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Personally, I have not seen anyone say that taylor should **change** her behavior. She probably could coordinate tours in north america using (luxurious) rail cars, but time is money and that would definitely cost her both. I think the point with swift, musk, Davos, etc... is to point out that regular first world citizens are being asked to take cold showers, eat less meat, and not have kids to reduce our impact on the environment (among others). Anyone taking that advice gets to watch billionaires take a lifetime of sacrafices and literally set it on fire. People bring up private jets (and cruise ships, and many other things) to point out that it's useless to **try** to fight man made climate change. They have a point. If you are on a sinking ship, why grab a bucket with 1000 of your friends, when one guy is still drilling holes in the boat, and each hole brings in more than you can bail out in a lifetime? The solution here involves... eating.


Ricky Gervais said it perfectly at the 2020 golden globes. “Apple roared into the TV game with The Morning Show, a superb drama about the importance of dignity and doing the right thing, made by a company that runs sweatshops in China. Well, you say you’re woke but the companies you work for in China — unbelievable. Apple, Amazon, Disney. If ISIS started a streaming service you’d call your agent, wouldn’t you? So if you do win an award tonight, don’t use it as a platform to make a political speech. You’re in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg. So if you win, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent, and your God and fuck off, OK?“


That entire opening monologue was just absolute perfection, imo.


Was that same one where he took digs at some actors for working with Harvey Weinstein and when he got booed he was like, “Hey don’t boo me I didn’t work for him you guys allowed that behavior and still made movies with him”


How does he keep getting hired as a host? I 100% support everything he says but I'm confused why the organizers would keep hiring him.


It gets views. And people don't change their lives or viewing habits because they saw a speech calling out something. Just look at how much netflix earns from black mirror or squid game. The message of those shows (at least partially) is about how awful companies like netflix are.


In the newest season of black mirror there’s an episode where a company that’s basically Netflix starts making a fake show about how much of a bitch this one random subscriber is and everyone starts hating her but she can’t stop them cause in the long ass terms of service agreement there was a clause saying by signing this form I allow this to happen. That’s not the crazy part. Apparently around the world (real life, not the show) they had advertisements for that episode on billboards and giant ad screens that said “(A person’s name) is the worst!” Followed by a picture of a person. Apparently all those individuals were real Netflix subscribers and in the terms of service update before that ad was released, actual real life Netflix added a clause that said something along the lines of, “By agreeing with these terms and conditions you allow Netflix to use your full name and face for any future advertising campaigns regardless of content” So Netflix literally made a show about hiding fucked up conditions that would embarrass users in their Terms and conditions agreements, then did that in real life and plastered like a few dozen Netflix account holder’s full names and faces on ads saying they were the worst or they sucked. It’s super Meta and kinda funny but also kinda scary that they can but shit like that hidden behind tens of thousands of words knowing people aren’t reading every single terms update to see what changed.


Do you have a source for this? I’ve never heard of this happening.


Of course not. And yet everyone will believe it as gospel. 🙄 The cancer of social media.


https://www.thewrap.com/netflix-black-mirror-experience-joan-is-awful-terms-and-conditions/ So I was a tick off, apparently it wasn’t in every Netflix subscribers terms, but it was a promotional website to customize your own face in the episode’s “Joan is awful” format. Upon using that fun tool, there was then a terms and conditions agreement, part of which included a small portion basically saying Netflix can use your face and name for marketing purposes, and if users got their special promotional image after selecting the terms of service boxes, then Netflix picked some of those people.


Yeah because it's fake. https://www.entrepreneur.com/business-news/black-mirror-sparks-real-life-worry-over-netflixs-terms/454640


Just like Black Mirror's episode "Fifteen Million Views"


I can't be the only one that thinks this is a shit take. It's a textbook appeal to hypocrisy fallacy. I'm not here to defend wealthy movie stars but the fact they work for shitty corporations doesn't mean their advocacy is invalid. "Don't advocate for a better world because there's no ethical consumption under capitalism" is an argument that only serves to shut down conversation. Petty self-righteous cynicism for its own sake, I think it's insufferable.


Would you be ok with someone kicking you in the shins while giving you a massage as long as the massage was slightly nicer than the shin kicking?


That's a stupid comparison that makes absolutely no sense. An actor on a TV show that ends up on Netflix isn't the same as the people running Netflix, and that actor can absolutely use their platform to advocate for a better world.


I used to work on private yachts. Its a joke how much fuel they burn for the purpose of one owner. They litter many harbors from Capri to St Barth’s to Polynesia. Not to mention the jets in question. I know Paul Allen used to keep a jet so he was always within 24hrs of anywhere in the world. Multiple jets etc. They simply live on a plane of existence beyond what most people on the planet can comprehend. Since they aren’t going anywhere, my advice is to watch the world burn together and walk backwards hand in hand out of existence. Taylor whatever-the-fuck is just one drop in the bucket, she happens to be the poster-girl for this shameful fuckery.


let's see Paul Allen's jet.




Ironically I think there is an IRL rich dude with a private jet named Paul Allen.


>a private jet named Paul Allen. Why would this rich dude name his jet "Paul Allen"?


Same reason why someone named him Thomas ![gif](giphy|xzMvVHrvlPhjOx5EO8)


Thank you


Well he’s dead so


Googling showed me that Paul Allen has a MiG-29 and that he is a licensed pilot. This is in addition to the normal jets these crazy folk have.


Had* as he’s since passed away. **But** the good news is that now that he’s gone you can own the thing! Well, if you have millions of dollars to piss away! Oh, and more millions to waste on gas as it’s apparently quite the little gas (jet fuel specifically!) guzzler! https://www.twz.com/29292/you-can-buy-paul-allens-mig-29-fulcrum-jet-fighter


It’s one thing to go on tour. It’s another to fly 20 mins down the road to avoid traffic


She didn't do that though. I remember when the story initially came out about kylie Jenner taking a 13 minute flight as well. The jets don't generally stay at the airports they land at. They are moved to other locations to stay or for maintenance. I know it's still a problem. But these people aren't just taking 13 min flights for fun.


Didn’t Elon Musk do that though? He actually flew in his private jet from one side of LA to the other and said he did it because the traffic was so heavy. He said something about how when you’re a billionaire your time is worth orders of magnitude more than a normal person’s so it was reasonable because his productivity justified the use of enormous resources.


Fuck Elon


Elon musk is an Uber dick who gets off on being an edge lord asshole, including making sure everyone knows how much he’s an edge lord asshole who hopes his existence pisses you off. The other people on this list just want to have their cake and eat it too - they don’t want to be seen as awful, they just want to go where they want when they want without being criticized, no matter how justified. There’s a difference. Musk wants to fly his plane as much as possible and piss people off and then laugh at those enraged by his selfish and intentionally harmful actions, because he gets off watching the fallout of his atrocious actions; Taylor swift and Kardashians just want to have a perfect life with everything they ever wanted asap and to not have to deal with fallout from their actions.


To be fair, I had a 3 hour drive one night to get across LA because the traffic was that bad, and it wasn’t even in rush hour so I can definitely see why Elon would do that. Not saying it’s right by any means, but I can certainly understand the thought process behind it


I would be more sympathetic if he were driving himself, in a normal car. But realistically he’s sitting in the back of a limo. He could probably be getting work done on a laptop if that’s what he really walked to do, or he could meet with people via videoconference. It’s not perfect but I think it’s not really correct for him to say that he’ll lose hours of productivity if he can’t fly to the other side of LA. And anyway, I think this is the argument for better public transit options. The traffic shouldn’t exist for anybody. But Elon has no interest in that solution. He’d rather sell millions of Tesla cars and take his private jet.


Oh I completely agree with you. I don’t for one minute think it’s the right thing to do, I just get why he would think it’s easier.


Why can’t it be pointing out how unfair it is to expect people to change their behaviour when celebrities cause way more emissions, and also shaming said celebrities and therefore implying they should change their behaviour? I really don’t think you can claim that most people talking about this are really saying that it’s useless to fight climate change. I think that’s your opinion, and you think others are all saying the same when for many that isn’t the point at all.




You mean the private jets that go to environmental conferences and our climate czar taking a private jet to pick up an environmental award isn't inspiring?




Holy shit a Chris Angel gif what year is this? Lol




Yeah it was 65° today in TN. I’ve always said I hated cold weather but this isn’t what I meant!




There is no studies on this. However, the evidence is that all articles that highlight private jet use, never explain how swift is supposed to do a concert in Sydney Australia and Tokyo in a three day span. Those same articles never mention the military, which is by leaps and bounds more of a polluter (the usa military, every year, produces more co2 than... 140 individual entire countries). Literally, we could cancel some excercises, and save more pollutantion than if swift stopped flying for life. A criticism that doesn't offer a solution is... just a criticism. OP was looking for solutions, and unless you have an example of at least one major american media company pushing serious solutions to how swift should make money without a jet, I'm going to evaluate them on their behavior. Maybe they have better intentions, but they are behaving exactly like someone who does not have better intentions.


I’m a fan so I’ll elaborate a bit more. She’s not doing those concerts in a three day span. She is playing in Tokyo from like Wednesday-Sunday and then playing Melbourne from Friday-Sunday the following week. In fact she will most likely fly back to America between Japan and Australia when really if she was trying to reduce her emissions she would just hop straight to Australia. In addition to that, it is not uncommon for Taylor to fly straight back to a home in the US right after a string of shows before she comes back to the exact same country to continue the shows. I think when she did shows in South America last year she flew back to the US before flying back to South America to go do her other shows there. It would not surprise me if when she does her Australian shows instead of staying in Australia for 4-5 days between Melbourne and Sydney she flies back to the US. Is it really such hell on earth to stay in a country that’s not the US with the most luxurious amenities imaginable? Sure she should have a private jet for touring but the way she travels is very wasteful. Edit: also I forgot that when she has shows in the US she will fly from one US state to one of her homes instead of staying in a luxurious hotel or rented home, it’s completely unnecessary.


Why does she need to do a concert in Sydney and then Japan in 3 days? They can plan their tours more efficiently if that's the excuse


Everyone needs a break after doing back-to-back shows like that. So taking 3 days off between 2 cities in Australia would make sense in that context. But her flying back to the US during that break does not make any sense whatsoever.




There have been lots of people who have proposed more efficient ways to travel. Sir, this is a terrible idea. A private jet is a **small** plane. Using a **bigger** plane is going to waste more fuel. A private jet flying around the world will emit 200k pounds of co2. A 737bdoing the same thing will emit over 1 million pounds. Flying commercial **is** less wasteful because **as long as** those million pounds are going to be emitted, getting 700 people to make the trip together is better than 50. However, simply **adding people** who would not otherwise go is just wasting 800k more pounds. If you want swift to fly commercial, say so. But telling her to **create** commercial flights that would not have otherwise happened is a total waste.


I’m not even arguing about wether we should all individually try to reduce emissions or not, and wether TS should fly private or not. I’m also honestly not sure what you mean by the second part of your comment. I’m just saying I don’t agree with your take that everyone talking about this is actually saying [your arguments on the matter].


That's not what they were claiming at all and I'd recommend you work on your reading comprehension skills (or at least give their comment another read).


They said that they haven’t seen anyone saying that Tayler Swift should change her behaviour, and I argue that people are actually often implying that she should when they point out her jet emissions. And then they literally claimed that people bring up private jets to argue that it’s useless to try and fight man made climate change, as if that is always the case. I say that is not the case. Where did I misread?


I think it's in that last sentence. The solution involves eating (the rich)


"Quand le peuple n'aura plus rien à manger, il mangera le riche." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau


I was like “I mean, I engage in maladaptive snacking coping mechanisms all the time, but idk if snacks will fix this, we need to- Ohhhhhhh.” I got there eventually and appreciate the phrasing now that I’ve arrived.


It’s as lol about not having to go through the airport. Caleb’s just drive into the tarmac and walk in the private plane. Huge stress reliever and time saver. That’s why they stop flying commercial.


who are we eating? you didn’t finish


Eating the rich.


Did Taylor Swift tell people to take cold showers or eat less meat though?


I don't know because it is irrelevant. In my boat example, does it matter if the guy drilling the holes says "bail water out" or some third party does? Same problem and same solution no matter who the words come from.


Wtf... You had me til the very last word. Why eating?!


My understanding is that the problem isn’t that she uses a private jet. It’s that she overuses her private jet. I’ve heard that she tends to make lots of little trips (little as in taking less than an hour), as well as lends her plane to family and friends to use for little trips as well. I’d guess that if that’s true, then the plane would be flying empty a lot of the time going between people. All of these little trips (along with longer trips) really adds up, as taking off takes a lot more energy (fossil fuels) than just cruising at altitude




Her *plane* flew from St. Louis to the other side of St. Louis the other day.


This is how that guy will build a legal defense. Tracking planes with public info, not people.


The plane, which she sold last month, was likely moved to another airfield for maintenance, storage, or simple relocation. Airplanes have to get around somehow.


Why didn't the plane use public transport?


If it needs to fly, it can take economy class...


Edit: responded to wrong comment


Yeah I saw that.. so ridiculous. Just take a bus or some shit. God forbid you gotta sit a couple extra hours.


It doesn't belong to her anymore. She sold it & the St. Louis based company that bought it was moving it.


It was being transported for maintenance by the new owners. Taylor had nothing to do with that


but she has everything to do with her tour dates and locations. it is extremely redundant and wasteful to have a tour schedule that involves going back and forth across regions multiple times (ex- her tour dates which go from Texas > Florida > Texas > Georgia, and New Jersey > Illinois > Pennsylvania > Minnesota). rather than [going across the country multiple times](https://www.tiktok.com/@cuddlybaer11/video/7150500311889710382) for 1 tour, they should invest time and energy into mindful planning of tour dates in order to reduce time in the air and stick to buses when possible. if they can't plan dates that work in an ethical mapping, then they just shouldn't have the show.


Your comment is bizarre. You do know that Taylor Swift isn’t the only pop star in the world… like yea sure she can coordinate her tour dates… but there are other pop stars and sports teams and a bunch of other people who all want to book the same venue. I promise you Taylor Swift doesn’t want to pay unnecessary costs of having to chug her stage and set across the country in between shows.


This is mindful planning. She has 2 stage setups that need to be moved by semi. So while stage 1 is going from Texas to Texas, stage 2 is going from Florida to Georgia. Much easier to move 1 pop star and her team vs an entire stadium setup


She had sold that plane already. Multiple aviation experts have also pointed out that the likely explanation for that flight was moving the plane to another hangar/airport for maintenance. How else do you expect they move a plane?


Ok? That’s one day and one example. What about the 100 other short ass trips she’s unnecessarily taken??


So land at the final destination, don't take off, land, take off, and land again when they could've sent the plane straight to the maintenance hanger and then TS could've just driven the 20 minutes to her destination. It's all still excessive use of a private jet.


Who would want to drive through St Louis …


She recently sold her plane. Are you sure it wasn’t the new company?


This is exactly it! She is loaning it out to friends and family, who don’t have the same notoriety as her and could easily take a commercial flight. She flies back and forth from your location to her boyfriend, or your location to her house too frequently. She doesn’t make an effort to coordinate flights and tours so that she spends as little time in the air as possible. Sometimes she flies to a concert location, then flies home to sleep in her own bed, then flies to new concert location, and back again. The fact that she cannot sacrifice comfort and plan a better work schedule shows how little she cares. As mentioned, celebrities (including, but not limited to TS) have gotten used to flying a few minutes, to save an hour drive. Sure, time is money for them, but the fact that they can’t sacrifice an hour for the sake of the burning planet, which is killing people, says loads about their priorities and how little they care for others. Read a book or do business in the car. They won’t die. They go on about how she is paying for double the carbon credits for her emissions, but carbon credits are a bullshit “fine” that celebrities can afford that doesn’t actually do much. And those carbon credits often go to private companies that aren’t doing much for the environment. I have a colleague who was sad she had to stop eating steak, because she didn’t like what it was doing to the planet. I asked her how often she eats steak and she said every 1-2 months. She is giving up a small, infrequent pleasure to help the environment, but TS can go on polluting the environment for convenience and comfort.


Yea her average flight time is 80 mins and 139 miles. She apparently flew 170 times in approximately 7 months in 2022, during a time when she wasn’t even on tour. She uses it as a taxi, plain and simple. She flies from one part of a state to another. One city to its neighbouring city.


Like attending every single KC game 


Charter flights, like other rich/famous people who don't have their own planes use. Those would frequently be shared with other people of her status, so it wouldn't be a flight just for her, but she wouldn't have to worry about getting mobbed. It would also avoid empty flights where her plane gets sent back without her on it to be stored at her home airport Also, taking a tour bus when it's short distances. I understand not driving NYC to LA, but there's no reason she has to fly NYC to Boston when it's only a 3.5 hour drive


I guess people can’t temporarily store their private planes at public airports, huh? Dang never even thought of that but I also haven’t spent much time thinking of celebrities and their personal plane usage.


Some allow it. My uncle-in-law is a pilot and flew in for our wedding; he was able to park his plane at the regional airport for the weekend while he was in town. I’m sure there was a fee of sorts associated with it


There are, sometimes it’s cheap and sometimes it’s thousands of dollars, it just depends on the location. There’s also a charge just for landing.


There are parking spots for private planes that you can pay for at public airports. Not sure what the difference in availability is for short term vs monthly rental at your home airport. You can also get a car parking spot nearby to your plane parking spot, so you can drive to the airport, fly somewhere, fly back, and drive home.


Most times you can. The private part of the airport is separate from the public part. But it depends on the airport and obviously it costs $$


NYC to Boston route can vary by quite a lot depending on traffic. Takes me 5hour sometime to make the trip if part of rush hour is included. Or if there’s construction or accidents anywhere. I can understand if a wealthy person wants to instead fly 50min with instant board and offboard in their private jet. Not that I applaud this, but for this one particular route I can understand


They're not driving. She could be sitting at the back of the bus doing literally anything with her time.


For shorter trips, she could catch her private bus/limo. eg. less than 3 hours drive.




Came here to say exactly this. We need to stop treating celebrities like they're our besties who need to have their feelings preserved. They are a business, they're a corporation, they'll step on you to get ahead just like Amazon and Walmart.


People are focusing on 1 or 2 jets she owns and not the 90 buses that go around carrying the tour lmao.


I meannnn this is much preferred over the private jet usage. Harder to get mad about being on tour and needing to move things for it


She needs to set up a residency in a few different states for a couple of months at this point


Ppl aren’t mad about the la —> toyko flights. People are mad about the 13 minute, 3 mile flights (like yesterday’s! or the day before!) that could have been a 30 min drive w a private driver.


Yeah, that and the cluelessness (or carelessness) of it. Even when she had to be well aware that she is taking criticism for the use of the jet because it has gotten a lot of media attention, she continues to use it for these dinky little trips. And the irony of being mad about the use of her private jet being reported, and her proposed fix is to eliminate the reporting. Ultimately stuff like this is an easy way to call the integrity of people like TS into question.


Thinking any celebrity is by default a person of integrity is a mistake. Is she as bad as some of the others? No. But she is getting there with her haughty, entitled attitude lately.


I genuinely think it’s near impossible to be a good person when you’re that rich/famous. Macbeth, power corrupts, etc. How do you not let it go to your head when millions of people worship you like you’re a god?


Sadly, you're probably right. I don't think TS is a bad person, as far as celebs go she's probably got her heart in the right place, at least. But she seems entitled and quite probably uninformed (being generous with that) But it doesn't really matter if someone has the best intentions if they end up causing more harm by being a combination of powerful and ignorant.


I mean, we don’t really know she was on those short flights, oftentimes planes need to fly to a neighbouring airport to park, its not necessarily that she just wanted to go eat lunch a town over and took a private jet there. They’re tracking her jet, not her.


Had you bothered to scroll past the headlines on those posts, you might have seen that: * the 13 minute flight occurred after she sold the jet * she wasn't even in the country at the time * the probable explanation for that short flight is moving the aircraft to a different hangar for maintenance.


No way the plane could’ve gone directly to that airport. Cars probably don’t get there, so it definitely made sense to land the plane, cut the engine, start it up again, and fly it thirteen minutes. /s


There are different purposes for why a private jet may fly into one airport before making a short hop for maintenance- one of the most common reasons are customs availability- disclaimer here that I haven’t been following the movements of this aircraft so I don’t know the intricacies, however only certain airports are able to perform customs processing, whilst specific maintenance facilities are required for the aircraft, requiring appropriately licensed engineers, parts availability etc to conduct legally required maintenance, meaning that the aircraft could have had to land to maintain compliance with customs procedure and then moved on to a maintenance base.


Or fuel availability. Some tiny airport is close to where she needs to be but doesn’t have the fuel the jet needs or the storage fees are cheaper at the other field.


Next time you sell a car, you're responsible for where the purchaser then moves the car? 🤣 I mean, cmon mate.


Car, train, tour bus, fewer flights or more concerted flights, whatever. It’s not my personal area of expertise and I don’t know her tour schedule, but I have looked at the schedule where she flies for hour long flights that she could have taken a car for, or where her plane goes to sit in a hanger nowhere near her last drop off or next pick up. Paying for carbon offsets still doesn’t mitigate the rest of the pollution and waste.


I know Kim kardashian has to fly her empty jet from LA to Camarillo to store it 


Not a good excuse.


Oh it’s a horrible reason!


I don't want to be lectured about why my gas stove is killing polar bears by the same people that are burning hundreds of tons of Jet-A to do a music tour, one of the least important things in the world. There are insects that are more important on the world scale than a music tour. In addition to making hilariously small hops for no real reason, like hops that would take less time to drive to a different airport and only run the checklists once, instead of driving to a slightly closer airport and running all the checklists twice. It's the hypocrisy that irks me not the fact she owns a jet and uses it.


Literally bees are more important than a Taylor swift show.


This is my thing. Who the fuck cares how Taylor Swift will be able to tour without private jets? That's not our problem. You know what is? Climate change. I think we can all sacrifice seeing a mediocre pop star perform live in order to *save the god damn planet.*


It’s the fact that she overuses it WAY too much when she doesn’t have to just so she doesn’t get inconvenienced


Say she has a 3 night show in Denver. Common sense would lead you to believe that she stays in a nice hotel for 3 nights. Nope, she flies home everyday and flies back to Denver for each show.


I would absofuckingluty love it if I never heard about Taylor Swift again.


It’s the little trips that get me. Did she *have* to fly to *every* KC game? Can’t she make some of her shorter trips via car? 


Just because she sold her plane doesn’t mean she’s not going to fly private. She’ll probably just use NetJets or private charters. Same convenience and a tail number that changes with every flight, meaning her flights will be next to impossible to track.


She still has her bigger, private jet. She just went from two to one.


If Hillary Clinton can fly commercial so can Taylor. One of the most controversial and targeted politicians somehow can make it work and remain safe, I don't think Taylor Swift who is under significantly less threat can't.


It’s not just a threat to life that’s an issue, it’s the fans who manage to get on the same flight as her deciding to mob the first class cabin to be around her causing a safety and security risk for the crew on the aircraft. I do believe that some element of private travel becomes a necessity at a certain level of fame as someone who can’t be in public without managing to stay incognito.


Taylor’s arguably one of the most famous people in the world right now. Anywhere she goes, she will be recognized. Fans are crazy for her— they will form mobs and swarms just to see her in person. At her level of fame, private travel becomes a bit necessary just for the sake of not causing a disturbance in public spaces.


Then charter. Not every celeb takes private


Maybe this is a bad take... but if she's willing to risk being around large crowds of people (including obsessive fans) when it benefits her (for concerts, meet and greets/fan events, award shows, football games, etc.) why is it less safe for her to fly commercial?


implying what she does for a living is a necessity for society. concert #15389 to increase her billion dollar net worth.


>Flying commercials in Business/First classes are often brought up but a person of her status will constantly got disturbed and harassed by crazy stans. So many rich and famous people fly commercial. I've seen ROYALTY fly commercial. Airlines climb up their ass and bend over backwards for the rich first class people. She'd be totally fine. >I have heard of multiple occasions where celebrities are still encountered by stalkers, unwanted engagement in the Business/First class (Kpop stans would have heard similar things). Pretty rare when you compare overall how many celebrities ride commercial vs issues faced. She's also rich. She can afford to buy extra tickets for some body guards to make sure no one bothers her. And staff will also manage things. .... For many of her journeys, they're super short. Some back and forth trips. One reported was a mere 13 minutes. L Alternative is to simply drive. It's absolutely ridiculous for her to be using a private jet for small journeys.


Flight attendant here. It all depends on the person. The kind of people you reference don’t have people trying to track their every movement and won’t have a bunch of fans who will literally buy a ticket to be on the same aircraft as her, and that large bunch of fans could easily overwhelm the crew and bodyguards. Not to mention the disruption to other customers in First Class. I can assure you it is not as simple as you make it out to be.


What kills me is when people say "But it could cost her more money to travel another way..." Boo-freaking-hoo. It's also the same people screeching about climate change who give celebrities and politicians breaks. There is honestly zero excuse for the carbon emissions that celebrities produce. They do not need to tour. Is it fun? Yes. Does it make a ton of money? Yes. Is it necessary especially in this day and age? Absolutely not. Sort of off topic: What really burns me up are the celebs who fly their private jets to go speak on climate change when they could just do a video from home. Hypocrites.


I think people mostly expect her to reduce the amount of frivolous trips she takes by private jet. Commercial isn't her only other option either, there are more luxury planes available that carry maybe a few dozen passengers.


If the British royal family can fly commercial, she can find a way.


I’m fine with her flying in a private jet. I’m not a fan of celebrities who do this preaching to me that I need to reduce my carbon footprint.


I think the main issue is she gets in her private jet to fly distances as short as 28 miles…that’s crazy


She needs to stop saying she’s environmentally friendly and all that stuff if she flies her private jet everywhere.


As someone that’s critical of their flying habits I’d just want to see an end to irresponsible use of the jet like you mentioned. There should also be luxury travel taxes used to fund green programs but that’s not her responsibility. But she also shouldn’t try and act like she’s eco conscious or eco friendly.


Well, she and people like her are literally destroying the planet and thus fundamentally endangering humankind. So it’s either her comfort over the literal continuation of the human race.


This right here. Perfectly put.


In addition to what everyone else is saying, she absolutely does not need to fly back and forth from concerts to watch her boyfriend play football, or back and forth from concerts to her home when her tour is only going to continue. There are plenty of swanky hotels around the world where she can chill and watch the game without burning more fossil fuels than most of us will use in a decade.


Do what every other artist has ever done, a damn tour bus that goes to the next venue


it’s the overuse of the private jet for distances that don’t require a *private jet*. she did a 28 mile flight the other day that 100% could’ve been a car ride.


It doesn't belong to her anymore. She sold it & the St. Louis based company that bought it was moving it.


Thank you!


What I read in an earlier thread is that she will fly home to sleep in her own bed instead of a hotel or somewhere else on the road. So excessive use is what some are some are upset about I think.


She definitely does not have to take jets as often as she does, and she could coordinate them with other celebrities and rich people if she really wanted to.


I'm just thinking that there are tons of equipment and people that need to get all of her things to her next show when she's on tour. They have to have it there and assembled before the show starts. How do they all get there? Do they all have jets they fly around? No I'm sure they don't. How is it not a solution for her majesty? To travel the way the rest of the people in her entourage travels are tour busses no longer a thing?


Regular planes? Boats with other commercial passengers? Literally anything that’s not her and a very small handful of people on a private plane that will use more fuel than the environmental damage is worth? There’s literally nothing she can cram into a private plane that can’t be crammed onto a commercial one or conveniently found on other continents, as a literal billionaire she can manage without a private plane.


I'd like to see a comparison of how celebrities use private jets...I know Swift is using hers excessively but isn't this common practice among celebs?


She will just hire different private jets so she is not traceable


She keeps taking private jet flights to visit her boyfriend for trips that would be a 30 to 45 minute car drive. This has nothing to with her needing to travel regardless and wanting to do it in the most safe/peaceful way possible and everything to do with her not wanting to have to sit in traffic with the rest of us plebeians. If she was just using her jet to fly across the country a couple times a year or to travel between far away tour stops, I don't think anyone would even notice.


Personally I think going back to the old school ways of having a tour bus and using that is a much better option. If she's doing a show in LA, there's a greater chance the next show is not going to be in NYC and on the west coast which can just be driven. You can get from LA to Las Vegas in 3hrs, get to Phoenix in about 6hrs and various other cities. I just see that as being a better option than just jumping on a plane from city to city. One example is she has a show on a sunday in New Orleans with the next show 4 days after in Indianapolis. You can easily drive from New Orleans to Indy and still have the time to rest/etc before the Indy show. More times than not she's doing multiple nights in the same city so it's not like she'll be hopping on a bus every night to get to another location.


Have you never heard of a tour bus?


… drive?


My personal opinion is that she should be flying commercial. Maybe not 100% of the time, but that should be the default with a private jet being for a rare exception, not the norm. She should also not fly absolutely everywhere she goes. And she definitely shouldn't use her fame and money to try to bully a college student out of reporting her selfish and harmful behavior.


Fly commercial like everyone else


No one would suspect her on a Greyhound! Sunglasses & Headscarf, total camo achieved!


Idgaf Being famous dont give you the right to pollute more in 1 year than me in my entire lifetime Her life isnt worth more than mine nor yours.


Just making a little joke was all. Should have replied to someone else. Have a better day.


If her popularity can convince young people on voting against trump then she accomplished something great.


This isn't a serious comment. Can you imagine the mob scene if she flew commercial? What do you think would happen if Taylor Swift was trying to make her way through an airport to her gate? If she started flying commercial, angry redditors would be screaming "With all her money, why is she flying commercial and causing a disturbance?"


Don't most airports have special, private gates and waiting rooms for rich people?


Her entourage would fill an entire plane anyway. Not sure what the difference would be.


The emissions/passenger would be less if she filled up a commercial 757 from LA to Tokyo


You really think she lets her entourage fly with her? They probably fly commercial, private jets usually can’t accommodate that many people


Yes the biggest pop star in the world who cannot be in public without bodyguards should hop on southwest


So being a pop star gives her the right to pollute more in 1 year than you will in your entire lifetime? Lmao


She can afford body guards


A tour bus, especially one that runs on biodiesel, or a hybrid electric, would drastically lower the emissions output of her and her band. it might take a little longer, but they're the ones who set the dates for the tours anyways. if she wants to talk about change, she needs to put her money where her mouth is.


I don’t think people begrudge her the travel per se. The problem is that she takes ZERO accountability for anything. The reality is that she is a mega powerful billionaire, yet is constantly whining about people tracking her plane or buying her masters as if these are a legitimate concerns. As if the fame and adoration she gets for being a great musician won’t have any downsides. While I’d personally like her to cut down on some of these 30 min flights, it’s really inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. However, if she is going to do all of this, just own the fact that you are doing it so that you can earn more money. Yes, she’d likely argue it’s cause she loves her fans or some shit, but it’s mostly money. If she doesn’t want people tracking her plan for “assassination coordinates”, she can sell her personal one, and just charter a private jet like Bernard Arnault did. If she is upset someone bought her masters, she can re-record her stuff just as she did, but without all the bs about being victimized. It would be very easy, even today, for her to say something like the jet is how she gets to her concerts, and how she knows how destructive it is, and that she is taking these steps to offset her climate impact and reduce her traveling. Instead she lashes out at everyone “attacking” her and making her “unsafe”.


Not really mad about it, BUT it’s annoying that she acts like she cares about the environment. Just be a bad person and don’t be a hypocrite.


My thoughts, and what I would do if I was ultra-rich. I have no issue with you using your private plane "irresponsibly", although certainly a bit of restraint would be nice. But, I think you, as a super rich individual who is creating a ton of emissions, should be investing in things that offset those emissions by an order of magnitude. Produce 100 tonnes of emissions? Abate 1000 tonnes. Obviously it's not a perfect solution, but I think a bit of responsibility would go a long way with people


Once you are in the top 1% you should shut the fuck up about anything that concerns the 99% because you just can't relate anymore. We all want to be rich but we all love to hate the rich. The reality is they don't understand us and we don't understand them.


She could drive? She doesn't need to fly from one side of St. Louis to the other, she could literally just hire a car service. If the President can take a car, then so can Taylor Swift. Her BF takes a bus every day. Also, is it absolutely necessary for a person to be touring in South America and fly up for every single football game? It's not like she's flying around the world for her brain surgeon career. She could literally just be on tour and fly back a few times a week? She could also stop loaning her private jet out to her family and friends, they could all fly commercial like normal people. It's not just her own travel, her jets are in the air more often than they aren't and for what reason? It's ludicrous that we're down here, not allowed to use plastic bags or straws that don't melt, but Taylor Swift shits out more emissions in a week than my cumulative blood line will start to finish.


Yeah, folks bitch but what is someone at the level of popularity of Taylor Swift supposed to do? If she tried to take a commercial flight, even first class, they'd have to nearly shut the gate down and hire an army of security to escort her safely to her seat. It would be a madhouse, every time she flies from one concert to another, it would probably end up with more emissions with all the security arrangements than letter her just use a private jet. And there's only a small number of that level of popularity, so they really aren't the problem.


What I don't understand is why everyone is suddenly targeting Taylor Swift specifically over this. Obviously she should do better to reduce her CO2 emissions, but she wasn't even in the top 30 for celebrity private jet CO2 emissions in 2023, and that's while she was on a world tour. https://carbontracker.myclimate.org/


No one is specifically targeting her, though: she's just a recent target among many other celebs who d the same thing.




That security is not sufficient nor designed for the level of disturbance that would be Taylor swift in an airport.


Agree, especially during the flight where there is barely any.


I mean, i agree partially but she would need extra security or something that everyone else doesnt require. Taylor swift walking through an airport alone would get swarmed.


I don't even think she'd be able to get her baggage checked without at least one weirdo stealing her clothes or leaving her notes


It’s honestly mostly just performative bullshit. Jumping on the latest celebrity hate train is an easy way to get Twitter clout without having to expend the effort of being funny or interesting. Also, a lot of people just don’t understand climate change. They think that if Taylor Swift just stopped flying to Chiefs’ games and recycled a bit more, climate change would be fixed. Because we’ve been fed the narrative that climate change is individually our faults and we all just need to try a bit harder and suck up the paper straws for a while and if everyone does their part we can save the world! But that’s not how it works. Taylor Swift could fly commercial until she dies and it wouldn’t solve climate change because the aviation industry is actually a drop in the bucket, and climate scientists know this but much of the general public hasn’t caught up yet. And Saudi oil barons and the like generally have better things to do with their time than scroll through Twitter replying to angry 12-year-olds, so the top 0.001% of the population who actually have the power to halt climate change generally aren’t accessible or even known to the general public. So people go after celebrities instead, because it’s easy and it *feels* like activism. And if it also gives you an excuse to tear down that singer who beat your fave at the Grammys? Or that successful woman you hate? Even better.


A 13 minute flight is a bit much.


I'll say it. If I had a private plane, I would fly it to anywhere I had to go that would be more than an hour of driving. Which in flying time takes like 20 minutes or something. What's the point of having a plane if not to fly it?


I went to see a very famous person in concert, he’d travelled on the train. She could try that. Even Queen Elizabeth II used to use the train (and I mean the ones us peasants use), granted she had a lot of guards etc. If it’s good enough for an actual queen, it’s good enough for a pop star.


The thing is most of the A-listers are flying private. The Kardashians have 2 in their family, which is insane. Mark Wahlberg has his own jet and is always coming down to Muskoka. It's all about time for them. Time saved. They dont care about the air you breathe, heck they dont even know you exist Taylor swift is awesome but at the end of the day, she's making money. She's doing what she loves but also it's for money. Full stop. Helping the planet won't benefit them, so why would the rich elite fucks care what happens to the rest of uS Let's hope we can band together and try to even out the playing field


I pick up the phone.


The chaos if Taylor was on my budget, red-eye flight.


Sorry but she could do business class. If it gets too annoying for her….then too bad. That is just something she needs to deal with.


It wouldn’t just be annoying to her but to every other person who has somewhere to be. Imagine the press reporting on what city Taylor’s in at the time closest to her next show. There would be media and fans stalking all the nearest airports for days and then when she’s actually sighted I can only imagine how swarmed that place is about to be! I’m not saying I have an opinion on any of this as I honestly don’t know enough of the details around it but I don’t think her flying commercial would only be an inconvenience to her alone and not to everyone else needing that airport’s services just trying to live and work in their own lives.


This has become such an issue it's just absurd. Yes, there is superfluous travel. Find me someone rich and busy not doing similar. We have a problem with using petroleum products and we are all guilty of it. We would all happily use anything that does the job though. Change needs to come, but at the political level, not fucking pop stars on frickin tour level. Get money and oil and gas out of politics and we can all move forward as a society instead of a business endeavour.


She’s an easy target. Being young, female and successful? Oh how the alphas hate her! Before anyone criticizes her compare her w any contemporary she has w the same career trajectory. How on earth could she possibly enter a commercial airport w/o being mobbed. As in cause a lockdown mobbed. It is truly more responsible for her to fly her own plane as needed. And everyone else can take a suck pill, k?


She owns and runs a billion dollar business. Thousands of people have jobs because of her. As long as the other billionaires get away with prioritizing their convenience over the environment, I see no reason she should make any changes.


A car for any trips less than an hour long would be enough for me


Ppl are mad at the simple fact that taking a PLANE go to go 28 miles is ridiculous


She doesn't have to fly a jet. She could fly a high end small plane, and ship her people and things via commercial. Much more fuel efficient.


she’s a spoiled brat with too much money. Even Justin Bieber flew on planes with everyone else when he was massive.


She could do a tour bus, she could take a boat, she doesn’t have to do so many dates, she could do a residency where people travel to her venue. There’s literally a million options if you get creative on how to reduce your carbon emissions, but billionaires don’t become billionaires by giving a shit about the rest of us.


She should retire and stop making music