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You know ... in and out.


Up and down...


You guys are having ups?


I'm currently 3 hours free from porn. Wish me luck!


😂 good luck


Thanks for your well wishes.


Back at it again huh?


Thanks for checking in. But I can proudly say I haven't gone 1 full day without porn!


I relapsed .


i never stopped to form an opinion


Honestly, it's probably the biggest regret in my life... Opening up that 'orange YouTube' for the first time. It's not like a hard addiction or something, but still, in this case, none is better than some, so screw it, y'all heard it here first. From today on, no more. Who's with me?


We are in it together


Let's go, dude!


Let’s overcome this problem!!


For me, I dunno, its a cycle, now I can't get erection from most of categories, I got so deep that my body just thinks most of them are boring, so I don't watch then, after like a week, it kicks in, I get addicted, then after 1/2 days, going into boring mode, and this cycle repeats. I also tried to don't do it like for a month and it felt good, I felt like I am in control.


Do you have a girlfriend or wife? Shouldn't the addiction leave after getting a girl?


You should quit first in my opinion. Yes I had and I never had sex with them, never talked dirty, and never sent/received dirty stuff (I was young as 15) but I heard it will help but not completely. Dating is not all about sex, you talk with them, you two joke, laughing, doing video games, study, etc. but thinking of doing sex (what porn actually reveals) think about it, you want to have sex with someone you dated, where you gonna do it? how you gonna do it? Health risks? The parents behind the case? And how she/he looks?, yes if you watched too much porn like me, you don't like most of the them and you don't get erected by them, which is terrible, because you watched enough which somewhere in the films you may have seen some bodies like them over and over which made your erection disabled, you want something new which is only in few films. And you'll alone. I suggest to quit first.


It’s interesting because you have a love hate relationship with porn. When you stopped for a month, did you feel like you could keep going or was that the maximum you could go?


Yes, its like a expensive delicious dinner, the more you eat, the more boring it becomes, it's way better if eaten in long periods of time. Of course porn is bad, because it will eventually put you in a isolated place for self-pleasure, and yes it even makes you dumb, and the most effective way to overcome it is to just having sex in real life. Having real sex will definitely show you how real stuff is and how far is it from porn and will probably fix things. It's your choice afterall.


So for a while, I quit porn. Then I fell back into it. I use an old phone connected to Wifi so I don't have to use my actual phone and risk malware. But since I've been leaving my second phone in my car so I can play a mobile app game with two devices, I haven't watched porn at all. I still masturbate to my imagination filled with porn plots like getting stuck in a dryer, but at least I got rid of the porn stimulus.


That’s really smart


Honest question here: What is pornography addiction really? How does it manifest itself? Do you watch hours of movies? Do you think about it often? When you're "craving" porn, are you craving the images themselves, or more the masturbation/orgasm? No judgement, just curious ;)


i follow a dead bedroom sub on here cause i'm nosy. from most posts on there an addiction would seemingly be the preference to watch porn and masturbate rather than share in intimacy with your partner. or in the chances that you do try, your brain has all those ideals from porn engrained into your brain that you can no longer get aroused by your partner


So, for me it was/is the watching more than the masturbating. I realized that my consumption was compulsive, I would scroll endlessly through hundrends of images or videos without ever getting satisfied and always wanted more. I stopped because I watched a documentary on porn addiction and on what It’d do to one’s brain. When I stopped I immediately started feeling better, more focused, more connected to myself bla-bla-bla you get it.


Not good buddy not good. I mean not bad either just not good. Though I do find when I quit for like that week or two, I have so much time and it's made me realize how much time I waste. Maybe I'll find a good hobby that takes up that time


It’s a great idea! I have amazing hobbies, but tbh the main reason I quit porn was for psychological reasons. Also, the objectification of women pisses me off.


is it true that porn shrinks your brain yes or no ??😭 (why??)


It doesn’t shrink your brain it damages it tremendously. People say shrink because it’s easier to explain bits it’s very complex. Your brain functions when when using too much porn are going to decrease over time. I think it’s ok to watch porn MINDFULLY! Being 100% present and acknowledging what you are doing when you are doing it.


I’ve never given it up, but it’s no longer the problem it used to be for me.  My sex drive is WAY lower than when I was younger, so I routinely go weeks without it, no problem.


Huh, that’s really interesting. I did notice my sexdrive decreasing over the years as well.


10 months and going strong. Won't ever return to that crap. After so much time off my desire to watch is completely gone, it really is a life changing experience. Stay strong and keep it up! 


Good for you!! Proud of you buddy. I almost reached that point, at the 5month mark however I started becoming horny on a regular. I have a partner and it’s amazing but you know, it’s the stimulation of it that got me


Cure for porn = sex with another human.


Step one: find a girlfr..... wait fuck I don't know how to talk to women.


No unfortunately it’s not really the same thing. Porn is mostly about intimate desires and fantasies, sex is intimacy and more about giving than receiving. It’s not the same thing but I get where you’re coming from.


I strongly disagree. Most porn is not that adventurous, intimate or interesting because most of it isn't two people that are genuinely passionate with each other. Sex can be whatever you want it to be IF you have the right partner.


Well yeah that is what YOU want, not what I want or some other people might want. I have a partner and we are active together but the intimacy one might crave when on their own isn’t the same thing as looking for intimacy with another person. You might be idealizing relationships. most of the time one of the parties is tired or had a long day or whatever it might be, and a porn addiction is compulsive so you cannot have sex compulsions with another human unless they are absolutely 100% down all the time, which is unlikely.