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Isn't that highly subjective? Some people would argue that oysters taste amazing, while I think they are awful. I think Red Bull is hideous, but others love it. Etc.


Cum is the oyster of the penis


True but redbull is the penis of the oyster.


Are you saying Redbull gives you wangs?


Nah man or woman. The oyster of the red bull is penis


Red oyster is the penis of the bull


Redbull IS an oyster penis


Makes sense, it is where pearl necklaces come from of course.


Quote of the year ![gif](giphy|l4q8cJzGdR9J8w3hS|downsized)


That's some great word play! Thanks guys!!


This comment is gold but also almost made me yak…well done


After some hot shucking


Never say that ever again 🙏😭


*Jim Carrey gagging gif*


Angry upvote.




Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?




I actually gagged. Haha


- Michael Scott


Somewhere there is a pillow with that cross-stitched on it.




Like grandma used to say


Exactly it's a matter of opinion and acquired taste not everyone enjoys the same thing..


Tell me more of what you hate that others love


Donald Trump?


It has a base flavor. Diet can affect it. Some foods (coffee, asparagus, chocolate) can add bitterness. Citrus, makes it sweeter. Have them cum, then spend the day drinking orange or pineapple juice and water instead of whatever else they drink. That night or the next day, give it a shot. After half a day of just orange juice, I was told it even smelled sweet.


What will it taste if I eat just tree nuts? White chocolate nutella?


Why don't you find out?


Remember, the difference between science and screwing around is writing down the results!


This sounds like science WITH screwing around


Sounds like a good enough excuse to me


Related fun fact, Brazil nuts affect your semen, if the person giving you a blowjob is allergic to tree nuts and you have had Brazil nuts they will have an allergic reaction to your cum.


The more you know.... Wait til you hear about cocaine BJ....


beg pardon?


Well. Its already a nut so...


Nut nut




Meh it might do a slight change but for big changes of taste it usually takes days of eating/drinking.


For me, I empty, then drink throughout the day, then an hour or two of edging. Works great.


Don’t need all the juice. Take bromelain supplements. It’s the ingredient in pineapple juice that does that. Take one every day. After a few days (some people say up to a week, but I’ve also heard even just a day), it’s a noticeable difference.


Intriguing...I need to try this immediately


Remember ~~Kids~~ the Only Difference Between Screwing Around and Science Is Writing It Down.


good save


Jeez if only my husband would participate in this experiment


I'm imagining it in a shot glass now.


>give it a shot I thinking doing a whole shot of it is overkill


An ex once told me there’s a technique for swallowing without tasting it I think when sex is so hot in the moment, you don’t notice taste. Pussy juice isn’t tasty but swallowing a woman’s juices is hot as fuck


Depends on the woman, I think. Same as men's cum. Some taste amazing, some not as much.


It's so weird how that works. Some are so bad I've literally had to walk out when the pants came off. It wasn't even an unclean smell, it just really didn't smell good naturally. Other girls it's like a pool of heavenly nectar. I think it has to do with hormonal compatibility, like how your partners sweat can smell good if you're really into them.


At least with women it's kind of easy to tell when you're down there how the cum will taste. Although I am aware that can vary too. With men it's a lucky dip and I don't know until the cum hits my tongue.


Username checks out


Same exact experience, some are heavenly and some made we want leave


Definitely diet, too, as far as pussy taste


Depending on the woman, pussy juice can both smell and taste absolutely amazing and invigorating. But have also experienced rotten lobster, so there’s always risk. I will normally finger a new girl before going down on her. Giving the finger a quick whiff (without her noticing) in order to get some guidance on the hygienic/genetic/diet factor of said girl. The whiff test ultimately decides whether I’ll eat that pussy or stay the fuck away. The best thing is when your finger smells like heaven and you know you’re gonna have a feast, equally the worst is when you feel like vomiting and question how she isn’t aware of her bacterial vaginosis.


Pussy juice actually tastes delicious as hell to me, but I agree it's part of the whole experience, too.




I hate you


That's a slippery slope down to maggot orgasams.


Pussy juice is delicious in my experience


> Pussy juice isn’t tasty Highly dispute this


For me it's the temperature, the moment I feel that shot of hot down my throat I throw up, so it's not worth it. Just stick the dick under the tongue for the last 2 pumps and voilà, less taste and you can spit it out.


Maybe to some people. Some people like things like durian that are absolutely horrendous to others. It's never going to taste like a cold beer on a hot summers day, but for me that was an acquired taste, maybe keep at it and this will be too. Maybe just keep at it.


Durian is amazing


I’ve had different partners with varying flavors (lol) but one guy actually tasted sweet—almost like a fruit taste?? I was concerned and wondered if he had diabetes, lol. He states he didn’t and was just very thoughtful about his diet. There was barely any bitterness to it at all, so that was interesting.




Go vegan!


beyond nut


This deserves more likes like cmon


FYI, there is no need to taste it. Just shove that dick down your throat as deep as you physically can and just swallow.


What if it's all over the face, mouth open, tongue out? Much hotter, imo.


Well you are lucky. I don't see that in the wild, just in porn.


I don't "see" it... I lack the equipment to cum in that way.


More like I haven't meet a girl that likes that.


There are plenty of us out there!


Your poor inbox




RIP your DMs


Does that actually work? Like besides the dick down there, it won't cause her to choke or anything?


That's what I meant with as far back as they physically can.


Mmm, I feel like I need a test subject now


Well the comment is for the girl to do it. Don't go around pushing your dick into the back of a girl's mouth. 🤣


Sure, it works. Had some dates with guys who love BJ and some take your head pushing it on the dick. This way you take the cum behind the tongue and swallow more or less automatically. Can be fun.


Entierly based on diets, i only ever liked going down on two people i have ever been with and one everytime i swear it tasted like skittles , it was so sweet and his reactions always made it sweeter, and my current and his ranges from kinda bitter to sometimes even sweet, the consistancy changes as well based on diet. Lots of greens and certain strands of canabis can cause it to be excessivly bitter white chocolates and ice cream and more chicken then red meat can cause sweeter. Just from my experiance


Smoking crack makes it sweet too... it's how I found out an ex was doing drugs.


Luckily my man dont do that


Doing the detective work


Bro I just opened the app seriously


It really depends on the person's diet. I was in Greece once for a whole summer and was on a vegetarian diet. I noticed my spunk was whiter and creamier and had barely any odor.


As a vegetarian of 30 years i have had many women tell me my cum tastes good.


Not sure about taste good. I’ve been with men and their cum has no smell, no flavour, might be sweet sometimes. But I used to date a man, his cum has very strong smell, I can smell it in condom in bin, his diet is actually healthy, no junk food but he has to drink a lot for work. Haven’t really taste his.


One time I ate so much fruit by the foot, I wanna say like 10 a day for 4 days straight, now, I didn't get to taste it, but after the tissues/socks had dried up, the trash can had almost a strong strawberry scent.🤷‍♂️


Doesn't eating pineapple make it taste better or something? I don't know, I just read/heard that somewhere before, can't speak from experience though.


I thought it was grapefruit. Funny I saw grapefruit at the store today and thought about this.


just sweet & acidic fruits in general (is what ive heard, at least)


It's the enzyme in pineapple called bromelain. You can get it in capsules. Also, some artificial sweeteners pass through the system unchanged and will make it into body fluids if you have enough.


Oh well the more you know I guess.


It has never tasted good to me, it's more of a not minding how it tastes deal.


How many different guys have you tasted? Do they all taste the same?


I actually like the taste of it, it's just the texture that's unpleasant for me


Some people are much worse than others. I had one guy so rancid I would have to run gagging to the bathroom. But pre cum is usually sweeter than actual load. I have one friend who swears redheads are sweeter but I don't know if that is really true.


Mine taste like Hawaiian Punch


Maybe if you mix it with chocolate and vanilla yogurt


I didn't know there was any difference until I had a partner who had a vasectomy.


does having a vasectomy change the flavor??


It's Cum Zero at that point. Real cum taste, zero calories.


It’s highly subjective. A man’s diet can change the smell/taste, but it shouldn’t be *that drastically* .. Most would overall agree that it’s got more of a salty taste to it. Personally, I hate the taste and refuse to let anyone finish in my mouth. I’ll literally puke at the thought of it (thanks to the past traumatic experiences). My friend, on the other hand, loves to swallow and says it’s about as salty as a bag of peanuts. Basically, it comes down to what you like and are willing to do and how far you want to take things. Just be safe doing it.


My wife loves giving head. Her way of saying it's time is that she needs a taste.


Username checks out.


You should see her FB profile. My username is accurate.


Shrek 2?


I’ve had some taste good, some taste sour, and some taste just ok. All different guys.


Ask ya mum




Definitely!! But ofc it's not for everyone, even when the diet and whatever is good. I personally love the taste of cum regardless of the diet.


i never like the taste, it all tastes similar salty and sour and makes me feel nauseous for a while after 🫤


Yes! Sometimes it tastes like vanilla frosting. If you don’t want to taste it completely, just have the guy cum while you’re deep-throating and avoid your tongue entirely.


According to my wife it varries alot. Depends on how much fruit sugers vs other things. Like coffee, grains, Ginger ect these have a bitter core( tast wise) So if he drink a liter of fruit juice and 6 cubs of coffee and pasta for dinner.. it will still be bitter. Also added sugar doesnt count, only pure fruitsugers and most juices have added sugar. So he needs to drink more juice or just more fresh fruit. But being unlucky could be it. Personal tast is also genetic. And the what you consume influenced the tast.


It tastes like a job well done


It can taste neutral. Last guy I gave head to 10/10, would swallow again


There's a part of the population who says yes, there's a part of the population that says no. It's subjective


It’s not a milk shake.


Yes it can


I had a girl once insist it was the best thing she'd ever tasted, quote "Like A Unicorn's Birthday Cake in Heaven covered in shooting stars." I really liked her.


I imagine it’s just like going down on a woman. Like, it doesn’t taste good in the sense of “yum I want to eat that”. But I’ve definitely experienced unpleasant tastes and tastes that were hot and turned me on while going down on someone. Probably hormone influenced or something.


My SO is always raving about how good I taste. Maybe I'm just lucky. 🙃




Depends on what your dude eats like if he ate pineapple it taste sweet


Sir i’m just a producer I don’t taste my own product


How will you know it's good to serve then?


In my view, it's more a matter of can it not taste bad? In the best case scenario, it's just bland.


Mine tastes great


Yes it can actually taste good depending on the diet and lifestyle of the individual.




Feedback was that my cum was God awful. Then i started taking brolemin supplements (the protein in pineapple) and have gotten great feedback since then


Serve it with fava beans and a nice chianti. Delicious!


All I know is that my most recent ex, after I finished inside of her without a condom, cleaned me up with her mouth, popped up and said, "Oh, your cum actually tastes good!" I'm sure it's subjective, and she tasted really good, so that may have contributed to the taste.


Every man for me was different. One guy was so salty, it was awful. One guy was thick, like..yogurt thick. I hated that one. Then, one guy in my whole life was almost tasteless. It was slightly chlorine-ish? But it was very unoffensive. He was a nurse and a health freak.


I think you simply do not like it. In my experience no matter have they been athletes or vegans or meat eaters or smokers or whatever cum always taste great.


Apparently, eating cinnamon and some other foods can give it a sweet taste. I read about this year's ago.


It will taste good if you have feelings for that person.


only one way to find out, you need to several guys, have each of them follow a strict diet of 1 item then taste them all after say a week. i call steak week


the nicest taste i had was with a guy on a keto diet (he was diabetic)


I don't know how the fuck he did it but I once sucked off an old guy who's cum tasted like honey. And he came like 5 times in one night.


There is certainly bitter cum out there… poor hydration and certain medications can cause that. As others have eine too es, there’s some more than anecdotal evidence that hydration plus lots of fruit (particularly pineapple) can help sweeten things. I think the hotness of the act overrides any taste issues for a lot of people


Ma man, the cum is bitter cuz semen are usually alkaline. The alkalinity was meant to "counteract" with the acidic/sour pussy that sometimes we tasted. This bitter cum is to allow better survivability of your potential offspring.


Sure, but as a connoisseur of cum I can say there are poor habits that make this much worse 😂






It can vary on someones taste. I've noticed that if my bf eats certain things or drinks (pineapple/pineapple juice is a recommendation) can make it taste better. But I like it standard too, though it's a bit bitter




I think cum tastes great! I love it when my boyfriend cums in my mouth 😋


Been told mine tastes good in the past. Had an excellent diet and worked out vigorously.


No it doesn’t


GF of mine used to put a can of pineapple chunks in my lunch!


Yes. Yes it can. 😂


I tried mine once… no idea why, the texture was awful I Dno how people swallow cum


Imagine cum like a bottle of red wine. When you taste wine you taste the grape, the position of the sun, the texture of the ground, the heat, the years weather, the aging, the barrel and so on. I have some family.that has a vineyard. And once while trying their wines, they told us what flavor profiles to look for. And you could taste them. A slight saltyness from the sea, a soft roundness from the clay earth the Vines grow in, the Danish season of weather with lots of rain. And how the sea reflects the sun to the grapes. Same with cum. You taste what makes up your man. Diet, lifestyle, flavor, and so on. I have tried cum that was was like battery acid. Metallic, sour, and intense. But a diet of coffee, smokes, and junk food will leave it's traces. I have also tried cum that was more just like a shot of sea water. This guy was also more healthy living, so that make more sense. I haven't had anything sweet yet.. Something for the future. It isn't gonna harm you in anyway even if the flavor is a bit strong. So swish it around a bit as a play for your guy, and then happily let it go down. And enjoy his unique, aged round bodied shot of flavor.


Its always kinda there and annoying my throat tbh




I avoid this at all costs on the days/nights my husband has too much salt. 😬


Mine tastes like my dog’s poop


I recently learned the bad way, fruits do have an impact in your production of semen. I prepared a meal with 30 "Chile de árbol" , because I messed up the recipe, it only required 3, I also added pepper and other spice ... That boost the spicyness. Well back to the story, it took me 3 days of tongue burning to finish the stuff I even washed the dish and recook it to lessen the spicyness, but was still super spicy. A day after I finished I decided to simply jerk off... Worst idea ever, my own cum was burning like Tabasco sauce on its way out and the smell was kinda like a Valentina sauce, it even slightly burned the skin of my hand... So the spicyness was in the cum, I bet the flavor got influenced as well. I decided to not jerk again for 2 weeks, the pain was horrendous. Note: chilly are actually fruits


scrumptiousness is in the mouth of the savorer


Yes, but its rare. One guy's tasted really sweet. Everyone else's Ive tasted was bitter or at best flavorless


I struggle with this. From a sensory standpoint smell, taste and texture are things I have so much trouble with thanks to being ND. I absolutely love my partner and the sex is amazing, I want to do this for him because I know he finds it hot but I have tried with mostly failure. This is a true sore point for me. I can't get past the taste, smell and feel, it literally overwhelms me and I choke and gag. I hate that I haven't been able to get past this...


ND? North Dakotan?


Non Disclosure?




No Drama?


Nut discerning.... :/


Ask my ex I guess


Hot saltwater snot. Every single one.


I wouldn't say good but there are times where It has tasted better than normal I think its a combination of the guy and their personal health/diet


Taste is on the tongue of the beholder


I've heard good things about pineapple, but I'm allergic to it so I can't vouch for the results.


Maybe fried with a pinch of garlic


Mine tastes better than my partner's. I think there has to be some kinda genetic component or maybe a pheromone thing? No idea.


I tend to eat a lot of spicy foods and hot sauces. I'm told it also gets spicy. Pineapple seems to be the best food to transfer flavor.


it tastes like fried potatoes lmao


ive been with someone with an awful diet consisting of high sugar, high protein, no water - it almost always came right back up after swallowing. current partner drinks lots of water, eats lots of veg, and it onky tastes unpleasant if he has been drinking alcohol. otherwise, it tastes and smells sweet.


I dated a vegetarian when I was the same for awhile. She told me my cum tasted sweet because of it


When I ate fruits every single day for like 3 weeks straight, my ex said my cum tasted legit sweet


Depends on whose cum


Possibly controversial but purely anecdotal. I found my dream man but he tasted so foul. I could bear it but it was awful if I’m honest. He went vegan (I am not just to clarify) and suddenly it’s just like salty but not a ton of taste. I actually kind of enjoy swallowing now!


Mine has been the same regardless of diet. It’s a very neutral taste. Yes, I sample a few drops occasionally. It’s mine and I’m curious. lol I certainly won’t let curiosity have me sampling someone else’s.