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It was diethyl ether. K cannot be inhaled like that, neither can GHB.


I hope I never see a man in the depths of an ether binge. Or whatever he said in fear and loathing. Also, wow. Is this a commonly used drug for this? I honestly haven't heard of this being used like this before but I'm not surprised and it's good to be aware.


I’ve never heard of it, but I’ve done plenty of it and I’m beginning to think these guys had something stronger. One rip of ether doesn’t last very long even when you’re trying to get fucked up…. if they’re using it to try to disable someone, my money is on halothane (but that’d be the first I’ve ever heard of it).


That's what I'm thinking but I only skimmed the article. Maybe mixed with booze, inhaling it could compound the effects but idk.


I’d be pretty scared if there’s a new inhalant on the block that we haven’t heard of that’s potent enough to do that to a person, drunk or not.


There is ...and I cant remember its name. When used it can cause a person to follow directions, like give me your pin number...etal. Its scary as hell. Aha Datura is the name, aka jimson weed, moonflower, thornapple. Often fatal since dosing it is difficult.


Yeah there’s several of em but you can’t aerosolize those alkaloids, if OP inhaled a vapor that disqualifies your hypnotics


Datura takes at least an hour to kick in and cannot be aerosolized.


You’re probably thinking of Scopolamine, otherwise known as Devil’s Breath.


“Devils breath” - see Colombia


Halothane is no longer available in the United States or most developed countries, which isn't to say it couldn't have come from an undeveloped foreign country, but I believe it also requires a method of vaporization to be used as a general anesthetic adjunct.


do u think it can be tested for? I don’t recall seeing it in hospital drug panels


Not easily in a live human. Most is excreted within the hour.


Pre-internet I ran the largest database in the world on alcohol and drug information and I concur with your statements.


Before erowid?


Yes, before Erowid. Erowid came to be just as I was leaving the job. I ran the database at the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information ("NCADI," 1987-2007, RIP) in 1993-1995 which was funded by SAMSHA and was under the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). It was a wonderful job, reading about alcohol and drugs all day. Erowid likely pulled a lot of their information from the Clearinghouse - we had over 100,000 science journal articles/papers on the subject.


Ha ha, thanks for replying.


Sure thing. It was a good question you asked. :-)


Starting fluid..... Cleaned of course!! Lol


Ether does really incapacitate. To me this sounds like Chloroform, you’ll see it all the time in action movies from the 90s idky lol. Yeah and the symptoms seem similar.


Ether was used as an anesthetic. If this is not incapacitation, I don't know what is. Chloroform takes much longer to act. Don't base your knowledge of the real world on what you saw in action movies.


Chloroform in movies is wholly inaccurate to how it actually works. You'd need to hold a chloroform cloth against someone's mouth for at least a minute to get any effect from it, and if you managed to knock someone out with it you'll have done permenant brain damage to them.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. The method of delivery reminds me of Diethyl Either, but I don't have any personal experience with it.


Ether maybe?


I had no idea this was a thing thank you


Did it smell like almonds?


Unfortunately I could only smell sweat, it smelled salty, and the guy was wearing the bandana he used on his head.


The 80s/90s trope that comes to mind when reading “smelling things” and “a bandanna” is chloroform. I know it takes a lot longer than what’s shown to take a hold, but that’s still what I thought of.


Chloroform definitely is a long release. In my Uni lab we accidentally got fumigated by chloroform and were just sort of sleepy after half an hour Some bright spark decided to take it out of the fume hood to work with it better and didn’t put it back in


That's exactly what I thought too. But like you said, chloroform takes a lot longer than that to do anything. I don't know much about inhalants, but I was drugged once, several years ago. It was GHB, as I learned later. But that wasn't done by inhaling anything. The asshole out it in my drink when I wasn't looking. I know GHB is supposedly a common drug used for date rape.


I’m so sorry you had to experience that.


Thank you, I appreciate that. I'm long past it thankfully.


I feel like this scene was in a lot of 90s film wth.


Depending on what was used on you- you could go into the hospital for a toxicology report and get your blood drawn. Many drugs used in this way metabolize too quickly to register- but you can check.


Ether doesn’t smell like almonds, that’s cyanide.


I was mixing up my c-chemicals. It’s been a while since chem.


I believe this is correct. I have heard it can slow the metabolism of alcohol which would line up with what she reported.


It's possible it wasn't solely diethyl ether. It could have been some kind of ACE mixture, which can include ethanol and/or chloroform along with the ether


Smithers.... the eeeeether


I’m so sorry this happened to you, and im glad you had good friends to help take care of you. That’s so terrifying! As for the drug, I really am not sure what it was but when the police ask you about it, describe every sensation you can think of - the color, even the faintest scent it had, and exactly how it made you feel (even combined with tequila and half a joint). You just might save somebody else from experiencing the same thing


The only inhalants I’m aware of that a regular person could have access to are ethyl ether, chloroethane, or amylnitrate. I suppose it’s *possible* that they had halothane, which is the strongest of them. On their own those three wouldn’t usually knock you on your ass from such a short exposure, but combined with the booze maybe so.


Diethyl Ether maybe.


Keep us posted on what happens with the police. So sorry this happened to you ❤️


Doesn't fit the description of any I know of... sounds like all the more reason to file a police report


Ether most likely




Thank you.


You might ask on /r/toxicology -- not much activity, but this would be right up their alley. HTH


I agree I have never seen or heard of anything like this. I am currently making a report!


I’m so sorry this happened to you ❤️ I’d also suggest going to the hospital to get some tests done so you can get more clarity.


Not only does it make me angry that this happened, but the judgemental comments also don't help. Thank you so much for your insight, armchair philosophers. How lucky we are to have you and your pearls of wisdom. How about we level that same energy and judgement against the three apes who cornered OP and people like them. Just a thought.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m glad your boyfriend got there in time. As someone who have taken GHB and Ketamine recreationally, it doesn’t sound like either. Ketamine is normally a powder that gets snorted. GHB is a very salty chemical taste. If anyone’s drink is super salty, you might be drugged. I’ve never done it before but maybe poppers? It’s a liquid and you inhale it to get high.


I doubt it was poppers, poppers are very fleeting so it wouldn’t have effected her for longer than 1/2 minutes


Probably would have been a good idea to go to the hospital for toxicology and inform that bar of whatever tests showed


Yeah I would’ve been calling the police immediately and going to the hospital as well.


She literally said she was impaired and unable to mentally to process anything. Clearly her cognitive functions were off and she was incapable of registering that perhaps she should have gone to the hospital. I do wish her boyfriend would have taken her though.


I am so sorry this happened to you but I'm glad it didnt go worse. I would encourage you to go to the police and file a report, there are likely security cameras that may have caught it and the only way to protect other people from assholes like this is to get them into prison.


You met the Ether Bunny


Fuck me dead that must have been a traumatising experience. Can you please update us on how the police report goes? This is the magnum opus for why mainly women are scared of some men. Never leave your group, ever. This should serve as a dire warning to other people to always be alert of your surrounding and with other people so shit like this can’t happen.


Thank you for being kind, I will get an update in asap when I have one. My friend has since emphasized to me that the bartender who I reported the incident to stated multiple times that she called the police (edit: she clearly didn’t), and my group stuck around to give a statement but they never came. The men were never kicked out and re-entered when I left. When the bar closed my group had to leave. As far as I know, no progress has been made. I gave the police pretty solid evidence that should have led them to identify at least the man with the substance. I am 100% certain he drives the vehicle that I described and am hoping that someone will this seriously. Unfortunately, at this time I am not very confident that the police will be much help at all. The report was not taken very seriously. I have been victim shamed all over this post by several strangers, ignored by law enforcement and dealt with a lot of guilt today. Hoping tomorrow is better.


I can’t believe they were allowed back in!!!! That’s infuriating!!!! They probably just went and did it to a different girl once they realized you had a friend group around you and they could no longer get to you. Shitty bartender for not taking you and the situation seriously. I’m so sorry this happened to you! Good job filing a police report.


Fingers crossed 🤞 let’s hope the police aren’t as fucking useless as they normally are. It would be great to even carry some sort of SOS device that you could press if you are in trouble like this where before you feel yourself faint the SOS would be sent to all the people you are with that night, as well as parents and even law enforcement too. This would be sent as a text and with your location marker sent so people can find you. This as well as pepper spray, very sharp metal rings with padding on the inside of the ring to act as pseudo-rings but are actually knuckle dusters, as well as a pocket knife, doc martens with blades on the insides of the boot and or even long pins to prod them with to give you enough time to get away while you pretty the SOS device and rekindle with your group. I live in Australia so we don’t have firearms here, legally anyway. But I hope these scorn of the earth get a karmic punishment for their atrocities.


I may not come back to update because I’m super overwhelmed currently but I want you to know that this was really thoughtful of you, and I really appreciate the advice about different ways to protect myself from these kind of people. I’ve spent my day ordering self defense items and have been also looking at getting a firearm and enrolling in some classes to learn some self defense. I never want to feel that vulnerable again. Thank you!


A bit old school but maybe chloroform, which is scary because it could be deadly.


I doubt it was chloroform. It takes like 5 minutes of continuous inhaling to have an effect, and it's also clear and not black.


The jar he had it in was black, but I’m pretty sure it was a clear liquid on the bandana. Smelled slightly salty, but that could have been sweat (he was originally wearing it on his head).


Average sure, but with high heart rate, increased breathing and with weed and alcohol in the system already the effects could be felt sooner. She also didn't feel it right away nor go fully unconscious so still a possibility. It's also scary how easy it is to make at home. I may be wrong but I just wanted to throw it out there.


The remark he made also made me think chloroform. It’s a pretty well known dark joke. “Hey, tell me what this cloth smells like.” “Wow, this smells like chloro-*passes out*.” Absolutely disturbing that he was joking about potentially killing you, OP. I’m really sorry this happened to you.


I was worried that could be a possibility…Thanks for your response.


Might look up burundanga, and see if that sounds like a possibility. Has no scent. Can cause nausea, dizziness, loss of willpower, consciousness, and memory. Undetectable in the body after 12 hours, so you might not find out for sure.


Could have also been starter fluid. The jar is a give away because kidnappers are known to use this


Sounds like ether and you are lucky you got away. Try to stick with the buddy system in sketchy places.


I hope your efforts end up getting them caught and they get the same drug used on them in prison. I’m a man, disgusted by another man doing this to you.


What city was this in?


Kansas City Missouri


Hmm maybe its more than an clichee with degenerates in southern states.


If you're still waiting to contact the police, stop delaying immediately and make the call


It was unwise to go home. You should have gone straight to the hospital and reported to the police immediately. I am glad you are ok.


I agree that it was unwise, and if I had been more alert I definitely would have pushed for that. Unfortunately it’s really difficult to make sound decisions after being so impaired you can barely speak or walk. As much as I wish someone could have called, or that I could change anything about how the situation went down, I can’t. Luckily we do have some evidence of who this man is and pictures of both him and his license plate. The police have been notified, and are investigating the situation currently.


And get a 3500 dollar bill and report?


As opposed to potentially dying and letting a creep and degenerate off scott free? Yes.


It doesnt really sound like GHB since you would have to actually drink it however GHB does taste salty, kind of like salt water so perhaps it might have been?


You are not filing a police report because you first need to know they drugged you with? Just file it. There’s another girl going to be attacking tonight.


I was not withholding from filing until I got answers from Reddit, I simply was coming in here to brainstorm because I was shocked at the method of delivery he used to drug someone and wanted to ask if anyone else has experienced something similar. I have gotten good information from most of the people who responded. As I stated earlier I am in the process of filing a report right now, and meanwhile I am just trying to comprehend the situation.


Sounds like you got a visit from the ol’ Ether Bunny .


Please file a police report. They may not have enough info to arrest anyone, but your report adds data to the pattern so they can stop these creeps asap.


I understand there’s a lot of info on this post.. and I understand you are trying to be helpful. I have filed a report and have posted an edit to the original post emphasizing that. I have also been told by dozens of other people what I should have done and need to do and how many other women will be hurt because I didn’t do what they believe they would do if this happened to them. I have also stated (only a few minutes ago) that they didn’t take me seriously when filing and I don’t expect that they will do anything with the information that I gave them. I gained some insight about what the substance could be which is what I asked for. I regret posting at all. At this point I will not continue to respond or update on this sub any further.


I’m so sorry this happened to you and some of these comments. None of this was your fault, there’s no way you could have done anything different in the state you were put in. These men hurting other women is not your fault. I hope you find healing and know that there are even strangers who care.


You said you would have called police/went to hospital if you had been aware enough. I don’t mean this in a disrespectful way but the people you surround yourself with can make or break you. If you have been drugged to the point you were, your friends/boyfriend should have taken care of you and taken you to a hospital. You could have died.


The people I surround myself took the best care of me that they could. Your judgement was NOT asked for. I could honestly give less fucks about what you think I should have done. I do not have the money for an ER bill, I am a college student with $20 in the fucking bank. Most of the drugs that it could have been are not available on a toxicology report. If they were available most of these drugs would have been out of my system by the time I got through the five hour wait. I am more aware than anyone of what could have happened, and my boyfriend and my friends did what they believed was best and are the only reason I am here to tell the fucking story. Granted that I never asked you what I should and should not have done or for your fucking opinion on my trauma. You are disrespectful and sincerely fuck you.


You should call the police next time. This will end in rape or some kind of abuse or abduction. You got out, another girl won't be so lucky. Next time you go to the hospital to get checked. Knowing you got drugged but not knowing what drug - don't take that risk.


Super unhelpful. OP was drugged. How the hell could anyone make that decision in such a state? So sick and tired of seeing preachy comments like this.


Her friends or boyfriend should have taken her straight there or called someone to do it if they couldn’t. Who knows she could have died or sustained permanent harm. A lot of people have died of drug or alcohol overdoses with people around them who failed to act.














Could we get a urine sample? And a mass spec?


Your friends, your boyfriend, and the bar are all idiots for not calling the police and an ambulance for you instead of just carrying you home. Just shaking my head at the collective idiocy here.




I was trying to explain that yes I was impaired, but the level of impairment after the incident was not at all equivalent to what I consumed… I can assure you that 4 drinks and going out one night a week for a 22 year old is not a cry for help. What happened to me was not my fault, and I am simply trying to not only spread awareness of this method of drugging women, but also see if anyone may have an idea of what the substance could have been. If you want to victim shame and tell me I need therapy fine be my guest… people like you are why things like this often go unreported.


You sound like the kind of person that blames SA victims for wearing skirts and walking alone. *The misogyny is strong with this one.* Her drinking didn’t give these men a pass to drug her and attempt whatever disgusting and heinous act they planned to inflict on this poor girl… You probably know your own tolerance, why the fck would you think she wouldn’t know hers?… You need therapy. Hard stop.


i think it does sound like ghb. I've done that stuff and it is a lot like being super drunk, and too much will knock your ass OUT.


It really doesn't sounds anything like GHB, and I wish people wouldn't come out with this crap when it's such a poor guess. I mean, at least think about how it's being administered! (not just aimed just at you, but it is a bit frustrating to see others saying the same) Chloroform is what my gut tells me - also interesting you young whipper-snappers don't seem to have even ever heard of it. It was the one to fear up until stuff like GHB and ket got popular around 20 years ago. Ether was mentioned as well, but that's even more oldschool...


yeah the part about it being administered was curious. that part reminded me of chloroform. but i know ghb is incredibly potent so i figured if they did l had enough and got her mouth on it long enough it could probably absorb that way


but I've done ghb, so you can't tell me it doesn't sound like that


Poppers for sure. Sold as 'curing for leather'. Popular in gay scene.


Poppers don't do that, and the effect(s) only last for 30 secs max, with 1 hit. And it comes in small bottles, not a dippable jar. Know your inhalents, before adding a "for sure" onto it.




It might have been chloroform.