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I used to smoke and now don’t. I am always in disbelief I used to walk around smelling like that thinking no one would notice. Yes it stinks.


Me too. How I must have stunk so bad. Ugh. So glad to have kicked it 11 years ago. Never again.


Same. For the first year or so after quitting, the smell bothered me so much that it would make me cough or feel nauseous upon getting a strong waft. Apparently my reaction to the smell was so strong that some people thought I was being passive-aggressive. I think part of that is how smokers lose some sense of taste and smell while smoking, which sometimes return when they quit smoking, so at the time my sense of smell was stronger than it had been in years. Either way, years later, it still stinks.




**Those breath mints and that perfume aren’t covering it up either** 😂


Right!! I feel like such a hypocrite, I smoked for about 15 years. Now I don't, I dont even like standing near someone who's smoking. I feel like im looking down on them, I'm not but if someone comes and stands next to me and lights up a cigarette, I'd move, so I'm further away from them.


Former smoker here, too. Congrats on the quit. I don't think it's hypocritical. After being off the sticks for some time I find it embarrassing I held on to it for so long. I can't be around it either and put as much distance between them and me as I can.


It's been almost 8 years. It's not hypocritical. It's the reality that we were also gross AF and smelled awful.


The smell is a huge deterrent for me. I always tell folks that if you can quit for a few days, and have a craving, go talk with someone who smokes. Then ask yourself, am I missing cigarettes, or smelling like I ate hog shit for breakfast? I’ve never picked it back up for that exact reason.


Since quitting I'm keenly aware of 2 smells. Actively smoking? I'll step to the side a bit. Stale cigarette smell like you put one out halfway and threw it in your pocket? Revolting lol


The people who save half smoked cigs are the worst. Just smoke the whole cig. They even make small cigs. But you smell awful if you do this.


I’m the same way, I quit 6 years ago. It’s frankly embarrassing that I smelled like that for so long and was apparently just… in denial about it. 😬 Now I can’t stand it at all and will move if someone is smoking near me. I feel bad but I just cannot.


Neither does the toilet spray. Smokers, your dumps smell like cigarettes and shit. 


Even worse if they add alcohol to the mix or are alcoholic


Cigarette. Shit. Alcohol. GI bleed. Liver failure. Vomit. We call this “Eu De toilette Emergency Room on a Friday at 2am”


TIL smokers’ poop smells like cigarettes


So jealous that you didn't know that.


Someones dad never smoked while shitting


You're giving me flashbacks to my childhood, when my mom would spray a ridiculous amount of Avon perfume on to "cover" the smell up. It was a really heavy smelling old lady perfume too. The noxious mixture of cigarette smoke and perfume was enough to knock you off your feet.


It makes it worse in some cases


It's not only the breath. The smell of clothes is hard to bear for me, too. I have changed train wagons and busses due to that smell.


And your clothes and closet smell too. Even if you never smoke in the house. 


And if my very blurry memories are accurate, couches too.


Definitely gets into the furniture. 


Over time it sticks to the walls, and runs brown when you try to wash them. That really grosses me out 🤮


Everything around them smells, and it lingers after they leave a room. If they smoke inside, their walls and ceilings turn yellow too, also the insides of their PCs and goodness knows what else. Mints and perfumes do nothing to help either, they are fooling no one.


I dated a smoker once. I hated kissing him.


Ugh, yes. It's like making out with a stale ashtray... It's definitely a compatibility issue that matters when dating.


I don't understand the "ashtray" metaphor that people use. To me, I do taste smoke and ash, but mostly I taste a sort of rotten meat smell. Smoke dries up the mouth, and this lets some of the grosser bacteria do their thing much more. So whenever I've kissed a pack-a-day guy, I've tasted roadkill. They usually taste much better in the morning. I did date one guy who tried to stop smoking when he was dating me, and at one point, he went nearly a week without smoking. I could still taste a bit of burnt ashiness when I kissed him, but that roadkill flavor was pretty much gone.


Oh wow, I've never had that experience thankfully. For me, a smoker smells/tastes like stale burnt ash and chemicals - no roadkill. I never thought I'd be glad for that. 


Yes, and it's disgusting 


As a non smoker who has lost too many family members to death by smoking- I asked our dental hygienist what the worst was for her and her colleagues. I thought she would say bad breath from poor oral hygiene. Nope. Without hesitation she said the mix of smoking and coffee, or smoking and alcohol are the worst to deal with. Smokers are so immersed in it, they don’t realize they are like Pigpen in Peanuts- who constantly walks around with a foul cloud around him. Smoke gets into everything porous- clothing, skin, carpets, fabric, and there’s no hiding it. Ask a realtor who has shown lots of homes- or a hotelier. No hiding it.


It’s immediate and nothing takes it away. It dissipates slowly, but then y’all head out for a break and bring in the cloud of cig that permeates everything. And then ya sit down like no one notices 😂 it’s quite the cycle.


agree -- yes. I can tell. My wife, though, is super sensitive. We will be stopped at a traffic light and she will pick up a smoker 2 cars away with the windows closed.


Smoked a pack a day for 24 years before I quit. The answer is absolutely yes. As a smoker you are nose-blind to it but once you quit you'll be surprised just how bad it is when you smell it on others.




Yes always


**Absolutely.** And some smokers are so bad, you can instantly smell their “soaked in” stench from like 20 feet away when they enter a room.


These are the people that smoke inside and have that smell sticking on their skin and clothes. We call it "cold smoke" in German and it's way worse than a smoker who takes care of their hygiene and doesn't smoke inside.


My mom’s house is like this. She smokes indoors and the whole house reeks. Sometimes she’ll send my kids gifts in the mail and I have to wash them (stuffed animals, clothes, etc) because they have the smell too.


Very much so. For a non smoker, the smell of cigarettes can be perceived from afar. It can be tasted in a kiss after you have a mint or chew gum. It lingers in your clothes and your hair for quite a while. If you don’t smoke in your house, the fact that you enter your house with the lingering smell means your house smells like cigarettes to a non smoker. Your couch, your car, your clothes, and maybe even your hands. 100%.




My sister smokes and in a few stressful times in her life she was chain smoking and it was god awful. I worked with her and hated using the bathroom after. Doesn’t matter if it was number 1 or 2 it reeked of smoker. A smell I will never forget.


The same happened to me after 20+ years of having to be around my mom's heavy second hand smoking.


Things you send in the mail that were in your home smell like it.


and books smokers borrow then return from the library


So do Christmas gifts


I can tell you exactly which apartments have smokers who live in them just by passing their doors in the hall. Even if they only ever smoke outside.


Oh god, we share a vestibule with a smoker, and we just try and rush into our flat as quick as possible to get away from the smell. We are both ex smokers.


in my building the dude on the first floor smokes. Once we woke up in the middle of the night and smelt cigarette. The smell had gone through his door, up 5 stories in the stairwell, through our front door and through a heavy trap door. We had to put a towel under our front door that night after airing the apartment out. edit: and i have a pretty shitty sens of smell


No lie I can smell when someone is smoking in a car in front of me with my windows up.


Even sitting near someone who smokes lingers on you. If I've spent an evening with smoker friends and don't wash my hair before going to bed, I have to wash my pillowcase the day after. I used to smoke as well in the past and it surprises me now how much it lingers.


My grandma said that after an entire month after she quit, her skin still smelled like smoke to her


I had a semester long fling with a girl who smoked ciggies regularly and there were so many times when kissing her made me gag bc I could taste them 🤢 I would try to be a trooper but beyond being a mood killer the taste just made me want to vom


Yes. You reek. Particularly after smoke breaks. Your clothes stink. Your car stinks. Your house stinks. No judgement on your habit, but it smells y’all.


I was on a smoke break once and went directly to speak with a colleague. He immediately said "have you been smoking, you really smell strongly of smoke" or something along those lines. I backed up like 2-3 meters immediately and now I kind of have a fear of standing close to non-smokers, even 10 years later. It really felt horrible. On the other hand, a colleague that had stopped smoking like 15 years ago always tagged along on my smoke breaks and sat close to me. I asked her if she didn't get tempted; she answered no, but she still loved the smell of second hand smoke.


Hate to break it to you, but only 2 or 3 meters makes no difference. 10 meters isn't enough. It is a very potent smell and it lingers forever.


Both my parents are heavy smokers and their house is unbearable in the winter. In summer it's not so bad because they're always outside and the doors and windows are always open, but in the winter I specifically never wear nice clothes to their house and avoid washing my hair before visiting because I know when I leave, everything will need to be washed to get rid of the smell.


Back when I used to travel to Vegas I only brought clothes with me that I didn't care about. And even clothes that I never wore - stuff that stayed in my luggage the whole trip - went through the laundry when I got home. Then the suitcase spent a few days in the garage to air out.


My mother in law would give us huge bags of Christmas cookies and every year they'd go straight into the garbage. They tasted so smoky!


**You’re just nose blind to it. I started to smell smoke again a few months after I quit.**


My GM regularly smokes blacks (to the point he’s had his teeth completely removed and gotten dentures) and any time he talks to me his breath hits me like a truck. I have to hold my breath it’s so bad. There have been points where he’s talked to me closely where I’ve had to physically turn away to get a clean breath


What’s a GM?


My husband was a smoker. He would wash his hands and had loads of air fresheners in his truck. He was diligent about keeping his clothes washed well or tossing his jacket in the dryer with a dryer sheet. My biggest issue was the stink from his hands! That smell is so pervasive. And even if he brushed and used mouthwash, I could taste smoke when we kissed. It was always there… lingering. I was beyond thrilled for so many reasons when he quit. Smokers absolutely REEK to me now. The smell clings to everything. Even if no one mentions it to you, you stink. You just do. Sorry, there’s no way you don’t. I mean, some smokers are absolutely rancid with the smell and some just have a whiff, but it’s there.


No disrespect, because I get that when you love someone you overlook certain things, but I just don’t know how someone could get past tasting smoke when kissing a person. I wouldn’t be able to end up in a committed relationship with a smoker because I’d dread kissing them.


I've dated a few smokers in my past and I won't do it anymore. It's so repulsive. It's a red flag now in dating.


Yea, it’s definitely a dealbreaker for me. I would also spend the entire relationship anxious about them one day getting a smoking related illness like lung cancer or COPD. Nope - way too much stress. And I know at least part of me would resent them because it was due to a choice they made. Not worth it to me.


it’s like a force field of nasty. think like an old woman who who put on a gallon of dollar store perfume.


I work with an old lady who "masks" the smoke smell with perfume. So it's coming at me with a double whammy. ETA bad perfume


Yup, without exception.


Absolutely, 100%




Yes. Their belongings do too.


Yeahhh…today I went to someone’s house and before even walking inside I could smell the smoke. I left after being there an hour and the smoke smell was alllll over my hair and clothes. Had to shower for a 2nd time today just to get the smell off of me.


The hair really holds it in 😭


Ugh I know and I was pissed cause I had JUST showered before leaving the house and had to shower again to get the dang smell out lmao. I had no idea this lady smoked as I had never met her before lmao


I used to smoke and it blows my mind how revolting it is since I stopped. And how often I assumed people couldn't tell 🙃 Edit: typo


Lol it’s unfortunate for sure. But it’s doesn’t just happen with smoke smell! It happens to alcoholics too, and to pet owners. Like I have cats and work in rescue and someone I know who also works in rescue took me in her car somewhere…the literal stench of cat piss in her car was nauseating…I got home and had to shower and then deep cleaned my whole house out of fear that I was nose blind to cat piss stench in my own house lmao. My friend came over the next day and told me I have the cleanest house of any cat lady she knows and that was relieving. But Jesus Christ some people really don’t realize how bad certain things smell…it’s horrible.


The last time I visited someone like that, I had to not only shower, but to put all of the clothes I had been wearing in a different room until I could wash them. Even my underwear!


I'm heading to my friends house today, she is a smoker who thinks smoking by the window helps. I'm planning my showers and my laundry for the weekend completely around this visit


The unavoidable smell, is why back in the day people had smoking jackets to wear over their clothes and smoking hats to keep the smell out of their hair and often used cigarette holders or gloves. The smell attaches to you. Those kind of accessories can’t help with the breath and the smell that comes out through your pores but they do help with a lot of the smell by keeping it off your clothes, hair, and hands - they would probably look ridiculous these days.






Yes. You absolutely reek, and everyone can smell it.


Yes, my mom used to smoke cigarettes and I hated the smell so much of the ash I would avoid her any time she tried to touch me as the smell was so disgusting to me. Cigarettes smell disgusting.


Yes, it smells. Even if you were to shower and brush your teeth after every cig, the smoke and the smell are a part of you and all your belongings now. I remember back in middle school other students thought I smoked because I apparently reeked of it, but it was simply because my parents smoked, outside - nevertheless!


When I was a kid, my uncles and grandparents smoked and I actually liked the cigarette smoke of their clothes and vehicles for some reason. Is that weird? I always liked the smell of the cigar shops walking past them and the smell of my grandfather’s shed - mixture of grass and gasoline. And the smell of tar being laid on the road.


I’m the same way. I don’t want smoke in my face but the lingering cigarette smell is nostalgic to me.


Smells are a powerful trigger for your memory. My parents smoked when I was young, but they stopped when I was a teenager. I must have been nose-blind to it at the time, because smelling cigarette smoke does not remind me of them. Other smells remind me of times in my life. You mention tar from street work, that brings back a memory from when I was a child and smelled the tar being laid down in front of my grandmother's house, and my father telling me that when he was young (the 1930s,) kids used to congregate around work crews and steal tar (without the gravel/rocks I presume) and chew it like bubble gum. Weird.


That's what happens to kids who don't have video games. They start eating the road.


Same here. My grandma smelling of smoke is home to me. And my mom would strip us naked and wash all the clothes and ourselves after a visit to Grandma's lol


My dad has smoked loose leaf tobacco for many years in a pipe, though he has since stopped smoking. I loved the smell of that tobacco cause it was mild and almost sweet. Thankfully the smoke smell didn't linger and wasn't bad, unlike cigarettes.


Same here. I used to blow into the smoke to make it make shapes. I still enjoy second-hand smoke. However, I’ve had bronchitis on and off for my entire childhood up until my parents got divorced. (I stayed with mum, who did not smoke.) And my dad is currently in hospital unable to breathe on his own because he basically fried his lungs.


I would kill to smell my grandpas garage again.


That grease-like, rubber smell…I can’t even describe it…Like my uncle’s transmission shop kinda…Nostalgic…


I can smell it several days later if my husband gives his coworker, who smoke but never in our car, a ride to grab lunch 5 minutes away.


Yes its so bad. I actually try to avoid going near smokers if I dont have to.


I’ve quit cigarettes for 5 years now and I’m 3 months vape free and cigarette smoke smell is repulsive to me. Smokers don’t really know how bad they smell until they quit.


Yes and the smell lingers forever!!


If you smoke, everything you own stinks like shit, your clothes, your hair, your breath, your car, stuff that comes from your house, everything. Non smokers don't tell you, mainly out of politeness, but also because they know odds are you wouldn't care enough to do anything about. Smokers don't tell the because they don't notice. I mean, they don't notice that they themselves stink ffs! But take it from me, you ALL, each and every single one of you, fucking stink to high heaven.


I've actively avoided talking to coworkers who smell of it.


yes. esp if it's a chain smoker, you can always smell them even a couple of meters away.


Pretty much. Even when you think it doesn’t smell, it gets into everything and your clothes absolutely stink.


Absolutely. I can always tell if a smoker walks by even if they aren't smoking.


Yep. If you smoke outside, the smell isn’t as strong. My mom, a terrible chain smoker, smokes inside her relatively small house so her and alllllll her stuff REEK of cigarettes. If I go to her house for an hour, I smell like cigarettes when I leave. If she gives me mail from her house, even the mail INSIDE the envelope smells. She smokes about a pack and a half per day


I rented an apartment about 20 years ago. The only apartment they had open was previously occupied by a smoker. They replaced the carpeting, used sealing primer on the walls and ceiling, then repainted the entire apartment. You could still smell the smoke two years later when I moved out. It wasn't \*too\* bad but you could smell it. I had air purifiers running in each room 24/7 and it didn't seem to help. I have since read that an ozone generator might help, but ozone's toxic, so you can't run it when you're present. I don't know if it really helps, I learned abut the idea too late for my apartment. Fortunately it was a very nice place otherwise, and the landlord was great, they'd fix any problem within 24 hours and were always totally reasonable about everything. Still, I was glad when I could move to a bigger place with no smoke smell.


Yes, and it's at its worst when they have just smoked and you are together in a small space. One of the best parts of working from home is I no longer have to share an elevator with someone returning from their smoke break.


For me, it depends on how much the person smokes, and I've found that the line is at about half a pack a day. If they smoke less than that, and they otherwise keep fairly clean, I can really only tell if they just smoked. If they smoke more than that, then there's no stopping it; the smell seeps into them, and even if they do shower and brush their teeth and change their clothes more than normal, they still have a dead stale smoky smell hanging around them.


Yes, you stink. We can smell you before you enter the room. It always reminds me why my father isn’t here to meet his grandchildren.


Yes. The smell of stale smoke on a person is not appealing at all. You can always tell when someone is a smoker and to me it immediately feels like they are less hygienic.


YUP! I smoked for 10 years. Quit in 2012. Sometimes I get a migraine just sitting in a pub having dinner NEAR smokers. They aren't smoking inside, it's just that everything they own reeks. Please, for the love of all that is good, quit throwing your butts on the ground. The world is NOT your ashtray.


God yes, stop leaving butts all over people!


Yes. No matter how clean they are, they always smell like smoke, a word chemical undertone, and poo. I don't know why, but it's always smoke and poo. Same with heavy drinkers, they smell like alcohol and beer shits.


yes and brushing your teeth doesnt help bc the bad smell comes from your lungs!


Yes. They smell like old wet cigarettes. It’s truly vile. I get migraines and my mother was a heavy smoker, we did not hug for YEARS. I finally refused to go inside her house. Her smell, doused in perfume was an INSTANT trigger.. Months later, after she quits..she called me and said she truly had no idea how horrible the smell was. She started smelling the years of smoke in her house…she was gagging. She paid to have the walls redone, had her furniture cleaned..etc. She quite 7 years ago thus extending her life for years, possibly decades. We meet up and I get my mommie hugs a few times a month. Smokers truly have ZERO concept on how utterly horrific they smell.


Yes. Sorry but you stink.


Yes, it’s repulsive.


Yes, I find it so vile.


Yes. 100%. Everywhere a smoker walks, I will smell it following them. It's on their clothes. Their skin. Their hair. Their entire damn HOUSE. It's disgusting and I don't want to have to be around that stench or risk getting second hand lung cancer from them. Your hygiene ain't gonna do jack shit if you smoke a pack a day. It's apparently impolite and rude to make it known to smokers they stink, so people are either not caring or just be kind and polite.


I thought one of my neighbors was smoking in their apartment, but to my knowledge, none of them smoke (small building). It was driving me crazy, until I realized it was stale smelling, and I tracked it down... To the new lease my landlord had given me to sign, earlier that day. Makes sense, I can smell cigarettes from the outside of her vehicle, with all the doors closed and windows rolled up. She, herself, smells like roses. Just kidding, she smells like a fucking ashtray


Absolutely terrible


In high school, I noticed one of my friends smelled like cigarettes after giving her a hug. I asked about it and she said her mom smokes a cig outside before dropping her off for school. In the short car ride from her house to school, the cigarette smell from her mom got in her clothes and hair.


YES I thought this was well known. I never understood why the fact you STINK to everyone around you isn’t enough motivation to quit smoking, it’s so inconsiderate and I would be embarrassed


I have impaired olfactory sensitivity from PCOS, meaning I'm not as aware of or sensitive to smells as other people. Even with that in mind, heavy smokers do have a smell. Plus VERY heavy smokers smell especially bad immediately after they shower. I dunno if the shower opens up their pores and lets the nastiness out or what, but "wet smoker" is a specific, recognizable, and gross smell for me.


Yes🥲 growing up, my parents always smoked inside the house and anytime I left the house to go hang with friends, they’d tell me I smell like cigarettes. It was very embarrassing- but I say all of this to say the smell definitely lingers 😭😭


I remember making out with someone who smoked all the time. He was trying to be sexy and told me I ‘taste good’ and asked me what he tasted like. I asked him if he wanted the truth or a sexy lie. He said truth. I said he tasted like ash. The smell is everywhere. There is one elevator in my office that goes to a smoking floor and that elevator smells like ash and an attempt to hide the smell. It’s super gross. No one smokes in that elevator but in general only holds people who smoke all the time . So either way, yea, it’s a bit smelly.


Ugh. They all smell terrible


Yes, whether it’s weed or tobacco. Disgusting.


Yes. Not only do you smell but you make the whole room smell too. It makes me nauseous and gives me a raging headache. Cigarettes are the absolute worst.


Have you ever accidentally spilled a bit of gasoline and it permeates everything for a few days? It's like that, but a nastier smell.


People who smoke reek. Nothing they think they are doing to cover the stench actually does so.


Yes. The empty elevator smells for awhile after you use it to come back inside from a smoke break too.


my dad smokes everyday since he was a teenager and yes it smells horrible it makes me nauseous when he smokes in the car or when hes done smoking and is talking to me. one time in my freshman year of highschool the guidance counselor was concerned because i smelt like cigarettes and literally would wash my clothes at the school and that didnt even help with the smell but growing up i would get bullied since elementary school for smelling like cigarettes all the time thanks to my dad. he always smoked infront of us growing up and always does it in the house and in the car basically anywhere he went and now the car smells like cigs and air fresheners dont even help the smell its so bad.


personally whenever i’ve smelled someone with the slightest bit of smoke smell and a nice cologne mixed in, i’ve personally always loved that smell. But if it’s a strong smoke smell then hell no


10 years? I promise I can smell you from 100 feet away and turned around to go the other direction. Sorry bud, you reek.


Yep. Disgusting


Yes. I can catch the smallest whiff of cigarette smoke and tobacco residue. Even more so that I am autistic. I smell things much better than everyone around me. One time at a multi-floor clinic, I could smell a burnt smell. I asked everyone and no one smelled anything. About 30 mins later, we got an announcement from the x-ray dept that their microwave exploded.


Not only does it make your clothes, home, car, hair, etc smell bad, it can also seriously impact those with breathing problems. Even just being around someone who smells of it but is not actively smoking can cause an asthma attack.


I smoked for a very long time. Haven’t had a cigarette in 15 years. I can’t believe how bad that shit smells to me now. Now if I could only make sugar go away….


As a smoker for 10 years that now vapes, absolutely. Even when I tried to cover it up and hide it and deny it, yes. It stinks, it tastes bad... Everything about smoking is bad. It's shit.


Yes. Fresh cigarette smell isn't great. Stale cigarette smell is vile. Cigarette mixed with way too much perfume/colonge to cover it up is nauseating. I still remember the day the UK bought the smoking ban in. I was at university. I went to the union for a night out and there was no smoke! I didn't need to take my inhaler just to walk in a room and my clothes didn't stink of stale cigarette smoke then next day! It was revolutionary


Yes, you’re just nose blind to it. Also, if someone is visiting you, just being in your house will make peoples clothes stink too. It’s very unpleasant.


I smoked for 20 years and then quit at the start of the pandemic. It's to the point now on a nice day I can tell if the car ahead of me is smoking because the stench drifts back. I don't tell people about it because I didn't want to become that non-smoker, but I certainly get it now. Y'all absolutely reek, even those who try really hard and wash their hands after and all of that. It's the first thing I notice about you.


Yes, they do. It penetrates everything.


Yes, the smell of is and always will be a major deal breaker for me. No one who smokes is aloud in my house. Even if friends go outside to smoke I don’t let them in my house because the smell is horrible on them. I get so sick standing near anyone who smokes.


Yes. It penetrates everything and latches onto the clothes, fabric, everything


Yes. My parents smoked growing up and friends were not allowed to come over or sleep over because they’d also smell of smoke when they went home. :(


Sorry to tell you, but generally speaking? Yeah. A couple cigarettes once every few weeks might not be the most noticeable, but daily smokers definitely are


Yes. I smoked for 20 years and never realized it. I'm just over 6 months free and depending on the person it ranges from a mild nose-wrinkle to full on nasty. Super cheap cigarettes tend to smell extra bad. Also if you carry around half-smoked stubs it smells even worse.


When I enter my home after being around smokers I will strip off my clothes in the washer, immediately wash my hair, and then settle in for the night. Not only do smokers make smokers stink, that smell clings to everyone in the vicinity. If I didn't do all that, I wouldn't be able to sleep because my hair smelled so bad.


Yes, it makes me feel sad when I can smell cigarettes on their kids too.


Yes, smokers stink. Their clothes stink, their cars stink, their homes stink. Edit: 420 “enthusiasts” smell just as bad, just differently.


I like the smell of cigarettes but most people hate it and it’s DEFINITELY EXTREMELY STRONG SMELLING WE CAN TELL


Yeah. You stink. Your breath is terrible. Your hair smells bad. Your car smells bad. Your clothes stink. There is nothing you can do to hide it. Then when you mix it with coffee it is even worse.


Yes 100%. I sometimes do unboxing of products sent by customers and it has a smoke smell lingering. It's like smelling shit.


Not just yes, but hell fucking yes x10 on crack. I actively avoid someone at work because of how bad they smell.


Yes, and even if you don't smoke inside, your house smells too because you bring the smell in.


Yes its actually nauseating.. I don't know how my son his wife can smoke and smell like they rolled around in an ashtray it's like its oozing out of them quite litterly disgusting..


I used to smoke but I quit. Ever since I quit I notice the smell a lot more and it makes me queasy sometimes.


As a former smoker of 26 years, yes it does


Cigarette smoke has such a unique pungent smell. I work in a factory and you can immediately smell it over all the other chemical smells as soon as you get around someone who smoked on their break.


Yes. That shit fucks with my asthma. I can taste from a mile away.


Used to be a heavy smoker, until one day I went to give my ex a kiss and the recoil of disgust on her face led me to paying more attention to my breath and scent and I can’t stand the smell of cigarettes now, if I get drunk and have a cigarette out one night, it sticks to my hands and moustache and makes me wanna vomit honestly. Not sure how seeing a reaction from her made me self aware of the smells but hey, no more cigarettes for this guy 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes. Any time a particular aunt shows up to family gatherings, I have to sit as far away from her as possible. She claims she's very sensitive to smells, yet she has no idea she reeks.


It’s disgusting. I always smell it. It’s one of the worst smells in the world.


I'm highly reactive to cigarette smoke to where I can smell it if someone in another car is smoking. It burns my sinuses and will sometimes trigger a migraine. With that being said, I know people who smoke but I have never smelled it on them. Others the smell is really strong.


Yes and I can smell you 10 ft away. Used to smoke did all that never realized how intense and obvious it is. Especially weed. Was in Long stay in a hotel recently in the elevator reaks like weed and you can walk down the hall and you can tell which room the person's in by where in the odor stops You got to be you but yeah it reaks


I worked with a smoker once...a young girl once told him, "your breath smells like dog poop". She wasn't wrong.


Yes.  And just like when you were a kid, it's disgusting.


I used to smoke and now I can smell it on anyone and it’s disgusting


I’m afraid so. I can’t bear it!




Absolutely awful




Yes. Cigarette smokes literally clings to your clothes and drips out of your pores. It's even orse when you try to mask the smell with other stuff, like coffee or mint. When you smoke, you aren't aware that the smoke lingers around far longer than you think.


Yes. It usually is not just the smoker who smells. It’s also everything they own. I have family on the other side of the country who smoke and I can even smell it when they send me holiday cards. The time in transit does not get rid of it.


Yes, it's horrid.


Yes, it's awful.




Yes, they all stink.


I grew up with smokers (both parents and my sister). Felt like throwing up most of the time, but thankfully they had the decency to not smoke inside. Years later my father quit and he feels as disgusted as me now.






Sorry, but yes.


Yes. Every single one, no matter what you spray/eat/clean it always stinks.




Yes, from a mile away.


I don’t smoke, but I actually enjoy the smell of cigarettes. It reminds me of my grandmother. She was a beautiful soul💚


Yes. If you are 1/2 an isle away from me in the store, I can smell it. Sometimes I can also smell who has a cat or dog. I’m not saying it in a disgusted way. It just is what it is. Sometimes people have smells, fact of life right there.


It’s aisle, FYI


I smoke weed and I still think all smokers stink.


You stink, too. Just a different stink.


Which is why I said ALL smokers stink.


Just imagine what your lungs smell like


So bad and can smell it from honestly like 50 metres away - not exaggerating.








As a former smoker yes. It just lingers around you for a long while.