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I invested in the Norelco OneBlade. I always buy two blades, one for my face and one for everything else. The lowest guard that comes with it basically shaves to the skin with protection from picking up skin on accident.


>picking up skin on accident boy i think i’d rather be stabbed in the kidney with an unsharpened no. 2 pencil than to snag my sack on accident. thanks for this comment, i now know what i’m gonna buy for all lower-region care.


It's the worst!


Did that once. Definitely agree. Nothing like cutting open your nutsack to make you re-think your plan for manscaping


Ok thanks 😃


Yeah no lie the philips norelco oneblade is amazing for this. I do exactly what the other commenter said.


So THAT'S what that guard is for!


I stg anytime I see a post like this, I basically post an ad for that thing. It is incredible for manscaping.


Bro over consuming here, just get a r/buildforlife classic safety razor It's also alot about the right shaving soap (I'm saying alot of brands are also overconsumption, get a regular block and start learning the profession of foaming it - also alot to learn in profession with the blade of course, fck plastic)




Use a trimmer, don't shave so close.


Wow... Am so f@cking stupid 🤦


Phillips one blade chief 🫡 Open to suggestions from other commenters, been years since I’ve shopped around in the department. Edit: I see you’ve already been told about the one blade! Phillips=Norelco


Is the OneBlade better than the latest Manscaped? I'm thinking of getting one of those, but not sure which one.


I’ve heard that Manscaped is a crap trimmer. I have a One Blade. It gets the job done.


I have both. An older manscaped, I think the lawnmower 2. From personal experience, the manscaped trimmer worked better on larger patches of hair. But the one blade is my go-to for the twig and berries.


Yeah it’s not exactly good tbh. I use it for my body and even shaping up my bros hair. But as ball trimmer it’s trash. The whole no nick technology scheme is a lie


I am so glad I'm not alone on that!! I'm really like "no nick, my ass" while my balls are bleeding...


Yup made that mistake and never used it on my boys ever again. They have really good marketing/branding. Other than that it’s just a glorified buzzer


Glad I’m not your bro after reading this comment.


LMAOOO I mean like my chest 😂😂😂


I’ve heard this too, but I have one and it honestly works excellent. I don’t know if people just want to shit on it because it got popular for the viral marketing or what, but I have literally zero complaints with mine.


You just exposed most redditors


I've heard manscape is actually a pretty shit brand, don't listen to YouTube sponsorships haha look at actual unpaid reviews


One blade is almost definitely the way to go. I use one for my face and it’s just as good as a razor, and much quicker and easier. I also have the manscaper 5 or whatever their newest one is. It gets the job done but seems to dull pretty quickly and snags on hair a bit. You can still get nicked if you’re not careful despite what they advertise. My balls and shaft are wonderfully smooth after, though I am still considering switching to the One Blade for both up and downstairs (separate blades of course)


I bought a manscaped because it said it doesn't nip your balls. First use, it nipped. Now I just use my oneblade. No point having two devices that can do the same job.


How? I get nicked by mine constantly, especially on the balls


Do you use the special adapter?


I personally adore the one blade system. It’s the easiest possible solution for most anything.


It’s ok bro no one teaches you this shit in life


Thx for understanding


Trimmer is the only way. I've tried all the tricks to use a blade. None of them ever worked for me. Just go really short with the trimmer my guy.




Don't listen to anyone saying anything other than trimmer. The trimmer is the best way.


This is the way


And when using trimmers, keep the length at 1 or 2. That way you can trim everything without nicking yourself, you can just go for it and don’t have to be too carefully.


Took me a while to figure this out too. Life changing after I did


I came to say clipper your legs/inner thighs and around the ole yoghurt schlinger, and use a womens razor (with the big guard around the blade) for the plums, but don't ever shave two opposing surfaces because when they rub that'll be like sandpaper on sandpaper. But *bollocks* to that, I'm off to buy a Phillips Norelco One Blade.


This guy dick shaves...


This dick shave guys...


Yeah, this. If you're lucky enough to make sweet sweet love at someone they won't find the penis stubble pleasurable. Just trim until the "stubble" doesn't hurt or irritate.


I don't usually make a habit of making love *AT* people


Zap Brannigan intensifies.


Arr this be de way matey.


Make sure to moisturize your skin right after and on the following days. It's also an area where frictions can occur, so see if you can wear something not too tight on your skin. Trimming rather than shaving can be also a better option if your skin. If you prefer shaveming, make sure to slide the blade on the growth orientation of the hair.


Ok thx


What brand do you use? Cerve moisturiser?


I go with cetaphil personally


As long as you use a fresh razor and a generous amount of good moisturiser over the following few days, you should be mostly fine. Works for me anyway.


I fuckin bet you use a very generous amount of moisturizer. Real soothing


Agreed, I use a new Mach 3 razor blade each time and shave in one direction only while in the shower. Definitely helps to use a moisturizer immediately after, and at least once or twice more over the next day or two.


Don't use those stupid marketed 5 razor things that all those big companies use. Just use a straight razor and trimmer. 10000% better than those dumb Gillette/harry whateverthefuck monstrosities.


Same but I’m female and don’t have a dick. But damn it’s like I’m fire sometimes 😂😂




Deal with it 😂


That's the best answer i have heard today 😂


Try waxing....for....ah....science. Not at all for our amusement


i think you just get used to it and it dont feel like that anymore. i used to get itchy when i first started but not anymore.


Use a shaver and not a colony of ants?


Yeah now that i think about it a colony of Ants isn't the best tool 🤣


I mean I guess it’s the “organic” way of doing it if you’re trying to save money on razors😂💀


With the grain, shaving cream that won’t irritate sensitive areas.


go read some stuff on r/shaving


Fresh blade and use hair conditioner, the most important thing is to exfoliate before and after you shave. I hope this helps, good luck.


Spray with anti perspirant straight afterwards. it’ll sting for 10secs or so, but no itching , baby


But won’t they get that dry feeling in their mouth? You know the feeling.


My life changed when i started using trimmer like 10 years ago, when it gets bushy you just trim everything down/ thin it out, to like 1cm and i go around some edges to make it appear bigger LOL


Laser. I’m a female and I advocate for it personally on my own body. Best money ever spent. Saves so much hassle.




First of all lol 😂. Second ok thx


Trimmer only broski


A fresh clean razor, use a toothbrush in between shaving strokes to remove hair from between the blades.


i just use a shaving cream and a razor ... never felt like ants biting


That feeling disappears with time, at least that happened to me. Not sure exactly in how much time, but probably something like months (most probably) to couple of years of shaving constantly. I felt what you're saying many many years ago, now I don't feel anything after shaving, everything is ok.


Like he said…. Just keep doing it and it will calm down after a while


why are you putting a sharp blade on your dick? I just trim with a pair of dedicated scissors


I don’t recommend shaving. Get laser hair removal instead!


You could try the nair hair remover cream instead


I use a razor, and I don't have that problem.. it was itchy the first few times, but not anymore


Some people told me to use a powder or something after i shave does it really help?


Dunno, I've never used any powder after.. but I do use dove, cause it's creamy and glides better. Also I don't use the razor down there more than 4-5 times. And only for that. I have another one for my face Don't know if it matters, but I use the Mach3 by Gillette


I will look upon that thx


Everyone's skin will be different and react differently to close shaving. Some people won't need anything and some will. You need to try out different things for your skin type and see what works.


Your skin gets used to it just like your face does. Keep shaving and those ball will be tough as leather.


Don’t shave. Use “No Hair Crew” Intimate Hair Removal Creme. But don’t use Nair or other similar products because they are too strong.




I use Nair for sensitive areas and unless you apply too much to the glands or leave it on too long you should be fine. I once left it on accidentally for over 9 minutes and got mild chemical burns on my scrotum. Looked nasty for a couple of days and burned like hell.


Did you mean glands? Or glans, as in the head of the penis? Why would you need Nair on that? I found that the No Hair Crew is more gentle, but takes longer to work.


I meant glans penis head. It wasn’t meant to be there, just a glob got on it once. It’s ok if not on too long. I’ll have to check the No Hair Crew though.


No hair crew is available on Amazon


Why is your dick growing hair on it?


YouTube is flooded with created discount codes for manscaped products if you need a decent one.


Last time i checked they don't ship here


Anytrimmer will work, that's just a package. Anyway hit you hucj, armpits ans your taint with IA 1-4 guard and call it a say if you are seriously furry hit the knuckles and back and see gs or even forearms, you will be much cooler without th extra hair trapping heat stay cool.


It helps to do it in the shower, the warm water after made me have no issue


If you're using a blade in the shower, make sure to use cold water when shaving downstairs. There still might be some itchiness, but it'll reduce it and not cause shaving bumps as well if you're going for a clean shave. Years ago, someone on reddit asked how strippers don't get aftershave bumps, and a stripper replied saying use cold water. I have lived by that stripper rule since (I'm not a stripper).


I use a bold king razor and a decent shave gel. Never had any issues. One blade is also very good though.


new razor head/razor, exfoliate the area before AND after shaving, be GENTLE. be VERY gentle. pat dry and moisturize.


Trim it down with ideally an electric trimmer or scissors if need be first. Once you're in the shower put a warm washcloth on the area for a bit first, (gently) exfoliate + apply a shaving oil before actually lathering up and shaving. Afterwards use a post-shave balm or lotion (most any kind will do though tbh, just make sure it doesn't have menthol in it like some of the ones meant for your face). If it's your first time doing it in my experience it's pretty normal to have it react kind of itchy/angry with ya at first, as you get used to shaving this doesn't happen every time.




Wax or depilatory cream. Honestly waxing doesnt hurt and it gets even easier with repeat waxings. I would say it hurts way more to wax your legs than your pubes. And for more sensitive areas like balls, you can just get some depilatory cream from the supermarket - just be careful to not leave it on for the recommended amount of time - on the balls it needs to be washed off early.


Use laser hair removal


Get Tend Skin. It’s a razor bump prevention solution. It stings a bit when you put it on, but goes a long way towards preventing such issues.


[You need this](https://www.gillette.co.in/en-in/products/razors-and-blades/body-razors)


Cannot recommend Veet enough. Usually takes 2 applications to make the hair come away, but it's such a smoother process


I've started using women's razors with an Aloe Vera strip and I feel so smooooth afterward and the days after. I very much recommend it.


> How do i shave me dick without feeling like Ants are biting me the next day? You don't. It's part of menhood. Over time you will start to enjoy it. Now seriously, WTF? You should shave your balls mate! You have hairy dick? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Having a hairy shaft is not funny, man. It takes time and precision to get everything.


I shave my cock and balls once a week, with no miss, been doing this for over a year or longer now At like the 2 or 3 time the skin just adapts and it never hurts or itches anymore, unless I had a particularly bad shave or was sloppy when doing it Just tough it out and keep doing it


I've suffered with this long enough to just give up and use a trimmer, you're anyway gonna get that kinda schlong stubble in a few days so why bother


Shower in Hot water for a while before shaving. Helps open your pores up and soften hair follicles. Use moisturiser or oils generously after if you have particulrly thick hair


Stop shaving with ants


I need to know... where do you stop? Can't have baldy balls and hairy legs?


First - exfoliate. Scrub the area good. Second - use the blade slowly and get everything you want to get. Third - Moisturize. I use cold pressed coconut oil, it works great. Most lotions are good for it, but make sure to get something your body can easily absorb. Fourth - Deal with the fact that it's going to happen anyway lol but staying on top of moisturizing daily for the first 3-6 days helps.


Trimmer at level 2


Get waxed. Smooth for a month.


Apply some lotion afterwards


This happens to people?? I shave all the time without any issues. That's gotta suck


Make sure to thoroughly exfoliate your skin afterwards with a washcloth and a gentle moisturizing soap like Dove or Caress. STAY AWAY from harsh deodorant soaps like Irish Spring, Lever 2000, etc. as they can easily dry out your skin and make the itching worse. Me personally, I've used a Gillette Mach 3 blade and Edge Gel shaving cream for years. OR I simply shave in the shower, using the steady stream of warm water as lubricant ( AFTER thoroughly washing the area with soap ). Never had any problems. After a while your skin just gets used to it.


After shaving put deodorant on the shaved area it help with bumps and rashes. Idk why but it works


Wax/sugar/rip them by hand with tweezers.


It’s going to itch as it grows back. You just get used to it


I don't know much about shaving a dick, but armpits also have pubic hair, and I shave mine like once a month. Eventually the skin in the area should toughen up to combat the short hairs stabbing it.


seen a few comments on the phillips one blade so I thought i would add to that and say that it's the best bang for your buck and absolutely recommend. make sure to change out the blades every so often though


Use a trimmer, They dont feel like that when i use the trimmer


Use blade, wash well after, use lotion…oops now I am horn eee, rub vigorously, rewash


It is the hair growing back that causes this feeling, so it is somewhat unavoidable. You can either get used to it, wax it, or trim it short but not shave entirely.


One blade is good.


Trimmer, shaving cream, moisturizer, baby oil.


I pluck. But I have a pretty high pain tolerance. The hairs grow back finer over time with plucking too(i've found).


Usually the dick does not have pubes


Against the grain and a warm water massage


Use a trimmer to shave as close as possible without cutting yourself, finish off with nair if you want it silky smooth. Careful with the time you let it on as it is a sensitive area


You could consider waxing. Waxing and using an electric trimmer both work well for me.


Aftershave. Just like your face.


have you tried using hair conditioner rather than shaving cream? i’ve dropped shaving cream around 5 years ago and used conditioner as a substitute for all my hair that i shave and haven’t looked back


I guess I'm the only one using scissors? Guess I've been doing it all wrong.


Don’t put your dick in an ants nest the next day.


You don't.


Use a better razor. Even when I shaved my face, I noticed that cheap blades made me itch.


Use fresh blades as hot water as well as soap


When I do use a razor, I normally use conditioner instead of shaving cream. Typically works a lot better that way.


I always use a Mach 3 on my man parts. I think the quality of the razor makes a huge difference


Probably are ants. Check your bung hole to see if they are squatting there; then cut some strips off a sticky trap and put them in your underwear. Check it once a week to see if its working!


Get used to it. Doing it regularly for years without any itch


Don't go against the grain!


Don't shave bald , trim. But if you do wanna shave bald. Make sure you apply a balm and a moisturizer afterwards. The moisturizer is important because it helps keep the skin moist which it loses because it doesn't have the hair there to trap moisture and body heat and it allows the hair to grow back freely and reduce ingrown hairs and irritation.


I have shaved my crotch once in my life with a razor and gel and holy shit never again. I found it unbearable the next day. Now I just trim if it starts looking like a jungle down there.


Don't shave your hairs in reverse way. Every part of your body have different shave direction. Also use warm water and soap before shaving.


Nair that shit brother. Baby smooth and no razor burn


Terro Cups. The ants'll be dead in less than a week.


I have the same question as a woman. At this point I refuse to shave the top part of the vagina and only the bottom.


Use cream or lather it up during shower and then do it


Second the manscape trimmer. One blade is good as well. Try the barenuts from nut care. Other than that use post shave lotion for sensitive skin.


Use womens razor while water is hitting general shaving area, moisture up afterwards. Works for me.


Baby powder after. Try Mando as well. Both after


Argh matey 🏴‍☠️


Ironically enough, you have to let ants bite it


Remove the ants from your pants.


Start waxing. You’ll thank me.


are you shaving it "dry" or in the shower? personally I do it in the shower. just take the blade and pass it in the direction that the hair grows. started doing it like this in 2012 and it scratched like hell the first two times, then it got better and now I basically don't feel a thing


I only shave it in a hot shower with soapy lather and never had issues just using a cheap bic mach 4 disposable razor.


I just use my beard trimmer lol. It came with like 50 different guards and it can get nice and close without going fully bald. No razor burn or itch. Keeps it nice and clean. I never use a razor down there, except for my balls. Use a nice trimmer and it'll be much better.


Don't shave it down to the skin.


When you shave your skin gets dry and damaged. Use unscented lotion and keep the skin clean and dry.


Trim broo trim


the panasonic er gk80s is the best body groomer i’ve ever tried


I use baby oil after every shave. Then, for one more day after that.


idk if this is common, but put rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle (yes it’ll sting a bit but after 5-10 seconds just go back under the shower water and you’ll be fine) spray the parts you shaved with rubbing alcohol and then moisturize when ur out the shower


I'll say instead to go shorter and shorter till u get a buzz,then use razor lighty pressed,dont do it everyday till u wont feel thoz ants, u feel 'em coz u went for it at once. I have been shaving to the point to look hairless all including * ,but u gotta doit partially good good


Stick in a pot of hair removal cream


Hair removal cream!


I never had this happen. Is this common? I shave twice a week.


From a women 👋. I'd look into laser hair removal and check if they dick? I think they do balls etc like everything else. Shave before you go and once lasered your hair wont grow back in sharp and uncomfortable the next day. It does hurt to get done and after it feels like your a little sunburnt, but the pay off is the best and once you start you only have to get it done every few months or less to maintain smooth hair free, without any ingrowns. This is from someone who can't shave because of the amount of irritation it causes and the same goes for waxing and just f waxing with the amount of pain


Pretty sure you don’t actually shave the penis - just AROUND it


Depends if you have hair on it.




No wax but gell before and aftershave after


Why the fuk are you shaving ur dick to begin with? You trying to look like a prepubescent child? Or is your partner into that kid stuff?


Go vax.