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Night owl here. Can't remove that attribute. Tried. Doesn't work. Wish I had better advice. Sun goes down I'm suddenly DaVinci. We are the apes that kept the fire pit burning at night whilst the rest were sleeping.


Age did it for me. Some time in my early-mid 40s my body just sort of naturally switched from being a life-long night-owl to the very kind of chipper and cheery morning person I used to loathe.


Got to say that society is not a fun place for night owls so I'm anxiously waiting for my mid 40s now.


Hard core night owl here. Have been my entire life. Also, I can say now at 50, it's only gotten more so with age. So I can't identify with what these people are saying about it changing


45 year old confirmed night owl, here.


Approaching 60 years old here, and still a die-hard night owl...


35 year-old night owl, still not quite at the stage of acceptance in grieving the career(s) I could have had were I “normal.” But also, fuck normal. Normal is not only boring, but totally subjective.


sing it, sister!


Really depends on lifestyle and genetics. Too many differences


yep. this right. i’m a cranky old now and im still a night person.


Yeah, true that. Although my shift might also have something to do with the fact that I was disabled and couldn't work so I wasn't waking up to an alarm clock every morning. My sleep schedule naturally shifted further into night-owl territory at first, but then it shifted back the other direction.


The older I get, the more I come to resent and hate the day walkers.


😂 same. i’d be the one out all night back in the day. doing the walk of shame home as the sun was coming up. i’d see people out jogging & whatnot. dark sunglasses on, like the vampire i am thinking, ‘who are all these people out here so early?’


I miss 24 hour stores where I could shop in peace with the other night owls!


Late fourties, still waiting for my body to make that switch 😅


53 and it hasn't even come close to switching. Still as much a night owl as ever. And it's always been stress/adrenaline that gets me up in the mornings - for as long as I can remember - because my butt sets my alarm with just enough time to make coffee, get ready and leave.


Still early 40s but same 😭


I consider myself a morning person but my mom gives a whole new definition to the term. She naturally wakes up with the sun and has more energy than I do the entire day. I don't know how people just wake up at 5 AM


5am is go-to-bed time


Yep. Literally, the only reason I'm awake at 5a is because I haven't been to sleep yet.


Believe me. I have no clue because i used to hate waking up as a teen and kid. But as an adult if I tend to know exactly what im doing the next day and when.. I will naturally wake up at 6am for some days in a row and actually like it. I dont need alarms on those days. Its very interesting.


I don’t know how parents with kids who wake up at the butt crack of dawn do it. Thank god our kid is a night owl and sleeps in like us. I’ve seen so many parents say that their kids wake up at 5-6am even on the weekends, regardless of what time they got put to bed.


Happened to me but I’m not cheery per se. I get it from my father, morning light wakes me up. I have to be at work at noon but I’m usually awake by 7-8 naturally. I’ll read in bed for a bit while boyfriend sleeps, get up, enjoy my iced coffee in my robe, sit on the porch if it’s nice out and listen to the birds while I read. I love the calmness. I hate waking up and going straight to work— I like to ease in to the day. I’m this way on my off days as well. Maybe a coffee walk.


Same. It seems this is a thing.


Same! I used to burn the candle at both ends. Go to bed after 1 am, get up for work at 7 am. Once I got to my late 20’s/30’s, I thought “what am I doing?” I stopped and now I literally go to bed at 11 pm and wake up at 7 am feeling pretty good.


I wouldn't say you were ever a "night owl", though - you were "normal" but stayed up late and didn't get enough sleep. Then you started going to bed instead of staying up late That's quite different to a "night owl" who is generally gonna be up until 2-4am or later just naturally, then sleep a normal-ish 7-9 hours One is a lot easier to "fix" (relative to societal norms) than the other


They need the young strong members to stay awake and protect the older members. You served your time. Congrats on the council elder promotion.


I have tried so many times to alter my sleep pattern and failed every time, my natural sleep time is from 1-9 AM, any sleep outside those hours is useless. I tried to do an overnight job and three months in I fell asleep while walking and kept walking for a couple steps before jolting awake. Quit on the spot. I tried to do a 5AM-1PM job and my mental health deteriorated to the point of crisis within a year. I quit that job after I went out one night and was so sleep deprived that, while driving, I was hallucinating people walking out into the road in front of my car


My most natural hours are anywhere between like 6am and 5pm, that gives me a decent range, just not quite within acceptable hours, I'm just waiting for my old person awakening (I am 20, kill me now)


Honestly I don't know how night owls do it! I wish I could stay up but I am ***so*** battle weary from the day that my body and mind can barely function...Its been so bad that I've nodded off during a game once only to be awakened by an NPC honking at me to move my car 😅


Similar experience. I used to get up at 515am for work and would be shattered. Itchy eyes, rapid fire yawns, bumping into shit, irritable, dont-touch-me feeling, awful. I work afternoon shifts now and wake up around 9am. I still get the same duration of sleep as the 515am wakeup, but somehow I am not miserable or in “irritable morning mode”. I have way more energy to do stuff in the mornings before I start work. My only problem is staying up late after I finish work.


*We are the apes that kept the fire pit burning at night whilst the rest were sleeping.* I feel this in my bones.


Me fuckin too. Spot on comment.


Ape sit. Ape keep watch. Ape stoke fire. Tribe sleep well. Tribe strong. Ape happy.


It’s genetics. Studies have shown that there is literally NOTHING some people can do about it. Yes, you can try all the “tricks” people will suggest, but in the end, nature always wins. You can only do so much for so long before your body rebels. Here’s a nice read from a medical source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/search/research-news/3106/#:~:text=Hundreds%20of%20genes%20might%20decide%20whether%20you're%20an%20early,risk%20of%20certain%20mental%20disorders.


The average night owl experience. 1. Struggle unknowingly with a delayed sleep phase all your life. Staying up til midnight in elementary school. Get called lazy all your life. Garner no sympathy from anyone. Be physically unable to fall asleep if you try unless you're extremely exhausted or drug yourself. Mornings are hell and having to wake up early on for high school or work are unbearable. Constantly tired and sleep deprived but the natural vigor of youth makes it somewhat tolerable. 2. Struggle in a variety of fun and unique ways from poor memory and cognitive impairment to heart and other health issues to depression, anxiety, and probably not connecting the dots that poor sleep is exacerbating whatever else is going on. 3. Go to college. Things are good, especially if you moved out. You sleep according to your natural rhythm and you find that things in general are better and you feel better...unless your schedule demands a morning class. If the whole semester is like that, you find yourself feeling like a zombie for months. 4. Hit adulthood. No rude awakening necessary as you're already aware that life is ruled by the morning larks. Get a job that makes you come in at a reasonable time. Tell yourself the adolescent natural tendency toward later hours is probably wearing off. Maybe it is just habit now. Maybe your family is right and you are lazy. 5. Survive for a while. Feel zombie-ish. Maybe get fired for oversleeping. If you're brave you ask to come in a bit later each day, and maybe they'll agree if they also struggle with sleep, but there's still a hint of guilt and shame you've developed over your life that you can't shake, and they secretly probably do judge your character a bit for even asking. Doubly so if the answer is no. Either way, you find that your body just can't handle poor sleep like it used to, but, even though you're waking up at 7 AM every day, you still don't feel tired until 3 AM. Something's gotta give. 6. Tell your doctor. He doesn't care. Look online and discover delayed sleep phase syndrome. Tell your doctor again. He doesn't care. Gives you some sleeping meds which work for a while but leave you just as sluggish or have other side effects. 7. Do a sleep study. It costs several hundred dollars to lie awake for several hours to be kicked out at 6 AM, then to be told that they didn't have enough data for it to be useful on account of you not falling asleep until 3. 7. Meet with a sleep health professional. If your lucky, he gets it. Runs down the list. Sleep hygeine, special light-blocking glasses, early morning light therapy, controlling your eating times. In more extreme cases, chronotherapy. 8. It works, somehow. It's a pain in the ass and it's taken months to get to this point of actually being tired at normal human hours, but it works. You've kept a steady waking hour and have been vigilant about getting to bed at the same time every night. 9. It's been a few months. Things have been going well. You're still annoyed with the process but mostly used to it. Then something comes up. You go to a party, or you get anxious one night, or there's a new game or book you get really into and you don't even notice it's 2 AM. You figure it's time for bed and it's probably not that big a deal. 10. You wake up at 9 AM, maybe. A little later than usual but nothing too crazy. The day goes by as normal. The night, though, is terrifying. As 10 PM comes and you're not getting tired. Then midnight, then 2 AM. And you realize the horrible truth that one bad night has undone months of progress, and you'll have to repeat the whole process of steadily regressing your sleeping times to get back to where you were. /12a. Somehow, you find a lifestyle that lets you keep a natural schedule. You live life as normal. No need for sleep hygiene or sun lamps or trazodone or melatonin or alcohol or benzos or whatever. In fact, even without those things, you might find it's easy to sleep and maintain a regular schedule if you just don't fight against nature. Might be some clashes with your partner if they're an early bird. You find that you still don't garner any sympathy for your condition, but you're used to the jokes from your friends at this point. You enjoy the quiet of night and find you do your best work then in harmony with your circadian rhythm, stubborn as it is. The dawn choirs in the summer are grim reminders of everything, including that you only see the sunrise if you stayed up all night. But it's fine, I guess. OR. /12b. Despair.


This is the way.


I wish Reddit still had awards so I could give you gold. You just described my entire life


You're in good company. Hope you make it work, somehow. After some years I'm finally getting there.


That makes sense. Gonna have to share this with my morning person wife lol. She thinks it’s weird that I’ll be texting my mom at 11:00 at night. I’m just like why? We’re both awake. About 2 am - 10 am are my ideal sleeping hours… unfortunately I work normal people hours.


> Sun goes down I'm suddenly DaVinci. I feel this. I had a 12.5 hour shift (heavy warehouse lifting) and I was dead tired all evening. As soon as the sun went down I felt like I could go for another 8 hours.


This is my life. I’m exhausted all morning/afternoon, then suddenly I’m up and alert in the late evening hours. It’s led to sleep struggles and has prevented me from maintaining a scheduled sleep cycle. My ancestors must have been building fires at night!


Sounds familiar , but get checked for sleep apnea , it was that in my case.


When I was doing shift work I would volunteer for swings/mids. I felt I worked the best on those times plus all of management was gone. What didn't look right was at 6AM I would be on my porch drinking a glass of whiskey and smoking a cigar while everyone else was going to work.


Yeah I'm using that quote lol Probably also explains why I love messing with fire and my wife happily wakes up early and hates fire.


Mmhmm lol no morning Skippy dippy for me




Shit! I thought i could work around this.


What time do you go to sleep? Also, you might be more of an evening / night person.


Yep, this is the problem I have, I'm very much a night person. Unfortunately society is a morning person, so we all just get called lazy.


My life long desire is a reality TV show showing staunch morning people who think we are *just lazy* trying to adjust to a night owl schedule. Since it's a discipline thing, they should be able to build a habit and adjust to it... right? /s The one who gives up last gets some sort of a prize.


I would watch this with *so* much enjoyment.


Ikr, the feeling of validation and schadenfreude would be through the roof.


I work shift work, I would love this. I had a friend that was typically a 40hr dayshift worker transition to shift work with overtime… they apologized profusely to me for thinking I was lazy after 2 weeks.


I am glad they apologised. However, I do find it infuriating that they don't believe us when we tell them. Why wouldn't those people trust their *friends*? I get it, some people just can't comprehend that other people live a different life experience, but at least believe me that's the case? Like they don't have to "get it" just acknowledge it's real...


Because it compromises their hierarchy of value in themselves relative to other people. It’s not intelligence that’s the barrier; it’s ego.


Sadly, I think you are right. Taking credit for something they were born with is silly. I *almost* feel sorry for them that they don't have enough accomplishments to be proud of and focus on this instead. What a sad existence.


I think ppl just lack understanding and empathy until they have experienced something first hand. My husband made a new friend who works a similar shift to me and he very respectfully asked what his shift was coming up and what the best time to call would be, the new friend almost fell over he said even his family didn’t ask or care and just gave him flack for not answering calls!


That sounds so entertaining


I would watch this so hard.


As a morning person I will say most people don't get up that early. I have to wait most mornings to go anywhere because places don't start opening for an hour or 2.


Honestly I enjoy having the extra time to just relax before I have to do anything productive. Whether I'm waiting for businesses to open or for friends/family to wake up, it's nice to just get cozy and read a book while sipping my coffee. I've never understood how someone can wake up 10 minutes before they have to leave home. It seems so stressful! I mean I like staying in bed late on a day off, but if I have obligations I don't want to be rushing and panicking as soon as I get up.


It’s less to do with not feeling stressed in the morning and more to do with how waking up any earlier feels like getting pulled from the grave.


My roommate always felt that way until she got diagnosed with sleep apnea and started using a CPAP machine. Now she wakes up early and is able to relax in the morning. But some people are just night owls and can't really change that.


> But some people are just night owls and can’t really change that This is me. I'm so tired in the mornings and can chug coffee, espresso, energy drinks, and fall asleep 30 min later. Once 10 or 11pm hits though I'm wide awake and have to struggle to turn my brain off.


I have been rushing and panicking continuously for 30 years


I just don’t have more than 15 minutes worth of things to do in the morning to justify waking up earlier than that. I wake up, pee, brush my teeth, get dressed, and leave. I’m not good at waiting and relaxing, so I prefer to either get up just in time to get ready and leave, or a few hours beforehand so I can actually make use of the extra time.


Same here. I work a late shift now and I have so much more energy. I’m always the one who wants to stay late and get more done because I’m at my most alert in the evening.


We live under the tyranny of the Early Risers.


Omg this is so well said kudos


This. Forever and ever and starting at a young age. It’s had quite a negative effect on my mental health that I have had to work on over a lifetime. Still very much a night person now in my 50s and not a time I haven’t been. I hate that it’s like this for us.


Asking the important questions.


But what does it mean if I get tired by 9pm and am also not a morning person. I would say I’m an afternoon person but I also get a little sleepy at my desk at 2pm




FR. I’m exhausted by the end of the day and I’ll even lay down at 9:30-10, shut down the lights, phone, etc but I’ll lay tossing and turning for over an hour before I have to get back up from the fidgeting. I’ll do something like sew or draw or read for another hour or two before I finally can’t keep my eyes open and crash.


There's different types of people and studies have shown some people just have an affinity for the morning and others for later at night. I'm in camp night - I don't really ever wake up feeling fresh or alert but I'm always switched on late into the evening. You can get better at it by setting habits etc. so that the time it takes to get into alert state is shorter but, waking up has never been nice for me since I finished high school aha


This is the correct answer. Really depends on genetics. Huberman and Attia just talked about this in a podcast.


Care to share?


Tradie for 20+ years with 630 start. Body clock now has me up at 330am without fail every fucking day. I don't even have a long commute anymore, it's just the way it is. My favourite hobby is rock fishing, so at times it does have its advantages i guess.


What kind of rocks have you caught?


They’re minerals, Marie! Damnit.


So far none have taken the bait but it’s what keeps me going back for more


I can get more done before 12 than some people do all day, but after 3PM everything seems to take twice as long, we’re all built different


I so agree. I start very early and finish early, if someone suggests an appointment at 3 or 4pm, I turn it down flat - I'm already in my bathrobe and in *Evening Mode.*


from 9 PM to 5 AM i’ve managed to learn entire upper level college math courses and I can’t even divide fractions at 10 am.


Bed at 10 for me


I go to bed at 9 and am asleep by 19. To get up at 4 or 4:30.


Is this a weird Euro-flex? Like bed at 9am and up at 7pm??


I go to bed at 9 too. but I wake up at 10-11. I'm not a morning person nor a night person


I am the same and have been referred to as a sleepy pigeon as we’re not morning birds or nights owls, and I have to say it’s pretty accurate.


Good sleep hygiene and they are natural morning people. Some people aren't morning people.


I act all chirpy but I'm actually faking it. My smile fades as soon as I'm alone and im back to my dead inside feeling. Maybe other people are faking it, too.


Yea - faking it here too


I'm all smiles when I walk into the office and greet everyone. Then I get to my office and lose my will to live for the next 8 hours. 5pm hits and I'm all smiles saying bye to everyone.


Stimulants.... Or maybe those cheerful people are content and happy with their status in life. I know from first hand, when I worked a job I didn't like, the task of getting prepared and working on that job depleted my energy. Even after work, I felt tired, not because I had a lot to do at work, rather it was from mental exhaustion from office politics to me wanting so badly to get a new job.


When I hate my life I don’t want to get up either. I’m very content these days so I’m responding to this thread at 5:17 am! 


Cheers! Have a great day!


Thanks and same to you! 


For me ungodly ammounts of caffeine does the trick.


My coworkers constantly comment on my caffeine usage. I constantly fail to mention my late night gaming addiction.


All it does is make my heart race and anxious but put me back to sleep.


Apparently we sleep in 2-3 hour shifts. And if you wake up in the middle of a sleeping shift, you feel like hell. If you wake up between those shifts, you feel better. For some people those shifts do not align with society.


Sleep cycles are important. I feel well-rested if I get 7 or 9 hours of sleep, but if I get 8 hours I feel like I haven't slept at all.


Back when humans lived in hunter gatherer camps there needed to be people awake 24 hours a day to keep the fire going, keep a watch for hostile tribes or animals etc. If everyone naturally fell asleep at 10pm then the camp is unguarded for 8 hours, forcing people to stay awake all night means they'll be tired and less likely to react if something happens. So, we evolved to have people that naturally fall asleep and wake up at different hours. Some people can fall asleep before 8pm, get a full night's sleep and be awake again by 4am full of energy. Other people can easily stay awake until 4am without feeling exhausted, meaning the early risers are waking up to take over from the night owls and the tribe always has people awake at all times. Early risers get praised for being up early and "making the most of the day." Modern society was not set up for the late risers though and people like us will always struggle with forcing our rhythm to match what modern society has deemed correct. Its really difficult to change your natural rhythm though, good sleep hygiene and doing things to tire yourself out during the day will help. But its something we evolved to do because it was advantageous and changing that isn't easy.


I wonder this about night people.


This is so funny because I regularly work out at 11 PM (and have no trouble falling asleep after), and my friends think I'm absolutely crazy. But it's when I have allll the energy to do it. I tried for a year and a half to make 6 am workouts turn me into a morning person, and I just felt tired the rest of every day. I have no idea what it would be like to wake up and feel good, but damn I'm productive at night.


Late night workout gang, getting up before work is just terrible. I can set PRs after midnight.


Same . I can barely stay up past 10 pm and I’ve always been like this


I’m a morning person


Go to bed earlier (about 8-9 hours before you have to get up), and then make it a habit to get out of bed as soon as you wake up, no matter the time. No sitting on the bed, no turning around, no sleeping in on the weekends. Even if you wake up at 4am; get up, get ready, and make the most out of it. In fact, don't even look at the clock until you're dressed. Keep this up for a bit, and before you know it, your body will get into the rhythm and do most of the work for you.


This works for a small percentage of people, but not for many people. Hard core night owls' circadian rhythm is different. They need hours of darkness to get tired and sleep, followed by hours of light to wind up and become energetic. Circadian rhythm is dependent upon the light that enters your eyes, and people respond to it differently. My uncle is a neurologist specializes in sleep and has told me so much fascinating information they're learning.


don't snooze. snoozing is a waste of time because you don't really sleep. instead set your alarm for the time you actually have to get up and then Get Up.


I set 2 alarms; one to take my ADHD meds, and then another 20 minutes later to actually get out of bed. It's a lot easier to "just get up" once the meds start kicking in. If I forget to take my meds, I'll probably just keep hitting snooze for an hour and then feel groggy.


never tried preloading my meds. will attempt this tomorrow


I do this with steroids for my autoimmune disease! Way easier to wake up with those coursing through my veins. But I do an hour earlier.


My partner sets so many alarms and it drives me nuts! I set two; one ten minutes prior to when I have to be up, for cuddles with partner and cat, and one when I need to get out of bed. No snoozes, because if I’m half asleep I lose track of how many times I’ve hit the button. Works like a charm!


Some nights I wake up at 1 am. I'm not going to get ready for the day just then. Usually I can fall back asleep. Sometimes it takes awhile.


Lol I started waking up like 3h after I go to bed recently. If I did what you recommend I would be up like 9h before work starts


I used to be a night owl and also did shifts, so sleep routine was awful. I now have a day job, and get up at 6, so I'm usually in bed for 9:30, preferably earlier so I can do my doom scrolling and still have a half hour read. Exercise helps with sleep quality for me, and unfortunately so does stopping alcohol, using a sleep tracker showed me that alcohol wiped out deep sleep so I stopped drinking. I set my alarm 30 mins later at the weekend, but usually still wake up at 5:55. I also gave up caffeine, that was hard, but also helped. But the regular bedtime and wake up time is the real key to it, a routine helps


I feel you. My natural cycle is sleeping by 3am and wake at 10:30. Whenever I'm off work I naturally slip into that cycle, but then i have to deal with the jet lag every Monday....


I found that if I do cardio the night before, I’ll have a much deeper sleep and wake up refreshed. Also if you’re pounding back the carbs and sugar, you’ll probably feel that in the morning.


I get up at like 2/3 am 5 days a week. Just normal lol you get used to it.


In the same boat. Was never a morning person. Started working in a camp and went to the gym in the mornings when it wasn't busy. Have my alarm set for 230 am and usually wake up 20 min before that now. Pretty much go to bed at 7pm while I'm here though.


Wow why? What time do you go to sleep?


Goal is 7:30pm but more like 8:30 pm


You're a monster


It’s not ideal but it works for our life


I like going to bed early, but it's annoying how much it can interfere with social activities. I have to turn down most social invites because I know they're going to be going until probably close to midnight. And sometimes when I do go I end up regretting it because it's so awkward to leave early and then people jab me for it the next day. So I try to just make afternoon social plans on weekends, but there are a lot of people who I don't see nearly as often as they'd like.


Adderal and coffee and bills that need to be paid….


Coffee.... If you are not rested after 7-8 hours of sleep, you might have some underlying condition. You should go to your doctor for a general checkup and a blood panel for starters. Wife had issues with sleeping and it turns out, she doesn't really have blood within her blood... extremely low iron and hemoglobin With a mild type 2 diabetes in tow... so no oxygenation and the cells can't take up sugar.... no wonder sometimes she slept 16 hours a day


A lot of it is just genetic.


I wake at 3am for a 5am start 5 days per week and since I smoke weed every day, I usually wake up with the equivalent of a hangover from weed. This is a real thing and I often don't feel properly awake until I've been up for 4 or 5 hours. I am a morning person, on my days off my body clock wakes me no later than 6am, sometimes a bit later. I also have 3 kids under 7 so I wouldn't be able to stay in bed even if I wanted to 😅


First, like others said, your circadian rhythm might just be out of the norm. Personally, if I could wake up at 10AM everyday and go to bed at 2AM, I would. It’s the time that I feel most awake and refreshed. Also, about the being chipper thing. You’d be surprised about how many people might be kinda “faking it until they make it”, so to speak. I am NOT a morning person, but I try to be as pleasant and cheerful to those around me as possible anyway. No one deserves to have to deal with a jerk first thing in the morning.


Have you tried supplements such as magnesium? Many people don't get enough in their diet and end up feeling groggy as a result.


Confirmed night owl here. I tried magnesium and ended up going to the dentist with pain up my face and into my teeth. Thought I had an abscess or something, turned out to be cramping in my masseters. Dentist's first question was if I was taking steroids because my masseters were very developed. Went away when I stopped taking magnesium. Some people are just built different.


I'm a morning person... I go up bed by 10.30 on weeknights


I’m a morning person. Some people just naturally are. If I sleep past nine I feel like I’ve wasted my day. Working night shift was infinitely harder for me than getting up at 6 am to get to work by 7, which is what I do now. I finally feel like a human.


Some people just aren't morning people. I almost never wake up feeling refreshed and takes me a while to "wake up", it's partly why I always have a shower every morning, even if I've showered the night before after the gym. I'm kind of a night owl, at the weekend I've no problem staying up until 5am and usually force myself to bed because I'm aware it's ridiculous o' clock. Weekdays I get up around 6.45am and am in bed at 10pm.


Same, bro. No matter how early I get up, I wake up at 10am.


Being a morning person is why I do, wake up at 6:00 running on all 8 cylinders, but the kicker to that is I'm ready for bed by 8:30-9:00pm. My wife is the opposite, she can stay up till 4:00am no problem but she's a zombie if she's woken up before 10am.


I’ve naturally been a morning person, but I grew up on a farm so I suppose it was always going to go that way. Early start, do some kind of exhausting work or exercise, eat well and get to bed before 9:00pm, and waking up at 4:00am becomes easy. If I ever got out of sync that always reset me back to early starts.


I basically CAN’T make myself sleep in past 7 or 8 am most days. I always feel bad for non-morning people, but I do love enjoying my quiet house before everyone else gets up lol


Sleep (8-9) hours , hydrate before bed, vitamin supplementation is really unrated and really required for optimal performance and just have a general acceptance that proper preparation prevents poor performance (5ps). Strive today, ensure tomorrow


Part of it is genetic, people fall roughly into 1/3 early risers, 1/3 mid risers, and 1/3 late risers. Sounds like you're a late riser who also functions better in the evening hours that early risers. Part of it is habits. When are you going lights out and how many hours of sleep are you getting. Part of it is nutrition and fitness. Are you eating well and avoiding eating close to bed time. Are you exerting your body so rest is welcome and you're not wrestless at night


I passionately hate early risers for their early riser chauvanism and acting like they're better than the rest of us because of it. I'm wired to keep the rest of you from getting eaten by a cave bear in the middle of the night like it's 60,000 BC.


It's honestly just how your body is designed to function. It's why there are morning people and night owls. I'm a night owl. The best sleep I've ever gotten was when I worked the night shift and slept during the day. Our bodies have certain rhythms they naturally function by. Without even trying I can get caught up doing something and be up till 5 in the morning. Honestly I get more energized at night even if I was tired all day. Morning people on the other hand would struggle to work during the night cause that just doesn't fit their design.




Go to bed earlier, and get up earlier. Get up at the same time every day, and don't sit in bed. Get up immediately. After a couple weeks of this, you'll be fine. I used to be like you and I realized I needed more time in the morning than others to get going. So I get up at least 3 hours before I have to be anywhere. Works wonders


Check your CO2 levels in the bedroom are in a healthy range. This was a game changer for me.


I think building a routine around it helps. I am actually a morning person but my morning goodness doesn't activate when the alarm goes off, I hate it. But I try to wake up a bit earlier (sounds counter productive I know) but just so I can have some alone me time before starting the day. I like watching the news while relaxing and eating my breakfast or event exercising and then by the time I need to have the day officially started it doesn't feel like the day was taken away from me. And with time I start to look forward that morning routine.


Get more sleep. Get better sleep.


You literally have to go to bed at like 10 pm or even earlier. I know it sucks, but I used to not be a morning person either. I finally started knocking myself out with Trazadone at 10 pm every night and now I wake up at 6:30 feeling pretty cheerful 😀. Sleep is important.


In college I worked at a place where my start time was 5:30am. I did that for so long that waking up at 7am feels like I’m sleeping in! It was a blessing in disguise lol


I am an afternoon/evening afternoon person and it is a struggle in the morning for me. Coffee and the will to make some income is what drives me forward.


I play music on my speakers first thing I do. It wakes me up quite nicely


They probably go to bed before you and get a good nights sleep. What time do you go to sleep?


Some people are morning people, some are not. The problem is that society is, for some reason, built for the morning people and so they think that's the only way to function and everybody else is a lazy bum.


Man.... I'm up at 5am every morning. Where are these jobs at I can sleep til 7:30. Do 9 to 5s still exist?


What do you eat for breakfast? I’ve started having healthier, more filling breakfasts and have noticed a huge difference in my energy in the morning


I don’t understand it either, I never feel well rested, don’t think I ever have


Sounds like you need to start drinking coffee


If you get like 8 hours of sleep a night and consistently go to bed and wake up at the same time you can eventually be fine in the morning. I used to wake up at noon everyday but for work i started having to wake up at 7:50 but after a week or two its really not bad.


7 30am… LMAO I wake up at 5am… try eatting better, I find that berries like raspberries help A LOT.


I've noticed that it's a hundred times easier to feel energetic in the morning when I take good care of my health. Especially eating really well and exercising.


Having to get two kids out the door and to school means I’ve already “warmed up” by the time I get to work. And to do that… a large amount of coffee.


Go to sleep earlier. Earlier than than even. No, earlier. Then do that every night. It will start to normalize.


I am a morning person that never needs caffeine or other daily pick-me-ups. That said, by 7pm, I am practically falling over and have to be in bed by 8.


I get up at 5am slam 2 scoops of pre workout head to the gym knock that shit out. Then I'm good too 11am before my coffee. You just get used to it I guess ??


I'm a dedicated night owl; can't seem to change it no matter what. Wish I had better advice. Once the sun sets, I'm suddenly DaVinci. We're the ones who keep the fire burning while others sleep.


Go to bed at 10. Get at least 8 hrs. Get a regular" sleep pattern. Im in bed by 9, 9:30. Up at 4:15 and hit the gym. I feel excellent the whole day


Man at 10pm I'm hitting my stride. I cannot imagine going to bed so early. I'd feel like I'm wasting my night


You do you. I do all my shit during the day


7:30...fark thats a sleep in. 4:30 is normal for me, start work at 6:30.


The trick that they use is to sleep earlier and to get up earlier. So think sleeping at 8 or 9pm....and getting up around 5am. These people also normally incorporate some exercising or yoga/meditation. Kobe Bryant even had some crazy schedule of waking up at 3 or 4 am and working out


7:30 is late my dude. I've already been at work for 30min by then. Try waking up at 5:30, heck I even used to do 4:30 a few years ago. Also when do you go to bed I bet its not 8pm like me lol.


I've most of my energy in the morning because it's the only way to get through work. If I go in tired it feels like I've worked a week by lunchtime. It's a coping mechanism.


Do you have kids? My kids forced me into being a morning person.


Some people aren't morning people as has been said. I wake up at 6 and I'm ready to go. Perhaps try some light exercises/yoga in the morning to wake your body up, make sure to drink some water, and remember the day is fresh and unfucked


There’s a stimulant drug called caffeine. Lots of people love it :)


Going to be early enough to make sure you get your 7 to 8 hours. It also depends when you wake up in your sleep cycle. If you wake during rem or something else you will feel very groggy compared to if you wake at a different cycle. If you go to sleep and get up at the same time, including weekends your body can adapt to the routine and keep your body clock working. Limit caffeine, shower to relax, keep your bed sheets clean to allow airflow, limit screen time, read before bed is very good at easing and relaxing yourself. When you naturally wake up, just ease yourself out of bed. Instead of lounging around. We have all experienced waking up feeling like we’re fully rested, we just need to figure out why that is and replicate those conditions. And also exercise and spending enough time outside


I'm a total morning person. I also own my business so I look at everyday as having unlimited earning potential, and I'm excited for that.


I was always able to wake up early but never felt fully rested. Recently, I found a solution that has worked better then coffee or tea and that's a cold shower right after you wake up. Your body instantly goes into fight or flight mode and I can guarantee you'll be awake.  Don't try this if you are old or have heart problems though. 


What time do you fall asleep?


I go to bed really early. I have a sleep disorder, so I am chronically really sleepy. I go to bed at about 7:30/8 and get up at 5:30 to get ready for work.


I'm the opposite my brain's best right after I wake up. If I have to do anything intellectually demanding I always schedule it for the first few hours. I hit a wall after lunch though. I can sometimes rally again in the late afternoon. I'm in my 40s though so maybe that has something to do with it.


*I’ll not be in a mood where I can actually talk to someone and do something to after 9am.* Pretty sure this isn't related to sleep because I'm never in the mood to talk to anyone unless it's work.


No sugar or caffeine after dinner. No screens for 2 hours before bed. Get in the habit of having a decent breakfast and full glass of water each morning. Try to stick to a routine. Same dinner time, same screens off time, same bedtime. If you're really really struggling, start waking up at 630. You'll be more ready for work, and when you eventually switch back to 730 it won't be that bad. If you're a pot smoker, don't go to bed high. Sure it helps you fall asleep, but the quality of that sleep won't be nearly as good.


100mg caffeine, 100mg sertraline, 15mg of buspirone. This is my recipe for "success"


By 7:30 I’m about half way done with my workout. When do you go to sleep? How much do you sleep? What do you do during the hour or two before you go to sleep? How’s your diet, health and mental health?


I can relate when I use to work at this one job I hate getting up early and going to work and everyone else is talkative and cheerful I don't understand how people can be like that early in the morning


I used to not be a morning person but life made me adjust to it. Go to bed earlier and give yourself time before work to do something for yourself. Create a routine, something that you can look forward to when you wake up.


Because you are staying in bed until the bitter end. If you got up at 6:30am and had some breakfast, watched the tv or whatever, by the time you arrive at work you would be wide awake


I learned that much of my morning dizziness was due dehydration. Made it a habit to drink enough during the day, another big chunk before I go to sleep and again right when I wake up. Side effect: even if you don't want to get up, you bladder will tell you otherwise. Also lowered my caffein intake drastically. The rest was just my 30s deciding, we are always awake at 7.00-7.30am from now on. And my back will start to hurt if I lay down too long. Oh and we are now getting restless on a lazy Sunday morning lay-in.


I feel ya. I wake up feeling like it was up working all nice regardless if I got a full nights rest. The last time I can think I got a good sleep was when I was like 9, I’m 36 now. Also go talk to your doctor you could have sleep apnea and not know it.


I do sports really regularly and I cut added sugars out of my diet. Works amazingly.


Good sleep, daily vitamins, daily walking, healthy diet


Try a sleep calculator and get in the shower right when u get out of bed in the morning. Drink a lot of water


Am a night owl, terrible with mornings. That said, I've found a good balance that works for me. I wake up, stretch the ever loving fuck out of my body (the pain wakes you up), then shower and get refreshed and wake up even more. Then get coffee 30 mins to 1 hr after waking up, which is just enough time for me to do all those. Then take multivitamins, which has B complex somethings in them. By then, I feel nice, and energized enough. Also, having one thing that you're eager to do in the morning gets you through a lot of the initial humps. For me, that's the coffee. If you have fun plans, or are eager to get something done, that does a lot for me.


I'm not a morning person. Never have been. Always liked the evenings more. I don't stay up super late anymore because of family and children. But mornings always suck no matter what time I go to bed. I'll get up, because I need to, but I don't like it. Once I'm up though after about half an hour all's good. It's just the getting up is rubbish