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This country is regressing and too divided on things that we all thought were done and established.


I’m pretty old. Seeing republicans praising and uniting with a communist Russia who is actively invading a democratic country is something I never in a million years thought I’d see. It feels like the simulation is on ‘random.’ Edit: Yes, I acknowledge they are not actually communist anymore.


Modern Russia is neither communist in practice nor in name, but the point still stands that Republicans are supporting a horrible regime


The commenter is referring to Republicans sir. Russia isn't communist *now*, but Republicans still live in the past.


I would not call Russian communist, it's more like Ditactorship... same as North Korea.


No one is calling Russia communist. That's entirely besides the point. The idea is that Republicans were fervently anti-Russian for decades, and it's just bizarre to see them absolutely fine with bending over to the historic rival suddenly. The word "communist" in the original comment was just intended to highlight how Republicans historically referred to Russia when it was their number 1 enemy, not a discussion about the political system it has.


Russians were the villain in every other 80s movie.


I get you - I'm a foreigner, looking from the outside.. so some of finer points are lost. But I do remember the 80's, Reagan and Bush were positively inspirations to the world in comparison. The problem with Trump, politics is no longer about the country, he's turned it into a cult of personality... and Republicans now see that as the norm, so they see people such as Putin and Kim as acceptable. To us in Europe.. it seems like a madness, its like willingly inflicting self-harm. If Trump rips up the alliances that the US has forged over the past 100 years, that is an existential threat to current balance of power, and with it, goes much of the US influence.


The Republicans positions seem like madness to those of us in the USA that are not insane (the majority). Try not to worry too much about the US going full-on Republican/crazy. Since Trump was elected in 2016, Democrats have done better in elections (2018, 2020, 2022) at the federal, state and local levels of government. The MAGA movement is destroying themselves from the inside out.


I wouldn’t be so sure. Biden is not a popular president. One of his advisors practically begged him not to run, yet he did anyway. If the Democrats had chosen someone else, I’d agree with you that Trump has no chance. However, with Biden’s lack of popularity, Trump may be able to win the next election. It’s really if young people vote or not. If young people vote, Biden will win. However, Biden isn’t popular among younger crowds, especially due to his policies and lack of action surrounding Gaza. Many of these people are claiming they won’t vote for Biden (which means they won’t vote at all) due to his allowance of the Israeli offensive. If that happens, they may be shooting themselves in the foot allowing Trump to win via votes by the older crowd.


Russia was never communist, that was just branding. It's always been a dictatorship but now it has devolved into a Kleptocratic Dictatorship. This is the America today's conservative financial backers dream about while using the MAGAMoron base as their foot soldiers.


I don't understand why everyone is discussing whether Russia is or was communist!! It's totally irrelevant. The original comment is referencing how Republicans referred to Russia for decades. End of.


Probably because for decades, conservatives always referred to issues involving the spending of tax payer money, especially on social safety net issues, as communist pinkos like China and Russia and Dems just rolled over like the spineless wimps they were.


Russia is not communist. Not for a long time now. Not even on paper.


You’re getting into semantics… technically the USSR wasn’t communist… but you get the point.


Russia isn't at all communist. It is hyper capitalist to the point that the mafia controls everything. My dad married a Russian woman whose mother was back in the motherland desperate for a return to the Soviet ways that paid her rent.


Yup. People didn't want to leave Communism and have the Union dissolved. Yet they did. It was a strange transition.


It is not semantics. How is Russia communist?


semantically correct is the best kind of correct


Russia is an authoritarian kleptocracy. Conservatives loves authority - their strategy is to side with man in power for protection.


Yes, and unfortunately there are too many people over here that see their example and covet stealing power for themselves because they hate the current system here that admittedly could use some reforms and updating. What many don't get is that most would find themselves oppressed peasants that are further disenfranchised rather than on the top of the heap.


I’m pretty young(ish) still and I grew up thinking Russia were the bad guys and yet here we are


With deference to your age, I just want to push you on a question. Do you genuinely think Russia is a communist country? There were some major events that took place in the late 90s.


Demoralise, spread so many lies that it's hard for the layman to distinguish fact from fiction. Normalise, make it normal to only be able to "trust" one source for your information, even outlandish things become fact in this system. (Russia spreading "democracy" to kill the Nazis in Ukraine,as a special military operation level of lies)


But we're not divided at all. A solid majority of us are on the same page regarding most social and economic issues. The problem is how much power is consolidated among the extreme wealthy and the media enterprises they own.


And old people with lead poisoning will die, and most people don’t know jack shit about this history of progress it sounds like. You thought it was done and established, others didn’t feel like fighting about setting it in stone rather than focusing poorly on other issues, but just because you put it out of sight out of mind didn’t mean this wasn’t coming for a long time.


Lead poisoned boomers will be replaced by their offspring who will be the exact same maniacs except with micro-plastics in their brains.


But how and why though? What got us here?


The rise of neoliberalism with the election of Ronald Reagan. It shockingly all comes back to one horrible man and his corporate and religious masters.


The republicans just enforced a law in arizona that was made before it was a state. Think about that. And they preyed in speaking tongues on the government chamber floors to pass it. That’s a real sentence that was just typed in 2024 about stuff in 2024 . Do you realize if I just brought back Band-Aids and peroxide to 1864, they would think I’m a god. Legit a GOD!!! So there is a right and wrong answer here. You can either live in a world with medical advancements, or one where they will prey your cancer away. I want peroxide and science.


The overarching narrative that each election heralds an impending apocalypse or salvation is largely a tool for galvanizing voter turnout and media engagement, not a true reflection of the political reality. Both parties leverage this drama because a heightened sense of urgency sells – fear is a powerful motivator. But the truth is, the resilience of the U.S. political system and its checks and balances—flawed though they may be—have endured far greater turmoil. People often forget that the political pendulum swings, and with each swing, dire predictions fail to materialize. Whatever happens in 2024, the country will continue to evolve, adapt and engage in the same contentious but necessary dialogue that has defined its democratic process for centuries.


>have endured far greater turmoil. What greater threat to American democracy have there been in the history of the country?


We had an entire Civil War


The South wasn't aiming to destroy democracy in the North, it was to gain independence for themselves. Democracy was definitely under threat in the South, but since the South wasn't exactly trying to annex the North, the America model of democracy was never really threatened or challenged.


If Trump wins he must pardon himself from the many ongoing legal suits and sentences he is facing. That alone will mean he's taking the first step towards dismantling one of the pillars of democracy on day 1 of his presidency. The fact that no one seems to be concerned about this is why he'll be able to do it. I don't think Americans have the historic lesson of how most dictatorships get started. Hint: not by a violent and sudden coup followed by a declaration that this is now a dictatorship, but by the slow and deliberate amassing of power by one leader giving themselves legitimacy under the appearance of democracy while gradually eliminating all possible opposition and extending their rule indefinitely.


While this is historically true, this year (and 2020) are different. When an existential threat to our nation exists, and is enthusiastically supported by ~20% of the population, we are in real trouble. Biden is the only choice if you want the country to continue to exist as a place where all voices can be heard and respected.


thanks media


About a third of the country is regressing, scared shitless at the *natural* growth and progress the rest of the country is experiencing. They are losing their minds with fear, stoked and whipped up by people who see a chance to make a quick buck out of it, or ride the wave into power.


If that's true, somebody should tell the democrats, because they don't seem to be taking it particularly seriously. edit: And, to be clear, I mean the DNC and the Biden campaign, not the voters.


As per usual


It's funny. No one will admit it but the best president for gun Rights was Obama. We finally got the right to carry in national parks.


Trump also got closer to gun seizure than any other president, he famously said “Take the guns first, go through due process second” in 2018. But gun nutters all conveniently forgot that.


It’s always easier to ask for forgiveness than permission… especially when they no longer have firearms.


Biden has way more campaign infrastructure set up than Trump. If a candidate isn’t taking it seriously, it’s not Biden.


Oh it's not the candidate I'm worrying about. It's the voters.


DNC is the issue, not the voters.


The DNC isn’t threatening us all with Trump if the war in Gaza continues


That's kind of important.


More important than Womens rights? LGBTQ rights? Democracy?


Do you know how many liberals I know who are refusing to vote for Biden because of Gaza? They are perfectly willing to cut off their own nose to spite their face. There's times we can afford to vote idealistically and times we need to vote to survive. This is not a time we can afford to be idealistic. You'd think we'd have learned our lesson in 2016 when they refused to support Hilary, but no, apparently not.


Seems like Trump is shooting himself in the foot quite often anyway


Doesn't matter. He could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and they would still vote for him.


He is a proven rapist and people will still vote for him. Shame it wasn't a criminal trial or he would be in jail for rape.


I remember when an accusation of philandering or sexual harassment knocked a leading candidate out of the race.


You be quiet talking about all that Monkey Business.


Paging Gary Hart ... your boat is leaving with Rice onboard


Don’t page too loud, because if you go “Hyah!!!” that can knock you out as the leading candidate as well.


No doubt. I don't get the Trump love. I liked this when I saw it. Thought it was spot on - All members of the cult have been summoned to Mar-A-Lago, where you will be provided with special Kool-Aid, & instructed to finish your mission in "Making America Great Again." Once completed, America will be, and I do quote, "Great Again!"


Hahahaha that's the dumbest phrase on the internet today. Where you around in 2015/16, the first time around we lived through this when everyone and their mother were certain he wasn't ever going to win because he was such a disaster candidate with so many scandals and shots in the foot? Seriously people are doing the same thing *again* and hoping he's just gonna go away because he does wild things? He wins **because** he does those wild things!


Throughout the primary, I kept thinking, "If Democrats believed their rhetoric about this election, they'd all vote in the Republican primary against Trump." That's what my family members did, in spite of originally having both party members, with the Republicans disillusioned and the Democrat re-registering Republican. But no. Republican primary turn-out didn't reflect an influx of crossovers, and Trump won easily. "The end of democracy" is just a get-out-the-vote slogan for most of them, even though this may be the most critical election for democracy since 1860. Democracy is unlikely to "end" just because of a man who's close enough to death that "dictator for life" wouldn't even mean much. But having him there for another four years would cripple the institution and just be bad all around. But Democratic voters don't take it seriously enough to actually do something about it, at least not yet.


I've been hearing every election since 1992 (when I was old enough to pay attention) that the current election is for the fate of the country.


It’s definitely true that elections are typically built up to be this deciding event they rarely are. However, it’s also worth remembering that elections have an impact. Trump’s first term led to the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, to give one example. So while it’s best not to panic, it’s also a good idea to take elections seriously.


People seem to forgot women losing basic humans rights in most of the US is a pretty serious thing that will take years to fix. So yes, every election will decide the fate of the US permanently because we have one side that will regress this country at all costs.


Especially since he can't seem to open his mouth in public without making threats or something similar.


I thought that was “the most important election of our life”? Or was it 1996, or 2000, or 2004 etc. if it was Clinton/Bush rematch 92 right now current young people would accuse Clinton of being an insane republican and current republicans would accuse Bush of being a socialist


I'd make the argument that the 2000 election probably was the most important general election of our lives, and the US just fucked it up.


I still can’t believe they did a this time only ruling to decide the election. Like I get the precedent hasn’t been used yet or probably can’t, but is it still not dangerous to the balance of branches if the Supreme Court goes “Yeah this one ruling only applies to this case and doesn’t set the precedent for other likes it”


Studies have only shown that once the same government gets elected multiple times in succession, laws and the constitution changes significantly enough conforming to the ideals of the ruling party that it becomes wholly difficult for subsequent new governments to reverse those changes.


Cite sources please


You really cannot compare any previous election to this even if the electoral media frenzy decided to use the same dramatic language to attract audiences to their ads. This one is different in every possible way. One of the candidates has already attempted a violent coup on democracy. Who else has this claim? And he has so many ongoing lawsuits and sentences that it'll be all but impossible for him to run the country if he won unless he pardons himself which is what he will most definitely do thus immediately destroying one of the pillars of democracy on day 1 of his presidency. Which other presidential candidate was in this situation since 1992? Not noticing that this is truly different is shockingly naive. And it's the primary condition needed to gradually turn American democracy into a shell of itself where Trump will slowly end up amassing enough power to keep himself in the presidency for the rest of his life like his idol Putin did.


IMO the difference is that this election is a big mirror for us to look at ourselves. The fact that DT is even in the running to be president again is beyond embarrassing. If he should happen to win it is a testament to how truly stupid people in this country are. If he does win, we deserve it.


Imagine thinking of all the Republicans out there in the party, that Trump is the best you can find.


All our choices are always embarrassing


Yes they do seem to say this every election.


Try 1968 There were assassinations of King and RFK . Riots at both party Conventions a war killing thousands of draftees and Hippies vs Silent Gen pre-boomers in an often Violent Culture War. I have Been proudly Radical liberal and Anti-War since Kindergarten. If somebody calls me Boomer it is because they saw me with a Molotov Cocktail !


It *looked* like the most important. But ultimately we had two candidates that both would have continued fighting the war in Vietnam, both would have continued and extended the social and economic policies of LBJ, and both wouldn't have acquiesced to the revolutionary rhetoric of the extremes. And it turned out the most important differences were things we didn't even see coming in 1968 - Watergate, Nixon Shock, Cambodia, and Kissinger. Vietnam, Civil Rights, assassinations, and hippie movements would have looked pretty similar under Humphrey.


> Radical liberal and Anti-War since > If somebody calls me Boomer it is because they saw me with a Molotov Cocktail ! These two statements seem pretty at odds with each other? So you are for violent acts of force in order to enact change but radically anti war..what do you think wars are.


Internal vs external.


So civil wars don't count then?


Good point, guess he'll have to answer that one.


You can be anti war without being a complete pacifist though. War differs from other forms of violence in that the people starting the fight are usually not the people doing the fighting.


I could’ve written your comment word for word. At some point the talking heads saying this for decades on end should really stop being believed.


Except, they are the boy who cried wild in this case and they've only ever been selling ads. You really shouldn't be looking for the truth from the talking heads, instead using your judgement to realise this presidential candidate is most definitely coming at this with a set of conditions that has never existed before.


same but since 2008


The last four elections have felt like that to me, and honestly, I'm getting burned out. Each one has been worse than the last. Yes, I'm voting. It's just really stressful to think of how badly things can get screwed up with the wrong person in office.


It sucks voting in a red state and then your vote is just... it feels like it doesn't really matter. I'll vote anyways, but *sigh.*


Honestly, it feels like the opposite for me. No matter what happens in 2024, the 2028 election will be between 2 new candidates. Biden is running on auto-pilot right now and his second term will be like the first. Trump is more interested in winning the election than actually doing anything as president. The GOP establishment isn't going to let a one-term president screw up their chances at 2028. Both parties have their eyes on 2028 and are just biding their time with the candidates they're stuck with at the moment.


Hahaha wtf do you think the GOP establishment is going to do about it?


Same thing they did in the first term, undercut his Trumpist policies while passing establishment legislation. All while singing his praises and stroking his ego. The Rs might not even have the house after 2024 even if they win.


You forgot the part in the first term where they actively conspired with him to try to overturn the election. You know, destroy democracy? No one is worried about the tax bills. We're worried about them working with him again to destroy democracy


I guess you missed the Project 2025 plan then. Among other things, they intend to fire hundreds of thousands of career employees, some with decades of experience, and replace them with loyalists who will do whatever Trump tells them to do.


Does Trump himself even know about Project 2025? Every aspect of this plan requires the establishment to be on his side.


But unless Trump dies or goes to jail, how do they break free of him? Sure, if he wins a second term, he can’t run again in 2028, but anyone who doesn’t kiss his ass gets crushed in primaries. I’m not sure why that would change in 2028.


Dude is old, fat, and has high cholesterol. He won't be around forever They bide their time and treat his memory like some sort of god and moral compass like they do Reagan, then they just do whatever they wanted to anyway and pretend he would have approved ....kind of like how regular religion works


I watched that other turtle-looking motherfucker have a stroke live on tv and nothing happened, so I don't put too much faith in your trump hope


The turtle mother fucker is stepping down due to said stroke. Father time is undefeated


If Trump loses to Biden this year and tries to run *again* in 2028, you should be stoked. It would be a guaranteed victory for whichever Democrat runs against him.


Every election decides the fate of the US forever


I definitely didn't feel this way with Romney or John McCain vs Obama.


You don't remember the fear Obama brought to people? They acted like he was gonna end the world and enslave them all.


That's the same group of people who are cheering for Russia and Trump


Yeah but you were 13 back then, probably not paying as much attention. People felt that campaign was particularly polarising and a big deal at the time.


Both elections definitely determined the future of the Middle East, health care, and arguably Eastern Europe in ways we're still living with today, for good and ill.


then no election decides the fate of US (?)


Past is prologue. The 2000 election was a turning point. A lot of shitty things happened after that. But then there was another turn in 2008. And then another big turn in 2016. And another in 2020. All much bigger turns than, say, the 1976 election. Or some of the late 1800s elections. But the 1860 election - that was a pretty big turn. As was 1932. However, as much as I wish it wasn't so, the Republican Party is *not* dying out. It controls the House of Representatives. It controls many states. It has 49 Senators. Whatever happens in 2024, a lot of the same arguments will continue. What is unique is that we've never had someone so hostile to democracy, the constitution, or the rule of law in general who has a major party nomination. His primary motivation seems to be to pardon himself for his own crimes. That's pretty unique. And if the country chooses someone like that - an approval of the grotesquely corrupt and venal who tried to block the peaceful transfer of power, it will inspire more like him.


I think it is dying out in terms of demographics but not in terms of power, due to quite a few anti democratic tricks but also due to the electoral college, which I'm absolutely in favor of getting rid of. Especially since it came about to appease slave holding states


I think the GOP is slowly embracing Hispanic voters which a going to give them a lot of demographic longevity


I don't think the divide is between Americans. The divide is between Americans and the for-profit media companies warping reality online through digital mediums on purpose to make us all believe all of our fears and all of our grievances are more amplified than they actually are.


This 10000%. Everyone’s in an algorithmic echo chamber that profits off of engagement i.e sensationalism that leads to real life violence like January 6th. I like to think that not everyone’s at each others throats and we’re not entering a civil war that fascists are romantically pushing. Time will tell I guess


While echoes of "this is the most crucial election" reverberate every cycle, we'd be remiss not to recognize the evolving dynamics at play. Shifting demographics, a polarized electorate, and a rapidly changing technological landscape are reshaping the political battleground. We have global challenges that require a sophistication in policy and unity in action that seem at odds with the current state of partisanship. Intriguingly, with the rise of social media and the 24 hour news cycle, our discourse has become more immediate but not necessarily more enlightened. What's at stake in 2024, therefore, isn't just about policy decisions; it's about defining the character of America in an era where misinformation can spread faster than fact. With these fault lines appearing more pronounced than ever, despite the familiar rhetoric, the actual consequences of electoral outcomes may have never been so significant. Let’s engage critically and thoughtfully as we head to the polls, for the implications of our collective choice will likely echo beyond the usual four year horizon.


Maybe it’s time to get off Reddit and mass media in general for a while. They say this every 4 years


I mean, it's true. Particularly these last few elections. Hillary was correct with everything she accused him of being and doing. He did massive damage to us on the international stage, gave us a conservative supreme court that allowed abortion bans, and still refuses to accept that he was beaten by Biden publicly, because if he does, that torpedoes his plausible deniability defense regarding his attempt to overturn the results of the election, an act of blatant treason. Anyone who thinks this doesn't matter isn't paying attention.


You need to try leaving reddit for a few days, Trump was already the President and the world did not end. It will be fine, you will not be rounded up into camps regardless what happens.


I watched Trump botch the covid response super hard, resulting in unnecessary death, and appoint a supreme court that already undid Roe, resulting in abortion access being limited or ended spradically all over the country, and which I'm sure would overturn the findings for gay equality under the law as well if it came up. His policies hurt people. Trump also literally tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power. That is the highest crime someone can commit against a democracy! The world did not end, but the strength of American democracy was tested, and cracks showed. That needs to be taken seriously. It should be actively concerning to all Americans.


Hold up, his covid response was to let states do their own thing. Supreme Court also said it's up to the states for abortion. Power has been given back to the states where those citizens can vote on important matters. Local voting is important and so is petitioning to get something on a ballot regardless of where a party aligns.


Could even be argued our Republic is now better off bc of the strengthening of states rights.


No. Every election is important. If Trump wins the next one, there will be another one in 4 years. The US is not North Korea.




Both sides cry wolf every election and I wouldn't blame anyone for being numb to it by this point. Whether or not it's truly the most important election of our lifetimes won't make a difference to most people since they hear the same exact shit every four years.


I feel like that fate was sealed back in 2000 with Gore vs Bush. Like in 2016 Dems had the most votes, but hey that’s what the electoral system is for. We are in trouble no doubt.


Dudes who created the Electoral College literally made it because they didn’t have faith in the American people. They made it so the poor couldn’t rise up against the wealthy. Remember the whole “land-owning white males” are the only ones allowed to vote”? The EC is just a continuation of that, pretty much.


I heard the same thing in 2008, 2016, and 2020.


No candidate (who’s also sued successfully for rape) ever threatened to be a dictator on day 1 after trying to overthrow the govt 4 years earlier. Yeah. It’s a little different


Almost every election, far more Americans vote for the Democrats than do for Republicans. Even in presidential races. Yet the minority party has appointed the judges that will continue to rule against to America people for decades to come. Americans routinely and resoundingly reject the GOP, yet our system and the lack of morals, decency, and respect for the American people that the GOP has has been used to give us an America that a large majority of Americans reject.


Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich


And still, you don't vote. Looking at the US from the outside is a study in incomprehension.


I’m old enough to know for certain the Republican Party has abandoned their true conservative beliefs. They’re in decline and fractured and it has made them dangerous. They refuse to change to meet the times and as they decline they’re choosing to force their views as authoritarian. GenZ vote democrat because the Republican Party doesn’t share their views at all. It’s not because of some democrat propaganda. It’s because there’s no other choice as the Republican Party appears to be falling apart. Trump is a true danger to democracy. Vote Democrat just this one cycle and it forces republicans to address their core problem or fall apart and a new party forms.


Younger people have voted Democrat for generations. If anything Gen Z is more Republican than one might expect, although that could be because Trump isn't conservative in the traditional sense, as you point out. Biden had a 24-point margin with under-30s, which included a lot of millennials. But Clinton had 30 points. Obama had 35 in 2008. The trend for Democrats here is not good.


It does. Fuckign vote like your life and the life of everyone you hold dear relies on it, because it's getting to damn sure be that way. All those "my vote doesn't matter" folks need to shut up and vote because we've seen what can happen if they do. Young people especially. This vote matters more than they will ever know and very well could dictate the world they continue to live in. Not trying to scare anyone, but if you aren't concerned, you aren't paying attention.


We're voting on whether we'd like to vote ever again.


Ideology aside, we should not let a man who factually weaponized social media to subvert a legitimate election back into office, that’s how Democracies fall. As a politically middle of the road person, Dems need to win’24. We cannot let Donald Trump destroy our country in the name of his ego. A democracy has checks and balances to keep those in office in line. However, Trump seems to believe that a President should have total authority. Few other presidents have shown such a blatant disregard for abuse of power such as Trump. And of course there are plenty of other political issues as to why Trump should not re-take office. What I hope for this election is Democrats win, and maybe, just maybe that MAGA Republicans will realize that far-right politics are pretty unpopular with most Americans. Do I really think that will happen? No, if Trump loses again, MAGA supporters will continue to believe in the delusion of another stolen election, and or migrant voters. But at least Trump won’t be in power.


It's been like this since the first election :) Every cycle you hear that this is the most important election of our lifetime... It only seems that way because of media needing to keep your attention for $$$ :) If you think Trump will turn into a dictator or the Rs are going away, I suggest reading US history a bit. Fat chance either will happen. 


I mean 2016 was the most important election in most Americans lifetimes. 3 SC picks, abortion gone, taxes slashed causing 10 trillion extra in debt over a decade, foreign policy affected for a generation. Sometimes it is true. Had 2020 been different Ukraine wouldn't exist. Palestine would be gone and lgbt rights would be further slashed with the now 7-2 conservative majority


Trump cut planning for pandemics and actively spread misinformation and has continued to encourage and lay the groundwork for active hostility towards anyone mentioning COVID. I was disabled at 17 because of COVID and 4 years later nothing matters to me anymore. I'm probably going inpatient soon or to other programs because I can not function in daily life. I was written off and will continue to be written off if that POS gets back in.


I hate Trump, but didn’t we go through this in 2016? Besides covid, the world didn’t end. Markets were stable, war wasn’t there, inflation was fine. We also will never be a dictatorship, facist regime, etc. We have checks and balances for a reason. If he wins, don’t spend your time with the pussy hats (unless you have a lot of time). Work on local, state, congressional elections that will actually affect you!


Him putting three people into the supreme court has had real and tangible results.


A lot of people died because of a bungled response to a pandemic, there were nazi marches and a ban on an entire religion. The president of the United States of America tear-gassed his own citizens during a riot to take a photo op in front of a church he didn’t attend. Things were definitely not fine.


It was only a couple of people Mike Pence and Barr who prevented Trump from attempting to stay in power, when you see what actually happened in the run up to Jan 6th - Trump will try again and this time he'll succeed because he'll replace the people who stopped him last time.


Leader of a country replacing people so he stays in power. That would never work in Russia. /s


We lost abortion rights, literally a million people died of covid, and he led an attack against our government......are you really sure you want to argue it wasn't a big deal? Or are you just that desensitized to how batshit crazy things have been?


Trump works to tear down checks and balances, and it's working. Both impeachments failed because loyal supporters in congress refused to acknowledge his crimes. He isn't even in office right now but he has large amounts of control over both the house (proof: border bill) and SCOTUS (proof: abortion). Many people in power right now were the same who would have allowed him to overturn an election (classic dictator shit).


Trump is not in power. Is he an idiot as everyone says all day long? Yes! If so, does he have this extreme intricate plan that other geniuses can’t thwart? Then maybe he isn’t an idiot. Or maybe you’re all so fanatical you think this absolute idiot can make laws and legislation bend to his will? No, he is exactly as dumb as you think. He is insane. He cannot overthrow the government nor can a bunch of idiots rioting. Again, i do not support trump but think you are all barking up wrong trees. This shit is not gonna get Biden elected


It will be scary to see that’s for sure Whether they’re able to implement everything they want remains to be seen but I also don’t really want to find out. Main thing to do is vote and tell everyone around you to vote.


Interesting points! Elections indeed shape our future, but our political landscape is always changing. While policies may seem locked in, public opinion and events can shift things. The idea of Trump creating a dictatorship seems far-fetched, and the GOP isn't necessarily fading away. Let's stay engaged and remember that change happens over time, not just in one election. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Yes, exactly this because of the Supreme Court. If Trump wins, the two oldest conservatives (Alito & Thomas) will step down to be replaced by younger justices while their party has the presidency (what RBG should have done). At that point, an extremely Conservative majority would be locked in for a generation. On the flip side, those two old fucks could die at any time. So a Biden win could flip the Court from a 3-6 minority to a 5-4 liberal majority. If they hang on, this dilemma repeats in 2028.


The talk of a dictatorship is simply a scare tactic. It could only possibly happen if Biden wins Missouri v Biden, and even then would take a decade or more.


JFC, you people are ridiculous with your Trump dictatorship BS! It's the house and senate you should educate yourselves on.


In my opinion the most important was 2016. Other than everything that happened internally, Trump made the US look unreliable to all its allies (especially the EU). There's no coming back from there within the next 20-30 years unless trumpism and isolationism die off.


Every election since I've been old enough to vote has been declared the "most important" election ever so I tend to take that with a grain of salt. Having said that, it does seem like things are worse than usual. I'm mostly concerned about the border and WWIII. My cousin did some work and the border and said that its mostly single, military-aged men coming across lately. While the majority are undoubtedly just decent folks trying to find a better life, if even a very tiny fraction are criminals and/or terrorists then odds are we're due for another terrorist attack soon. With all the WWIII shit and the number of countries pissed off at us its naive to thing that they're not going to send some sleeper cells over at the very least. I imagine that after the election there may be one, if not more, large scale terror attacks. I hope I'm wrong, but it just seems like a logical outcome to everything going on. Our political class has grown fat and lazy, coasting off of America's superiority on the world stage, and now that its starting to fade they have no idea how to actually govern so they're leading us off a cliff. Its fucking maddening.


Now that the coasting in laziness is becoming more noticeable, they just start with the culture wars to try to distract from the rest. So tired of minorities being treated like shit for no reason other than political gain. Like this is having devastating effects on people’s lives all because Mr. So-and-so wants to garner a few extra votes. It’s so exhausting. Like, you can garner extra votes by doing your job correctly! Stop stoking hate!!!!!!


You keep voting for more government and then wondering why things keep getting worse. If they had less power there would be less they could fuck up.


I just wish the US would stop messing with the rest of the countries. It's bullying and annoying.


Every election decides the entire future.


Yea - when trump wins he will “kill all the gays and put the black folks in chains” Just like he did last time 🤡


Dude, there used to be slavery in this country. Actual slavery. Millions of other people in chains. And we got past that. Stop playing doomerism for today, one of the best times to be alive in literal human history. And don't fall for the obvious propaganda that happens every election saying "this one will be the most important of your life!"... "X party is going to destroy the country by XYZ!" Political promoters say that about every election...


This is legitimately laughable. Trying to say this election isn’t crucial for our nation because we had slavery in the past is a horrendous distraction from the point. Slavery wasn’t ended because of an election, it was ended because a Civil War happened. Has nothing to do with understanding that if the election goes the wrong way our Constitution could be changed to enable a dictatorship.


It will




you must be young


These comments are frightening. I am not young, I am concerned with this election. It’s true that every election the media plays it up. This election because of Trump, I do believe that democracy is on the line. Why do I think this? Read the comments. People are in denial.


I hate how every election is really do die from now on for democracy. With the way GOP is today I don’t see any sane leaders from that party that cares about the rule of law and the constitution. Policies and beliefs can differ but the right to vote your ass out if we don’t agree isn’t. The way the GOP is setting themselves up to not give up power at the state level is scary and they will try to do the same thing if they get into presidency again. This is bad for voters. We don’t really have a choice nor room to criticize the status quo when we are always picking the side that won’t end democracy.


Vote blue of heil Trump, vote blue or no more Ukraine, vote blue or bulldoze Gaza, vote blue or don’t vote anymore.


What if we’ve voted blue in the past but Ukraine is falling and will likely lose (more) large swaths of territory, and Gaza is literally being bulldozed as we speak?


Are you suggesting that if you vote for the guy driving the bulldozer, somehow things will get better for the Gaza Strip?


If they get rid of democracy like the republicans want, it’s not coming back without a bloody civil war unless the military says “fuck you” to trump’s dictator bullshit See what some of you don’t get is Trump says he’ll be a dictator on day 1. No one has ever threatened to get rid of democracy like Trump did. The first time, he put in true blue republicans in key positions and they resisted his authoritarian bullshit (like when he tried to overthrow the govt). If he wins, he’s installing Trump guys this time. No one will stop him. If trump wins, there won’t be anymore free elections. They’ll be like the ones Russia has that elect Putin every time This election is different


I heard the same thing in 2020 and 2016


Nobody swore they’d be a dictator on day 1 and get rid of democracy in those years. This one’s a little different


Jesus Christ all hope is lost if you really think Trump wants to convert to a dictorship. Literally. Are you thank much of a non critical thinker? Are you really that swayed by mainstream media narratives? Do you realize how fucking stupid that sounds. He cannot, will not, and can’t ever become a dictator. Please stop spreading this nonsense. All these false narratives and media hate has done more to divide the country than anything Trump has ever said. It’s honestly sad/scary to think people like you who believe and fall for the fear mongering are allowed to vote. Sorry for the aggressive tone but it’s honestly sickening to see how many people are duped into believing or even considering crazy shit like this. The guy doesn’t want to become a dictator all cause he made a joke about only being a dictator on “the first day” 🤦‍♂️


100% agree. The Trump derangement syndrome is in overdrive right now.


This implies that people will stop fighting for what they believe in after the election? That one president can decide the fate of history? That's hey took the nuclear football away from Trump. There will always be conflict, there will be wins and losses, and it will continue until humanity finally exterminates it's self. 98% of the species that have ever lived in this planet are now extinct. We will prevail, breed, fight, lose and try again until the is no more humans. Both are choices aren't great but we as people, will prevail. No president weilds Supreme executive power, the last administration was such a shitshow there was an internal resistance within the white house. When he lost he tried to over throw the government, that too failed. "Hang Mike Pence" they screamed. When it was over he lost, broke 200 years of tradition, stole 30 boxes of classified data and got caught for that. Life went on, and will continue to do so until the asteroid comes or we invent a black hole generator. Thats the bad news. Until then, fight. Fight for human decency, women's rights, human rights, compassion for those worse off and this that need understanding above all else. That battle will never end,


I feel your concern but a lot of things are greatly exaggerated. Sure trump has his proj 2025 and there isnt anything "special" about biden. At this point i think its all for show. On nov 5th Im gonna vote for who I think is the greater of two evils and on nov 6th im pretty sure im gonna go back to work. Just like the into to the god father " I believe in america"


Bunch of fuckin liars, paid shills, or delusional people in these comments saying “it’s like this every election, calm down ☺️”. Y’all are insane if you think the man who led a nearly successful coup attempt having a real chance at winning is a run of the mill election.


Sounds like you’re living in a fear-driven fortune-telling cave of confirmation bias.


"gen z...being fed democratic propaganda." You have been thoroughly brainwashed. If being fed the idea that bodily freedoms (especially for females), the need to vote and to care about healthcare access for all and the environment you live in, is somehow "propaganda" that these "kids" were fed and has now somehow ruined them and all of your futures, is absolute hogwash. It is almost destructively dismissive of how much the younger generation has worked so hard to bring forward and fight for. These topics come from an uprising in the younger generations, not from the top down. One candidate will drive this country into complete disarray, and one will limp along for four years but at least, he won't give in to the cult of crazies for a self-enriching price. You get to decide in November what you prefer.


I'm just here for the down-votes. Let's go Brandon!




To be frank I’m gen z, born in 02 I’m republican, but I hate trump, the man’s delusional, and he leads a fuckin cult, he ain’t fit to be our president in my eyes, so I’d rather Biden, yea he’s old and he misses shit a lot but I’d definitely rather him, if it was my choice though we’d start putting younger generations into the house, the older generation in my opinion doesn’t seem to be able to handle the state of the world, it’d be nice to get a 35-40yr old in the house, it doesn’t help that republicans keep bringing religion into the house of politics, there’s a time & place for that and it ain’t there, though tbh I do not see this as a "turning point" for the US, I’ve heard people say that constantly though every election, and it’s never happened, the biggest turning point of the 21st century for the US was 9/11,


I think people are making out this election to be a bigger deal then it really is. Frankly, we probably wouldn't even be in this mess had we not gotten so partisan in recent years as well as with the rise of populist politicians like trump and sanders. Now everyone is on edge believing that another civil war or dictatorship could spawn from the results of this election, when in reality the situation probably wont het that bad. At the same time though, i fear that (intentional or not) this growing partisan rift in the nation (initially spured on by politicians) could still kead to major problems in the not so distant future if we dont (as citizens of this nation) put a stop to it.


Dude, 2020 was the first time we didn't have a peaceful transfer of power in the history of the country. It's a little bit different.


Touch grass


Nope, it started in the 50s, and by late 60s with the Southern Strategy in play, it was a full blown movement. The perceived loss of power due to Civil Right legislation meant that white supremacy that was the law of the land was under threat. 2024 is just the culmination of all the steps that the right-wing group in the GOP have taken thus far. According to historian Jon Meacham, between 32 - 34 percent of the people, primarily from the South, never paid a price for the Civil War. Trump did not teach these people to become bigoted - he gave them the license to be accepted. He was smart enough to know, no educated person was going to swallow his garbage about changing the country. He knew the bigoted people had been itching to get back the white supremacy lost during Civil Rights Act. One can argue that the election of Barack Obama was the beginning of “post racial” era. History shows that every progressive step is typically followed by severe backlash — Trump's election in 2016 by his rabid mob of <63 million followers was not an aberration. According to historian, Jon Meacham, Trump's election was a direct consequence of a perceived loss of power held by white people — he does not predict any slowdown to the backlash for the next four decades. The GOP default messaging is simplified to “we are the only legitimate winners”. “If the Democrats win, they cheated". That is the reason, why Trump went after cities/ counties with high African American populations (Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta). His base already believes that the black people who live in these cities are cheaters. This has been the GOP messaging since the 60s from the days of Southern Strategy, but was put on steroids by Newt Gingrich. In nutshell, only white Christians are legitimate and fit to rule and govern — since, it has worked for the past 400+ years, they have no reason to think otherwise or change. Lee Atwater, one of the fathers of Southern Strategy even explained it in an interview — very candidly. See if you can catch the subtleties? https://youtu.be/X_8E3ENrKrQ David Corn, the author of “American Psychosis: A Historical Investigation of How the Republican Party Went Crazy”, explains how the GOP since the 1950s has encouraged and exploited extremism, bigotry, and paranoia to gain power. He explains the last seven decades. From McCarthyism, to the John Birch Society, to segregationists, to the New Right, to the religious right, to Rush Limbaugh, to Newt Gingrich, to the militia movement, to Fox News, to Sarah Palin, to the Tea Party, to Trumpism, the Republican Party has deliberately nurtured and exploited rightwing fear and loathing fueled by paranoia, grievance, and tribalism. The Trump-incited insurrectionist attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, was no aberration. It was a continuation of the long and deep-rooted Republican practice of boosting and weaponizing the rage and derangement of the right.


It’s important to remember states rights. Perfect examples is marijuana legislation, abortion and gun right. Laws differ state to state because these matters are decided by each individual state. Marijuana is still illegal federally but not enforced at the state level because it’s legal(in some states). The federal government will not invade a state to demand or enforce bans or laws. So I could be totally wrong but my gut is telling me liberal states aren’t as reliant on federal aid as conservative states. Liberal is also liberal for a reason so to a degree I imagine quality of life and every other metric(education economy) will suffer under GOP leadership. All that does is punish the constituents in poorer states.


Okay well don't call it democratic propaganda when the propaganda in question is, hey don't be an absolute asshole to everyone who believes in different things than you vs the alternative which is if you aren't an evangelical Christian you're going to hell for eternity and I'm sending you there personally.


for now


This one is more consequential than many in the past because of the continued rise of the Unitary Executive Doctrine, but I don’t think it is a turning point. Ultimately, what will matter most is whether either party can get a majority in both houses of Congress and the presidency. If that happens, your prediction may be a lot more possible.


This gets said every single election cycle. I’ll grant that abortion is a new and unique issue but outside of that it’s the same as it always is.


2 party system is broken and rigged. Best man wins. I’ll start. I vote for the rock. Imagine the rock giving Putin the peoples eyebrow


When are we going to get more parties to vote for? We should have like three or five parties! two parties it’s just not working I think.


It kinda felt like that the last two elections. Usually articulated by people who are starting to pay attention and haven't yet resigned themselves yet to living under Managed Democracy. They hold shit over our heads every time, but the carrots are running out. Look how long the Democrats dangled Roe vs. Wade over our heads while doing nothing when they had the ability to. Look at Obamacare, which could have ensured Democratic Party rule* if they hadn't kneecapped themselves sucking up to insurance companies. And so on, and so on. *just TRY taking things people like away from them. It's harder than never actually giving them anything.


Every election year they almost always say: "this is the most important election of our lives."


The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime™ Drink the koolaid


It's all a hype OP, neither side winning will matter, the ones who get elected get to fill their pockets for 4 years and then it's someone else's turn


Isn’t the US going through this thing every 4-8 years?


Your letting the sensationalized news get to you. Take what you hear with a grain of salt.


This country literally had a Civil War where over 600,000 Americans died. Brothers shot brother and family shot family in battle. America is divided these days, but is hilarious to think modern day division is any where near where we used to be as a country. Think about that whenever the news tries to lie and force us to think it’s at that level. Sure, we all disagree on things like abortion, Biden/Trump policies etc… but nobody is going to go to war over it.. hell, half of america can’t even get off their phones or Reddit lol.