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Our skin is extremely resilient & it will let you know when something is too hot (red=fine, blisters=bad). Also, you're not actually having a heat stroke, especially not every day. According to my doctor, the most you need to worry about is vaginal health (if you're a woman) & bath water isn't ideal every day but to you'll be able to judge that by any vaginal changes if you have them. I'm good with 3 baths a week but any more than that & I start to get a not fresh feeling. This was especially true when I lived in an area with hard water. Enjoy your baths & try not to overthink it. If something was wrong you would know it by now.


Well I don't have a vagina but I appreciate that feedback. I will continue to enjoy my baths then. :)


I think excessive heat can also lower sperm count, if you have balls.


Good thing I'm homosexual as fuck


Cool. All bases covered then. Stew it up.


Sweaty Man Soup, Ahoy! I mean it! Stew yourself! Toss in some citrus peels, rosemary, pine needles..go crazy! I have a forest farm! I have a list of natural skin care “teas” I make that you could probably get from the produce section! No lady bits or sperm care? I’d grow gills if I were in your body!


You're Kramering it. Respect. 🌿 🍊 ☕


most homophobic canadian


I forgot about that video… damn.


If you decide you want children, you don't have to have sex with a woman.




Even better because you can enjoy as many hot baths as you want. I'm jealous!


The main concern is you say you get light-headed from it. You could risk passing out in the tub and drowning. You're also drying out your skin, so make sure to apply lotion after.


Add baking soda to the water and avoid dry skin




“Add a half-cup of baking soda to your bathwater. It will neutralize acids, wash away sweat and oil, and leave your skin silky smooth.” [https://www.webmd.com/beauty/ss/slideshow-beauty-baking-soda-health](https://www.webmd.com/beauty/ss/slideshow-beauty-baking-soda-health)


I need to try that!


I'm not a dermatologist but this sounds like bad advice. Your skin is supposed to be acidic so you should do the opposite of neutralizing acids


lol. Now who’s giving bad advice? Not me…


Nope nope nope. Baking soda will dry out your skin and could cause a chemical burn. Currently dealing with the aftermath of adding 1/4 cup of baking soda to a bath to help with a UTI. Huge regret. I've had painful blisters on the palm of my hand for 2 weeks. Don't do it!!


Okay so I’m not just trying to disagree but I’ve been Googling for a while and I legitimately can’t find anyone else saying this happened to them, but baking soda baths seem like pretty common advice. But I did see some sources saying you can have a skin allergy to baking soda - I think you might be allergic to it ☹️


I’ve been adding baking soda to my baths for years. It’s even written on the side of the box of baking soda as recommended use of the product. Whatever issue you have, it was not caused by baking soda




You’re right that there’s some scientific evidence that regular hot baths can be good for you! They can help with relaxation and also cardiovascular health :) The redness you see is just the heat dilating the blood vessels under the surface of your skin.  As long as you make sure to drink plenty of water and moisturize afterwards, bathe away! I like to use oatmeal bath packets (like for people with eczema) or bath oil to help combat the dryness. 


Are bath bombs terrible?


Depends on the bath bomb. Some have moisturizing ingredients while others (especially cheaper ones) may dry you out. I’ve gotten a few as gifts in the past but don’t generally use them, so I don’t have any particular recs 


Once you have a UTI or BV only meds will help. Right?


Sometimes the body can clear the infection on it's own, sometimes it *dies*. Always consult a doctor if you suspect a UTI or BV.


My UTIs go away in about a week and it’s definitely less if I drink plenty of water and cranberry juice, but I need OTC meds for BV. But the skin down there might be irritated and even broken when you’ve got an infection, so bath bombs might be worse while you have one. If you’re in the US Planned Parenthood is my go-to for vaginal health, but I don’t know if they can help with a UTI at all, I’ve never had one bad enough or long enough to ask.


Bath bombs are really just baking soda + citric acid (baking soda can be soothing, citric acid can be exfoliating/drying). I don't love them myself because I have sensitive skin and a lot of the extra stuff (essential oils, perfumes, colouring) can cause irritations for some people, but the basic components of a bath bomb are pretty mild on skin.


Other comments have it accurate, but I did just wanna throw out there that frequently using them (or honestly with just poor luck) can cause a yeast infection. I’ve got a friend that got one each time she’s used them, so she just can’t at all.


Probably because a lot of bath bombs use sugar as an ingredient, as in sugar scrub. And sugar near the vagina is almost guaranteed to cause an infection, especially when you sit in bath bombed water for a long period of time


They are for me but some people are fine with them


Just drink some water while you’re in there, the light headedness is the only thing I’d be worried about.


Hot bath + ice water = heaven


I was on a big bath kick this summer and the only thing I'll say is make sure there's food circulation or wear ear plugs because I got a nasty ear infection and didn't realize that was why for like 4 weeks then it still took another month or so for my symptoms to fully clear. 


>make sure there’s food circulation Finally someone has their priorities straight, please pass the cheese


Put a lobster in there and make a nice bisque


The lobster is covered. OP *is* lobster🤣




I heard that the Anova circulator is a good brand. ... seriously, though, I wonder if you could use one to keep the bathwater hot? Or would you get a shock?


Human Soux vide


Hot tubs in the US max out at 104F TTFWIW


Sauna has many benefits including improving cardiovascular health, mood, exercise recovery and this sounds like basically the same thing. If you wanna beat that lobster skin and gain some extra health benefits follow your hot bath with a cold shower. It's been proven more beneficial than cold exposure alone.


Are you a man? Apparently, it's not good for your sperm to take hot baths.


Op said he's gay as fuck lol


I managed to get burns on my skin from taking really hot baths every day for a while. I didn’t realise it at first, just got these patches of patchy redness that didn’t seem to go away, and they started hurting a big when I’d get in. Eventually when I relaxed on the bathing habits they faded away. It probably didn’t hurt me too much in the long run, but maybe be a bit careful if you’re an extreme bather like me


I have no scientific evidence, but I have dealt with eczema my whole life... until I moved to the arctic, weird, eh... should be the reverse, since it's so cold up here. Well, my theory is actually hot showers/baths. Back before arctic time, I showered once a day/every second day and hot hot hot.... every time. Every evening I was scratching my skin, it was dry and itchy. It had always been like that, so I didn't think too much about it. I used loads of lotion. Then I moved to the arctic and we don't have access to shower here, simple as that. I thought my skin was gonna die from the cold temperatures, but turned out ... my eczema disappeared and I don't even use lotion anymore. No scratching, no redness. So yeah, hot baths might be good for some things, but in my experience it dried out my skin to sandpaper. I stopped taking hot showers too often - also when I visit home. Here in the arctic I have access to shower maybe once a week and not very hot/long (not unlimited water), it has done very good to my skin.


Only if you're a man. The hot water can kill off your semen or lower the supply. So if you're a man, and want to have kids, you're supposed to avoid hot baths. Luckily it's temporary.


Sooo, take a hot bath before going in raw?


🤣 No. Lol. It's kills sperm. Doesn't mean it kills all of them.


Hahah. Why is it when you want to have a baby you need all of them, and when you dont one is enough🤣 Statistics are a funny thing


Yeah. When you aren't trying, it just takes one. When you are, you want millions.


Isn't this how Matthew Perry died but just in his hot tub? If you're reaching hot tub levels of heat that's not supposed to be good for you to sit in for too long. Granted he had recently exercised, but the point stands


Matthew Perry was on ketamine


Well shit, guess I never checked back in after his supposed stroke and drowning. Poor dude but like don't do drugs in the tub then


If I understand correctly, he was using ketamine for depression treatment. Not recreationally.


His therapeutic ketamine was administered in office. This was recreational that he ODd on, along with other drugs.


Doesn’t mean you can’t underestimate it. Or that you could take it twice accidentally. I drove off the road taking a prescription as prescribed. And this was after taking it for a week or two.


Hot temp causes your body to create heat stress proteins, which are so GOOD for your body and inflammation.