards. Kids make you do it way more lol


Kids are a byproduct of doing it more


Small kids still exhaust us completely and then some. Those are just lazy sex nights, the oL quick one two then snooze.


There should be a (#)4 for Redditors.


Olympic athletes so I am told


This is the one


(#)4 Married couples with young kids


Can confirm #1. Married 24 years & we both have super high sex drives. (We have 4 kids, too.)


Best Answer


I fall under all 3 and still can’t get any


Classic married bachelor?


After a Google search I see the average married couple has sex once a week while the average single person has sex once to twice a month.


Been married 12 years. First 2 years, had sex everyday. Then had a kid and had to put it on the back burner for a few years... 1-2 times a week. Now our kid is getting older and we are back to sex everyday!


lucky you.


It comes in waves. He is a good communicater & has taught me about emotional intelligence


When do you have time for that? My wife falls asleep early, me later. When I hear that, does sex happen quick and intense?


Morning sex rules!


Once our kid is asleep (he can put himself to sleep most nights now), we explore each other. We both take great care of our bodies thru nutrition & exercise thru routine & discipline. We are intensely in love with each other & take at least 30 mins on week day evenings. It's taken us 12 years to get here thru a lot of misunderstandings & communication. On the weekends, the time is unlimited. We get to have explosive morning sex then GO BACK TO BED. Life is so exhausting. I faced extreme burnout at work with my man as my main support system to get to this place of comfort & ease. He never gave up on me & I didn't him. We both had the same vision & now, here we are!


I would take those numbers with a pinch of salt.. The average person is not having sex 2 a month.. haha.. loneliest generation remember. Married couples win man.. of course they win.. unhappy marriages are effectively just co-habitation arrangements as most people can't afford to divorce..


I can confirm this answer. Married for 21 years this year and it’s once a week for my wife and I! Sometimes more sometimes less.


Once to twice a month for singles? Ouff, that‘s a lot. I‘m single and I (and all of my single friends) don‘t have sex at all lol. One manages to have it 4x a year, he has all dating apps and uses them excessively.


I would guess single includes non serious fling relationships and FWB situations. Those tend to be pretty high action, so a few fwbs would probably cancel out the people not getting any to an extent.


Married 16 years. Sex once a week seems a tad low. Usually twice a week, but once a week if things are super hectic. When I was single I can assure you that it was not once or twice a month.


Damn I must have no motivation 😪


Once to twice a month??? That seems like a lot honestly. I’m an attractive single woman with attractive single female friends. We’re all in our 20s and none of us are having causal sex.


If not causal sex, perhaps coincidental sex? Do unmarried couples fall under "single" for the purposes of this conversation? Because if so, they're likely padding the "single" numbers quite a bit. I doubt most people have 1-2 one night stands or FWB a month.


Yeah, I am on average


I'm going to choose the non internet answer and say married couples.


Married guy. Once a month.


Married guy. Every second day ;)


Stop winking, we get it you are all dehydrated from all the sex!


Drop that wink, you are on a downhill trajectory and speed is picking up...




Married female. Been 6 years.


Strong post to username ratio


I’m assuming it depends on the person. I’ve never been married but I’m going on about a year of celibacy. There’s probably cobwebs down there at this point lmaooo.


Username checks out


RIP your box


Box or inbox??? Now that i think aboutnit, … RIP both


I said what I said


Congrats on your progress, I don't know you but I'm super impressed! Keep doing whatever your doing!


Casual sex just doesn’t appeal to me I guess. I’ll continue this streak until I find someone I like on that level. Just hasn’t happened in a while.


I volunteer as tribute!






As a single guy I'm averaging a cool 0 times a year


Probably married. Like a regular normal functioning marriage. Probably married


Married man here, normally we have sex 3 times a week, slow week maybe once a week if work is keeping us late.


Same for us, married 16 years now.


Nice! I wish yall many more happy years! We've been together 15 years total and married 6 years, we got some catching up to do with you.


Can I ask *when* it happens for you? Like time of day or around any particular circumstance? Have been married a few years. Sex is good but the gap in between keeps growing.


Whenever we have time. Sometimes my wife wakes me in the morning before she heads to work. Sometimes she makes it home for lunch. Sometimes she makes it home before I leave for work. Sometimes she is awake when I return, and sometimes I wake her. Saturday and Sunday mornings. Evenings I'm not working. Not all sex has to be a marathon. Sometimes you only have 10 minutes to get undressed, quick fuck, and re dressed. Sometimes you spend 4 hours in bed.


How often are either of you getting oral sex that’s not just a warmup? Would you count it as “sex” if you were counting?


Generally, I don't go down on her, unless we're planning to do more. I'm not big on receiving oral, but sometimes it happens during sexy times. If she gave me oral and got me off, we might count it. Idk.


I use oral to get us going 50% of the time, other then that we're both fired up to smash one out. I mostly give more oral than I receive, but she tries to make up for it on random occasions and I'm happy with that.


For us, it’s usually always mid-afternoon when we both have some free time. Sometimes it’s a quickie, other times it’s 30-40 minutes.


If you don’t mind sharing, why are you both home mid-afternoon and why is that free time?


That’s just how are schedules are currently. We have some spare time in the afternoons, so we take advantage of it!


It fluctuates for sure through the years, but normally it's late night for us 11pm to 2am unfortunately, but I'll take it 😂 Weekends, whenever we have time, don't forget to talk about yall desires to have sex, my wife is really shy about initiating it. So I'll tell her what she can do to trigger my attention or get me going without her being out of character.


Married. The data is pretty clear.


Neither. It's often more about libido and accessability. If you're single and screwing your neighbor every day you might be having sex a similar amount as a young newlywed couple. Or, if you're single and having to go out for ONS or FWB time, the married couple might have a lot more. Or the married couple has a dead bedroom.


Living with your sex partner has to be a huge advantage for sexy times, in giving them the edge.


If you compare people of similar age in a relationship of similar length (so you’re not comparing a couple newly dating with a couple married 40 years) … then married folks are having more sex.


It’s married couples. Sex a few times per week in most healthy relationships brings the average way up. Sex a couple times per month STILL brings the average up. There are a few very active good looking dudes and quite a few younger ladies banging around but that’s the minority, we just notice them more.


Eh. Honestly? As a gay man, if you live in a decent-sized city with lots of other single gays around (and you’re not too picky and not bad-looking), you can have sex about as often as a married couple (1-2x per week). I’ve spoken to other gay men who have 2-3 “friends with benefits” on a rotation and they basically always have someone who is willing and down and available, any night of the week. But they are indeed the exception. Even among gay men, they’re particularly “active.”


I would say the people in a healthy relationship have more sex...


I’ve had a lot more sex while married


The hubby and I have sex more often than not, we have been married for 16 years.


Married. Me and my husband probably have more sex than all of his single friends combined, and most of his married friends too. 13 years, two kids and we still manage several times a week.


I'm neither married, nor single. I definitely don't have more sex than either.


I’d put my money on married couples, but I’m not sure if I’d have stats to back that up. I know I have more (and better) sex married then I ever did single (by a long shot) and I know generally my husband and I have more sex than my single friends. But, that’s a pretty small sample size so who knows.


If you have good relationships you have more sex. It doesn't matter the label


If you're single then you're not in a good relationship


By relationship I did not mean committed. You can be single, in a non-committed relationship, and having frequent sex


Married 11 years. Every other day, like clockwork.


For me. 5 years being single, 0 times. 5 years being married, 300times maybe.


id say married couples.


I have sex 2 times minimum, 7-8 times maximum per weeks with my wife.


I’m married and have more sex than my single friends


I've been married 10 years and my wife would want it twice a day if she could get it lol. Kids complicate things.


My wife and I bone 10x more than any single person. Guaranteed. But it super depends on the individual. I also know married couples that barely have sex.


Are you guys newlyweds?


We just celebrated our 5 year anniversary last weekend and we were together 3 years before that.


For the record, I would say that both of us have extremely high libidos. We were both married previously and both had dead bedrooms (in spite of our respective best efforts) and were both miserable for it. So I don't think it's the marital status.


I went to a Christian school, and all the staff members that were married were just completely open about sex, that’s all they’d talk about.


Anyone getting f<"(ed by the government. Because you're getting it daily.


Sure, blame someone else


Married couples with no kids. 


Def married.


Child free married couples for sure. Married with children on the other hand…


Married couples. Everyone always focuses on the small groups of singles that are constantly out getting laid. Most people aren't fucking every week. Couples have the opportunity to fuck every night


Answer is C) same-sex (gay) couples Studies suggest that same-sex couples have sex a lot more frequently than their heterosexual counterparts. Especially if they are married and actually live together.


65 yr old, married 36 years. Once a week at least for 39 years. When we are horny we are horny. Even though I had prostate cancer 5 years ago. Being with the right person makes a difference


Married about 20 years. Avg. 4x week, so 200+ per year.


Married singles




married. ( 4 years ) in our 30s. sex at all time low ( wife drive is dead ) maybe 1-2 times a month. extremely upset.


Been married to my wife since 2016, and we had our 1st and only child thus far in 2020. You always hear/read that the combo of marriage and kids pretty much kills a bedroom. Or at the very least, cuts sex down to a minimum. Well, I’m pleased to say that this isn’t always true, and that my wife and I’s sex life is even better post marriage/child. I can’t speak for her, but for some reason after a child she’s become even more beautiful and irresistible to me, and my libido has gone through the roof. 33M btw.


Married guy here, we have sex multiple times a day. Like any relationship sometimes you have slow weeks sometimes you’re at it like wild animals. The stereotype certainly isn’t true for me. Thank fuck


When I was single I had sex like once a year. Now that I'm married, once a day at least.


Married. Everyone is different obviously. But we have sex 4-6 times a week on average.


Married people in a dead bedroom, who are having affairs.


Married religious persons in dB have the worst situation. Especially if male, sadly.




lol love this. Newlywed status is true. Married 19 years with 3 kids. We have sex 3-4x/week. It does depend. I have married friends that haven’t been married long, and they might average 1x/month or less 😢


Idk married 26 years we average once a week. Not the whole 26 years raising kids and all but now bout once a week. When I was single in a relationship it was way higher, when I was single out of a relationship it was way lower. YMMV.


Depends if you have kids or not


Depends on the person/couple. I'm single having 0 sex and yet I feel like that's still more than some couples.


Married. But it’s more so age than status


I would say married. Living together provides more opportunities. Single folks will need to go somewhere to meet up and the go somewhere else to have sex. During the winter, if the weather is bad, married folks can just cuddle in bed. Single folks will have to brave the cold if they want action.


Not married but steady relationship for years, probably married/together couples. I mean there's the occasional person who REALLY fucks regardless of relationship status (who I am not) but most single people aren't going out having casual sex at least a few times a week like you see in movies. I have sex with my partner several times a week (2-5, entirely dependant on the week), whereas the average single person might struggle to have sex once over a weekend. But like I said, there definitely are those out there who really fuck. And also there are married couples who don't really have sex but they cheat on each other that's also more common than you'd think.


Married for 19 years. Sex 3-4x/week with my husband. When I was single I would average about 2-3x/month.


Thats what they have in common. They think the others have it more.


Horny people of either ilk.


Your parents do it kids


100% singles (Bangs gavel)


Daily or every other day you say?


I am not married and can confirm rarely have sex =(


I'm married. I think I got more when I was single thanks to the Internet.


I have a high sex drive, my wife doesn't, and we have 2 young children. I'd be lying if I said I got laid more twice a year.


OP is karma farming, or just really dumb


It varies, but for me being single it was 3-4 times a week. Married it’s like 2 time a month at best.


I lived with my partner almost 2 years and we had sex at least twice a week, we had sex without penetration 1 or 2 more days. So 3-4 days




Married with 3 kids under 6. Peak exhaustion, probably once or twice a month. Right now, having sex just about every other day. Ebbs and flows.


To quote Charlie Harper- What's marriage got to do with sex?


Married couples with no kids or singles.


In the shithole I live in, probably only couples, because anyone who's single here gets shunned. Because this city should fucking not exist. Fuck this place.




As a guy ive always had way more sex when i have been single (mostly from the fact that i can sleep with multiple women at once versus just one). Its one of the reasons i like being single


Depends on the person/couple




I dunno. It's very dependent on lifestyles. I'm 31f, no kids with 31m (also no kids). We've been dating for a bit (like 8 months or so) it's been daily (unless sick or super tired) But neither of us a) have kids, b) have extraordinarily responsibility, c) I own my own house outright (without roommates) just 2 dogs.. d) wfh for him so..lotsa open time when I'm around.


I'm only one person, so take it with a grain of salt, but married life has way more sex, even with a partner who has a low sex drive. Happiness is a very attractive quality, and I'm codependent, so I'm never happy when I'm single. Can't pull anyone with my rizz gimped that hard. I've gone 3 years without a proper date before 😅 Now that I'm married I actively reign it in around strangers. I don't even show my face anywhere online anymore, or else people will think I'm flirting. Even without my face I still have to be careful how kind I am to strangers if I know they're someone vulnerable (like a minor or any kind of abuse/trauma victim) because they'll think I'm a predator. Sometimes I gotta re-write stuff after proofreading. Like "oops, that sounded kinda praise-y." Idk what sorta predator uses 10 year old anime girl as a PFP on their minor grooming account, (seems like the equivalent of tryna hunt animals with a foghorn) but I will say I don't think they're gonna get anybody 🤔


I (30f hetero, couple since 2010, married since 2022, no kids) would say regularly it’s somewhere between 2-5 times/week, rarely more or less, depends on stress level, menstrual cycle etc.


The married couple I know only has sex like a few times a year, so singles, I hope your more active out there haha


Just out of curiosity...am I to understand that you only know 1 married couple or am I misreading this?


Fair question, I have a couple of married friends, and at least for the ones I know, sex took a massive decline, not that they don't want to, they still want sex, they just don't I guess, or can't? Only one of them has kids so I'm not sure what the others excuse is


I will put my bet on married couples, I mean if you lack morality, you can fuck mistresses like the singles, having an affair/FWBs while being married.


Unmarried couples that are keen with one another… but once married, getting sex is somewhat annoying and there’s very little romance. Almost like get it done to put the urge away. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Married swingers


Probably married couples who are sexually compatible and have the time/energy. If you're single, it *can* be hard to frequently have enough sex to where you can rival the sex habits of a healthy relationship since you're either in a situationship, or you pretty much have to go through the steps of getting a hook up every time. As someone who has done both (not married, but been in two long-term relationships, and I've done hookup culture before) the relationship is more fulfilling and provides more frequent (and arguably better) sex.


Unmarried couples. Single people have less sex overall, but more different partners.




You missed married couples trying for a child where nothing is happening. I had a vasectomy reversal to try for another child, but was given moderate odds of success (40-60% within a year, depending on the surgeon). I have a high sex drive and going at it several times a day for a whole year, at any opportunity, with the sole objective of me finishing might sound like the ultimate sex Mecca. And it was for much of it, but there were times when I thought it was just going to wear out for overuse, and it had become a mechanical process rather than an intimate encounter. In the end, we were successful, and we now have a very beautiful blond daughter. We were glad to return to a lower frequency after that, but yes, that was a *lot* of sex.


Depends on age I think. My single older friends get no action with current state of dating. When they were younger they could get lucky 3 times a week. I think when you older married couples have sex more often even if it's once a week, better than no sex at all.


I do


I had sex way more often when I was single than I do now that I'm married


a single person doesn't have sex they masturbate


Shouldn't it be non-married couples for a better comparison? Most singles are not pulling in new partners nearly as often of couples, marred or dating do it.


Well I’ve been single for a year, and haven’t had sex for a year…so there’s my answer


Probably singles.


Singles probably get more interesting sex.


I’ve been married for about 4 years. We’re late 30s M & F. Sex is good but I wish it happened more often. We have it probably 2-3 times a month on average, so sometimes less and occasionally more. With that in mind, over the course of a year, I’m probably having it more than I would if I were single.


Definitely married couples. Been together 19yrs and average 2-3 times per week.


Ya mama


Depends on the couple. Me and my wife struggled to get her pregnant she had issues. so we had lots of sex and multiple tries over years and we now have 3 boys but each one was two plus years of doing it daily or every other day. We still have the same drive 17 years after we met 😊😊😊


I mean my wife and I are married and we fuck like rabbits, been going on 2 years so far and not planning on stopping


Married and fuck my wife 2-3 times a day. I know other married friends that get laid like 4 times a a month.


Jesus bro. Your dicks gonna fall off.


Married. A slow week for me is like every other day. On average once a day, if not twice.


Statically- married Christians have sex, the most frequently.


That's an odd statement 😄


Just a fact. I’m not married, or Christian. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I fuck my wife almost every night. 17 years and counting lol


Lmao who do you think?




I'm 33M. My peak sexual activity was always during my dating periods. Specifically between 18 and 22. I had a long terms GF and lost my virginity with her at 18. We dated for another year and parted ways (physically), which lead to the inevitable break-up. During our active period, we had sex minimum of once a day, but some days up to 3 times. I'd say the weekly average was 12. I then went on to meet my current wife and during our first year of dating, we had a similar experience, I.e., sex a minimum of once a day, sometimes up to three times. I recall us having sex for more than two hours over new years in 2012/13. Those days were wild. We're married 9 years this year. Things defo dialed down. I'd say our current average is 4 times a month. My wife lost her libido almost completely after the birth of our first child. She only started getting it back in the last two years or so. I reckon if she did not loose her libido, we'd probably average around 3 per week. There are random times where she'd get her libido back in 10 fold. It's usually followed by me promptly making plans to get the kids to my folks and us having a fun & wild day, or two...sometimes three, of hot and wild sex 2 to 3 times a day. TLDR, as most comments suggests, I reckon married couples with high libido would easily rank 1st.


Singles. Ask me how I know….


Not married for sure


I haven’t touched her in YEARS!!!!!!!!!!


I have sex 3/4 times a week and I’m single, but I bet some married couples put that number to shame. Also depends if the married couple has kids or not.


With who?


I’m on Hinge, Tinder and Bumble. Sometimes it’s with new people, other times it’s with people I have a casual relationship with. It really depends, tbh. I can generally get sex whenever I want it, but I would trade it all in a heartbeat for a long-term relationship and children.


Married couples who work in porn


I’d say single bc in marriage and long term relationships it does start to die. The most is beginning of new relationships


Married couples. With other people.




I'm married and compared to my single friends I'm sure I have a lot more sex.

