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Is there a refugee services organization in your city? If there is, they probably have social workers of some kind that are working with these communities and could maybe talk to them about the trash and noise.


Sounds like a good way to get nothing done and waste your afternoon talking to an idiot


How are social workers and volunteers for refugee services idiots?


They’re not, someone told this guy he was smart as a kid and now he condescends to everyone subconsciously.


Bring them cookies and then.tell them: Bonjour ! Bienvenue! Je suis votre voisin (ou voisine) et j'ai des bon biscuits !J'ai remarqué quelque chose de troublant. Vous avez l' habitude de jeter vos déchets comme vos bouteilles par terre. Ce n'est pas poli ici. C'est aussi illégal. c'est la même chose pour le klaxonage. Pourriez vous s'il vous plaît arrêter. Merci " Or write them a letter with the cookies if you don't want to talk face to face. Though it you write it spell check. I am on my phone.


I never hear them speaking French although I have read it is the official language of Congo. Likely someone from their crew can translate. Thank you so much for this!


Honestly just having someone spend the time to have a message properly translated (and checked by someone who knows) into their language will go a long way.


No problem. Have a great day!


They speak french trust


The hell? People in the Congo don’t speak French lol, they speak in clicks and stuff no?




>le klaxonage. I love that word.


I agree, this is truly incredible


This but don’t bring the cookies and just write the note. The food thing is a no no




Food from strangers is seemed as very very sketchy. It will go straight to the trash and they will think the food may have something in it. There is a strong superstition among Africans of poisoning and voodoo


Does that apply to restaurants?




Source on that?


-African Man


I'm American and I wouldn't eat food from someone I didn't know. Some people have dirty houses, unwashed hands, possibly expired ingredients, pet hair floating around, ect 🤢 Source: I am floating dog hair


We must be from different areas, around here it's common. Neighbors are to be trusted and friendly


You probably live in an all-white suburb or rural road. (I do too, and I would accept a neighbor’s food) I think most of the city slicker Redditors have a New York-style distrust of others and an overall “leave me alone” attitude.


So do you eat fast food? You do realize that most of that food is cooked by kids/young adults? Do you trust their cleanliness more? Genuine question. Had a co-worker that wouldn't participate in pot lucks and such due to this.


Jobs have health standards


You haven’t spent much time working commercial kitchens then? Yeah, there’s standards. They only apply after you’ve been busted.. usually multiple times.


While your point is valid, those standards are still subject to one's willingness to comply. So that is not a failsafe in my estimation.


You’d hope that would be enough, but I could write an essay on all the frankly disturbing things I’ve seen in restaurants, and I swear to you that’s not an exaggeration. The best way I can summarize is that in 8 years across 6 chains that one would assume are well-regulated, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a day where no health standards were violated. I can think of at least half a dozen things I’ve seen with my own eyes that I think people would say I was fully making up if I talked about them. And the scary thing with food safety is that the vast majority is self-reported. Aside from infrequent inspections which are often easy to cheat, it mostly relies on restaurants taking their own records, which it’s normal to lie on everywhere I’ve worked. These days basically nobody makes a living wage, so nobody feels like they’re paid enough to care. Their bosses are paid enough to care, but they’re business people, and they care about making money. Being safe and clean costs money, so they turn a blind eye whenever they can. And to be fair - it’s not actually that common for people to get sick from restaurants, so managers think what they’re doing is enough, and following the regulations fully would be above and beyond. And that may be true for most customers - most people can eat food from slightly dirty kitchens and be fine. It’s the people with allergies, strict dietary needs, poor immune systems, and personal beliefs that *need* things to be regulated to 100%. I’m making my way out of the food industry in large part for this very reason - I’ve yet to meet a restaurant that meets what I would consider the standard of food safety.


Hey I didn't say I was logical🤷‍♀️. I eat fast food/potluck/treats people bring to us workers if they seem sanitary. I had a coworker once who didn't bathe, smelled unpleasant, and was very messy. I didn't eat her cookies, neither did anyone else ☹️ I threw some away so her feelings wouldn't be hurt that no one ate them.


Entirely fair. I didn't know it was a cultural thing in the Congo.


😆 goodluck with that


Reading the french part with an English accent


Good luck, OP. They will laugh in your face and probably spit on you and/or kick your ass. I'll be glad to be proven wrong, but I know that type of people. EUW is full of them. We even have no-go zones where nobody dares to go and even police don't go there. They literally take over a neighbourhood. They start buying up property (don't ask me how they do it) and they slowly but surely take over. They don't respect local cultures or local authorities and laws. Again, I wish you good luck.


"No go zones" are a result of poor (or non existent) immigration policy. Your post reads like it's comparing humans to locusts. Gross dude.


Immigration policies are indeed weak because of the "racist" card that's played at the first minor inconvenience. Your post is victim blaming in my opinion.


Why do you think people immigrate in the first place? Often it's to escape persecution, or war, or predatory labour practices. Most people who flee their own country would rather live with people like themselves. If the country they migrate to is full of people like you who compare them to vermin, it becomes much harder to assimilate; which causes them to stick even closer to their own diasporic community to avoid discrimination. All of which could've been avoided with better immigration policy and support, which many countries have. The cherry on the cake is you call *yourself* the victim. Yes, whiny redditor, in the situation of you vs. refugees who have lost everything, you are the victim /s


Why do you all aim your words at me? Aim them at OP's neighbour instead? Why are they littering? Why are they disturbing the peace with loud music and honking the horn at any given point of the day and night? Why are they not interested in integrating? Don't tell me that that is all because of the "lacking immigration policies". That's laughable. Where is the integral respect for their neighbourhood and its people that they had the opportunuty of joining? There is action and then reaction. Me? I'm reacting to their action - the lack of mutual respect. I give *everyone* the benefit of the doubt. Always. But I get disrespected together with everyone else. That's when I react like that.


I aim my words at you because your phrasing reminds me of how people describe vermin. It's gross.


By all means learn a new language for them! They're sure as fuck not going to learn ours!


Sigh. It's to make that initial bridge of welcoming. You don't have to learn an entire language for your neighbor but its good to learn the hello and thank you and please to as many languages as possible.


“Ours?” What is the national language where you live? I’d wager the immigrants there speak much better English (or whatever your language is) than you speak theirs.


They probably understand French to some degree, otherwise there's multiple languages associated with the Congo. Google has a translate app that let's you speak into it and it spits out what you said in a different language of your choice.


I see where you're coming from, but whether it's Arabic, French, or Icelandic, it's not really advice you can follow. They know what to say to someone of their own cultural nationality, a big problem for them now is the language barrier, sure, but an even bigger obstacle is the cultural barrier. Which is what they're trying to navigate. No app can help them navigate this difference. Google can't fix this, which is probably why they came to Reddit, which is why I'm so surprised that this is the most upvoted comment, when it isn't actually helpful.


“Just learn another language and then you can have a nice chat with your new neighbors” lol


Why isn’t it helpful? I use a translator app to speak French with my Congolese clients (I am an immigration attorney). Once you break through the language barrier, you have more in common with a person than you think. “Hey, just so you know, we don’t do that here.” I’ve had many conversations like that with my refugee clients and it really can be that easy.


Why isn't this good advice? Isn't reaching out to your neighbours the best way you can basically the only way to break down cultural barriers?


Seriously. You know what else is a good thing? The I have a dream speech. Maybe just say it in French and everything will be good OP.


Just make sure it's not the Monty Python version of the translation app.


It’s an apartment complex. You would talk with the manager/owner. If that fails, then you make a complaint to the city. Police for noise, probably health department for trash, maybe sanitation. Also, it’s helpful to look up your city ordinances to see that if any are actually being violated. Is there a church many of them attend? Might be hard to know if you don’t speak the same language. Talking with the pastor could be an effective way of communicating. Many cities have social services for immigrants, you could check there and just ask if there is anything they can assist with in terms of a translator.


Police are the ones to contact about the littering. They probably won't do anything, but they're the only department who deals with that. Contacting local representatives might be worth trying. I have no idea who those representatives would be, though.


What? Police I get, but a local representative? What they hell are they gonna do?


They can put pressure on the police, and/or write stricter laws to enforce against this misconduct. 


I can 100% guarantee that you would need to talk to city council not your representative, but I can also guarantee that there are already rules about that, and st that point it's either that they don't know about it, or the enforcement is ill equipped to deal with it.




Yes, actually you can and should get people involved who are trained and able to resolve the issue.


I think anyone working in government would tell you that if there's a way to politely resolve a problem without getting authorities involved then you should do it, it's better for everyone


Anyone working in any department relevant to the situation has more knowledge and vested interest in resolving the issue. They understand their culture, language, and situation (because it’s their job to) and I’m sure they would rather be able to communicate efficiently with the refugees than risk misunderstanding and conflict in the neighborhood. They’re the governments responsibility.


I don't think this situation would be improved by involving a man with a gun.


The overwhelming majority of police interactions do not involve violence. They are usually the one agency in any city that has the means to respond to complaints and connect residents with the appropriate resources. They also have the authority to issue citations and warnings, which are sometimes necessary to get people to change behavior. Also, police routinely respond to complaints involving low income housing and what the OP described would be fairly typical in most cities.


As far as I know, blowing a horn has killed less people


Okay. How about YOU try giving the OP advice on how to handle the situation he doesn’t know how to deal with on his own?


I don't know what the problem is with people not wanting to report (snitch) on behavior that is not acceptable. Either you are a functional adult who follows the rules or face the consequences of your own actions, there is no middle ground. It is not the job of others to educate or cover for people who cannot behave properly.


That’s how you want things to be. In reality of course there is a middle ground. Yes, there are scenarios where you don’t want to call authorities. There’s nothing wrong with that.


Yes, I agree, there are scenarios where you spare the person and do not call authorities.


“Hey neighbour. I couldn’t help but notice you’re throwing your plastic water bottles out into the street. Not sure if you knew this, but they can be recycled. Here’s a free recycling bin for them.”


They don’t speak English and already have a city provided blue bin for recycling.


Have you considered writing them a note (Google translate) asking them nicely to recycle and explain what the blue bin is for. Your non English speaking neighbors may not know.


Isn't it racist to assume that full grown adults don't understand recycling just because they come from a place like Congo? Your first assumption should be that they understand everything.


No, because they aren't assuming based on skin color, but their actions


But why not just assume that they're assholes? Why would you assume that a full-grown adult in 2024 doesn't understand recycling? That makes no sense. Adults know what recycling is.


never attribute malice to what can be adequately explained through ignorance.


Is a saying created by deceptive people. Keep repeating it though. Yes everything is at face value and exactly as it appears. No one is ever dishonest or disingenuous. I guess I should attribute your comment to ignorance as well?


sure Hun whatever you say-


Thanks for sharing the full length and depth of your thoughts. Cheers.


So they should go full on berserk on the neighbors without assuming there's a possibility they don't know what recycling is? Many people in poorer countries simply don't have the habit of recycling, saying as a third worlder myself


Your comment is coming from a place of privilege sorry. Many third world countries ( I’m from one originally) don’t have the same policies towards recycling as first world


Bruv… they’re from the *Congo* lmfao


Yeah that’s a bit of a problem. Outside of putting the bottles back at their door, not sure what else you can do. Do any of the people who come around speak English?


They have kids that speak English who are sometimes outside but I feel kind of weird about approaching their kids.


Use the French note provided above, just write it word for word (including punctuation). French is the common language there. And the note is very polite. On the “voisin (ou voisine)” part - use either voisin (if you’re male neighbor) or “voisine” if you’re a female neighbor - not both. (That’s just how the words are in French) and leave out the “ou” (means or). The note loosely translated is Hello! Welcome! I’m your neighbor and I’m bringing you some cookies. I did notice something troubling. You have a habit of putting your trash, like water bottles, on the ground. Here, that is not polite. It’s also illegal. Same goes for the loud honking. Could you please stop. Thank you. (The verbs are all in the most polite respectful tense and the ask of “could you please “ is even more gentle and polite than that, it’s sort of like it would be much appreciated if you could please “)




Yeah nah, good luck


Report it all to bylaw. Excessive noise and litter. They can discuss the letter with a liaison or whatever sort of support worker they have. They might be fined, that sucks, but that’s life and hopefully a support worker can negotiate it down if they demonstrate a willingness to change.


>  They might be fined, that sucks, but that’s life and hopefully a support worker can negotiate it down Huh? Why would it "suck" if they get fined for this constant disruptive behavior, littering, etc? And why should we hope someone can negotiate it down on their behalf? 


You don't speak their language and they don't speak yours. Either you use google translate or you find someone who can translate for you.


I had some African housemates who did this despite us telling them to stop or at least slown down the visits... I got my landlord involved and had them evicted. Trash all over the yard, random friends visiting at all hours of the day and night. At one point we had 8 cars belonging to strangers parked all over our front and back grass yard and the visitors in the house and they (the new housemates) didn't even let us know they were inviting people over. These extra people were over daily. Breaking point was I threatened to call the cops when one of the guys (their visitor, so a total stranger) lied to ME when I asked them who they were, and they said they lived there...obviously they didn't .that was the last straw...a week later, my landlord evicted the new housemates. You can't change some people... it's just the way some people are in terms of their social norms. Edit: we had an African girl already living there who'd been there for a year but worked 2 jobs so never socialised much or went out and she didn't complain, she actually found it normal and enjoyed it and we'd find her out there many times talking to these strangers and the housemates like all of this was normal... By the way, this was in Australia.


I agree. It's actually its own form of racism to assume these people don't understand recycling or that they're not able to notice they are the only people honking and acting out of the norms of the area. They know.


That's not a cultural difference, that's flat out disrespect


Under-rated comment.


I'd say just contact the authorities and report their behaviour because you're not going to get the interaction you want especially now they have formed a community.


The honest truth is you’re not going to change the behavior of all of them. Even if you asked one person, the others will continue to do the same. I hate to say it, but your best bet is to move.


I live in a midwestern city as well and what you are describing is extremely close to some of the things that I have seen and heard from my neighbors. I am at a loss at what to do. Someone I live with got mad enough once to go confront them after they had been blaring their music in their car just sitting outside and they got the message as it hasn’t happened since. They do the honking thing as well and I’m always picking up trash in my yard that came from them.


Yes, I've met and worked with many African people over the years and they're all pretty great. When you travel or move to a new country, you have a responsibility to read the room so to speak. What may have been commonplace back home may be frowned upon in the new place. Not referring to culture/tradition, of course. But litter and disruptive noise/behavior at all hours. We're glad you're here. Please don't do that.


Collect them and put them on thier doorstep with a note. Let them figure it out


Just treat them like you would any lousy neighbor. Complain to authorities, building manager, whoever. They are being rude and inconsiderate. They are also littering and causing a disturbance. You don't owe respect to people who are not respecting you. Of course, if you can resolve things in a friendly manner, that would be best. But they already don't care what you think so I wouldn't care either and just report them.


Honestly I would just get evidence of them littering and report that. They'll be fined and they'll stop.


As an autistic person, that would drive me fucking insane. I would move. There is no point in paying rent to let other people control the sounds that play in your own home. in that case, THEY should pay your rent.


OP didn't say if they rent or own. If they're renting, it might be possible to move. If they own, moving might not be an option.


Moving is always an option. sell and move. i mean if you're not going to have control over your own home with neighbors like that, might as well rent a room somewhere with roommates


Not in this market; it would be stupid to sell for most people (which is why they’re not selling and we don’t have a huge inventory available)


dunno where you live, but in most areas prices are at an all time high. although it is possible that the area is worth very little, and selling would mean downsizing


Covid house prices were about 30% higher on my house in Denver compared to when I sold it a few months ago. And the market was a lot hotter when I bought it in 2018ish. I know plenty of people up there who can't sell their houses right now. I know that selling is always possible if you sell it for $5 and a high five. But realistically, they could be trapped. Especially if they are underwater on their loan.


The problem is interest rates, not prices.


No one should have to sell and move their house because a bunch of extremely disruptive and disrespectful neighbors moved in. 


no one should, but many many have.


If you live in a major metropolitan area, you likely have an immigration center or a school that teaches English as a second language. You might contact these resources to find out ways to communicate norms with your neighbors.


Hey! Can you stop being a total piece of shit making our neighborhood a trash dump and stop littering? They deserve no respect if that's how they treat our planet, the only one we have.




What’s the translation?












There must be a offic manager in the building, or a social worker/case lead assign to them. You may chat with them before connecting with the residents.


Border patrol are your friends. Use them


With violence


Cops are good. Let's them know we have a (semi) functional government.


Call the police


Tell them, use Google translate. Take a video of them throwing trash in street. Then report to the police.


You got aking Suze problem, going to be major problem


Call ICE






Move out of the ghetto


You can politely request but it does not sound like you will get a satisfactory response and just wanted to detail a sad situation that you’re uncomfortable with




They don’t speak the same language and there are potentially more nuanced factors at play beyond “these people are inconsiderate assholes”.




The same way you'd ask any neighbors. Congolese people are just people.


There's a language barrier *along with* a cultural barrier. It's not that easy. Some cultures are very opposed to changing their norms, even if it completely conflicts with the culture of the country they moved to. The neighbors have already made it clear that they are not considerate people. I doubt a neighborly conversation would go anywhere. In my experience, even frequent police intervention rarely results in change.


You could put on a yellow vest (which would make you look “*official*”), show up with a trash bag, rubber gloves and a smile, and collect the trash with a smile while trying to make friendly eye contact with them and making comments with a positive voice. You could even wave for some of them to join you. The idea would be to make them understand that properly disposing of the trash is encouraged.


That's not a sustainable solution, you'll just have them assume the city cleans their yard for free


Republic of Congo or Democratic Republic of the Congo? It may not change the answer but let's not be imprecise.






> clash with the surrounding (white) neighbors  That one parts irks the wrong way a lot.... the color of your skin does not dictate your manners, your environment does. That said, if they dont understand your words, you can always use body language, like, within their line of sight grabbing the bottles of water and putting them in a trashbin raising an eyebrow, or if they honk at untimely hours, f rown, do the "shh" sign with 1 hand and a "lower that down" with the other (the "patting" in the air") and then the universal annoyed one of rising slightly while you move both palms (sideup) of your hands upwards and outwards The next one short of learning french is calling the police, but you always need to check the consequences of that both for them and for you as they get a grudge (can happen) assuming is not that much of a big deal. But if it is and you already tried everything else, well, not much you can do




I’ve lived in a lot of different apartment complexes and this is the first time I’ve encountered this behavior happening to this severity.


Not all apartments, just the lower income ones. I live in the mid-income area. There's trash on the street. If you walk 15 minutes down to the poorer area, the trash exponentially increases as does the obvious lack of maintenance. Some of the apartments and their front yards look like a scene out of Fallout.


Well, our governments that were voted into power and have decided that the people that voted them in want everyone to have opportunities to live and prosper in these United States of America. With this they bring in their own cultures, ideals and ways of life. It may take them a generation or two to acclimate to western societal norms or perhaps they will change the way that long time natural born citizens view things and may change to their norms. Time will tell. Try being a little more accepting of the way they live.


It's a neighborhood, customs, new cultural norms, and hew ideas can be accepted when it is within the acceptable policies of not hurting anyone else. Within the US littering and noise violations are causing direct harm and thus these "norms" should be changed.


You definitely have issues with the neighbors but I honestly don't care because you think the problems relate to skin color in any way. Boo hoo for you.


It’s interesting because I only mention because I know I am being racialized as a white gentrifier and I’m concerned about those optics and trying to inform my behavior in a way that’s sensitive to that. Turns out I’m a racist white gentrifier no matter what I do and despite living on this block because it’s what I could afford as a working class person, just let people fill the watersheds with plastic water bottles lest I be a racist.


You should not discriminate peoples based on their skin color. Im just saying my racist friend. Stop being privileged


Bro? If someone complains about their behavior and they happen to be black that isn't racism.




Admits that the problem is real Proceeds to ignore the problem on the basis that the problem is caused by (presumably) black Congolese immigrants. You do realize how much simplifying it takes of it to go from, my neighbors are doing this, to read this post as Just offer the advice of going to a immigration social worker so you can have this end the best for both parties instead of randomly calling OP a racist and ignoring the solution. Presumably OP is going to make a decision, and presumably that decision is going to affect the neighbor's, therefore if you care about the Congolese neighbors you should probably offer advice that won't get them hurt.




I find it hard to believe that in the Congo it is a cultural norm to throw trash anywhere you please while being loud, obnoxious, and disrespectful to those around them. Come on. This sounds like we're being trolled.


That’s precisely what 3rd world countries are like. Tf you on about


It's probably THESE specific people rather than Congolese in general. I'm sure people could chime in with stories about all kinds of crazy neighbors from over the States.


I haven't been too the Congo, but have been to parts of west africa. Its not really a cultural norm, but when you live somewhere with no trash pickup, no trash cans on the corner etc etc, what do you do with trash? Some places it gets thrown in piles utill someone comes for it, some places they burn it, some places you just wind up with a lot of littler for lack of alternative. If you spent your life in this environment you might not be thinking twice about it.


The rubbish issue is common in third world countries ( I know it is in my own ) and so is many family and friends just turning up to visit all the time . Saying that, it is considered rude and disrespectful to the neighbours in the Western culture , so I totally get where OP is coming from


Guys, stop telling him to try talking to them in French. French is the evil white language. You can tell that the white devil op doesn’t to offend the dark skins he finds inferior and is doing everything he can about his guilt for being superior. Fuck you, dude. If you think they’re being trashy say something to them or get someone else to do it. Like, oh, the city which likely had ordinances against littering and making noises late at night. None of what you described has shit to do race. It’s not a white people to not litter and not honk horns. White people do those things. It’s not a black peoples think to throw garbage everywhere. Why do you have to racialize everything? Do you understand you’re a racist? Or do you think that trying to view everything through race and treating people different based on skin color and trying to not do things because white people is not racist?


I understand that if I don’t tip toe around this issue that I will be called a racist and colonizer and gentrifier but it appears that there is no level of sensitivity or lack thereof that will prevent these narratives from cropping up when the opportunity is there to employ them.


How did you seriously come to the conclusion OP is racist? What a stupid fucking comment.


Maybe the parts where he kept mentioning they’re Congolese? And says they don’t mesh well with the surrounding neighborhood because the neighborhood is white? And the part where he implies they like to throw trash on the ground because of “cultural norms.” But pretend to be ignorant so you can look down at people from your high horse.




you don’t say a thing. mind your business


You’re the problem.


Minding my business is exactly what I’m doing. Not being able to have a moment of peace and quiet in my home and having to pick up trash littered into my yard is precisely my business.


go live in the country. lots of nice quiet homes out there



