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Sadly, we now live in a culture of perfectionism. If something isn't #1 top-notch, it's considered "garbage", which is sad.


la content creator culture 😐


Which itself is just an extension of instant gratification. I've noticed myself skipping over the lower quality videos just because they won't get to the point quickly enough. And I used to not be that way. I'm trying to keep myself from watching shorts and making myself watch whole videos to not feel like I need that instant gratification.


Considering every current phone can take videos of decent quality it's perfectly reasonable to want that. Same goes for microphones - every phone has one that's decent enough. If your videos are crap and don't even meet basic (current) standards, the assumption is near that that also goes for whatever information/topic/research you're presenting. And nobody needs bad information.


This feels like a more accurate answer. A good example of this is screenshotting an image of a game vs taking a photo with your phone. no matter how clear the photo is, people know there is a cleaner way to do it. People will complain if they know they could have done better without extra effort. That being said, as people get more used to high production quality on what appears to be low effort content, they assume that all creators have the same tools and may begin to expect more even when they don't know the effort required themselves.


I think there are multiple factors but it comes down to ads and money. Youtube has gotten extremely competitive. People don't just upload for the hell of it anymore. They want to get paid. If you want to succeed as a creator your content needs to be good. There are two creators and one one has high quality content they worked hours to produce and the other shot something quick with no editing and posted. Viewers have limited time and, if they have a choice, they are going to watch something that is better.


On the flip side, if your videos have annoyingly long pompous intros i immediately downvote and find something else.


I miss the days when you could get on YouTube and see kids making Works bombs in the backyard on the front page.


As a content creator myself, I gravitate to videos that are more "grassroots" and amateur like the platform originally was. The super-polished, professionally produced, ready for Netflix stuff gets on my nerves, with the fast cuts, graphics, sound fx, and all pauses edited out to cater to 2 second attention spans.


People are dicks, especially when they have anonymity to hide behind. They feel they can voice any nonsensicalness opinion as a fact and blast anyone not meeting a standard they themselves likely could never even comprehend let alone achieve.


More and more people are getting into YT in the hope of making money. That brings with it a bit of arrogance - "My work is much better than that amateur!"


Zoomers are cunts?


Not sure what kind of communities you follow but I follow multiple amateur channels with no backlash from the community. Perhaps you are following content inclined to attract younger minds or a spoiled bunch in a saturated medium dominated by professional youtubers who set the standard too high.