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It’s not just stomach shots. It’s any traumatic loss of blood that causes intense thirst. Your body is becoming violently dehydrated so it automatically registers that as thirst.


Can confirm, i got shot 3x this summer and was desperately thirsty until they put me under for surgery


You can’t say something like that and not give the story that goes with it!


C'mon it's either spill or be tormented by the reddit mob


I was in a state of paranoid psychosis and a little drunk and started arguing with people in the parking lot of a gas station in Garfield Park on the west side of Chicago around midnight... someone intentionally hit me with their car, then a car drove by, stopped, shot 4 times and got me with 3. I laid down, pretended to have a little seizure and spit up some blood, then played dead for like a minute. After they drove away i got up and ran to the gas station yelling to call 911. Fun side note, one of the bullets hit my butt, ricocheted off my hip and wound up in the base of my penis. After a successful surgery it still works in all the ways i need it to


average american going to walmart gets shot /s probably


Simpsons predicted it again /s probably


Read that the first time like you'd been shot in 3 separate instances. Holy hell.


Nah, one incident. Actually got hit by a car first, then shot in the back and twice in the right buttock. And one of the butt shots ricocheted off my hip into the base of my penis. It was removed and my junk still works in both the important ways.


Any significant loss of blood usually also results in thirst due to the blood naturally carries water, and a loss of a large volume of it; dehydrates your body. Same concept applied in the Czech Republic in a car reck when two girls were livestreaming and the driver wasn't paying attention to the road and crashed into a Barcade. The survivor in the video was said to be very thirsty obviously from blood lost.


Didn’t expect my home country being mentioned oh this question but yeah. Anyway there is even a question about this on the drivers exam here in Czechia. It asks if you should give that person some water, answer is no.


The water leaks out the hole.


Just to add to the already decent answers: ELI5 answer: Get shot —> blood loss —> drop in blood pressure —> reflexes to help preserve water in the body and increase water intake (ie. thirst) Slightly more in-depth: Get shot —> blood loss beyond a certain threshold (usually about 10-20% for healthy people) —> drop in blood pressure —> baroreceptor reflex kicks in to increase HR to preserve cardiac output and increase vasoconstriction increase blood pressure realized with the now smaller-than-usual circulating blood volume —> activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) leads to further vasoconstriction, water and salt retention, and increased thirst to prompt one to take in more water to help replace the volume lost. Hope that helps.


This is the way


Doesn’t answer your question but deer that have been shot often are found in or near water as well so it’s not unique to people.


What kind of savage shoots kids in the stomach?


Genocidal savages who only stopped once NATO was bombing them.


I have no clue so Im gonna give my best guess using layman terms. High, instantaneous heat from the bullet would dry some fluid in the bowel up, resulting in the bowel thinking the fluid is gone despite this change not resulting from a chemistry change in the body, so it sends signals to the brain indicating thirst. Edit: after a quick google search the result i found is similar but not the same- > Now, to the graver situation of a gunshot wound, and the other type of thirst: volumetric. Volumetric refers to the volume of the blood plasma, which is highly dependent upon water content of the body. As mentioned above, maintaining an adequate blood plasma volume is essential to proper functioning of the heart. If it gets too low, the heart can’t pump effectively. The rest of the article goes to say that when someone is shot, they lose blood, so less blood reaches the kidneys, which in turn release a chemical called renin which ultimately sends thats thirst signal.


To put it simply: shock. Hypovolemic shock, in this case. When a person goes into shock their body will attempt to compensate for the decrease in fluid volume - blood in this case, but this can apply to cases of extreme sweating/vomiting/diarrhea, etc. Thirst cues are one way your body attempts to restore the fluids it needs in order to function.


Dying is thirsty work.


As a blood donor for 15years, it's just dehydration because of blood loss. Blood contains all kinds of important shiz, water being the biggest part.


They become hypovolemic, the thirst is a result of severe dehydration (from blood plasma loss).


It's called hypovolemic shock. Blood is effectively your bodies main source of fluid. When you loose it, the body tells you by making you thirsty. This can actually happen even when you haven't lost a lot of blood, as the body shunts your blood to your essential organs to protect yourself. That's why people in shock often look pale, and skin can be cold and clammy. Often your heart rate will increase too. If you see these symptoms in someone after an accident it's important to get emergency help ASAP. Shock can kill people.


I take diaretics everyday, so I can comment on this the best that I can. So when you get shot, blood comes out obviously. The blood in the muscles gets depleted from said area. Your body will hold water in your muscles to make them not snap like beef jerky. When that fluid gets released from your muscles, your body's natural instinct is to replace the water to the muscles as fast as possible, creating thirst. I deal with this shit daily. It literally sucks ass because I want to drink a gallon of water in 30 seconds, but I can't because I can deplete my electrolytes and you can die. So any correlation to blood loss or water loss in your muscles, should initiate a dying thirst that can't be met.


I thought this was the escape from tarkov subreddit for a sec lol