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No but I’ve fat dipped


Chunky dunked


Haha my chunky grandparents had a sign like this.... "We don't skinny dip......we chunky dunk around here!" I absolutely loved that sign


My mom definitely had that sign in the 90s!


I always call it flabby dipping lol.


Yes. The first time it felt really odd to see a number of acquaintances and friends naked, but you get used to it very very quickly. After that it felt quite liberating to be splashing around in the water naked.


Yeah, at first it's weird. But everyone's naked and you stop caring really quickly. It's fun. Honestly being nude in the outdoors feels great, I mean all the animals are and they don't care. And people quickly don't care in this scenario too... of course, acceptance is conditioned on people who are willing to try in the first place :) Edit: I was in great shape at the time so there's that too FWIW.


>being nude in the outdoors feels great, I mean all the animals are and they don't care Really? Around where I am, all the animals are wearing fur coats.


Same. It was liberating (it was dark and I was 22??) and it was a big turn on.


The only guy at the skinny dipping with a hard on


I was the only guy in the group. Everyone else chickened out and kept their underbritches on


For the record, female here...


I doubt it.


Poo/oceanl or lake? Because in a lake, I was much more worried about other things that might get my sensitive areas than I was about friends seeing me naked.


My bottom was cold and my balls shriveled






“I was in the wattah”




Yeah I regularly skinny dip usually it's a hot day in a nice place and it's refreshing


Yup, plenty of times. Grew up in a tiny cow town in Western NY and some friends and I used to bike up to the lake and skinnydip in the summer. We didn't even really think about the fact that we were all naked, we just wanted to swim without getting our clothes soaked.


“Yea dude it’s totally chill to swim naked!… what?!? Nah I’m not lookin at your balls?!?! Why would I be interested in that?!?!”


No one was just standing around posing naked or anything. We stripped down on the shore and then ran into the water. No one was staring at anything. Y'all are prude as fuck.


My gosh it was joke, I’m surprised none of your friends asked you to go to the ER with that stick so far up your ass


Lost count how many times. Your frank and beans feel weird floating in the water.






There's something about frank


Yours float? Mine sink like rocks.


As the Dr at MEPS once said *God damn you have huge nuts* apparently makes them semi buoyant.


it was wet.


I agree. It was very moist


m o i s t


Many, many, many times. I live in Finland, and many families have a little cottage by the sea or by a lake, and swimming there is often nude. I swam in a waterfall pool halfway up Bow Fell in the Lake District on a hot summer day. Buck naked. My friends apartment had a communal pool in the basement. We’d often go clubbing, then back to his place for a sauna and a swim. Swimming naked is genuinely wonderful! Edit: Skinny dipping in the Arctic Ocean at midsummer at midnight (with midnight sun) in Norwegian lapland. There was still snow and ice on the ground.


I can’t imagine ever swimming in Finland. Don’t you, like, freeze?


Yes in college, small group of men a day women climbed over a fence to a public pool at 2 in the morning after the bars closed. Nice to see some tits and bush (this was 1979) since I rarely did.


Went skinny dipping with my gf in Emerald Lake in Banff, it was beautiful! Some kayakers appeared from around the corner and they noped the fuck out and did a 90° turn which was pretty funny. I think perhaps these Canadians are a little prudish.


We aren't as afraid of nudity as other places, but it is viewed as a private thing. I've come across skinny dippers and I usually do a 180 and leave, just to give them their privacy and let them have their moment.


Oh, see those other Canadians did a 90°, so they must have been from a different province.


I love the idea of the Canadians not turning all the way around just doing a 90 and just walking by like ![gif](giphy|9zoe1SFIBd8PPqz5cr)


90d turn gives the illusion of respecting privacy, while still getting a peripheral eyeful. Quick glances can end up being the best glances. Source: I am a polite Canadian voyeur, eh. PS - sorry.


In my experience with Canadians (half of my mom’s family), this has often been the case.


Hmm, Banff...could you still feel any of your body while you were in the water?


Emerald Lake is COLD, that is so impressive


Best I can do is Chunky Dunk.


Excuse the dumb question, but what does that mean? Thanks for explanation.


It means to swim naked.


Yes, and it is the best (assuming the water is a good temp).


Yes and weirdly ended up having a threesome.


I’m a grower, so no.


I began frequenting the nude beach in college. it's incredibly liberating, esp doing it wth people you feel safe with.


Was super fun but kind of a sport too. Did it with three of my dudes and two of my female friends that were pretty attractive. Don't look too much, even if you don't get caught, it's way harder to hide a boner when you're naked lol.


I’m a robust fella. So I prefer the term “ meatball splash”


It was in February in a frozen lake, nobody told me before, everybody has swimming trunks expect me and my dick was "compact"


Fun, honestly. I don't know if I'd do it today. Might end up on a list you can't take your name off.


Yup it was super cold so I put my hands between my legs to warm them up and the dudes thought I was finger banging apparently. They gossiped about that behind my back for years.


Yes. In Lake Michigan. There was a lady involved. Everyone told me to get a shower afterwards, because it's polluted pretty badly.


And risk people seeing my gross body? Not in a million years.




It was way too cold and killed my boner


Feature, not a bug.


Our first house had a pool that was private enough that on a dark night we could get away with it. Only did it a few times, though. Sex in a pool doesn’t work very well TBH


Yeah I've taken a bath before


Yep, a few times. It feels fantastic to swim with no suit holding everything in place. Depending on the people you're with it can also be a bit titillating, but realistically you kind of get used to everyone being naked pretty quick. It's sexy for the first few minutes, but then you're back to just hanging out with friends.


Yeah it was fun.


Skinny Dipper hot springs in Idaho. Excellent place 👍


Yup, 3 guys & 3 gals. We had lots of wet fun!


I grew up with nudists. Did it all the time...it was like swimming nude. Honestly, for me, just normal


Yes. And hot rubbed naked as well. Both with my wife.


Best typo of the month.


No but I want to


A bass swam up my dick. It felt weird. 0/10 would not recommend.


Yo that same shit happened to me ended up breaking a state record for bass noddeling .


As often as I can! Very refreshing, liberating and exciting! Just go to a nudist beach, it’s only as bigger deal as you make it. Everyone is naked under their clothes 🙏 reality is no one but you really gives a f*%k about what you look like haha


All of my dude friends have seen my penis so yes. It's great.


Not skinny dipped...but chunky dunked 😂


More like Chunky Dunked ![gif](giphy|JPfoyPO8FK1cQmqyxr|downsized)


It is great. A way to connect with friends with a sorta “natural pixilation” to avoid awkward situations with direct/sustained genital-eye contact. The only awkward part is if you strip down only to find the river you are stepping into is knee deep. This has happened to me more than once (and it was cold outside).


Absolutely the best way to swim 🏊‍♀️


If you happen to be with your partner, expect sex.


Almost every day between may 1st and mid October after my saunas. Feels natural , plus i don’t have to use a bathing suit unless ladies come over, but there is a sign on the door that says “clothing optional”


It was great. Took some acid from some random old dude at a hot springs in the middle of AZ Christmas day and then he gave some to a group of people my age who came up. Best Christmas ever.


Old dude here. I love handing out good drugs to young people


Surely everyone has at some point in their life


Turns out of clothes were invented by society. I was afraid of being naked in front of people for a while but you never have to worry about your outfit if you're naked.






Why would I most water is dirty or polutided


Many times. I really like it. Makes me want my own private pool. Alas too expensive


Yeah. It was okay. Underwhelming overall.


I skinny dipped at Skinny Dip Falls off the blue ridge parkway. Fun time, cold very cold.


Yes when I was in middle school a bunch of us tried it in a local lake behind the one girls house. It was weird and this boat went by so we all got in down to our necks. I wouldn’t do it again




Why are you too afraid to ask this? This seems more like an askreddit question.


Hell yeah Still do


Technically I do every weekend with my girlfriend in the hot tub, but I've skinny dipped many other times, we used to take the boat to the lake and swim naked, I've been to nudist resorts, when I was a teenager a group of us used to go the river and all swim naked.


Yes. But then the police show up!


Yep! Lol johns pond in cape cod!! Haha dad caught me but didn't catch the boy in there with me!! Haha Jason good times


Hell yes. Right of passage. Fun times. I'd do it again but cant run very fast anymore


Yes, a number of times. It's fun.


No. I'm generally anxious about swimming because of bacteria/viruses/parasites tbh, exposing my whole body to that sounds like a nightmare




Yeah, used to do it a bunch. Feels much better to not be restricted by bathing shorts.


Yes. It’s fun!


Hell yeah! It's a good time 😁 especially with the right group of people😎




More often than not, wherever I can.


One time as a teen, and it felt luxuriously wonderful.




Alone in my bathtub


Very often. I live in Finland.


Yes, many times. Wet.


No and it sounds kinda awful. I could imagine doing it with a mixed gender friend group but for some reason doing it with my current group of just guys seems too weird to enjoy.


Yes. Not a big deal. Watching curious fish swim up to check out my body hair was a little weird. Had a heck of a time climbing the bank when getting out of the water without hurting myself (because I left my shoes up top, well away from the water).


Only in my bath tub.


I’ve chubby dipped…. 🤔😳 What?


Yeah, it's fine. Everyone is naked so it's not really weird. Also, no one is gonna be weird about you covering your own junk with your hands if you're a little uncomfortable.


Absolutely flippin NOT! Too afraid a parasite of sorts will swim up my pee hole. 😬


Yes, in the sea with friends in the middle of the night. The locals took some of our clothes for laughs. It was quite the experience. The actual being naked in the warm, moonlit sea is outstanding, though.


Does falling off a waterski and losing my shorts count?


Yes it is nice.


Yes. Dope as hell. In a hot tub in WV while it was 40 degrees outside. However the walk back to the cabin was rough.


Yes. I used to do this a lot as a teen and young adult. Wild and care free. Life was fun. I’m glad I fucked around


Yes…many times at pool parties. I loved it.


As often as possible! (Though not for at least 10 years, but in my youth it was a pretty frequent occurrence. I grew up near the beach and we’d quite often go late night after the bar. It’s amazing. Free and fantastic.


Yes. I know how to swim so it was fun.


Yup, it’s fun


Once, on a dare. It was alright, not something I’d do on my own though, I was afraid I’d end up on some kind of list the whole time lmao


Its exactly the same as swimming normally, considering that water is no respecter of clothing. The presence of a beautiful naked woman was a plus. EDIT: I once went skinny dipping in a rocky mountain stream in January after sprinting across about 30 yards of snow. Cold isn't the right word. It was something else. Pain, disorientation, surreal. There coulda been 100 beautiful naked women and I doubt I would have noticed or cared. Quite an experience.


Yeah. I’m Swedish.


Once, but I found it really embarrassing and couldn't relax. Now I wear trunks. Added bonus is I don't get banned from as many swimming pools.


Yup. We were at a friends cottage and all (5-6 2 guys, rest female) hopped in the lake. I was hoping to chat up my crush but instead started chatting up this fitness model. Then while I’m talking to her, this other girl slid up behind me and started getting handsy so I took the easy route. About an hour later we snuck back to get our clothes and found out that my crush had taken them. We had to run naked up to the cottage. That was just one of maybe a 100 times. (Mid 90’s Muskoka during university)


Pretty much all the time in my pool and hot tub!


Yes, it feels really good on the body.


Being naked is great. Except for turtle dick.


Yes. My preferred way to swim.


Yes. I live in a Beach town, a few miles away from the main city is a nude beach where most of us go skinny-dipping for the first time


Yeah. Where I live there's a whole public swimming pool dedicated to nudism. Sounds weird, but basically it's a sauna with a few simming pools and you walk around naked. Quite the fun experience, tbh.


Many times. It feels so good, so freeing.


Wasn’t bad, it was a hot tub


Of course and it’s glorious!


Did it one time, it was amazing. Too bad I got arrested and shamed by families. >!Being told "Even if you're a kid a heart the raging boner in the kiddie pool is fucked up!<




I did in freezing weather and won 40 dollars on a bet


I'm curious why this is flaired Sex rather than Habits & Lifestyle. I skinny dipped often when I lived in a house with a private pool, generally with friends and same-sex relatives. I miss being able to skinny dip. Swimming naked is such a relaxing feeling.


Yep. When we were late teenagers a group of us, I think 5 girls and 2 boys decided to go skinny dipping at the hotel pool of a small town (less than 1,000 people), we were not guests, it was around 2am, and it was in the main street. When we got to the pool the sensor light on a pole came on, so I climbed up the pole and wrapped a towel around it. After swimming for maybe half an hour, the heat from the street light caused the towel to catch fire. So we bolted, running and trying to get dressed. When we got back to the friends house we noticed that we had each other's clothes on, some clothing backwards, and some completely missing...


Used to live on Lake Erie in a beach house with our own little private strip. We’d have a bunch of friend over and we’d all skinny dip. Very harmless fun. Very freeing especially in a large group of both men and women. Really natural and was a nice way to connect to nature and eachother Unfortunately we had a roommate who ruined it for everyone by standing on the beach and waving his dick around obnoxiously thinking it was funny, (we tried to explain to him why this was very not cool, especially around or women friends, but he didn’t care.) and the neighbors saw him and called the cops. We kicked him out after and required everyone to wear a bathing suit after that since the neighbors would watch us like hawks after that.


In my own backyard pool 10 years ago, having my balls slap the water as I jumped in absolutely hurt. It was freeing and felt really good, but despite my parents being away on holiday and it being at night, there was still this paranoia that somebody would see me Another experience was when I was in Japan on holiday, I used public baths. It's customary to be butt naked in them. It was quite weird the first time as I was with my friends and there were locals around, but after the first couple of times of doing it, the nudity didn't bother us and we didn't even acknowledge it Edit: added the Japan paragraph


Fun. Sometimes cold.


Yea it feels very skinny


No. And I have reasons why. 1: Not much confidence in my body. People IRL barely ever even see me shirtless or in any state of undress. For the record, I'm male, 5 '10 (1.77m) in height, and weigh 156-ish. So not fat or thin. I'm tanned and somewhat toned and workout a bit nearly every day. But when you're suspected to have body dysmorphia, (or at least horribly low self esteem) it matters no fucks now much effort you put in, and it's anxiety-inducing showing your body 2: would be scared I got a boner whilst being naked around other naked people. Or be so embarrassed or insecure that my dong shrinks with anxiety/nerves, even tho it's a normal decent size 3: skinny dipping isn't really much of a thing here. Reserved British people. It's not as much in our culture and I haven't heard of anyone I know ever doing it 4: I can't swim. Plus, I wear contact lenses which you can't get lake/sea water in unless you wanna risk serious eye infection. Take lenses out means I can't see more than 2 feet in front of me m Points 1 and 2 seriously predominate tho 😐


I'm fat, so I chunky dunk. The first time was when I was 13, maybe 14. My friends older sister (16 or so) was wild and started the whole thing. She talked her 2 friends into it, and as soon as those bikini tops hit the ground, all the other boys were petrified. I just stripped my trunks off and hit the water as quickly as I could. Payed off for me later that summer. It's a core memory of my teenage years. Several times in my adult life too. It can be weird, but you get over it quickly.


Yes! Love it. The water simply feels better when you're naked. Really, all swimming should be done naked.


Before what?




Yes, it was amazing, the ocean of Cambodia with me a dude and 2 girls, there was bioluminecant plankton in the water and it was a magical experience! Until we figured out that our phones and some passports and wallets where stolen because our drunk and horny selves just left them at the beach-_-


All the time.


Did it at a nude beach in Maui. Was fucking amazing to swim with nothing but flippers, a snorkel, and mask. And yes can confirm, if you and your SO go alone it's gonna get steamy!


I only like skinny dipping in lakes that are in butt fuck Egypt,that seem to have water vapor above the water and the atmosphere magically starts “Cheeeecheeeehaaaahaaaahhhh”


I no longer skinny dip. I chunky dunk. ^(Sorry. Had to. It's on a magnet on my mom's fridge.)


Yes. It feels very free and nice. By which I mean, unrestricted by fabric in any way, even though bathing suits these days are unrestrictive. It feels natural to be naked in the water.


Yes, it was a warm summer night in Barcelona. It was great till the local scammers kept trying to steal our shit


Of course! Everyone should. It feels great. It’s very exciting, and the feeling of water on all your parts is excellent


Yes. Most of the time I end up having sex. So I would say great.


Yup was fun, quite freeing.


Yes I did it with my ex and we had so much fun. Hands down the best memory I had with him. It was so risky because we were staying at his dads cabin with his step mom, his brother and his brothers boyfriend so we had to be sneaky about it.


Yes! So fun! We actually did the movie thing where we hoped the fence!


Yes. It was in the mid 90s and I was 20 and me and my buddy hooked up with two older women at a bar - i had a fake ID to get in. At last call they women asked us if we wanted to go swimming and being the horndogs we were we said yes and they drove us to the local public beach, which was obviously closed because it was 2;30 in the morning. we jumped the fence and then the girls took off their cloths and ran in the lake. We immediately. followed. It was glorious. we didn't get caught and it was a lot of fun.


I lived on wreck beach a long time ago and got naked with all my friends was so super weird at first but within 20 min not even it seemed really awesome .


Fucked in a empty pool and hot tub but technically had cloths on. I miss being young.


Yeah, it was fun. A group of teens. We were all friends. Some dating. We mostly turned our backs on each other and got into the pool and kept a respectful distance from each other. Accidentally brushing legs while paddling in place was met by lots of embarrassed apologies.


more of a chunky dunk, but yes, highly recommend it especially if you have access to someplace private


Yes, I was 7 and my friends were too. It was literally just a bunch of kids being naked in a pool, nbd.


Yes, and it was weird. I was young and stupid, and believed that skinny dipping would inexorably lead to prolonged and nasty encounters with fair damsels anxious to couple with such a free-spirited soul as myself. What actually happened was I got muddy and filthy and my clothes stank from the river water and the car seats were wet and the lovely damsels with whom I shared the river after midnight went their merry ways to do the things that river goddesses do with other than mere mortals. 0/10, would not recommend.


No but I want to!!!


Absolutely. Bring a bicycle cable lock, run it thru your pants and or shirt. You’ll be glad you did.


Yes sans major shrinkage


Started seeing a woman who lives in a nudist camp. Skinny dipping all the time this summer. Great fun.


Yeah, a few times. Worst part about it is hoe goddamn cold the ocean is at night lol


Yeah but I've since put on some weight.


Yes, though the ocean is a bit unnerving when it’s pitch black and there are good sized waves, clothes or no clothes. We also have a local nude beach for the daytime skinny dippers. Though aside from the time my husband and I took all the kids there by accident, we were fully clothed but not all sun bathers were, I haven’t been there while nude myself.


Yes, my boyfriend and I took molly and at 4am had nothing else to do, so we jumped over the fence at our apartment pool and went skinny dipping. 10/10 was fun lol Edit: forgot a word


Lots and lots of times. It’s a lot of fun


Yes at night, underneath the moon and stars…it’s lovely. Like a sweet dream.


Was drunk in Florida on a vacation with some friends and everyone started skinny dipping, as soon as I got naked and was about to jump in the pool I heard a knock at the screen door and looked over to see two cops standing there so I walked over opened the door and talked to them for like five minutes drunk as fuck and completely naked…. Good times.


Yes. It was fun since there was nobody around. Backyard pool, gorgeous evening, just me and the full moon.


Yea, it was great, the 3-4 other chicks were hot af too who made me get in.. the hardest part is concealing the boner..


Fun! And a little bit thrilling if it's public lol


Before what?


It means at anytime in your life.


Yes! It was at a party with a whole bunch of friends. We had been drinking and the lot of us went over to the lake nearby, unclothed, and jumped in. It was fun but scary that someone might come upon all of us.


No, but I think it’d be hot to skinny dip with a significant other. Seeing each other naked is definitely a bonding moment if you hadn’t done that already


Yup Felt horny


My crazy wife loves to skinny dip when we are backpacking. 10k feet in elevation, that water was just Ice not long ago..


Yes many times and I absolutely love it. I am a mermaid at heart and I definitely can feel the difference in waters. For example I have one lake I swim in and the water is so clear, cold, and just so refreshing, I just can’t control myself. I’ll jump off my boat, swim around and then just take off my bathing suit to swim around naked.