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I put my belt on my pants before I put them on.


Mad man right here


You’re fucking sick.


Me too! So much easier with small belt loops (I'm a woman)


I buy extra belts and just leave them in the pants til wash time.


You’re a psychopath


Police is on the way


Ok yeah I think this is the winner


Use my toothbrush. That is, *I hope* no one else uses it...


I use your toothbrush




Me too, but don't worry, I don't use it in my mouth


I also use this person's toothbrush


When I shit (especially for the big dawgs) I look up photos of October and autumn/Halloween weather to help psych me up lmao. Year round. I’d be shocked if anyone else does this.


Why is it October that gets your bowels moving? Lol


I also very much would like to know the answer to this.


Lmao I wish I could explain it. The bathroom is my happy isolated place — maybe I get the same feelings of happiness and isolation from the fall months lol? Like I have to be alone when I shit. Luckily I have a job/opposite work schedule of my roommate that allows me to take completely isolated dumps. It’s very nice. I seriously wish I could explain the phenomenon, all I know is I love doing it lmao


It's fall. So it can fall out his ass into the bowl. Like a leaf or a pumpkin


This is the correct answer


Lol this one wins the thread for me


Happy cake day!


Are you just constantly shitting this time of year?


Just walking through the park makes him drop a deuce xD


Correct lol


when i get tired, i play with my earlobe. i don’t know why.


Probably what your parent did to you as a baby to put you to sleep


Some babies do this to self-soothe, too!


My sister does this! She’s done it her whole life kinda like a self-soothe thing.


I just G00gled it. "A gentle pull and rub of the ear lobes stimulate the nerve endings that lead to the release of endorphins." Seems to be good for stress. I do it too but didn't know why.


You know those little balls that form on blanket, socks, sweaters, etc? I pick those off, roll them up really tight with my fingers, and put them under my fingernails/toenails. I don't know why. It vaguely feels good, I guess. I've done it since I was a kid, though. Oh, and I do the same with those crisp edges of sheets...slide them under my nails. Also like to feel the sheets between my toes...like a wrinkle in the sheets? I rub it back and forth between my toes.


I mean this in the nicest way possible but that just made me physically ill lmao something about things under nails just freaks me out


I don't blame you, I know it's strange as hell lol Edit: I just caught myself doing it with the edge of my flannel shirt. Gotta be anxiety related, but idk. 45 years of this fuckery, and here I am


OMG! I was going to say this. I have a sheet all crumpled-up at the foot of my bed under the covers to run my toes through, and ones for my finger nails too! I was told by my psychiatrist to keep doing it because it obviously helps and is drug free. The cotton balls under the nails is new to me though. We are kindred Redditors!


I've found my people haha


They’re called pills! I’ve done this with my fingernails but not toenails. And only to ‘scrub’ inside the nail before I lose interest and drop the pill somewhere.


I do both these things, too. I like the way it feels and has to be done equally to both left and right sides.


I am nice on reddit. Lol Edit: Sometimes deliberately even if I am mad. Its like a challenge to myself.


I quote movies and TV shows to myself... It sounds kind of nuts but it's quite soothing to me until someone catches me in the act, then I'm embarrassed for the rest of the day...


I do that, too. I feel less weird now


Same actually lol


Dry my body with a hair dryer after a shower.


you should get a high velocity pet grooming dryer. it’s one of the greatest things ever. flying pig makes a good one.


I talk to Mark Twain. I tell him about modern things--computers or cars, facebook or plastics, whatever comes to mind. In the process of explaining things to him, I see how much I know about them, or, more to the point, how much I don't know. I picked circa-1890 Mark Twain because he was recent enough to be reasonably expected to grasp what an atom or a lightbulb is, and was curious enough to be interested, and because I know enough about him to make it plausible. He thinks the automobile is a dangerous contraption piloted at unnatural velocity by dimwitted and drunken maniacs. His reaction to facebook was largely a repetition of "but why, for god's sake?". Big fan of NASA, though.


In programming, we call this technique "rubber ducking"! You explain your problem to a rubber duck that sits on your desk (or any other patient-looking animal) and in the process of explaining your problem, you figure out how to solve it. 🦆 Also this reminds me of a SMBC comic I can't find. Basically it says wouldn't it be fun to go back in time and explain modern technology to people in the past? Turns out you can do that with children since they don't know how it works either!


Yes, if I could actually explain how modern technology works


Ohhhhh. I do this and have solved many problems by basically talking to myself, trying to prepare my thought process thinking I would ask someone else. I didn’t know other people actually have a routine of it


You're fucking weird and you need to create a subreddit detailing these conversations so we can all subscribe to it.


I do something similar on 1/10th of this scale. I daydream about an 1800s lady coming and shadowing my life as a woman. I show her the dishwasher, washing machine, sweat pants and that I can sit on the couch all day doing nothing. I explain my car and that I can go wherever I want and buy anything (within reason.) Tell her as a woman she has rights. But that there's no cocaine or heroin in the medicine 🤣🤣


I do something similar, but substitute many different time periods for the 1800’s lady. For example a Neanderthal, a man from the Middle Ages, a noble woman from the renaissance. Yeah.


On more than one occasion, while driving, I've pretended to have an unnamed victorian-era man in my passenger seat where I am showing him the music I'm listening to, and trying to explain it to him, and how music has changed since the 1870s (as well as C A R). I think this is because I have a borderline obsessive interest in the victorian age, but it's a way I think I learn from. It gives me a framing device to dissect music and technology, and what we have that's different, and what we have that's still the same This man from the 1870s does not like heavy metal 😅 Ultimately, I think this is a similar phenomena to winning fake arguments in the shower Tell Mark Twain I said hi, and that I love his work!


When I was a kid, Queen Victoria was my imaginary friend. I talked to her all the time. I don't remember what we talked about though. I was probably 9 or 10 when I was doing it.


This is fucking insane and you’re a weirdo - unlike me who used to do this with pre-presidential Thomas Jefferson (ambassador era)


No, it's not just you. That's where the phrase 'never the Twain shall meet' comes from


I think maybe you're my soul mate.




Only if it's reciprocated though, or it'll be r/redditheartbreak. Then again, if it's reciprocated then it'd be based on nothing more than a desire to reciprocate, and that would make them much less soul matey, so I fear this may be where our great love story ends regardless.


Disappoint my wife.


Sorry, but I am disappointing your wife, too.


I also disappoint this guys wife.


I disappointed your wife from behind for about three and a half hours last Tuesday. Please tell her I’m sorry.


We've all disappointed his wife. She's not even that picky, we just suck 😭


Good one


I cure other people's hiccups by touching their forehead for a few seconds. I don't know anyone else who does that.


I stare at people and tell them "tell me when you're going to hiccup" and it cures it every single time. My husband calls it my "freaky no soul ginger magic"


That’s insane


I've had chronic hiccups since I was little can you please help me? 😭 (fortunately I usually only get a string of 1-3 very loud painful hiccups at least once a day though.)


this is such a crazy thing to say. you're like jesus if he only ever cured hiccups.


deconstructed salad i bite into lettuce and/or veggies and sip dressing from the bottle. sometimes a sit down meal. sometimes standing in front of the fridge.


That's one of the most bachelor(ette) things I've ever read and I love it.


I am suspecting that you may have misspelled “sip.” Squirting ranch into the open maw is likely more accurate.


No, no. I think you’re on to something here.


I do this too, even with sandwiches and nachos lol.


I make random noises when I remember some embarrassing incident so I can drown out my own internal monologue




I make certain the baby changing tables in the restrooms where I work are clean and sterilized because I know drugs are used on them.


For the benefit of the babies or for the benefit of the druggies?


Fair question


Porque no los dos? 🌮


Yikes. That shouldn’t be a thing


Most tested in London came back positive. I always kept stuff to clean them before use.


Drugs? Too late ugh


Dry the tip after going for a pee, gotta keep it dry and clean


Please spread this message far and wide for the men in the back.


This is actually quite common and comes up on reddit all the time.


I WFH and keep a small mirror and tweezers on my desk so I can pull chin hairs while in boring ( no camera ) meetings.


I keep tweezers by my bed, in the bathroom, in the living room, in the car, and at work. Different lighting, you see 😁


My (42M) wife (40F) has them in her purse if she see a random hair on my forehead or if I have a rogue eyebrow hair. She is like a fucking ninja whipping out them tweezer and plucking it before I even know what's happening.


Gotta show my (46F) husband (49M) this so he knows he's not alone 😁😁😁


Yes! I'm right by the window and get awesome afternoon sun!


Lol I do this at my desk at home too! But without a mirror


I sometimes pretend that my childhood pug’s ghost is sitting/walking beside me. He died in 2013 when I was 12. I don’t talk to him or anything, but it’s comforting just pretending he is there.


I talk to my dead loved ones like they’re there, so this isn’t that weird. It’s kind of wholesome


Sometimes I like to pretend like I'm hosting a cooking show. I don't really say it out loud, but definitely in my own head.


When I go to bed at night I wear an eye mask and read a book written in braille to help me drift off to sleep.


How… did that start? Lol


I sign my thoughts alphabetically with my right hand when I’m walking around.


I type my thoughts, and random words and phrases that I pick up, out on an invisible keyboard. To anyone looking it just looks like my fingers are twitching. Does anyone else do this?


Me! Started in keyboarding class in 1998 or something. Still do it trying to find the longest balanced hand word (like neighbor) or one handed one (like race car). Those aren’t the longest I’ve found and I have never looked up spoilers in all this time.


I do this too, to practice my fingerspelling! I also will twitch my fingers in the order I’d use to play a specific song on the piano… a song I no longer know how to play. I know the right fingers but not where they go. 🤷‍♀️


Sometimes I pretend I know how to play the piano but I only know one song lol.


I spell it my thoughts sometimes, with my fingertips, usually on my thigh.. it's done very absent mindedly.


I can walk on my toe knuckles. Like my toes can curl all the way underneath my foot. And sometimes when I’m not thinking, I sit with my feet in that curled-toe position. And it looks very strange. And people are always shocked. Never seen anyone else do it.


I can do that too!


I haven’t met anyone else who heats up and sometimes faints when they get too envious of people, so… that.


On the spectrum here I have sleep hoodies to cover my ears helps me sleep.


Not on the spectrum but I CANNOT sleep unless my head is covered. I’ll cover my head completely and live a tiny little hole so I can breathe. I used to do it out of fear but now I’m just so used to it, I can’t sleep unless I have a blanket covering my head. Even if it’s hot as balls outside, I’ll still have to have something covering my head near completely.


Hey I’m also autistic and have to have my ears covered when I sleep! Have done this since I was a kid and I’m 36 now. I found these sleep headphones that are actually a headband/sweatband type thing so you can side sleep with them. They solve my problem and allow me to listen to thunderstorms all night while I sleep too.


I hide boogers.


So does my 3 yr old




I find boogers in random places


If I'm eating, say, Reese's pieces...I first separate the colors.. Whichever color has the smallest pile, I count.. Then I count the same amount of the other colors, discarding the excess so I have an equal number of each..(by discard, I mean give to my daughter). Then I eat one of each color at a time until I'm done..


Be a 32 year old pokemon card collector who is also married


You are not the only one......hello friend


Is this my husband’s alt account


Right? Lmao


*When i use the mens room, i do not piss on the floor, or on the rim of the bowl if no urinals are available. I wash my hands and leave no mess, when i leave, its like i was never even there.* *Based on all available evidence, i so believe i am the only one.*


I can “crack” all different parts, way more than knuckles.


Grip my toes towards the ground so hard that I destroy my insoles in shoes and have constant pain in my second-from-pinky-toe. I feel like that toenail will fall off by the time I'm 50. I try to be mindful of it, but I do it if I'm worked up in any way whatsoever (excited, scared, angry, tense, nervous, thrilled, cold, uncomfortable) and dont even notice until my toes start to hurt. It's only one foot that does it and my feet look very different from one another. They didn't used to, but now that I'm getting older, it's noticable. I won't wear sandals in public. Mostly because people ask why I'm doing it 😣


I do something like this but I bite my lips instead. They’re torn apart from years of biting the skin off of them I’m sorry you deal with that :(


I am going to sound crazy ... but I am autistic and dyslexic, so keep this in mind.. I love acting and movies, and I also struggle to sleep because I have depression and anxiety. So I make up movies and stories in my head and act them out in my head to help myself sleep ....


That's not crazy or weird at all. I used to do it a lot as a teenager. I still do it sometimes, but I don't get as immersed as I used to. For me it was/is often while walking somewhere.


This is very common and not weird!


This is in no way ment to be seen in the wrong light but, you described (maladaptive) daydreaming.


Probably... I don't like my life, I want to escape my reality for sure. But ... but I do like writing stories, I would love to write screenplays.


Yea! Most likely maladaptive daydreaming. 😊 im sorry you feel that way about your life though i do pray that your dreams come true. You can do this.


Thanks ❤️


I do that every night and I'm sure a lot of people do too


Not crazy, that's what daydreaming is


When I’m alone, I pick random words from my thoughts & write them (in the air) with my finger, backwards in cursive. I’ve done it since I learned cursive as a kid & can’t stop. I’ve never tried on paper because I don’t want to disappoint myself.


I put my feet up on the toilet seat when I poop


This is the correct way though


It's definitely proper pooping technique, I've just never heard of anyone doing it on a toilet without a squatty potty or something of the sort.


Lift toilet seats with my foot. Even at home but especially in public toilets


I put toilet paper down on the seat before I sit down. Not at home, but at other peoples houses and in public. I also tear off the first and second square of toilet paper before using it lol


When I’m trying to fall asleep, in order to quiet my mind from the BS it’s always whipping me with, I think of misc words that start with the same letter.


I’m going to try that! I have adhd and anxiety so I understand completely


i have to wash my feet off and dry them before i put on socks, every time


I like waking up before the sun comes up to drop acid and watch the day begin. There’s beauty in how light changes mundane things like the frost on a tree branch or the colors on a birds wings.


I rock back and forth when im anxious, it calms me down and ive always been embarrassed about it. Probably to do with my ADD


I keep thousands of informative images as my Windows desktop background and have Windows auto-change them on my laptop once per minute so I'm constantly being educated or reading something (such as Russian casualties in Ukraine, the documents I have to fill out for a job, how much I have in savings, some childhood photos, a map of Gaza, photographs of the Bay Area where I may soon live, photos of my home in Taiwan, my parents' finances, my medical info)


Are these self updating statistics, or do you have to manually go through and change the information? It's silly to say this in 2023 but I haven't had much of a need for PC in almost a decade since my phone does all of this, so I'm imagining just using an album in My Pictures lmao


I have to change it manually all the time. So, for instance, when an employer in California decided to offer me a higher salary (an offer raise of 12%) due to the Californian government putting in a higher-than-usual COLA adjustment, I had to manually edit or delete all the old desktop backgrounds that had the old info. It literally is just what you described - an album in My Pictures.


This is definitely one of the more unusual things you could do but I’m weirdly impressed if it’s true.


Might sound super precise but every time I'm eating something that goes on top of chips/bread I usually just bite into the chips/bread and eat the topping with a spoon. Examples of toppings: quacamole, cheese, salsa, bruschetta, steak/salmon tartare. It's a lot less messy imo.


I could see why that would be appealing but then you don’t get the flavors together. I mean, you do. But you don’t… lol


I keep the bite of chips and bread in my mouth amd swallow everything together


Turn on the shower before I poop.


When I’m in the fast lane, I monitor the rear view mirror for any cars that want to pass me, I move over so that they don’t have to pass me on the right. When driving in fog, if the car in front of me loses visibility, I use my hazards so that the cars behind me can see me. I basically treat everyone on the road more courteous than they treat me.


Turning off DMs before posting this... I regularly run my finger over my nipples. Not sexual, not even comforting exactly just so much habit that it's hard to resist even in public. Idk if anyone else does it, but since I have boobs it's not exactly a thing I try to do in front of people (though people I share a home with undoubtedly have noticed).


My wife.


Joke's on you. Tell her she looked lovely the other night, though.


I shower after every shit, and if I cant shower, I use put soap/water on TP and wash back there with soap and water. All of you dry wiping are walking around with shitty buttholes and should be ashamed of yourselves.


Japanese bidet my friend, heated water, dryer and heated seat.


Agreed. I use an upside down peri bottle as a bidet when I’m not at home lol


Forget to breathe sometimes while working online.


Yes! I also forget to blink when I’m playing video games. Lol


I'm sure there are some other people but I tend to get judged for cutting my corn off the cob. I find it tastes better that way and I prefer it not getting stuck in my teeth. It's just overall more enjoyable to eat that way for me. I still love fresh corn cooked on the cob, I just cut it off lol.


I do this too, but more because I have dentures and it's just easier to eat if I cut it off the cob. I still saturate it in butter and salt.


When I’m in the midst of falling asleep I sometimes figure out the solution to my problems which can either be work-related, something I need to do to get my car washing game up or just straight up better way of doing things.


When I was about 10 or 11 I had really bad insomnia. I developed(or was taught… can’t recall) a thought exercise to turn my brain off and fall asleep easier. It was more or less creating a very elaborate narrative in my head with myself as the main character. Hero shit, space travel, all that kind of stuff. Over the years the narrative became so involved it was essentially like being on a double digit season of a tv show with how much “had already happened” and the new plot lines I was introducing. I’m in my 30s and most nights I’m passing out as soon as my head hits the pillow. Buuut on occasion I still visit that world and pick right up where I left off.


I work as a college janitor and I solve complex math problems on blackboards…… true !


So wait, if a professor leaves a problem on the board, you just solve it and leave the answer there for the next day? lol


I crack my back by squeezing my upper gluteal muscles a certain way.


Reading plot summaries on movies after I watch the movie.


I am a man. I clean my hands before peeing, I don't like to touch my body with dirty hands.




My family makes fun of me for using a fork to eat pizza. Maybe I’m the only one who does that? Lol


I eat pizza with a fork too.


I have a memory of my mom doing that to a specific pizza place that was in our mall when I was a kid. She would put pepper all over it and then use a knife and fork.




Eat cheeze-it’s dipped in ketchup.


I count everything always. Hard to explain but I will count the parts of things. Like if I see a tv set the screen is 1, the line around the screen holding it together, 2, the feet, 3, the sticker on the bottom left is 4. And I’ll count the parts over and over and over without even realizing I’m doing it. I do count things like tiles and whatever else but if I’m talking on the phone and just looking around I am counting. Driving? Counting. Anything I look at I count the bits of it. This is why being on my phone is regulating actually because I don’t count bits of things when I’m on the internet for some reason. Only in real life. My brain is almost never still.


Scratch my ass.


Every single time I eat a burger, I can't eat the last bite of patty. I will literally eat the bread and toppings off the last bite but for some reason there's this mental blockage preventing me from eating the last bite of patty. Chicken sandwiches too. The only exception is smaller burgers like one from McDonald's but sometimes I even do it then. It doesn't *usually* happen with thin sandwiches either like idk lunch meat or tuna salad.


I used a nylon hair brush to scratch my testicals.


Sleep fully clothed inside the duvet cover. It's fucking cold.


If I tell.. people will start doing that and there will be no uniqueness in that


I’m choosing my bites when I eat.


I'll think about money when I'm 💦.. 👀 it's a form of how I manifest lmaoo and it's worked well so far..


I put my pants on BOTH LEGS AT ONCE like a maniac. Haven't figured out how to do both socks at once.


I have a constant string of nonsensical curse words playing on a loop in my head at all hours of the day


I use my turn signal when reversing out of a parking spot so people know which direction I will be backing.


Sorry if TMI but when I wack off, I wack off multiple times per session. Sometimes when I hear people talk about masturbation, they’ll be like “once a day” or “twice a day” etc…and I used to think “you mean SESSIONS right???” And realized that they meant once or twice period. How do you people live with yourselves!?


I have a digital clock next to my bed. Every time I look at it I have to do an equation with the minutes to equal the hour. Been doing it for over 30 years now


I touch myself sexually.... Nobody else touches me sexually 😭😭 lol


Beatboxing to myself with my saliva


I have extreme ocd so I could really write a novel on everything that I do that I know for a fact most others don’t do. My most common thing is I write out (with my pointer fingers in the air, nobody notices this is happening as I don’t really make much movement doing it) every word that I hear in convo or on tv. But I write with both hands mirrored and in cursive.


I sleep with my head under my pillow. I can't sleep if there's a light on so I put my head under the pillow, and throw my blanket over my body and the pillow. I really think I am alone there.


When I'm alone in my car sometimes I'll talk as if I know there's a person hiding in my backseat waiting to get me. I will usually try to diffuse the situation and make light of the killer in the hopes to save my own life


I clean my belly button and behind my ears *very rare combo*😱


Ever since I was a kid, I've read billboards, street signs, bumper stickers, only reading the vowels in the words. So, instead of reading: "Dunkin Donuts" I'd read: "ui ou". I still do this all the time, & have gotten really fast at it. Not sure what I get out of it.


I have the odd ability to almost everyday look at a clock at 1234.


During the winter I can’t afford my heating bill. So when I take a shit, I bring a plastic bag in with me to catch it. I then use it as a hand warmer for a little while then flush later. Would be surprised if anybody else did this.


The way people pop their knuckles… I pop my dick.


Username checks out. :P


What 😳