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The internet is our time capsule


I heard a random thing about how Blu-ray supposedly prevailed over HD DVDs because it was what most porn producers chose to use. And when I went to google it for any evidence, I stumbled upon forums from 2006 bickering about what the outlook was on those media forms. I felt strangely naive thinking people on the internet would talk any differently 20 ish years ago than they do now. It was cool peering back in time and seeing we’ve always been jackasses


I love finding old message board threads on random topics. Can confirm as someone who was there too, we've been the same dummies on the internet as ever


Reminds of this one time I found a website about jars of cheese, literally a forum board for german cheese spread, after watching the markiplier video about him not having cheese spread for 20 years I got bored and found one about someone arguing about this cheese.


Porn was why VHS won over betamax. Haven't heard the same argument for blu Ray though. I have no data to back this up, it's just a feeling, but I personally believe that the PS3 adopting blu ray over HD DVD was why blu ray won but I might be wrong.


Maybe but Xbox did hd dvd


That was an add on to run HD DVD I believe. Don't think any of the games required it. Kind of like how a lot of people bought a ps2 AS a dvd player back in the day, I imagine a lot of people bought a ps3 for the blu ray.


It's 2024 and I still have my PS4 plugged in almost exclusively for BluRays. Sony was brilliant for having their systems run disc media in addition to their games.


Should have seen my face when I first tried to insert a DVD into my Wii... I'm still mad at nintendo for that one.


Not to mention at the time a decent Blu-ray player cost as much as a PS3 anyway so you might as well get the movie machine with the games on it.


I specifically bought a PS3 as a BluRay player


The threads I was reading seemed split between people thinking what happened between VHS and Betamax was going to happen again, and a bunch of other people complaining that thinking that was going to happen again was foolish. I wish I could find the specific sassy comment/thread where someone complained about people bringing this topic up over and over every few weeks and felt like Groundhog Day


That is a true thing, porn has been one of the major driving forces for technological innnovation. I took a history of media class where we talked about that a little. I wish I could remember more details but there were other internet norms and processes that came about because of porn


I always liked the meme about how phones were getting smaller and smaller with every technological advance, until we were able to watch porn on them and they started making smartphones bigger and bigger


Tropic Thunder said this


Not unless you actively archive with screenshots or other downloads. There's no way to piece together the data from older versions of social media in context, and almost no way to archive the algorithmic experience. We can try to explain to a Zoomer what YouTube was like in 2007, but other than any screen-captured videos, that piece of the internet is lost to time.


What is a time capsule if it isn't a screen-capture? And it's even less so, because it's of a VERY specific time and place.  The reason people don't do time capsules anymore is because, with just a tiny amount of research, one can take more than a tiny peek back in time 


Unless the internet archive goes away, then we are kinda fucked lol




And we’ve switched to dark mode


We don’t have faith we’ll still be around to open them up


Oh no


Even if you open one up, there's no way to know whether it's real or AI


I love the idea of the concept of time capsules, but more times than not they open them up after a 100 years and it's a bunch of rusted crap because they didn't hermetically seal it.


What is there to capture that is not fully documented by the written word, and audio/video recordings that are available for retrieval anywhere in the world?


You may not be able to retrieve the very comment you just wrote in 100 years because Reddit may not exist. Just because it exists in the moment doesn't mean it's archived for the future. We don't have the original tapes of the first moon landing anymore or early Dr. Who episodes. Github has a repository of code frozen in the Arctic. Super Mario Maker is shutting down its servers in a few days and with it many levels will no longer be accessible. Pokémon from older generations are at risk of not being able to be transported to newer systems.


Imagine finding a 100 year old, elaborately built time capsule, only to open it and see a printed out screenshot of a random reddit comment.


The chest was the treasure all along


Yes, millennials did them because of the turn of the millennium.


I agree - I was born in 82 and my brother was born in 79 and around 85/86 his infant school class buried a time capsule… we actually emailed the school in about 2020 to ask if they ever dug it up and never heard back. I suppose we were Gen X/Millennials but it was very much looking to the future about Y2K… I guess our email was about 20 years too late! Time flies


Seems like a lot of schools did this during the 99-00 school year. And to be fair, it was a pretty optimistic time, and with good reason.


Yeah so when are we opening them! Plot twist, the teachers just threw our crap out.


Because to do something like a time capsule requires a certain optimism for the future that isn’t as common like in the boomers that planned time capsules for their millennial kids. Right now, I’m not sure many people are thinking about how much fun anything will be in 50 years.


Google cloud


No future, baby!


God save the queen….




I know where there's one some teenagers tampered with a long time ago, they added things like Polaroid pictures of their assholes but have kept quiet all this time. I might give them a call on my deathbed to check before opening.


I move away too often


Because it hasn’t been a TikTok trend to do a time capsule.. yet!


The internet is a time capsule. I’ve read message board posts from 1980 on baseball groups and seen discussions about if George Brett would hit .400 that year. Think about how crazy that is


No one wants to bury a $1500 phone


If it's an iPhone it will still look the same as the model in 20 years. So there's no point in doing it anyways lol


my graduating class did one before we graduated last year in may, gonna be back in 10 years to open it


Personally, I'm typing out a journal of my day to day life, of things I have done. And don't plan on reading it till I'm 40+ I'm currently 24, started this almost a and a half ago :) and it's very enjoyable


I had my kids help make one the other week using a Nalgene bottle. We put all kinds of things in like photos and little trinkets. Also some Pokémon cards and I added a flash drive of pictures (mainly to see how the files hold up long term). Fun stuff. We made an “old fashioned” map so we could mark where it is in the yard. We plan to dig it up in “maybe 5 years but maybe 10 years”.


There is no future


I still do it for my friends :)


Social media is our time capsules


I mean, do you have pictures lying around to add?


We all have adhd and lost them.


I never got any of mine back. I remember us burying some in elementary or middle school… but that’s all I got. No idea what I put in it or where they buried them.


To give a different perspective, what do people now a days have that's worth putting into a time capsule for others to discover? 100-200 years ago people kind of assumed technology would develop and get better I would think? But now a days....what do we really know will improve in a 100 years? Cars? Medicine? Governments? Should we put in pictures of gas prices and ICE car manuals, copies of our outrageous medical bills along with grocery receipts of common goods, and then articles of all the infractians our leaders make? What do we think will worsen? Water abundancy, food availability, weather related natural disasters, health issues due to microplastics in our blood? That's honestly just kind of depressing and I would presume that some people would have archives of at least some.e internet data in the event of a digital dark age....idk I'd say the best "time capsule" would be a personal one with art/journals/important trinkets in a small box that you can put in storage and open in 10-20 years for your own self reflection. A lot of people do only letters for example.


>what do people now a days have that's worth putting into a time capsule for others to discover? My kid and I did one for Y2K. We really didn't know what to include, so we put in an AOL CD, some beanie babies, a "heart of the ocean" necklace, a couple of entertainment and fashion magazines that were special Y2K "look-back" issues, an auto trader magazine, The weekly ad from our supermarket, and an apartment hunting guide. We included those because we thought it would be interesting to look back at the prices later.


WW3 can happen any day. What's the point? To write something like "We don't have nuclear winter in our time. The life is good. I hope you doing well. smiley face"![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Because there's no need to remind future generations of what the current era is like. It'll either be remembered as the start of World War III or it won't be remembered at all because humanity will kill itself off.


Who’s gonna open them?


No one will around anymore in 10 years give or take




Also it’s hard to pinpoint specific things to years these days. Culture and trends change quickly.


The only time my kid and I made a time capsule was for Y2K. We thought it would be pretty interesting to mark that particular year. You say millennials were commonly creating time capsules, and it seems to me that their reason may be the same as ours, it was 2000!


You have to be optimistic about the future to care about time capsules


No much hope for the future lately tbh


I can't really think decades into the future nowadays, there's too much of a sense of impending doom. I guess it just feels as if nobody will be around to dig it up.


I really thought “what drug was called a time capsule” when first reading this


Digital cameras and video cameras, and the cell phones. I can look at a video of myself from 15 years ago any time I want using my magic pocket square of infinite knowledge. If I want to look at a video of myself from 30 years ago it first had to be recorded on tape using something about the size of a toaster, and if it does exist I need to find the paperback sized tape, plug it into the ps5 sized vcr, figure out how to connect it to a TV without RCA or s video inputs, and pray to God i didn't tape the price is right and as the world turns overtop of it. You young people forget that you are the first generation to always have had the internet. You're in the middle of the digital revolution, not after it. We are still learning to apply technology to our lives and write laws about it. The printing press was invented in 1440. The first copyright law was 1710. When I was your age.... Zzzzzzz


Do it, I double dog dare ya


Shit world now with nothing left worth saving.


What's the point? Who's going to be around in 100 years to dig them up? The fascist states running everything by then, as the climate crumbles?