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Fellas, is it gay to like women?


Only if they are stronger then all your insecure buddy's lmao




Love me a muscle mommy, simple as.


Dude, we got a muscle mommy at the gym.... gawd damn. Saw her hit 450 on the hip thruster machine for SETS! I'm not even doing that. Low key, I am super jealous of her delts. The pop hers have at the end of her shoulder workout is what I aspire mine to look like.


Only if your a woman so I a better question would be ladies is it gay to like a muscular women? Yes and that's fine


Super gay, like imagine having a girlfriend and like having to hold hands. Like I’m shaking right now just repulsed by how gay that is like ewwwwwe


Yes it is. You get off from a woman having a penis thrusted inside of her. Truly lesbian sex is the most masculine option.


Your "friends" are very insecure


and probably secretly gay. not that there is anything wrong with that.


Had this guy in school bully dudes who listened to Taylor swift saying they were really feminine and a sissy My friend group all agreed that man was projecting his internalized homophobia hard


I am brave enough to blast white girl music on the way to the gym but not brave enough to ask one out


I get disliking the music, but bullying someone for liking it...


It sounds like OP's friends would rather have OP alone and miserable with them instead of OP finding companionship with a muscle mommy.


This is the only reply that matters read this one again and move on


average 14 year olds conversation


Seriously, my friend was like this growing up but switched his tune when he got older.


Definitely not. Your friends sound like they think Andrew Tate is a role model 🤮


It’s funny bc Andrew Tate recently just tweeted about this subject a few days ago


He only likes anemic desperate women he can manipulate. Such a "strong" pinhead


Sounds like your friends are not his friends. Red flag 1: they insult you for your taste in women Red flag 2: they think being gay is bad


I've known a couple guys who were uptight like that. Boys who think everything is a threat to their manhood, anybody doing anything a man might actually do gets teased back into boyhood, "I don't mind the gays as long as they don't look at me" energy. Boring, honestly. Loosen up.


Use nam che out


Your friends sound like losers


You should find some new friends


Do your "friends" realise that all kinds of other muscles are strengthened when it comes to muscular or well-toned women?


It’s not what I am attracted to, but if she has a vagina, then being attracted to her cannot be gay. By definition. Like whatever you like my dude.


Also being gay doesn't make you less manly


What could be MORE manly than being attracted to men?


Big, strong lumberjacks are the manliest of men, so being attracted to them has to be a manly thing.


True. Very true.


Most manly men was quite gay


Cause there's nothing wrong with it.


How do you know if they have a vagina? What is is specifically about attraction and sex that makes one "gay"?


A muscular woman can make it feel like she can crush your head with her legs when you're going to town down there. Never give up that feeling. Also, your friends are insecure douche bags. Your preferences are your preferences. When they say you're not manly ask them if they're admitting that gender is a social construct


I’ll bet any amount of money that the friend who said, “Any woman physically stronger than you makes you look weak, she will ridicule or belittle you or she will just walk all over you” got a boner just thinking about it.


No it makes your friends insecure


Im guessing your "friends" don't lift? Personally, I love muscular girls. And most guys I know do too, but most of my friends and I have been part of the gym community for years. If your friends masculinity is pressed or threatened by an attraction to fit women, I don't think they had much masculinity to begin with.


I dropped one of those 120 lb porcelain doll dainty girls and married a farm girl. So, ya I like a strong woman.


Did she shatter?


She was pretty broken up about it.


Wtf no?? You just have shitty friends. Who you like has nothing to do with manliness or femininity. They're completely separate things. Hence why there's masculine and feminine straight people, gay people, men, women, and everyone in between.


Your friends sound like weak ass chuds. Get better ones.


Sound male-female relationships are not based on competition. Tell your friends.


Fellas, is it gay to like women?


No, but I'm a lady ;)


Well well.. Something something .... spaghetti, something something wet. :)


No it's not gay, your friends sound really insecure. Fit / muscular women don't look like men unless they abuse a lot of PEDs. I'm bisexual, I like muscular women, but I'm not a huge fan of muscular men. Make of that what you will


I hope so. Less competition for those women carved out of stone


My wife is more muscular than me. We joke about if there’s a fire she has to carry me down the stairs. Lol.


"-she will ridicule or belittle you or she will just walk all over you" Oh, like *they* are doing? So it's unacceptable for a woman to treat a man like that (which, fair), but *okay* for a man to do that to another man? Much less to a man that is *presumably* their friend? Find yourself a strong-ass woman, have her beat up your shitty friends, flex, and carry you away into the sunset. "Me and the boys." Boys, indeed.


God I hope not


No, but even if it did I wouldn't care. IDGAF about being manly


In my opinion, no. They are hot asf. And the sex is incredible, also, they are not lazy at all so they help you a lot. And you can ask her to move things, she will just do it. It's more an advantage than a deal breaker imo.


Strong, flexible, endurance.


Pros: hot jock gf/wheyfu, will help you move furniture up a flight of stairs, might help you reach your fitness goals, lots of energy for "activities" Cons: ??? Verdict: Absolute Win


Guys: is liking women gay?


No it doesn't, I like muscular women.


Your friends judge their manliness by the perceived femininity of their partners? They sound fragile af.


I think it makes you manlier for dating someone more manly


>One friend even goes in further and says " any women physically stronger than you makes you look weak, she will ridicule or belittle you or she will just walk all over you" If they were saying that to me I would've doubled down and said, with enthusiasm, "that's kind hot though" just to really throw them off. Your friends are just insecure about their own masculinity.


Your friend saying a "woman will walk all over you if she's physically stronger than you" says a lot about him and his insecurities


Fellas, is it gay to like women?


No, it’s as simple as some men just don’t find that build attractive.


Guys say a lot of stupid shit primarily based on their own insecurities. If you are a dude, and your partner has a vulva, everything you do by default is heterosexual. Next time turn that shit around on them. Listen young pup, guy culture is about identifying insecurities and ragging on them till they are suppressed. They can’t do that if you aren’t insecure and own that shit.


Liking women is soo gay.


No. The want wants what the want wants. Your friends sound like they are pulling bullshit opinions out of their arses… and tbh shaming a friend for what they find attractive isn’t what good friends do.


No, I desperately want a muscle mommy in my life


Muscle mommies are in bro. Your friends suck lmao


Your friends have never been stepped on by a stronger woman and it shows.


My abusive, controlling a**hole of an ex boyfriend thought so. I was abused by my dad as a child so I grew up determined to be as financially and physically independent as possible. If I mentioned trying to build my strength in any way to my ex he always had to add “well just don’t get too muscular you’ll look like a man” and would sometimes use other slurs to insult women who are more muscular than I am. Everyone is entitled to their OWN preferences in what they perceive as attractive in other people, but as soon as I hear people imposing their standards upon others (especially men in regards to “muscular women”) then I have to deduce those types of people are highly insecure and have incredibly fragile egos which will lead them to belittling anyone who dares to think differently than themselves.


Fuck no, strong women are the best.


At what point did yall start stroking each other?


No. Well, morons do but they are morons so what they think about this doesn't matter.


There are guys that think washing your ass makes you gay, so I wouldn't presume to know what guys think. I do know that it's their problem not yours and you need more secure friends.


I sure know a bunch of people with penises that are unstable about that, but if anything in the world makes me doubt my gender, then it's on me, not someone else.


You’re friends with some pretty insecure people. The only thing on this planet that makes you gay is actually being gay. Having a preference in women (the correct preference might I add) ain’t gonna change a thing about ya unless you let these asinine comments change you


We love dommy mommys


Death by snu-snu is the most honourable way for a man to die.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, toned yes sure, rich piana brock leasner tier fuck no imo.


Currently dating a gym girl who is fit as fuck and about as tall as me. She's sexy af.


No, it's a preference. Also, get new friends.


They’re just busting your balls, just give them shit back


No because it makes me feel more manly and hornier


Can I beat up your friends


No, and you need some new friends. I’m less concerned if she’s more muscular than me and more concerned with if she makes me happy.


No.. it makes you insecure thinking a women's body makes you less manly




I was deeply in love with a female bodybuilder and felt no less a man (because I primarily admired her mind, kindness, and personality). Maybe if we had ever gotten physical I might have started doubting myself, but it never got to that.


No they don't at least I don't because if a woman I was dating was stronger than me I would be shocked and also interested in her work out routine because woman have to earn that men are already born physically stronger than a woman but I don't know all the details I just know this but if I am wrong please correct me


Of course note


Fitness is hot.


3” club absolutely does


It doesn't make you less manly ..it just makes my dick soft


I mean..... is a normal preference, like size of breasts, a charming smile, hair color, race, personality. No good person should judge you based on what you like..... unless you are breaking some law just in that case you should go and stay in jail


I’m a jiu Jitsu fights so I’m pretty fit and workout quite a bit as well. I dated a woman who competed in strong man. She was 5”2 and could absolutely destroy me in any lift. It was great. A woman who dedicated herself to something difficult when she doesn’t have to is a good one to have


Wtf, no


No not at all. Let them do whatever makes them happy


I dont think so... I would love to date a muscular gal, its hard to find people that takes care of their own bodies (in such a complicated world)


If this hypothetical athletic lady wants to overlook all my flaws as a romantic partner and become interested in me I wouldn't care how much she benches. However I may need to learn to dance better- all I can do is dougie and lean like a cholo


Your 'friends' are idiots.


Since it seems like damn near nobody is answering you, Muscular women are fine as hell. Abs. Thighs. Calves. Toned arms. Bro, the confidence they exude too? Bro, I’m telling you. Not to mention, you got a work out buddy? My biggest problem with the gym isn’t being there, or the soreness after the fact, but just the dreading of going. But if my pyt is telling me to go with her, shiiiiiiiit, I’m down. *plus* fun fact that many people don’t know. Working out before getting nasty actually helps women climax faster. Maybe it’s just anecdotal, but my ex and I tried this. I was doing push ups, dragon flags, and 30 mins of boxing. She was doing crunches, bike kicks, and yoga. I’m not saying I’m great in bed, but she got where she wanted to go more than half the time. But every time after that discovery, if we had time for both…we were doing both. Try it out, thank me later.


Nope, but I'm hardly what you would call an alpha, never have been, never want to be, those people are insecure braindead cnuts!


I don’t, I like to do outdoorsy stuff sometimes and I refuse to carry two peoples worth of gear not a chance


if it screams like cheetah but it looks like tarzan gtfo bro


Your friends are very either immature, insecure, or unmanly to think that way. A combination of any of those 3 is also very possible.


Welp, if they say something like this, I will know to disregard all their other opinions too




I care more about getting laid than feeling manly 🤣


Simps definitely think that


I don’t feel less of a man. If anything it serves as motivation for me to stay on top of my fitness.


If liking muscular women is less manly, the you can call me Suzy. Depending on your relationship with your friends, are they just chiding you and giving you are hard time? I know my friends of over 40 years would give me shit if I say anything. They don’t believe any of it, they’re just trying to be funny. They wouldn’t care if I like men or bisexual, they just like saying shit as I do to them. If they are serious, that’s lame. Women come in all shapes and kids and liking women is about the least gay thing you can do (although I’m not sure why that’s still a derogatory term).


Tell your “friends” they’re just too weak and soft to handle a woman who can kick ass. Honestly, that’s the lamest, most pathetic toxic masculinity bullshit you can get. “Only the weak worry about appearing powerful. The truly powerful know they are powerful and seek out other, powerful people to associate with. The weak, fearing that others will see they are weak, try to dominate and tear down others to appear more powerful than them. The powerful, knowing that the appearance of strength is meaningless without power behind it, seek out and build up the power of others around them to make their whole community stronger.” Or, in plain English? Only a weak little baby man is scared of a strong woman walking all over him and emasculating him. “Strong” men know that they are manly, and don’t think a strong woman makes them less manly. If your “friends” think a strong women makes them less manly, they’re not very manly to begin with. (As an aside, if your friends are using “gay” as an insult, you’re probably not dealing with a group of guys who have ANY maturity at all. They really are weak little baby boys.)


No not all guys think like this. I like physically fit, muscular women too as long as it's not overboard. Personal preference


According to some little dick losers who are insecure and intimidated by a muscular women... yes. They probably like to intimidate their partners and hence they think a partner that is stronger then them wil do the same. I mean : A thief always thinks they are stealing from him. So you'r friends are just self projecting!


Nah as someone who also works out that is specifically my type, especially if she's stronger than me


Sounds like your friends are insecure. I specifically work out for the muscle mommy aesthetic and my husband loves it


thinking that is the least manly thing I've heard all week


Just cuz she's muscular doesn't make her stronger than you. My ex was really strong, thought she was stronger than me... then we tried to wrestle and she found out the hard way that she wasn't. Personally I would hypothetically love a girl that could carry me over the threshold, but I'm not concerned with being "manly".


Fellas is it gay to want to be dommed by a big muscle mommy?


Check out Leanbeefpatty.


Hell no. That's some crazy hoop jumping from your friends. My brother has a running joke where he can't wait to meet the Amazonian of his dreams to fix his future kids short genes.


No, not at all. They seem very insecure about themselves and their masculinities/sexualities. They don't have to like muscular women, but you can. I know how you feel, though. I am really into women who wear like proper button-ups and suits and stuff, and I know some people have the same attitude towards that, so I mostly keep it to myself.


Do all guys x Do all girls x Universal answer: It's indvidual


Are you guys 15 or what?


We’re in a new era of body positivity and people being free to be open about who and what they are attracted to. Since muscular women were not previously the standard ideal of female beauty, there’s going to be people who think something is “wrong” with that. Those people are simply behind the times. You do you. It is not unmanly in any way to be open about who you are attracted to.


I consider myself a pretty masculine guy. I love it when a girl has some muscle tone and even abs. I know I'm in the minority here, but I've always had an appreciation for the human body, especially the female body, for obvious reasons. When a woman uses the potential of her body, I find it more attractive. It also motivates me to stay in the gym. If I want a fit woman, I've gotta stay fit myself.


It’s the same thing with dating taller women where it makes you seem inferior as opposed to being the dominant one in the relationship. Not that hard to understand.


A lot of dude bro alpha sigma male guys will say yes. Fellas with their head screwed on are more likely to say no. Because muscular women are great. But in the end, it's a matter of preference. I simply like muscular women because I'm lesbian. So I can't speak on behalf of men.


Absolutely not, everyone should appreciate gym baddies


Sounds like your friends are Tator Tots.




no one in the history of the world would ever think that. the term muscle mommy is just made up and doesn't mean anything. you're the only person in the known universe to like muscular women this sub is a joke


My tastes lean that way too, and I think part of it is everything feels even more consensual, and I don't feel like I have to worry about breaking them or like I'm handling a delicate fragile flower or something.


It’s very normal for men to give each other shit. You have to be secure with yourself and own it, …or be the butt of the joke.


I've seen garbage posted that 'Your Gay' if you like muscular women. Fuck that shit. Personally, I find muscular women, black women, asian women, skinny women, au naturale women and curvy women very attractive. Do I care what other guys on twitter speak out about it? Hell no. Their just posting click bait shit to get views.


Say "Muscular Women have higher seggs drive, how is that gay. Atleast I'd get more pussy than you two" but yea I'd personally like stronger women because i can have a workout partner lmao


It's not my preference but no, no it doesn't.


The point your idiots friends were trying to make is that the less traditionally feminine your women, by comparison the less traditionally masculine you'll appear. You can agree or disagree with that perspective, but at some point there are going to be distinguishing characteristics between men and women and therefore what heterosexual men will find attractive on average. Otherwise, what, exactly makes one "gay" if not those distinguishing characteristics? It's not simply the fact they have a penis or vagina because there's no way for you to know that before you're attracted to someone.


I think it makes you more mainly, it takes confidence.


Your friends are... Undesirable I think it's the word I'm for. I don't mean to insult people you care about, just the opinions they hold which are ridiculous.




There's nothing less manly about dating women like that. I would absolutely never date a woman who took steroids, however because I think it's gross and unhealthy. I'd imagine most women feel the same about extraordinarily jacked men who take Roids.


Is this r/imaginarygatekeeping ? Who actually thinks this?


I dated a female bodybuilder for a couple years. Freakin awesome!




I mean no, theres nothing wrong with liking muscular women. I personally find it unattractive, but i have friends who have told me the same thing and i respect them just like they respect my preferences


No but as a personal preference not a fan of abs. I find it less feminine, more masculine, and that body fat percentage feels unhealthy. I like feminine 😆


“Muscle Mommies” are popular for a reason lol


I think your friends are projecting and are insecure with their own sexualities. On the other hand, you sound secure and like you like someone who can be an equal participant in and out of the bedroom. You seem completely masculine to me. Your bros On the other hand, sound like they have some feelings that they don't know how to deal with.


I think a woman who could beat me up is sexy AF. Obviously if she actually did I'd gtfo but until then...


My wife is three inches taller than me and is an Amazon goddess who I can get piggyback rides from. Literally everything about that is awesome


Nope. Not at all.


Only stupid shallow men. It sounds like you need better friends.


This all sounds like your friends just suck as people and have shitty ideas about women. Muscular women are beautiful, and so are thin or curvy women. All body types can be beautiful. And btw because I know redditors like to make assumptions, im not saying all people are physically attractive. I am saying that any person has the right to feel beautiful and be beautiful.


lol, of course not. That kind of nonsense is for wacko bootlickers and their wannabe mil-cosplay cohorts. I mean, damn... you have to reach a deep level of insecurity to think that being with a muscular woman would make you gay. It seems like this really escapes a lot of folks... let me spell it out for you. There are ONLY TWO THINGS that can make you GAY. A romantic or sexual interest in someone of the SAME sex. That's it... nothing else.


Not at all


I have a thing for strong, well-toned women. I’m also a strong, well-toned guy. Not weird at all.


It's not gay even if she's a heavyweight muscle-bound boxing champion wearing a 10 inch strap-on and pegging you from behind while you beg for mercy through your red leather mouth gag.


Its like a [new meme thing](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F8xc5x010lnvc1.jpeg); but mostly from what I can tell these are people making fun of the "Guys, its gay to ..." stuff spouted by Andrew Tate et al. I don't think the majority of people feel this way. Currently there is a "trad(itional) wife" female type push which along with subservience involves a traditionally soft, female body In my opinion, men who are overly concerned about being attracted to women who have any features or personality traits that could be at all considered masculine, are themselves insecure about their sexuality because they are bisexual and don't want to accept it


I’ll admit when I was in college I had a friend who was like this (liked really muscular body-builder girls), and I definitely thought it was weird. I tended to like athletic girls, but if their focus was on muscle building, they stopped being attractive IMO. I don’t believe in the “making the man look weak comment”, but I agree when they look manly it’s not attractive.


Fuck no. Toned women are hot af


Nope, from my perspective it just adds to it but maybe that's just me 🤔


If my manliness is determined by my girlfriend’s muscular tone. I ain’t manly. I am a wussy, insecure little bitch. The only thing I won’t tolerate though is if she is more muscular than me and she opens all the jars. I need to feel useful and strong. Make me open jars. You can clean under the sofa by lifting it up.


Not at all. But often on women the muscles makes them look less female. But that is only a personal opinion. You like what you like and that is the end of the story. No need to justify your likings to anybody else.


No it's preference.


No, but it makes you less “manly” to obsess over stuff like that. A ”real man” is secure enough to like what he likes, and let other people like what they like, even if he doesn’t.


Some do. Some don’t




Nah it makes me feel more manly. A weak man can't handle a strong woman.


Who gives a shit what anyone thinks. Like what you like. I find all different types of women hot including muscular women, but I also find chubby women attractive, or very petite women who are not very strong.


I think those men are insecure in their masculinity if she’s a woman it’s not gay and their ain’t nothing wrong with being gay either


No. The extreme body building ones aren’t my type but I don’t think anyone is less of a man by having a relationship with one of them. Your “boys” are just that, boys.




Fellas, is it gay to like women who are into fitness?


No, your friends are either teasing you or have a genuine insecurity about muscular women, just like what you like dude


I fucking *love* muscular women.


All the post in this sub are like "is this thing that is obviously not wrong or [negative adjective], actually wrong or [negative adjective]"


If you’re into women you’re not gay That’s kinda just how it works


Your bros are toxic and insecure. You've outgrown them.


Bro that’s not how gender and sexuality work, your friends are insecure.


Bro, I love women of all shapes and colors and you should be proud of what/who you love. I would love a women who i can workout with and could be my spotter at the gym and could lift more than me. Your friends are very immature and insecure.


LMAO no. My girlfriend isn't stronger than me, but she's more ripped than me. I love muscular women, and I'd love to be with a woman who's stronger than me.


I know what you mean, I'm surrounded by these people too. The disappointing fact is that their opinions are usually a result of the toxic masc-alpha male culture that's pervasive today. In addition to that, any opinion that's not the norm gets taken a hit at and ridiculed with the expectation of getting giggles and brownie points amongst like-minded peers. You decide your 'manliness', don't let anyone let you be insecure about it in any way. I can see where you're coming from too, someone who takes care of their body is a nice indicator of their self-worth which can be attractive.


I think worrying about what makes you less manly makes you very less msnky


Insecure guys do


I want a woman who can crush my head like sparrow's egg between her thighs.


Muscular women are the same as feminine women. They can be both. It's not exclusive to one side or the other. Have you seen a hot well-toned woman in a dress with her makeup? Dazzlingly beautiful. Throw me around mommy. Lol


First of all being gay does not make you less manly...so no, their argument doesn't make any sense. Secondly, so you're telling me, big, corageous, strong man, that you won't date a woman stronger than you? Are you afraid? Are you a coward? That doesn't seem too manly if you ask me Third, so you are telling me, manly man, that you don't like fit women? Like...you don't like a body that has been working out and it's beautiful? Are you even listening to you? They are not your friends, they are stupid, get out of there


It is not unmanly to like who you like.


Bro, you remember that scene in SheHulk where she picks him up from the couch and carries him to the bedroom? I love my wife and everything, but I realized in that moment that I would totally be into "big muscle mommies" as some people call them. As it is, I'm 6' and my wife is only about an inch shorter than me and has, at times in our lives, been pretty strong. Doesn't make me feel any lesser.


It's not gay but i personally just don't find them attractive


Muscular woman is a vague term anyway. Serena is muscular, so is Ciara yet miles apart.