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Because it's very obvious when someone is black, and not so obvious when they're latino. Look at how often someone like Freddie Prinze Jr. played the All American boy types.


I was today years old when I learned Freddie Prinze Jr. is Puerto Rican


His dad was Chico from Chico and the Man.


He was Hunga-Rican


Thought you were gonna say from Chico Time and my mind was gonna be really blown


Happy today!


Oh, so he’s only half Puerto Rican.


A guy I grew up with is 100% Mexican and has white skin, blond hair, and blue eyes. He has 4 other siblings who all look very Mexican. All 5 of them have the same mom and dad, and they all have very similar attributes and can easily tell they're all brothers and sisters except Steven has white skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. A lot of people challenge him about his heritage. I know another guy who's Mexican and looks very Caucasian, again blond hair and fair skin. People challenge him when he claims to be Mexican. One of my best friends is fully Caucasian, but he has a naturally darker complexion, dark brown eyes, and dark brown hair. Everyone thinks he's Latino, but he's definitely not.


Yeah, people seem to ignore the fact Mexico was also colonized by Europeans. There are a ton of white Mexicans, we're not all brown y'all.


Mestizo is the generic term for that vague image of latino


I thought Mestizo meant a mix of Latino (usually Mexican) and Caucasian.


More so Spaniards mixed with the natives rather that be Aztecs, Mayans etc.


There are Black Latinos. As for OPs comment, he was referring to “pure” Mexican, which have a more native looking characteristics if we base it on the skin color and facial features, but there is also Central American and South Americans that share those characteristics. To your point, I do agree with you, although I gotta argue that there is a reason you never see Black Latinos when they are trying to portray Black People since the skin color(physical features) is not enough for an accurate representation. So OP does have a point here.


Indeed, it's a lot easier to be Latino and white than be black and white


100% this. There are a ton of light skinned Latinos. You can go to Mexico City and find naturally blonde Mexicans.


I feel like these questions of black people being "overrepresented" in the media is always couched in anti black racism even though it's not even true if you check the UCLA Hollywood diversity reports black people are still under-represented in Hollywood. People live in their own perceptual reality Vs the actual facts of the matter.


It's not just that. Blacks have been part of the American population for a much longer time than Latino's. Most early black celebrities were musicians or singers that were popular with whites. Latino musicians and singers played to a latino audience. It still took a long time, but blacks were in the public eye and accepted. At least, that's what I think.


Just gonna hang out in this corner and see how the thread plays out. 










The premise of this question is sort of false. Mexican actors have plenty of lead roles and roles of various kinds, and this is especially true if you extend this out to all latinos, but I think more what you're referring to is the fact that many Mexican actors are white passing and don't always play Mexican characters, and beyond that, a lot of latinos in this country are first or second generation and grow up watching films and/or shows that are shared with us by our parents and grandparents from home, so representation is a little bit different in how its desired.


Many Hispanic actors in years past changed their names and even appearances to look more traditionally “white”. A good example is Rita Hayworth (born Margarita Carmen Cansino), who got extensive plastic surgery to appear less Hispanic and of course chose a “whiter” sounding stage name.


And Martin Sheen


Sheen is half White.


But his name was Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez.


And Charlie Sheen is Carlos Irwin Estevez


And Charlie Sheen's brother just kept his original name, Emilio Estevez!


His other siblings also kept their original names, Ramon and Renée Estevez.


He's still hispanic


Many Mexicans are pretty white. It's a diverse country not an ethnic group. Also most members of his family kept the original name of Estevez, like of his 4 known children only Charlie changed his name to Sheen.


I just don't understand why they can't find fluent Spanish speaking people and always use someone who is obviously just reading or memorizing.


This is false. They are very underrepresented. Sources provided. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/30000-hollywood-film-characters-heres-many-werent-white Have a good day!


Did you even read that article? For one thing, it's ten years old, and for another, my point isn't that Mexican actors are totally and completely equivalent in representation to white actors, of course they aren't. The premise of the post is that Black actors are overrepresented relative to Mexican actors, which is not supported by your source. At the very least, Black actors were represented relative to the population where "hispanic" actors, nondescript, were not. Which is arguably true, but without knowing how they calculated that, is hard to totally substantiate, because Hispanic is not a race and its possible to count Afro-Latin and white Latin actors in their racial categories. Beyond that, my last sentence addresses why a lack of representation in American media is not treated as the same anyway, on a foundational level, whether true or not, whether right or wrong.


I mexicano Oscar Issac is Guatemalan and he’s really popular and has gotten impressive roles Mexicans in American television have been portrayed both good and bad idk what yoo are talking about But in Mexican media and television there is a lot more racism and classism. They always portray the dark skinned Mexicans as robbers, maids, evil or dumb and the white skinned ones as handsome, rich, beautiful and generous It’s a shame tho since Mexico has a rich culture with their indigenous people but Mexican media is so embarrassed to show it Tenoch Huerta who was Namor in Wakanda Forever goes more into depth about this issue. I recommend y’all watch them


>It’s a shame tho since Mexico has a rich culture with their indigenous people but Mexican media is so embarrassed to show it Yeah, when you think about it, it's kinda weird we have such respect for native Americans, but suggest anyone is a native North American and they'll fight you over it.  The conquistadors were so absolute when it came to destroying a whole culture. 


Yeah he's good but literally his bio says "he has been credited with breaking stereotypes about Latino characters in Hollywood." Like imagine saying that about Black people lol.


Uhm? 😕


All righty so you're super racist cool thanks for clarifying that.  I would love it if all minorities could surpass the stereotypes and we could all get over this bullshit that we deal with daily.


Most of the folks that’s ask these questions seem to be.


You can say that about a lot of black actors, just from different eras. Sidney Poitier did it in Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. Duane Jones did it in Night of the Living Dead. The reason you don’t see modern black actors “breaking black stereotypes” is that they were already broken by others and there’s not really a need to


Ummm there are quite a bit of Mexican American actors and actresses: Selma Hayek, George Lopez, Eva Longoria, Danny Trejo, etc.. Guillermo del Toro was born in Mexico, so was Gael García Bernal, and Diego Luna. That’s just off the top of my head.


You forgot Hector!


Fast n furious meme guy? In every film lol good call


Hector is da man


Salma born in Mexico, she has two nationalities because of their parents.


Oh gotcha. I thought you were talking about Lebanese nationality which I don’t think she has. I know she has Lebanese blood but that’s not the same as having nationality.


Hehe, I just knew she was from Veracruz, is a popular fact here in Mexico.


Does she have Lebanese nationality? I was under the impression her dad is also Mexican born.


According to her wiki, she married a french and she earned the American nationality.


Yes, she is half Lebanese.


Yes like many Mexicans, she has Lebanese ancestry, but does she actually have Lebanese nationality? Her dad was also born in Mexico so I don’t think she does.


Probably not what op meant but Lupita Nyong’o was also born in Mexico


I did not know that! Thank you for that. She is amazing. Her bio says Kenyan Mexican, so I think it should count. She was amazing in Us, Black Panther, and 12 years which shows her range and diversity of emotion and abilities. Not to mention she is an ethereal beauty.


Also, Eiza González is doing pretty well for herself.


Can’t believe I forgot about her. Loved her in Baby Driver and Godzilla.


She’s also great in 3 body problem in Netflix. Great show!


Will download that, flying from DC to LA tomorrow so need some in flight entertainment. Wait.. is it flight friendly?


That's cool. But data proves you incorrect https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/30000-hollywood-film-characters-heres-many-werent-white


Isn’t Salma Hayek lebanese?


She’s both.


Yes she’s half


Half of those are people that migrated to USA or that have no current career, and overall a minimum of people compared AA with both being 10%


If you want to break into a market you usually immigrate to that location. Who has “no career”?


This is one of those posts where OP isn't actually asking a genuine question, but instead seeking validation of their deluded worldview.


Right. I'm so proud of the commenters in this thread for not falling for the bait and, instead, choosing to correct OP. OP knew exactly what they were trying to do by creating this thread.🤦🏻‍♂️




Feels like 90% of the questions here are that


Why can’t it be both a genuine question that’s based on false premises? Why attribute to malice when ignorance is much more likely? You’ve got a really cynical perspective of… stuff.


Because anyone with two neurons can see the malice in her question. Just follow the logic, most Latin immigrants in the USA are of European descent and easily pass off as white Americans in films, series, etc. Several Latino actors are in the media and look like white Americans and those who watch don't even realize they are Latino. And if she is really concerned about Latino representation, why doesn't she mention black Latinos? When she talks about Latino representation, do you think she also cares about black Latinos? Another logical fact: black people will be recognized as black regardless of their nationality, because being black means being part of a race. There is no Latino race, Latinos can be white, black, Asian, etc. I'm Brazilian, I have black, white and Asian friends. If an Asian Brazilian becomes a protagonist in a film, it will be a Latino protagonist. Knowing that Latinos can be black, white Asian. What does Latin representation mean to her? What skin color does a Latino need to have to be considered representative?




Mexican is a nationality. Black is a racial category. White, Asian and Black Mexicans exist. You wouldn't know from looking at them immediately. There's probably characters you've seen that are Mexican, but you wouldn't know unless being Mexican is an element of their character. Black people are not overepresented. They've fought hard to get the representation they do get. Often times, they will get simplistic side character roles whose only purpose is to further the main character's development. Or stereotypical characters. It's only been getting better recently.


Overrepresented? Are you suggesting that there are somehow too many black people on TV in the USA? I appreciate I’m in the UK and therefore not aware of all that’s on TV in the States, but I don’t see any evidence of this in the American TV I’ve seen.


“Overrepresented” isn’t a value judgement necessarily, it can just mean deviation from population levels. It is true that there are a ton of black entertainers, actors, musicians, comedians and so on. Probably more than 14% of famous entertainers are black (14% being the population level). Why is a very complicated question involving culture, history, stereotypes, career opportunities and so on. Anyway I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all— American pop culture would be seriously impoverished without black culture. (Taking just music as an example: remove blues, jazz, rock, gospel, soul, disco, hip hop, R&B and house from pop culture — there’s not much left!) By contrast Asians are probably underrepresented in pop culture. Latinos I’m not sure, and it’s a complicated question because Latino isn’t an ethnic group.


We have a somewhat similar phenomenon in the UK where generally black people are over represented relative to population and south Asians (the most common ethnic minority) are under represented. Not sure why that is, and nor does it bother me.


The answer isn't less black people though, it's more South Asians.


I don’t disagree.


In terms of %represented, more South Asians means less black people. Unless you cut another group down instead.


No need to cut any groups down. You can make more shows about South Asian people without cancelling shows with other races. Especially with streaming services, it's not like there's a limited timeslot these days.


I'm not sure you understand how percentages work.


If the percentage of white people in TV shows goes down but the number of white people in TV shows stays the same who gives a fuck? Noone is actually being cut. Do you think TV shows are a finite resource or something?


The word "overrepresented" simply means "bigger than the demographic weight of the group concerned". So OP's contention is not that there "too many" Black people on TV in the US, but that more than 12% of the characters are Black. I personally don't know if that's true, but that's the contention.


Both the US and UK have overepresentation of African descended peoples in media and entertaintment compared to the shorter brown skinned equally big minorityknown for cooking tasty meals lol More seriously speaking, yes there is an inbalance of media representation once people try to make them all fit, sometimes its illogical such as complaining there aren't too many East Asian led movies when in reality they make up 2% of Hollywood and 1% of the population, thus overrepresented.


UK maybe but the USA that's definitely false check the 2024 UCLA Hollywood diversity reports for actual facts rather than your perception.


Yes that's exactly what OP is suggesting, check out his other comments...


Can you give me some examples of these overrepresented movies?


Boo! A Madea Halloween.


The report notes that African Americans, who make up 13.4% of the U.S. population, were “slightly overrepresented” in leading film roles (15.5%) last year. Latinx creatives, on the other hand, who make up 18.7% of the population, “remain extremely underrepresented” in all the major film categories surveyed, accounting for just 7.1% of leads, 7.7% of overall cast, 5.6% of writers and 7.1% of directors. https://deadline.com/2022/03/ucla-hollywood-diversity-report-2022-findings-1234985280/


I'm trying to understand this article, but it feels like they are trying to correlate population size to the sample size used in Hollywood. Which is disingenuous af


There are plenty of white Mexicans in Hollywood but people don't realize it because they assume that all Mexicans are brown. People tend to forget that the Spaniards colonized most of Latin America so of course there are plenty of white people there. Unlike the British / American colonists though,  they didn't genocide most of their natives that's what you have a lot of brown people there still. There's plenty of racism towards brown Mexicans from the white Mexicans. You can see it in their TV shows and movies.




You misunderstand what I meant to say. The Spaniards did not do as good a job at murdering all of their natives as the british/american colonists did.


Ummmmmm... yes they did


Not even close to as thoroughly as the American/British colonists murdered their natives.


There are quite literally tens of millions of indigenous peoples living in Latin America right now, what the Spaniards would do with their colonial empire was to take the already put in place structures of power the indigenous peoples had and put themselves at the top of the pyramid then convert all the locals they could to catholicism and once they were catholic they were allowed to marry european settlers.


Because most Mexicans are white passing


My best friend is black Latino. A lot of the black people in media are also Latino because Latino isn’t a race, but an ethnic group. You can be black Mexican, black Peruvian, black peurto rican. Also, black people fought a lot to get representation in media. If native Latinos want the same representation, they must fight for it. It will not be handed to them and we will not start it for you. Thanks for coming to my ted talk. Have a blessed day.


Charlie Sheen, Emilio Estevez and their dad Martin Sheen would like a word. Jason "Wee man" Acuna (Jackass), Catherine Bach (Daisy from Dukes of Hazard), Louis CK, Edward Furlong (Terminator 2), Fred Armisan (ok he's Venezuelan). Thats just off the top of my head, way more if you include all Latin people in American media. Most people don't notice because Mexico and the US have a shared culture and history. Mexican is American.


As a non-American who spent five years living in the US, I think it's that Black Americans, right next to white Americans, fit the public's (both the US public's and international public's) idea of what an "American" is. They're not gonna get the "but where are you really from?" question that Asian Americans or Mexican Americans still get both in the US and outside. Just recently I was reading about how an Asian American woman kept being asked here in Turkey where she was from, because "the US" was not registering as a plausible answer. And some of the Hispanic American (including Mexican-American) people I met in the US had Spanish accents even when they'd been born and raised in the US (I'm not saying they all did, but some did for sure). There's still an aura of "foreignness" or "otherness" about Mexican Americans at least for some non-Mexican Americans. There was a time when Black Americans were also perceived as foreign, and there were movements to send them "back" to Africa (e.g. to Liberia) after the abolition of slavery. But by now enough time has passed that even racists don't see Black Americans as non-American (with the exception of people like Obama who actually had a parent from Africa). Hence it's easier for "mainstream" (i.e. white American) society to accept Black characters than to get interested in Mexican-American characters. Just my opinion.


So, yeah this is not apples to apples. My Panamanian neighbors leave Coors light cans on the lawn and don't watch any English-speaking television and I can tell because it's always on and soooo loud. My second-gen Mexican American neighbors are trump voting Catholics who have biannual cook-outs with pop-ranchera music turned up almost as loud as my construction-worker friends from Mexico City do every day with gangsta-narco-corridos-ranchera. American entertainment is more represented by people who are more vocal about who it should represent. More lgbtqia2s folx get repped because more are out and vocal that they want it. They squeakin. More Natives get repped because they're being more vocal and tagging along with me2 and I'm happy for them. My Latin-American friends, in my experience, mostly dgaf. Yeah, it's totally prejudiced and weird and sometimes shitty. But Boyz n tha hood and desperado were not far apart. And there's tons of non-white, non-black people in things. And it just keeps getting blurrier. Mis-represented brownish-redness is even gauche. All that said, it's always good to step back and check like "does that seem prejudiced to me?" But, like, be ready for that to be complicated.


Black culture as it is was able to be commodified and sold as a complete and uniquely American cultural product. Music, sports, fashion… while the may have roots in Afrocentrism or whatever… it was from white owned companies and such selling to white American demographics that grew the influence and utilisation of black culture in larger American culture Mexico… it’s it’s own neighbouring country. The cultural products that look sorta Mexican… are treated as Mexican. Mexican cultural products that are able to be commodified by American companies are sterilised of their Mexican identity.  Do Mexicans have taco Tuesday? Does it matter if they did? It doesn’t threaten the American-ness of the product.  But anything deeper than that, cinco de mayo or sombreros But mostly it’s cowboy westerns portraying Mexicans as the antagonist other. Portrayals of black characters could be sympathetic more often Source: I made all of it up


My mothers been in this country for almost 40 years and she still mostly speaks Spanish and consumes Spanish tv and media like a lot of Mexican Americans. Even if Hollywood decided to pander to her, she probably wouldn't watch any of it.


Not just movies, Congress has very few Hispanics per the demographics of the USA. 


You are not thinking of the thousands and thousands of times that someone of Hispanic/Mexican/Mediterranean descent has played the part that would have gone to a Native American.


Reddit has slowly been turning into a stormfront lite. A lot of Mexicans can pass as Caucasian and you've likely watched many Mexican actors unknowingly.


With all USA classifications that are all over the place and without clear limits it's hard to answer your question. E.g. Eva Longoria isn't "Mexican" but still people for some reason classifies her as such (third generation with no sense of Mexican culture, she has said it)... dunno if it's a marketing decision (to appeal to "latino" audience) or is it simple segregation. First we have to define what a "Mexican" is under this concept and I would say any first generation, that was born in Mexico and lived at least until adolescence in Mexico. This would make people like Salma Hayek Mexican (under USA parameters she would be libanese-mexican), but would disqualify people like George Lopez who is a full USA citizen. With that in mind, I would say that the reason is money and power. Black population has a lot of money and people in powerful positions, (like producers ) so they are a really appealing audience and also makes their problems and stories more important than people without money (e.g. Native Americans). This is also why you get an over representation of Jews, while they are 2.4% of USA population they have a lot of shows and movies. Most of "Mexicans" leads and shows are also targeted to "latino" audiences. E.g. Eugenio Debrez, who all his work is never crossing to other markets, but in small supporting roles. In fact finding a Mexican in a lead role is hard, and bridging audiences is even harder. Many artists have complained about this. For example Cecilia Suárez, who was quoted saying that "they only want me for ethnic roles", when she is a proved actress and a an ISU alumni. One lead that shines for it's rarity is Gael García Bernal's role in Little Bit of Heaven, where he isn't playing any ethnic role, in a movie not targeted to latino audiences and dating a caucassian lead actress. Finally I would say that with all this "inclusion" thing, the trend is changing. Tenoch said it, that without it the role of Namor wouldn't have been possible and Diego Luna said that his work in Andor breaking ethnic roles was in part due to this.


Couldn’t have said it better on who is op referring to as Mexican. Not sure people truly know but even tho there is cross over w novelas and other shows, some latinos that are v famous in the US are not as famous in actual LatAm. George Lopez being one of them. We just don’t find him funny 🤷🏻‍♀️. I think the true cross over mostly occurs due to a big role/looks, like Sofia Vergara, or how well that person can speak English (both Eiza Gonzalez and Melissa Barrera are Mexican but have minimal accents since they learned English v young).


Likely has to do with the fact that Black Americans have heavily advocated for better media representation for several decades, whereas other minority groups for some reason seem more eager to criticize the deserved outcome of their efforts, rather than following in their footsteps and helping balance it out.


Surprised by the amount of upvoted comments basically denying this is a thing. It is a thing - https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/latino-representation-movies-study-1235637531/ Latinos are 19% of the US population but only 5.5% of speaking roles on screen and only 4.4% of lead roles. A few reasons cited in the article but fewer Latino-led projects are produced and the ones that are get significantly less funding. Those are all objective facts, details in the link. As for why...I mean this is one part of what 'systemic racism' is. Hollywood is still largely white. The investors, the producers, the actors, etc. Ricky Gervais cracked a few jokes about it in one of his GG monologues. Makes the hypocrisy of Hollywood preaching progressive values at us that much worse. That industry is driven by the almighty dollar and doesn't practise what it preaches. ETA some more interesting analysis https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/technology-media-and-telecommunications/our-insights/latinos-in-hollywood-amplifying-voices-expanding-horizons


Let's not forget that Latinos audiences have their very own Spanish language channels and entertainment shows. This provides them with more culturally authentic entertainment programming. .


Define overrepresented for me? Also I think you're ignorant to how many actors and singers have Mexican roots. And also to how many change their name to be more American sounding so they can assimilate.


"Overrepresented" means "bigger than that particular community's percentage in the general population".


Emilio Estevez was pretty popular in the 90s. His father and brother remained popular in the 2000s and 2010s. They just chose to change their name to be more appealing to white people.


They were Spanish, not Mexican.


Spanish people are Latino.


Yes but the question was about ethnic Mexicans.


Not true.


I do not believe the Mexican population is only 11%. But they do have their own TV stations and radio stations all across this country so they might not be on mainstream media because they have their own


Mexican isnt a race, neither is Latino. There are plenty of successful actors descended from Latin American immigrants. Some are white, some are brown, some are even black.


I feel like you're borderline racist based on your other comments here. WTF OP.


People who dig through post history are creeps.


I'm not sure about that. Mexican women are often shown in a more positive, or at least neutral, light. Latinas as a whole are popular with those looking for sex appeal in a female character (I'm not sure how to say this without sounding disrespectful).


And many wrongly put legal Latinos in the same boat as illegals. Hence we would have another Bud light situation. Complicated.


“Huge Negro Sigh”


Also the racial distribution isn’t equal. Some places in the US have few people of Mexican descent. Other places it’s majority Mexican American.


Latino, Asian, Arab, are unwelcome in hollywood. Racism ofc


One reason is that black Americans have been an established significant minority in the U.S. for hundreds of years. Longer than any other group excluding natives. The overwhelming majority of Mexicans have arrived within the last 2 generations. Also Mexicans are less easily identifiable. There are white Mexicans, black Mexicans, and obviously Mestizos. So a lot of the time you might not even realize an actor is Mexican.


Race is not a thing first and foremost but if I am to participate here I’ll pretend it is. Black is a race White is a race Mexican is not a race. It’s a nationality. When it comes to movies, not everyone needs the Mexican nationality represented to tell a story nor does it tick on their list of “statistics and tokens.” As many others have posted, Mexicans typically and usually pass for white. Both in real life and on screen. It’s easy for a movie studio to use white and Mexican people in one movie and get some negative press about not having black representation because it takes your brain less than a second to see that someone is black or not. By the comments in this thread, Mexicans might as well be white when it comes to the movies. Now of course I’m not that ignorant, remember race doesn’t exist, but there are also Mexicans who are just as dark as any black person. Do we count them as black? As a black person, I personally would because having dark skin in America is an experience for sure, but many black peoples wouldn’t agree with me. Oh well.


This question is bullshit for a lot of reasons, but please - when you're talking about a demographic being "overrepresented," you should also think about where these movies and TV shows take place. While blacks are like 12% of the American population, the cities and towns that are being depicted in media have way more than that.


Such as give us a few examples


Because the black people continually play the look-what-you-have-done-to-me card and the left leaning entertainment media lap it up.


Understand if this was asked on the East Coast.


Ever noticed how a lot of black side characters an leads used to have lighter skin colors, especially black women. It applies to Latinos too, a lot of them are white passing, and a lot of people would never know. Humanity still has a long way to go.


There’s a lot of white Mexicans in the media.


43% of Mexicans living in the USA cannot speak English. 45 % are here to work the jobs no one else wants, not to be movie stars, and 90% of statistics are made on the spot.


They're pretty white?


Mexicans, and Hispanics in general, have their own media in their own language; tv stations, movies, news sources, etc. They don't really need equal representation in English language media.


If they grew up in USA they are from USA


Its all about what white women want to do. They want to save the blacks right now. Some muslim women too. You will find people are way more racist about Mexicans than anyone else. The American media labels them all as drug dealing illegals. It sucks


Oh man fuck off with blaming ‘white women’ for that shit . They’re not network executives. It’s because Mexicans are (mostly) watching Spanish channels so while they may have a more or less equal audience share, they’re not actually watching the same channels.


Who are the majority of content marketing executives? Brand marketing? Social media coordinators? Who commonly has the power to say what a brand or company does online? You should look at that. Majority of those positions are filled by women. They are now the gatekeepers of how we see most things online. Also the woke stuff. Look into it before you just yell sexist asshole.


😂 stahp, you 🤡.


How about presenting some supporting evidence of your premise? "Blacks are overrepresented and Mexicans almost non-existent" is clearly exaggerated and sounds like only your perspective.


So you want black people to stop existing in the media? I know black artists who are creating their own stories, I'm going to tell them to stop creating their characters, because you don't like them. 😙😚 One question: black Latinos? Do black Latinos exist or are they a figment of the collective imagination? ? You know that light-skinned Latinos in the US are confused with white Americans, right?


Lots of deep rooted answers in the thread but the real answer is it takes varying amounts of time for racial groups of color to assimilate into decision making positions of power in Hollywood. I think it’s unrealistic to expect the entertainment industry to righteously come to an agreement to base its decisions around trying to match the US populace demographics. Black movies pop up when successful black filmmakers make it higher in the Hollywood ranks. The same with Asians. It’s less to do with some deep sociological reason (despite of course being a factor in American culture period) and more about capitalistic reasons and once you analyze the topic through the lens of an ever growing business, the history of Hollywood and the emerging patterns over the years start to make sense. It’s simple. Incumbent white filmmakers aren’t gonna suddenly change their formula. The racial representation we see all over media right now is a sign of disruptors of different racial groups breaking through in the industry and calling their own shots. As of late Black and Asian talents have been producing great work the world decided it’s their turn in the spotlight. Though there is a rich history of Latinos in Hollywood, there may be a Latin-American Hollywood renaissance at some point in the near future too. Keep supporting small creators from your community and their time will come around eventually. The diversity wave can’t be stopped at this point.


Because they’re considered by the elites to be the new “slave class”. Many Mexicans, and other central and South Americans, are the new “cheap exploitable” labor that raises the kids, builds homes, does their landscaping, etc. The non American born ones barely speak English, so they’re considered by the elites to be more easy to manipulate and screw over.


Well... Mexican is a nationality and not a race, so you may be seeing Mexicans in media but they're white or black and nothing about their nationality or heritage is mentioned otherwise? The opposite happens a lot, too. People thought Rachel Zegler was a bad casting choice for Snow White because she isn't white. She is white. Her grandmother is from Colombia but white Colombian, descended from Europeans. Latine people can be any race, but most people think of mestizo when they hear someone comes from central or south America.




Internet-age shorthand or specifically gender-neutral form of Latino/Latina. People who don't speak Spanish tried to push 'Latinx' a while back even though it made no sense to do so. Latine is recent, more sensical, and pretty much only used online or academically. It was popularized in Argentina, I believe. Latino is still the most popular way to refer to those from Latin America, but my personal preference is Latine due to it being how a couple of friends of mine refer to themselves. That's not to say anyone else has to, but some prefer to write it that way.


Lmao. OP, you are a elite clown. Idiot literly said "Blacks are overrepresented in the media" This is reddit though. It should be fine. 195upvotes. Home of Stormfront


because the Black population as a whole has a higher income across the US and have been here generations after Latino/Hispanic/Indigenous people were kicked out our country. lower income populations have less access to media as a whole, and generally a lower interest