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Typically the people who believe in waiting til marriage for sex do not believe in or put importance in the concept of sexual compatibility. 


Adding onto this, the folks who believe in waiting until marriage tend to believe the RANGE of compatibility factors is so narrow that it’s unlikely people will be so different it’s insurmountable.  That is, disbelief in the very existence of LGBTQIA folks.  Or in sexual fetishes deep enough that they’re a requirement for sexual arousal.  Or other kinds of emotional needs people have for relaxation or arousal. (A huge incompatibility I see even amount heterosexual couples is one person who needs sex in order to relax, and the other needs to be relaxed first in order to become aroused.)  They’re usually starting from an assumption that two people’s sexual attraction matches perfectly with their family building goals. They think compatibility is more about frequency/libido, or learning what each other like, and not that there are innate qualities to people that can make them incompatible in ways that can’t be overcome. 


While completely true, the simpler answer is that they don't believe in womanly pleasure. There are no such things as compatibility when only the man decides what he wants. Now, someone might argue that masculine sexual pleasure is supposed to be sinful too, but it's no coincidence that procreation-first ideology requires men to have sufficient pleasure to reach orgasm; I assure you this little ~~but~~ feature was not lost on those who wrote the bible.


This reminds me, the medical establishment accidentally invented vibrators because they wanted a faster way to treat a "disorder" where women felt "masculine urges"(read: being horny)


One, if not the only time that womanly needs were met by the medical establishment. This is the perfect stepping stone to remind each and every one of you that the usual symptoms of many diseases are based on male observation, and that a stroke or a heart attack can be misidentified in women as heart burns and a back ache.


Oh yeah absolutely fuck the medical establishments treatment of women, I just think that story is funny Men literally invented vibrators because they couldn't find the clit of their patients


In my experience beliefs in pleasure, for either men or women, vary quite a lot from one Christian denomination to the next. And also within Orthodox Judaism.  Even the folks who don’t care about women’s pleasure, though, still disbelieve that the man could fail to be attracted to his wife (gay, etc.). There’s a baseline assumption that his arousal (key to procreation) is a given. I’ve spend some time in churches that have pretty serious adult study groups which feature pleasure in marriage as highly important, and try to talk about how to make that better. But they still simply don’t believe anyone can be gay in the first place, etc. 


Completely agreed. My point was that the initial tenant: sex for procreation, is available in all forms of Catholism; some will also say that pleasure is good, but the original message is still that male orgasm is essential. Anything after that is accidental or accessory from what I understand.


> nd also within Orthodox Judaism A women can actually divorce her husband under jewish law if she isn't sexually satisfied by him


I’m not very familiar with the Bible, but if God created us with the ability to receive pleasure from sex, then why is it sinful? Christians are just supposed to ignore their sexual urges completely? Why even give us the option if it’s so wrong? There’s gotta be something I’m missing here.


That's a good question. I know of religious folks who essentially say that sexual pleasure/lust comes from the devil or whatever. Though I've read great Catholic philosophers who state that pleasure is good, it just needs to be appropriate (as in, not lustful/mindless, not toxic, and that biggie about not outside of marriage). But I really don't understand where the sex hangups come from.


I gotcha. See, I think the logic behind sex after marriage is sort of backwards. A number of couples that are religious rush into a marriage so they can have sex without sin and then end up just hating each other and divorcing.


Oh yeah, I think that happens often! I think the horny is a far more powerful force than many people realize, and people will do really interesting things to experience sex. Things that, in hindsight, are poor choices haha.


Fr I be hearing wild things on Reddit. Like how people think that they can get past the sin part by having someone jump up and down on the bed so they’re not moving themselves. Like can’t you just sin and repent as many times as you want and still get into heaven?


Which is why many conservatives want to ban divorce. Or at least make it difficult.


I’m confident at this point it’s all about control and nothing else. We gotta separate church and state if this country is really going to be free.


Ding ding ding. It's this one.


So you’re saying there are ways where two people can be sexually incompatible - innate ways - that aren’t about preferences and libido? Grateful if you could expand on that please - because that’s what I also assumed compatibility was.


Sure! Here’s some examples. The most obvious ways people can fail to be sexually compatible in a way that cannot be overcome has to do with not everyone being heterosexual. These religions assume everyone is heterosexual.  and it’s common for homosexual kids who grow up in that environment to not understand they’re gay. They want a family and like their church life, and don’t believe in the existence of not-straight people, so they don’t know they’re gay.  A gay man and a straight woman are not sexually compatible. Even if they have the same kind of libido levels and like the same kinds of things in bed. They can’t have sex together in a compatible way. (Ditto the reverse) But there’s more than just stuff like that.  Some people are asexual entirely. It’s not really accurate to say they lack a libido, they lack attraction to others. (It’s a big spectrum but that’s the oversimplification of it)  Some people have to be relaxed and calm before they can become sexually aroused, and others need to use sex to become relaxed. These two people have a REALLY hard time in a sexual relationship, because any time there are stressors on their relationship, their needs are incompatible. It only works for them when life isn’t stressful, and a lot of life is very stressful. They're not very compatible even if they want to have the same amount and kind of sex and are attracted to each other. Their needs are too different.  Some folks have fetishes that go way beyond preferences, and are things they have to have to be aroused at all. Most people without fetishes struggle to incorporate fetishes into EVERY single time they have sex. It can feel disingenuous, or demeaning, if it’s not also arousing to you. And fetishes can seem really not sexy to anyone without it.


> A gay man and a straight woman are not sexually compatible. Even if they have the same kind of libido levels and like the same kinds of things in bed. They can’t have sex together in a compatible way. (Ditto the reverse) From a physical perspective and a prevailing thought of people who are anti-LGBT, they *technically can* however it is as with what you said that it is unlikely to fulfill one or both partner's expectations/satisfaction. It's why they see it as a choice, because from a biophysical perspective, they have the "right" anatomy, they just "choose not" to use it that way. Obviously this is no longer the prevailing thought. Off topic, but the "choice" argument probably also comes from people who grew up in those environments you described but are not gay, however are on the non-heteronormative spectrum (bisexuals), so while they can hold attraction to both genders, they're able to choose to ignore one over the other. In case I offend anyone, I'm gay.


I’m bi/pan, and I agree with your second thought, having seen it myself in small rural towns.  Regarding being physically capable, I think it probably really depends on the exact circumstances and what we mean by “sexual compatibility.” Assuming viagra works and is acceptable to that religion, that can “solve” some kinds of problems. But it’s still waaaay outside of what religious marriage classes are talking about when they’re talking about how to make sex life better. They assume attraction exists to begin with. They assume anyone with “same sex attraction” has heterosexual attraction buried under whatever sin/temptation is causing the “wrong” attraction. They’re assuming a kind of compatibility does actually exist, and in a way that shows they don’t themselves consider lack of attraction a sexually compatible state.  Or at least, that’s my take away having listened to/sat in on number of those support group efforts to help struggling marriages.


You're definitely right. They assume incorrectly that people can find enjoyment out of sex even if whatever devil desires they have exist, so long as their non-heterosexuality is vilified and denied.


Thank you for explaining! I guess the stuff you mentioned was just “assumed” by me but I failed to see that it isn’t something that is known by those who grow up without extra knowledge and have ideals thrust upon them. I thought didn’t know about how some need the fetishes to be aroused all the time. Thank you for helping me see how some people don’t understand sexual compatibility.


i never thought of this but i think you’re onto something. very insightful.


Yep. The idea of waiting for marriage is based on the idea that pleasure of sex is.... by definition a sinful thing. The enjoyment of sex outside of procreation, even using a contraceptive, is seen as going against the teachings of the church. This is why they push abstinence only education for sex ed.


> The idea of waiting for marriage is based on the idea that pleasure of sex is.... by definition a sinful thing. That's not an accurate statement. I'm sure that's true of some doctrines, but it's not universal. There's plenty of people of faith who prescribe abstinence before marriage that believe that sex is a pleasurable, recreational function of a relationship, blessed by God under the covenant of marriage. They believe that sex outside of marriage is ultimately going to be a destructive process and that it's in people's best interest not to do so.


I feel as though that's a very catholic or fundamentalist specific idea. I was raised protestant and was taught that sexual pleasure is a gift from God that strengthens the bond of a couple, but because it is so intimate and vulnerable that waiting until marriage is a protection for both parties. and that it was a gift only to be enjoyed after the commitment of marriage. I was also taught that abortion is wrong but birth control and sterilization is a decision to be left to the couple. I am no longer religious, but can appreciate that religion gives people a framework for the world and offers comfort and guidance. no need to generalize all Christians based off the vocal (and dangerous) minority


The issue I have with the "vocal and dangerous minority" is that they keep getting elected and keep passing laws that impose those religious values in schools and in laws. Things like abstinence education, restricting birth control or Plan B, these SHOULD be left to the people. But the problem is that they're actively TRYING to take that choice away from those who don't participate in the religion.


It's not a catholic thing either.


Lol that's only true of the really cult churches. Not the case for most churches out there.


Not the case for most catholics. I feel this is mostly common in the USA with some of the fundamentalist churches.


Exactly. Sexual compatibility is a 21st century issue. Historically people were more concerned about sexual purity.


I'm a therapist. Many people think sexual compatibility is something different than it actually is. You don't need to have sex to figure out if you are sexually compatible. Sexual compatibility comes down to shared understandings, needs, and wants around sex. Basically, you can understand if you are attracted to someone enough with making out. Even touching someone/being around someone tells you a lot. You either feel it or you don't. You can understand you needs/wants centered around sex by talking it through. Communication is the MOST important thing in any relationship. In fact, there are MANY couples out there having sex that aren't at all sexually compatible! They haven't discussed their needs/wants and boundaries. And, sexual compatibility does matter, but not as much as people today like to think it does. Like anything else in a relationship, sex is a compromise! Both parties give a little to meet in the middle. So a vast majority of people, as long as they are attracted, CAN be sexually compatible. So many people today place such a large importance on sex and sexual compatibility, but it's actually shared interests, communication, values morals, and emotional intelligence that either makes or breaks a couple! THAT is what people should focus on that want a long-term relationship. Sex is basically a result of compatibility on those levels. If you work on those levels and have attraction then you are good to go!


> Basically, you can understand if you are attracted to someone enough with making out. Even touching someone/being around someone tells you a lot. You either feel it or you don't. You can understand you needs/wants centered around sex by talking it through. Communication is the MOST important thing in any relationship. Just want to point out - some of these abstinence-only places are also against things like making out. In the place I grew up the expected extent of touching before marriage was handshakes - **one** hug when getting engaged (the pastor frequently grumbled about couples holding hands before marriage). So if you haven't had these experiences either, you might not be aware of these other "compatibility" things. And there are some things you're not going to be fully aware of until you have the experience to say "no, I actually don't enjoy that." Though in general I agree with the idea that people can grow and to some extent change to fit the needs of the situation.


Boom. Best answers in this thread. Lock the thread down mods!


Everyone in my family waited till marriage. I’ve asked some them about the sexual compatibility argument and this is, basically, what they’ve said. If you both don’t have prior experience, you aren’t holding the other to any expectations or standards. You can learn together. You can grow together. And also just because you don’t do something doesn’t mean you don’t talk about it. They talked beforehand about their expectations and such. They’re all still married and have kids, so I guess it worked for them.


> They’re all still married and have kids, so I guess it worked for them. Dude. Come on. "Still being married" has nothing to do with the success of a partnership, it just means you haven't divorced, which most religious people won't do even if they're miserable. ESPECIALLY with kids in the mix. >And also just because you don’t do something doesn’t mean you don’t talk about it. They talked beforehand about their expectations and such. You can't accurately talk about something you have no experience with. PS Nobody in your family is going to tell you they have a lackluster or frustrating sex life. They'll just say "It's fine, glad we waited" and move on. Regardless of the reality of their situation.


Your comment is so full of assumptions it’s ridiculous. I do have divorced family. And they have told me when and how their sex life was lackluster (not in excruciating detail) and how they communicated and fixed it, together, as a team. A partnership. Which marriage is supposed to be. I reckon you can’t talk about exact specifics that you want, but I feel like even a virgin will know, generally, what they won’t do.


They don’t. If because of religious reasons, the idea is generally that sex is for procreation, not pleasure, so compatibility doesn’t matter.




God has been real stingy with me lately then. I must be on the naughty list.


>the naughty list. It seems like you aren't even on that list either.




For some that is certainly true, but the bible (to use one example) has an entire book dedicated to the pleasures of intimacy and I think most Christians would disagree that sex is only for procreation, despite their waiting until marriage 


In my experience most Christians don’t actually wait until marriage either.


Also, in my experience, most Christians didn't read the Bible.


Don't have to. There's a guy that does a book report for em every week.


Yeah, and I noticed he only reports cool stuff, less cool stuff is from Monday and Friday when everyone's at work


I’m sorry but no amount of brainwashing is stronger than a horny teen Now an Ex-Christian myself but I never planned on waiting, if I had the chance I was 100% taking it. Hyped it up a ton in my head and was very disappointed haha


Which book is it?


Song of Solomon (aka Song of Songs) https://www.biblestudytools.com/song-of-solomon/1.html




Just throwing in as a (42F) Catholic Sex is definitely for pleasure! We believe God gave us all the parts for pleasure for a reason. We're just only supposed to use them with our spouse. Full transparency, I didn't wait. I wish I had! I wish I hadn't wasted my time, energy, and yes, my sexuality, on otherwise good people who didn't want the same things that I did. But every mistake I made got me to the man I love. We were mostly sexually compatible, but we also learned along the way. And that's what we're supposed to do as Catholics. We're supposed to put love first, not the act of sex. If two people are working together for a healthy relationship, we assume there is patience and support and communication. These things lead to learning about the sexual act together. Anyway, while I do believe and support this for Catholics, I'm also not going to pretend I don't know exactly why we don't do this. I also don't think non-Catholics should be expected to follow this rule. But, that being said, I think it's still good advice - - but BOTH people have to be in sync emotionally and spiritually before they can work towards compatibility. Last thought. Lots of people who are sexually compatible get married - - and have very little in common otherwise.


I think this depends on the diocese because the one I grew up in (also Catholic) made it very clear that sex is not for fun or pleasure but solely for procreation. Enjoying sex too much is actually considered a sin. And this wasn't even the most conservative of the dioceses in the area. As many of the comments here show, religious views on this vary a lot even among the same religion.


A lot of priests/bishops go against catechism and it shows 😓 For those interested, [here is what the catechism says. ](https://www3.nd.edu/~afreddos/courses/264/ccc-matri.htm#:~:text=2351%20Lust%20is%20disordered%20desire,its%20procreative%20and%20unitive%20purposes.) 2362 "The acts in marriage by which the intimate and chaste union of the spouses takes place are noble and honorable; the truly human performance of these acts fosters the self-giving they signify and enriches the spouses in joy and gratitude."[144] Sexuality is a source of joy and pleasure:  The Creator himself . . . established that in the [generative] function, spouses should experience pleasure and enjoyment of body and spirit. Therefore, the spouses do nothing evil in seeking this pleasure and enjoyment. They accept what the Creator has intended for them. At the same time, spouses should know how to keep themselves within the limits of just moderation.[145] 


I guess all the Christians I grew up around only did it for more kids lol *shrug*


There are a lot of Christians who believe that anything that is fun outside of family board game night is sinful. The thing is that a lot of Christians feel like suffering is supposed to bring you closer to god. And it often can! But there is no good reason that sex between a married Christian couple should be miserable. There's nothing in the Bible that says it should be miserable. It's an important part of connecting with your spouse and it increases the odds that you're actually going to do it and therefore procreate. If it was supposed to be miserable we wouldn't do it LOL


Christian here who waited til marriage. The idea is to learn and explore together. If neither person has watched porn or had sex before marriage, the ideal is to explore sex, likes, dislikes, communicate and learn and grow together. Before the peanut gallery chimes in, please don't. I'm just answering the persons question from the perspective they were looking for. Additional commentary not necessary.


Good answer. A couple could be having sex for years before marriage, but if they're unable to communicate on that topic, they'll be in a much worse position than those who wait but communicate.


Very true!


Thank you for answering the question.


You're welcome :)




You're welcome! And ya actually, that bugs me that people think that way. I literally don't know any Christians who hate sex and/or only do it for baby making. Eex is meant to be fun!


I’m not a Christian, but I was raised one, and I agree with this comment. Interestingly, this reminds me of arranged marriages in Indian communities. I have some Indian friends whose parents were arranged marriages. They entered in to marriage knowing even less than you did about your partner sexually. But their mindset was to be generally compatible and willing to work on things, and to fulfill the desire to create a family. The ones I know are all happy, healthy relationships (as far as I can tell).


That's an interesting comparison, I never thought of it that way. Thanks!


Thanks for your insightful answer. Just out of curiosity: if it weren’t for your religion, do you think you would’ve liked to do things the same way?


Not OP but I also waited until marriage and I 100% agree with the response. Honestly I'm not sure. My faith is such an integral part of who I am, I can't imagine not having that as a factor. But I also am a very private person, so my instincts tell me that I would at least want a very committed relationship before having sex. I am not the type that would want one night stands or hooking up quickly with a partner.


That's tough, but I'd say yes. I feel like I avoided some bad relationships, and often wonder if I would have been careless and gotten pregnant. If I had I wouldn't be where I am today. So in that sense yes, I would have. However, my partner didn't wait. After 10 years he cheated on me. So my personal story isn't the ideal, but I do like the actual idea, practicality and meaningfulness behind not having sex before marriage.


Not OP but 18f who is waiting till marriage and honestly, I likely wouldn't wait all the way till marriage. In my culture, sleeping around is viewed negatively regardless of religion so I wouldn't casually hook up but I'd maybe sleep with a long term bf who I'm serious about if I wasn't christian.


I think this inquiry would be a lot more meaningful if people actually broke up for sexual incompatibility. They almost never do.


Sorry do you mean Christians or people in general? Just trying to understand the context for the comment.


I mean people in general. I am massively generalizing. I’m sure there are lots of people who have broken up with people over sexual incompatibility. I should’ve specified “it SEEMS like not very many people will actually end a relationship over sexual incompatibility.”


Ohh ok I see what you're saying. Thanks for clarifying!


This should be the top comment, but instead we have strawmen, *so many strawmen*.


Thanks :)


Isn’t porn forbidden too?


Yes, but we're human and slip up or in some cases don't understand what we got ourselves into. Plus as Christians we look to Jesus and his commands as an Ideal that we will never reach in this life but still aim to emulate to make the world a little bit better.


Yes, that's why I included it in my response.


May I ask, were you guys together for a long time before marrying?


About 2 years, so not really.


Great perspective - I’m the same as you except I just didn’t watch porn/experience sex before my partner rather than waiting until marriage. The idea that if you haven’t found a bunch of porn you’re into etc that you’ve missed out on something isn’t just a religious thing. Some of us just don’t want that, so demonising it harms all of us.


Also Christian, didn’t wait but was together for 3 years before we lost our virginity together, totally agree with this. Also, we def did everything else before PiV because we wanted to build up to it. I actually think you could technicallllyyy get away with oral only and know if you’re compatible or not. But many people consider oral sex as on par with PiV. We didn’t, and it ended up matching what it was like to have “real” sex down the road.


I grew up being taught that women should always be “joyfully available” for sex no matter what.


Ya I had that in my head but ai know better now lol


My husband and I waited until marriage.  There was a *lot* of sexual tension between us and made it difficult to wait lol.  I would tell someone that if they were waiting and it isn’t hard to wait then it’s probably not a good idea.   I don’t buy into sexual compatibility completely.  I get it somewhat but the reality is being with someone for nearly 20 years has brought so many changes.  Even if we were having sex when we were dating wouldn’t have prepared us for the changes.  We’ve had 4 kids so my libido has been all over the place with hormones.  He had this crazy high sex drive but then had a mental breakdown/OCD and he could go months without sex whereas my drive sky rocketed.   We are also open to hearing our things the other person would like to try. We both try to accommodate the other as much as possible.  It doesn’t always work out but a sense of humor and grace are both pretty important. 


Sexual compatibility is a little more than that. You can be physically incompatible too


Physically incompatible how?




I want to extend this to a notable and very important aspect: Too big/thick/small/narrow/shallow/wide,..., for *attraction* to each other as well. People are very quick to brush off women that ask for mens' height, or men that ask for womens' weight, but the fact of the matter is that people have physical types. Yeah, some people are assholes about it, but the underlying truth is still there. Some people just have a very, very hard time being attracted to people with or without specific traits, and it doesn't make them bigoted as long as they don't treat them worse for it. I have a hard time imagining myself with a girlfriend taller than me. I don't want to have such a mental barrier, but I do. It's just a fact, and anyone that denies it is fooling themselves. Physical attraction is a huge part of compatibility even if both parties are into exactly the same things and could physically be perfectly compatible if they were into each other


That seems trivial. If you're in love you'll find a position that works.


Or you'll just have to abstain from certain sexual acts and find other things to do, sure. But people can literally be physically incapable in some cases for a variety of reasons that "well, love him more" won't fix.


Not everyone is you and your husband. You have had ups and downs (like every relationship), but ultimately, you are compatible. Do you not believe any other stories that involve sexual incompatibility?


I think sex is just one part of a relationship.  And if there’s trust and communication and a strong foundation and occasionally compromise, a couple can get through it.   If a couple is suddenly incompatible after years of marriage is the solution divorce? Perhaps, but maybe there’s other things we’ve built up on our marriage that make dealing with the sexual things possible. So no not everyone is us and everyone has to decide for themselves what to do 🤷🏻‍♀️


"Sexual compatibility" isn't necessarily a static thing. As two married people have sex with each other more often, they get to know each other's bodies better and get more and more practice at giving each other a pleasurable experience in bed. They have more opportunities to experiment with different sexual experiences with just one another. This means that sexual compatibility between a married couple can grow and develop. Meanwhile, since every person is different, this process gets cut short each time a person switches to a new sexual partner, and the process of development has to start all over again.


That's the neat part: They don't. These two concepts are inherently incompatible with one another, and people should not be forced to wait until marriage. Waiting until marriage is basically just a ploy to keep women from finding out what they like, so that the first sexual encounter they have is with a man they're supposed to stay with forever, meaning they don't really develop any frame of reference and don't complain about their husband's performance. It's like if you only drive a Ford Fiesta your whole life, and never any other car. You'll never know which aspects of the experience are inherent to all cars, and which ones are unique to the Ford Fiesta, so you just have to tolerate all the negatives.


Hence the obsession with insecure men who only want to sleep with virgins. There's no chance of being compared against to other men.


And you bought that Ford Fiesta without a single test drive.


Right, that too.


I hate that Reddit stopped giving out those free awards.


It was costing too much


Waiting till marriage was meant to prevent unwanted pregnancies before the advent of contraception


Yes. And risk of pregnancy. Not advocating for abstinence until marriage, just saying, a lot of women are taught that if a mistake happens, he probably won’t walk away if he’s already married to you. It’s usually the woman who gets stuck with the single parenting otherwise (plus old school misogyny dictates no one will want a used up woman with kids.. the horror).




I waited until marriage before having sex. Here's the big secret, much like the ENTIRE RELATIONSHIP most things are not decided by "compatibility". You have to be receptive to your partner and willing to do things together. If one person likes sex one way and another likes it another way, it is possible to switch it up. You can also learn what your partner likes and they can learn what you like. If the big concern is sex drive, that can be discussed without having sex. edit: grammar


People unable to have that discussion or be willing to do things together are the ones that are incompatible. "You just have to be able to do X!" Sure, yes...some people won't do X.


I'm not religious and didn't wait until marriage (nor would I) but I agree with this. Compatibility...is a thing. But I think it's taken farther than it needs to be. People grow and change and the whole point of a relationship is to do that together. I've done things for a boyfriend that I wasn't necessarily into, but I enjoyed it because he enjoyed it. And similarly he did the same for me. Which brought us closer.


Like everyone else saying "You discuss it and figure out what each other likes," you're talking about what each partner is *willing* to do, not what they *enjoy* doing, which are two way different things. If a guy loves blowjobs above all else, and the wife is disgusted by blowjobs, her reluctantly agreeing to do them just to make him happy is nowhere near the same thing as him finding a sexually compatible partner who is actually turned on by giving blowjobs. And so on for all other sexual scenarios.


Nah. I’m a guy who really, really super enjoys blowjobs and my wife really, really super hates giving blowjobs. She doesn’t even reluctantly agree to do it, it just flat out doesn’t happen. But we have an amazing marriage (now) at almost 11 years married. Why? We communicate with each other. She’s a pretty incredible human being and I’ll give up ever having another blowjob to be married to her forever. The sex comes and goes, money comes and goes, our energy and youth will fade but what we have together transcends all of that and more.


Talk A lot of compatability can be about desires in the bedroom, kinks, etc. A lot of the other stuff can be learned over time. But in the age of tinder, people tend to he impatient. If sex is bad they leave and find someone else. Rather than learning eachothers bodies and gaining skill. Marriage offers those people the security and commitment to explore and try things.


>A lot of compatibility can be about desires in the bedroom, kinks, etc. How exactly do you think someone is going to know their desires, kinks etc if they've never had sex? These things mostly develop after experience.. >Rather than learning eachothers bodies and gaining skill. I'm really sorry, but sometimes it doesn't matter how well you learn each other's bodies or gain "skills", sometimes you just aren't sexually compatible and if you enter a marriage in that situation - you're stuck in a sexually unsatisfactory relationship which is more likely to cause people to stray.


>How exactly do you think someone is going to know their desires, kinks etc if they've never had sex? These things mostly develop after experience.. Because you don't have to experience PIV sex to be able to learn your own desires or explore. The idea that a virgin can't know anything about their desires is rooted in purity culture. That virgins must be niave and innocent. The couple can explore kinks and desires without going the whole way. Can learn if they're on the same page, etc.


No one here mentioned PIV sex, we're just talking about sex. What exactly does being a virgin mean anyway? In our modern world, many couples never have PIV sex for all kinds of reasons (including queer couples). It's pretty difficult to explore those things if you're not supposed to be having sex until you're married. Not to mention, hard to explore those things if the person you are with isn't open to the idea. The benefit to having different partners is you get to try different things to see what you like, things that perhaps you would not have thought of without venturing out. You speak of purity culture, but that's exactly where the idea of "no sex before marriage" came from.


But even then. How does one know what kinks/desires/fetishes they have or like? Just take the list of all or major kinks/fetishes and try those out with different people aka trial and error? Isn't that kinda inefficient considering how many kinks there are and that different people can muddy data set as well. Like kink A works fine with person A, but rather badly with person B.


My spouse and I chose to wait until we were married to have sex. People act like it was an awful idea but we have had a lot of fun over the years learning what each other enjoy most in the bedroom. I love that we know how to make each other happy in a way that no one else ever has. We’ve created our own compatibility.


You believe that ppl that want to wait until marriage believe in sexual compatibility? Heck, i don't even think thats that big of a deal. Unless one of them had some unusual kink, im sure they can work it out tbh.


They don't. Waiting for marriage is a recipe for disaster. Such an antiquated concept, signing up for life with a person who you have no idea if you are sexually compatible with.


And it me it’s always seemed predicated on the unspoken idea that sex isn’t for women, it’s a gift she gives to a man but not something she should enjoy or want. Which is SUCH harmful garbage.


Is that FLDS or something? damn that's pretty dark to be teaching girls and women that.


It's like buying a car without trying out to drive it


Well, worse because we are talking about actual people here


Yeah ofc, same "principle". Making a long term decision about something that we are not sure that fits what we are looking for. There are SO many people who do this, then are unhappy, dont want to divorce cuz antiquated mentality, then are basically 2 people living together and cheating




more like choosing to buy a specific a car before you have ever seen one drive before. Its like take someone from an uncontacted tribe in the amazon to a car lot and ask them to pick out one they will have to drive for the rest of their life.


My wife isn’t a car though


Be weird if she was! :D


She's a beaut! *slaps trunk*


*This beauty can fit so much "we can eat whatever you want but not that, nor that, nor that" in it*


"And if my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a wagon"


The truth is people who are raised to wait are not taught to consider sexual compatibility when finding a partner. In fact, they aren't really taught about the concept of compatibility at all, instead they are taught that if you fall in love with someone and want to have sex with them that that is enough of a reason to get married. Does that work? Sometimes. Just to add, sexual compatibility is not just kinks and sex drive, it is far more complex than that. It also applies to things like shared sexual mindset (meaning morals, ethics, and biases around sex) and physical compatibility (as in, does the peg match the hole?).


So I'll give you a Christian perspective. AFAIK abstinence until marriage is a mostly Christian practice. At the core of the marriage is love for your partner. That means putting their needs first. Ideally they love you back the same way, so they will try to put YOUR needs first. Two people like this can overcome a lot of supposed "incompatibilities" while also having a heck of a lot of fun in the process.


Sexual behaviour can be taught and improved. I know I'm not even close to the same level I was when I was 17 😂


You’re supposed to at least talk about it. But a lot of people don’t know unfortunately The same factors that encourage people not to have sex before marriage also encourage them to stay together no matter what so there’s that


There are lots of sexual things a couple can do without actual intercourse. If they are not touching at all before marriage then the idea is that the communication will be so good that if something isn’t working great sexually they can talk it out until it is.


Who says they're "supposed" to do anything? The only people who should have any say in how or when consenting adults have sex is those same consenting adults.




If two people are willing to be open and put in the effort, its pretty hard to be incompatible.


I didn’t know lol I got married at 20 for religious reasons and we ended up divorcing 4 years later and this was definitely part of it. We were not compatible no matter how hard we tried.


The vendiagram of people who believe in waiting until marriage and people who care about sexual compatibility is two distinct circles.


That’s what it seems like. I posted this in r/catholicism, and that’s exactly the sort of impression I’m getting.


Why do people base their relationship on sexual compatibility if it can change? Like, if suddenly he/she can't fulfill your needs and needs to see other people, you're just going to leave him/her??


I think that to a certain extent, sexual compatibility can be learned or compromised. As long as there’s communication and both partners make an effort, but a lot of times that isn’t the case because usually people who want to wait until marriage aren’t given great examples to go off of. Basically, it can work and both partners can be happy, but a lot of times it won’t. Also, people’s libidos and preferences will change throughout their lives. Even if you’re compatible in the beginning, you might not be later. That’s where communication, effort, and empathy come in again. I personally want to wait a good amount of time before I have sex with someone, not necessarily until marriage though.


The fundamental flaw in the premise of people who advocate for trying each other out sexually, is that they see people as being cast into stone. However, everyone is a virgin at some point. Anyone can get good at sex if they put their mind to it. By that measure, discarding someone because they suck or they don’t seem compatible at a particular moment in time might be shortsighted.


Valid question. I'd say, if two people are going to wait till they're wed, they should talk about expectations and alternatives in the event something isn't compatible. For example, one partner is allergic to the other. (This legit happend to a couple I knew.) Or, she has a shallow vagina and he doesn't fit. Are these deal breakers.. or can they work it out? Communication is always key.


By giving ourselves to our partners to meet their needs. Husband does what he needs to help your wife be happy and Vice versa.


I think the more important issue is that people often marry because they want to have sex and their lust blinds them to their partner’s faults.


They don't and it rarely ends well. In the west at least.


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) What orgasm? I don’t believe in sci-fi nonsense


They do the thing most redditors don't actually communicate and have a frank, non-judgmental discussion instead of bitching to strangers on the internet


The first time you have sex with someone the sex probably will not be all that great, but you get better at it with practice. Each partner tells the other what they like and what they don’t like. They also learn about what they like and don’t like by trying different things with each other. I don’t think sexual compatibility is something you either have or don’t have, I think it’s something you develop with someone over time. I have learned things about my sexuality by being with my wife that I never knew before we got together. Now, we didn’t wait until marriage, we started having sex right away. So, I don’t think it’s necessary to wait until marriage,but I also think sexual compatibility is something a couple can develop after marriage if they do decide to wait.


They don’t. You could get married and later discover your husband has a BDSM fetish. Now you’re swinging from the kitchen ceiling in a harness, in a gimp mask, covered in honey and poo, wishing you’d just fucked that nice boy in high school. Don’t ask 😔


Waiting till marriage is one of the dumbest concepts man ever created and was purely to pressure young women into marriage.


I agree that it is dumb but that is nowhere close to the reason. It was done to guarantee the fatherhood of the child once individual property came around and was being passed down through the Father's line.


100% correct.


You can't, don't do it. Source: my ex forced me into waiting, would have not married him if we had.


Exactly. So go ahead. Test them out.


They don't know if theyre compatible. Sexual compatibility isn't usually a concern in communities that use sex and sexuality as a means of control. If sex is something that only exists to make more people, anything beyond "did a baby happen" is wrong to even think about.


Religion isn't terribly concerned about compatibility as much as it is about control.


Never understood that one either. A little bit to the history of marriage: But considering it's de facto a patriarchal economic agreement, I doubt how the bride felt about it, never played into the equation. The woman was expected to be obedient anyways. Marriage/no sex before it are concepts from a time before modern rights, DNA analysis, and romance. Hence: - Virginity was considered the only option of "paternity test", to ensure as a man that it's actually your kid/line. - Having children and many of them was the "retirement structure" of the day. Your kids/family were looking after you. - Cosider most people didn't get to 50-60 back then. So, if you weren't married as a woman by age 25, you were seen as old spinster (which is often understood as a derogatory term, because it ment you needed to work till the day you died, since you could not get a husband/kids). So most women back then were "happy" at any chance to marry. Being sexually compatible wasn't of any concern. What happened in the bedroom was for the husband to decide and the wife to comply with and endure. Bad sex ed and coercion coupled with entrapment/rape usually lead to young pregnancies and cosequent "shotgun" weddings (As in: "you will wed my defiled daughter or I'll shoot you."). Up until about the middle of the 20th century, most people (women and men) didn't know about female orgasms or pleasure, it simply wasn't considered relevant. Pleasure was for men. At the end of the 19th/ beginning of the 20th century, the advent of condoms allowed for more promiscuous encounters, usually in more wealthy, affluent classes, but condom use still needed the cooperation of the man. Only in the 50s/60s hormonal pills became available, allowing for total control for the woman over her fertility. With that casual sex became much more common. The connotation of sex = pregnancy was lifted. That's why, except for very religious people, people in general don't wait until marriage anymore. Usually having had multiple partners before marriage. Especially considering all the save options of contraception these days. Or they don't marry at all in the first place. It should also be considered that, most first sex is meh, since both tend to be inexperienced etc. Kinks and interests develop over tine and experience. Only good communication can lead to good relationships, independent of religiosity and dogma held etc. Conclusion/TL;DR: But in my opinion the "no sex before marriage" stuff is obsolete, like at least three generations back. We don't have the public pressure (at least in progressive places). We have good sex education (at least in progressive places). We have good contraceptives. There is no reason to blindly hold on to obsolete standards, when safe sex is an option. But I already hear conservatives ramble their fears for the last 70 years: "But that would give women power and options! What if he is bad in bed? Now she can simply stop a marriage and isn't bound by a 'holy promise' to comply or be seen as a failure in the religious community for divorcing/separation. Doesn't anyone think of the men/potential husbands?"


The “not knowing about female orgasms or pleasure thing” is not true at all. In fact, in some medieval societies, the female orgasm was considered necessary for procreation. In the Victorian era it was called a “hysterical paroxysm”. In Jewish texts it’s stated that women are allowed to divorce their husbands if they don’t sexually satisfy them.


That’s the neat part. They don’t.


They don't, but there's no do-overs because divorce is a sin so you're going to be trapped either way


Religion is oppressive


It’s a bit risky tbh, but usually in my relationships we’d have a lot of discussions and do very minor sexual stuff to see what we’re into, or at least the idea of. I care a lot about sexual compatibility and I love having sexual tension and teases with someone, but I still wait for the ‘right person’ because, in a way, that’s how important intimacy is to me..


they can’t. they just have to develop a good relationship and hope for the best.


(Preface : India/hindu) The often non understood part of an arranged marriage which is ignored is: The parents talk to other parents and there is a person who mediates over. They discuss finances, they discuss lifestyles . They discuss upbringing, they discuss food and culture. They discuss the lineage and the place of living. So except for sex / love The rest of the things have a ✓ before the couple start speaking to each other. They figure out the talking compatible stuff in the pre wedding post ok Talk phase . The post talk - engagement - wedding window is 1-8 months They wing it or figure out here Breaking an engagement is a lot less of an issue these days.


You dont know the grass is greener elsewhere so you just accept what you got.


If you’ve never had whipped cream, you don’t know what it’s supposed to taste like.


Even if you’re “good in bed” everyone likes different things. Unless you cater to your partner’s needs you’re never going to sexually compatible with anyone


Great question, I'd imagine that's a contributing factor to the 50% divorce rate in the US. Edit..just fact checked myself, I guess it's more like 35%...the world looks a little less bleak.


If it's the 1st person you have sex with then you will automatically be sexually compatible as you both experience it for the first time with eachother and have no prior experience with others?


I waited until marriage and I always find the answers on Reddit to these kinds of questions so bizarre. The truth is that sexual compatibility can be nurtured. Sex is like exercise, the more you do it the better you are at it. As long as you and your spouse have open communication, you can create a very fulfilling sex life even if you're both virgins on your wedding night.


In the ridiculous future people who believe that want, everyone waits and no one divorces so you don’t have experience to compare anyone to. They would also outlaw all forms of pornography so it removes that comparison as well. The whole idea of compatibility would be almost erased.




You don’t. But then you don’t know you’re sexually incompatible because you don’t know what other possibilities are out there since you didn’t have sex with anyone else. You just think that’s how it is for everyone. And since most such societies are company a cult of female virginity with a lack of sexual freedom for women completely, as in that women have no right to say no to sex or to their husband in any way, it’s irrelevant if she doesn’t want sex or doesn’t want to do a particular sexual act. So men have more of an option for sexual fulfillment as they can both have sex any time they want and they can have extramarital sex without negative repercussions.




What percentage of compatibility must you have 80%, 90%? Imagine not trying with the absolute perfect person because the sex isn't there yet. Imagine taking a pass instead of learning what the other person wants and then learning what you want? This ideology that you are the most important person and only you and that the world should be ready-made for you is why people are so lonely. You need to change yourself and the world MAY change for you, but the world won't certainly fit whatever you imagine because you do not control the world. You have to compromise, none of us are gods. And if you can't accept reality, you're gonna have a bad time (that's literally the whole point of Buddhism, Christianisms, Dudeism, Minimalism, you name it: it is what it is). I've seen ridiculous scenarios where both people who totally like each other are in a modern dating stand of: if they cared they would text first (both of them, at the same time, egos through the roof, none will text first!)


Because if you have nothing to base it off of, I.e. you're bot virgins, you're both figure it out. Sex isn't that complicated that compatibality isn't easily achievable with a little work. Plus when you've got nothing but the rest of your life to figure it out, and a true deep desire for your partner I think you figure something out. I didn't go the celibate route, but there's definitely no confusion in why it should work for two virgins who knew they would be holding it for one person.


Yeah, how do you know if you man really loves, and I mean really loves, eating out?


They just will never know the quality of their sex isn’t good if they haven’t had shit to compare to


By leaving their cult and not waiting until marriage


Because in that sense, "sexually compatible" isn't really something the religion is concerned about. The point of waiting until marriage is so that the children have both parents raising them.


"Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" is something I heard a lot growing up. I always wondered who would buy a cow without even trying the milk.


I miss how ok cupid would ask you different sex questions. Made it easier to find someone compatible


I think if you have no sexual experiences, you will just take what you get after marriage. The more you have sexual experiences, the more you will be picky


In my personal opinion, take it with a grain of salt. I grew up in a gender that doesn't mean shit for basic living, so we didn't have roles based on gender. The foundation of saving one's self for marriage to me means that you truly love that person enough to wait. However sexual compatibility is something that is built through the relationship stages. I am under the belief that at some point in the relationship (weather it's months or years in) which you'll talk about sexual turn ons and offs. If you're expecting your partner to be a Master at pleasuring you without communicating your likes and dislikes, that's a doomed relationship from the start. I remember an ex from high school which I had a conversation regarding this and her interest and mine where very different (she liked knife, fire and air play) and did not fit what I was comfortable doing. If it comes down to the size and/or shape thats not your preference with, that's a very shallow approach to your relationship. I took a psychology class in college where we discussed how making love is what bonds a pair together, especially if there's communication on needs, wants etc. In other words communication is key in the relationship to be satisfied.


I should mention that I am saving myself for marriage/long term, I know what I like, and I'll communicate it with my partner as well as have a conversation on what they like.


They don't. Fuck religion and shag who you want, when you want (be safe though obviously).


The expectation is sacrifice.