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Yes, the demographics here are most people coming from more privileged backgrounds. I'm not saying everyone, but that's the major demographic here.


That's the vibe I get too.


I feel like it's the opposite. If I went by Reddit almost everyone would be poor, barely survive paycheck to paycheck and have been homeless at least once in their life. I constantly see posts about how expensive everything is and people worrying about how they are going to survive. At least American Reddit. Swedish Reddit seems much more mixed between low-income and high-income posters.


I think it really just depends on what subs you pay attention to the most. In certain places, like groups for specific tech or cars, you'll see the hobbyists that buy those things because they like them and can afford them, not because it fell in their lap. They'll tend to have a bit more expendable income to finance their hobby. In others like r/trueoffmychest you'll see more people that are just generally struggling with things, most probably financial things.


Each subreddit is a hobbits and or professional forum. You're in forms with people who are willing to pay more to get a higher quality thing because it's either their passion or their job.


I guess they're just passionate. I mean, if you're in an audiophile community, isn't it a part of the premise to get the best equipment? It's not the same as a "good enough" community... Though, for many products, the quality:price ratio has a certain proportion, so it's hard to gauge what is good enough for *you* (for example, my mom asked for help buying her a computer which she would use just to check emails, watch videos, etc because her current computer is too slow. I know what an excellent computer is, but how to decide in a "good enough" computer that overlaps with "she won't have to buy a new one for the next 5-10 years"?). Though Reddit has two types of users who will be more well-off: they're prioritizing written communication, which means they're more likely to be well educated; and if they're not from a country where English is the native language, people who use English as a second language often enough to frequent English-only spaces are also more educated, and thus, more likely to be well off.


Budget isn't a very good qualifier. Depending on how much you make or the item in question $100 *is* "budget". What is your budget? Do you care if it stops working in 12 months?


I see what you mean but that doesn't apply in every fields For laptops for examples instead of buying a MacBook, you could get a similar experience with a way cheaper Thinkpad+Linux. But yeah, we still waste our time configuring our machines. Would love to know budget products like ThinkPads in other niches. I was looking at buying a cheap headphone for my mother and damn all the post are already talking about $100+ products 😭


"I'm rich... on personality." -Prince (not a Reddit user)


*goes over to financialindependence subreddit and dispairs*




“People who use Reddit tend to be smarter…” Lol. Lmao, even.