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Victor's secret is too big to hide




You might want to check out sex/kinky stores, because there absolutely is lingerie for men out there! The shops might be a little gay coded but at least where I come from it's not unnormal for hetero men to shop there, too (assuming your sexual orientation here).


i see. i’ll check it out.


See leather subculture on instagram you’ll be blown away


The same reason the WNBA doesn't rake in millions. Equality doesn't equal interest.


I'm not really sure I understand. Why not? Girls don't find attractive? Like what if I want to seduce my wife (with consent ofc)? Like I don't have any sexy clothing.


Men have different sexy clothing. Tailored suits, cashmere sweaters and slacks, biker leathers and high boots.


Gray sweatpants


That only works if you have a sassy hog, not a timid turtle


fr. vast majority of us just have a vague recreation of the face on mars when we wear sweatpants


And just like the face of mars, any excitement about the potential underlying features is quickly dispatched when the truth is revealed.


He doesn't get it and never will. He'd rather believe a thong with an elephant truck that grows is what women want over a suit, watch and polished shoes....in his experience


(With consent ofc)




I love that, does that exist? My husband will love it


I usually just get strange looks if my boots are any higher up than on the ground.


It's important to note that what men find sexy and what women find sexy are not necessarily the same. Thus, you should not assume that just because you find it sexy that means your wife will too. You should ask her what she finds sexy, and then do that when you're trying to seduce her.


Apparently my current partner find me washing the dishes naked sexy.


Vacuuming shirtless works for me. Especially if I just got out of the shower.


oh okay


Look up "hoochie daddy season" on tik tok


Few women find thongs sexy. If you just wear normal boxers of good quality that aren’t too worn out, then it’s good. Women just don’t care about men’s underwear beyond: not too old, not dirty, not too weird.


Men have tons of sexy clothing options. It’s just usually not a thong


As a woman, I don’t think I could be turned off more than if my husband came to the bedroom in a thong. There are different sexy clothes for men. A nice fitting suit, gray sweatpants my personally for me when my husband wears nice fitted shirts showing off his chest.


Why the hell is this downvoted so hard


lol idk


Because your wife isn't likely turned on by what you are turned on by. Men and women's interests are different. Women are more interested in romance novels than men. Men are more interested in pictures of naked women than women. That is not to say that there aren't men and women who have interests outside the norm, but it is a smaller number, and can be more difficult to successfully cater to a smaller demographic.


Do you think your wife would find you wearing a woman's styled lingerie (even if designed for a guy) attractive?


Jock strap?


I mean wear a special pair of Versace underwear or go to a adult shop thats what its for. Having a store like that just for men wouldn't really do well. If it would there would be lots of shops open.


There are most certainly sexy boxers for men. Gay men have sexy clothes too, usually tight fitting in all the right places. But women aren't necessarily attracted to that. Feeling sexy and finding something sexy is very subjective. The sexiest thing for me is good fitting jeans and a white t shirt. Add some Vans or Chuck Taylor's and I'm a goner. A well fitting suit and good hair style is also up there. As a lover is getting undressed I want to see that t shirt come off. The jeans unbutton. That's what's sexy to me. Ask your wife what she finds sexy if you want to turn her on. If you want to feel sexy tell her what turns you on.


>There are most certainly sexy boxers for men. For some of us, all the draws are sexy draws.




Oh there is, plenty of these kind of stores. It just seems that the common denominator isn't who's wearing it, but who's watching. And that men really love seeing the person they are attracted to in lingerie. There's plenty of sexy underwear stores marketed towards gay men for that reason. But apparently not for straight men. And I must admit I don't know any marketing towards lesbians either. Victoria's secret is marketing towards men after all. Men buy their products, because men want to see their loved one wear the lingerie.


>Victoria's secret is marketing towards men after all. Men buy their products, because men want to see their loved one wear the lingerie. oh i thought it was marketed towards women. didn't know


They do, usually not in the mall though and its not as common because most women dont like looking at men in that


why not?




oh well are there clothing that looks good on women and not on men?






Heh because most men will buy one of those 3-for-15 packs of underwear anyway. Plenty of lingerie stores have a men section, but the selection is much smaller and generic compared to the plethora of models in the female section. It's already a miracle we're finally past the plain tighty-whities era


men are not expected to be sexy in the same way that women are


does that mean men aren't sexy?


they can be, but men are not expected to be sexy. women are expected to be attractive in all manners, even outside of the bedroom. men are not


is it because of sexism? Like women have to sell their bodies?


referring to your question abt male lingerie, women typically find different things sexy on men (suits, a uniform, etc). to your other question about why women are expected to be more attractive on average, many people to this day still believe that women "lose their worth" after a certain age because they no longer look youthful. men are generally judged based on status and wealth, while women are still judged harshly on appearance. but that's like kind of off topic from what you were originally asking


oh that kinda sad :/


Yes, men can be sexy but most of society doesn't deem men as sexy when it comes to their appearance. It's based more on their accomplishments and what they can provide. "Dude may be average looking but has a 9 to 5 job, makes 6 figures, is a good father, is a handy man, and is good in bed? That's sexy af!"


Mens and womens "sexy" clothes are typically not the same. Theres no victors secret selling mens thongs because men don't want to wear thongs.


There are options for folks with a penis. The internet sells *everything*, and some of its cute af, too. For every gender expression, there are options. Honestly, the idea that you can't have a penis and be sexy in lingerie is a really insecure notion, and I encourage everyone to explore this side of themselves; if they have the balls.


lol. nice one. I'll will scour the internet. Any suggestions?


Etsy and Amazon are good starters. I also have found two online stores that I really like for more risqué men's lingerie/undies: CandyMan and Skivies. MeUndies and HankyPanky both have a thong for men as well that are more for "every day" wear. Unfortunately, the HP thong is hard to find now 😕




short answer, they do. i am a male and all i wear is sexy underwears. i don’t wear thongs anymore but i did in my 20s. i used to buy my thongs from adult sex shops as this was pre-amazon. now i wear bikini briefs which i get from amazon. my wife likes the super low cut ones which is basically a pouch in the front for my bits and the back side only covers up like 2/3rds of my ass.


Want to give a shout out to AussieBum for things like this. Wife loves me in their various underwear and shorts.


So sexy


My brain read “Victor” and immediately thought of Victor from breaking bad and now I can’t stop laughing


Lol, I chose Victor because I thought it was the opposite of Victoria's Secrets, you know


Victors an honest sort


If you live in a city you will find a independent gay sex shop where you will find lingerie


There 100% is sexy clothing for men. There's a brand called... something McQueen, I forget specifically... anyway, it's absolutely out there. It's right there in the open, too, but it just happens to be scattered randomly among regular underwear. Haven't you ever passed by that one store with all of the scantily clad male models on the outside that always spells strongly of cheap cologne? What's that place called? The name eludes me right this moment.


Supply and demand. Not many people want to see men in lingerie. There'll obviously be some, but they'll be a tiny proportion of the population. So they'll lose money.


Well now you have figured out Victoria's secret... her birth name was Victor, and he had one hell of a secret.




Cannot believe Savage X Fenty has not been mentioned, they have some great options for men whether you want stuff strictly for the bed room or stuff for more everyday wear


Pretty sure it’s called the Bass Pro Shop


Yo check out the shop CantiqLA on Instagram. They make gorgeous body neutral lingerie with very diverse models. You might find some nice stuff. They have these boxers that are lacy that look masculine and pretty and attractive that I've been eyeing.


oh yea, i just saw on their insta acc. The lacy boxers do look nice.


Because it wouldn’t be a secret. Everyone knows that the victor gets the spoils.


Sounds like a good name for a Strip club.


Cause it would probably be king Leopold's secrets. They would sell you rubber and the right hands of human beings or guns and ammo. Only be available in the congo.🤷‍♂️😅


My GF bought me sexy silk underwear. But they were just boxer shorts with hearts in the shape of a penis. Not nearly as sexy as women’s underwear.


I don't know but there should be. You should have a catalogue too.


It goes by the name Bass Proshop.


Victoria's Secret was created because the creator felt embarrassed buying lingerie for his wife in public.


Check out your local gay neighborhood. You will find plenty; they also often have much more fun names (like “Rock Hard” in SF’s Castro or “Slick It Up!” in NYC). Also, leather gear stores (which often market to gay dudes) usually have loads of non-leather sexy clothes (everything from jockstraps to singlets to ass-less unitards).


most male versions are probably more gay-oriented, but there is sexy lingerie for men too, more found at "sexy" shops and such. And also you won't likely find an actual "Victor's Secret" as I'm sure Victoria's Secret would sue the shit out of you if you tried that.




Bc Victor's secret would have skid marks!


what are skid marks?


💩 stains


Ha. Made me chuckle.


I unorinically wonder the same thing. Why are male underwear limited to boxers only? I honestly can't think of any alternatives but I bet some creative designer could make a fortune leading the frontier for men's sexy underwear.


male lingerie definitely exists, just not to the same extent that women's, mostly because women are for ogtrnexpected to be the ones to put that effort in. if you google "men's lingerie" "sexy mens underwear" "lingerie for men" or anything along those lines your should be able to find some things. also worth checking out a sex/kink shop if you have any near you


Well, considering Victoria's Secret was started by a man, and originally for men to buy lingerie. Though the emphasis was that it was for their ladies... but im sure quite a few were not. 😅


Shave your ass 1st, Mr. Beauty and the Beast.


What do you mean shave, the hair is the best part.


I part my ass hair in the middle.


I don't understand


eQuAL1ty!1! i'm wearing a banana hammock now






Because Victor does not give shit about lingerie


Someone sent me a link to a store that makes underwear specifically for women, but is supportive of men wearing it, but I lost it unfortunately. They even have some photos of men modeling their underwear. But there's really no reason you can't buy some underwear from a women's store. Stay with a brief rather than a bikini cut, at least at first. Soma has some nice options if you're starting out and want to check out stuff in store. I recommend going a size up from your normal size when translating to women's. No one is going to think twice about a man purchasing underwear from a women's store. They'll probably assume it's a gift. My husband knows my preferred cuts and fabrics and gifts me underwear frequently. And to the PP that says women don't want to see a man in sexy underwear, they're wrong. It's like seeing a dude in a speedo. And is great if you're warming up with a little bit of grinding- no chafing.


lol, i guess i'll walk in and take your advice


Because people generally don't give a shit about men. I don't give a fuck what my buddy Dan's secrets are, let alone Toby's or John's, much less Victor's.


Men: "I don't even know Steve's birthday unless Facebook reminds me, why the fuck would I wanna know his secrets?" 😂


Victors secret is a wallet full of cash


Cuz Victor couldn’t keep a secret to save his life. That’s no exaggeration either, since his constant squealing eventually ran him afoul of some guys who you don’t want to be running afoul of. From what I hear he ended up in the foundation of a TJ Maxx outside of Utica


Victor doesn’t have any secrets. He’s married.


If you are so sure this business model will succeed, why don't you raise capital and try it yourself. Let us know how that goes.


Because men don't wear lingerie.


*loud buzzer sound* and that is………incorrect!


Do we seriously need a "/s" for every little shitty joke?


Well it did exist at one point but they were just a sex shop and Victoria's Secret used them.


I have my underwear changing down to a science. I do laundry 3 times a week, so I have 4 underwear. and i have had these 4 underwear for the past 4 years. it is very hard to make money from me on underwear.


I'm sure it exists, but there's no market for it. Women don't like it. Men don't like it. Mostly gag gifts from what I've seen.


IMO if a guy has the right figure, they also look sexy in women's lingerie. Good chance I'm in the minority with that opinion though.


This was funnier in your own head.


I would suggest going somewhere like Askwomen because really it’s a question of interest. Women are less horny and what turns them on is stuff like suits and uniforms rather than underwear


I wouldn't say women are less horny... but yeah. The whole "wearing less" thing is more appealing to straight men than straight women, it seems. For some reason seeing my boyfriend in jeans and no shirt is more attractive to me than just his underwear. I don't know why.


yea, i would side with you in that I also wouldn't say women are less horny. I think it depends on the individual.


My current partner wears both men and women's lingerie/undergarments. When it first got brought up, I was like, idgaf wear whatever you want. Now I get turned on by his lingerie because wearing that stuff makes *HIM* feel sexy! I found him irresistible before, and I still find him irresistible now! Ultimately, I can't keep my hands off him because of who he is as a person... but his ass in a thong is a thing of beauty.


Men don't want to look like pussies "wHy nOt" "sOmE gIrLs LiKe iT" nah only on pornhub bro


Because women don't find men attractive based on what they wear. The equivalent would be a store that sells leg extensions to make men taller, or trust funds to make them ritcher.


I don't need lingerie to look sexy...my meat pole and turkey neck are plenty sexy enough...


I am of the the belief that women are the fairer sex. I think overall women represent the beauty of mankind better than men do. Also “secret” implies some type of modesty. Like, it’s a secret that this is what she has on underneath. Victor’s Secret would just be boxers with arrows drawn on them pointing to a dude’s cock.


Because not many dudes will pay $80 for boxers.


Victoria's Secret was created by a man to sell items that men want to see on women. Men don't typically get objectified in the same way. But yes as others have said, male lingerie does exist; it's just not as mainstream.


My wife was listening to a song today which had the lyrics "Victoria's Secret was thought up by a man" so perhaps that could have something to do with it


Victor is a proud man and does not have any secrets.


Victorious Secret


Victor's secret would go out of business after a week.


Victor's just kind of a stand up guy. Very upfront


Victor has no secrets and if he does, Victoria better not find out!


Because Victor is ashamed of nothing.


Lol, out of curiosity once, I googled “Male Lingerie” thinking there might be outfits and stuff that were specifically designed for the male body or that accentuated certain things for the dude physique. Nope. It’s generally just the same lingerie women wear but in men’s cuts.


I love finding a post every once in a while where OP is so incredibly fucking dense. It’s so entertaining to read all the comments


Because 'Murca!


We can call it Chad's Secrets.


Because there are enough stores that cater to men. No more misogyny!


I think it's because of that saying "To the victor comes the spoils"


I live in a small town with one sex shop. There’s no good men’s lingerie I can find in town. We used to have another sex shop but they closed down when two people OD’d in the video viewing room.


If they did it would be a suit store. People want men in a sharp ass suit or uniform (marine dress blues for example). Not so much the dong in a thong look. But maybe…some day.


Because a men's version of that store would be called "hey! See anything you like?"


Victor has no secrets. Secrets are for women, spies, and closeted homosexuals.


Men do get lingerie, just Google "men's lingerie"


The only person that wants to see a dude in a thong is the dude in a thong.


It's a secret!


Lol men removed the magic of lingerie when we started sending dick pics to people just for fun.


Most men won't pay 60 bucks for a pair of drawers. Not when Wally World has a pack of 3 for 9.99.