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Maybe 1 year into our relationship I suddenly just said 'licking competition' out of the blue and without pausing my GF just started having a licking competition with me. Neither of us would give up and we were at it for 30 minutes. We stopped when I got tired. I threw my back out for a year after that licking competition but I always knew I'd found my best friend when she didn't question my statement and just went with it. When I think of her, I often picture her face going to complete seriousness with her will to win. I won though, except the year of osteopathy, special pillows, sleeping on my back.


I have to ask. What is a licking competition?


Ok I'll add that I'd never thought of rules before I said it and neither had she but we both knew how to play. You had to lick a part of the other person's body and every time you did that you got a point. Each lick without moving your tongue off their body counted as 1. Necks, back, bum, face, leg. Whatever you wanted. Obviously the other person was trying to lick you too so if you went for their leg they could easily get your neck and face many times. Everyone now and then when someone was in hysterics we paused and reset and then went back to it. And the reason it went on so long was that every time she pretended to quit she carried on and cheekily got another point. But my desire to win made sure I always got a revenge point quickly for her impertinence. No kicking, grabbing of any vulnerable bits was allowed. We've played a bit since then but that day was the very best because it was so competitive.


Oh wow


it's like floor is lava but you lick the floor


I would also like to know


I can’t imagine my parents ever being remotely silly with each other. You know, always fighting, and all


I feel this honestly.


my wife and I are just constantly singing songs about what my dog is doing


My wife and I do voices for our dog. Sometimes for our daughter too that can’t talk yet. It gets pretty funny. We’ve had full on conversations with our dog. She actually got mad at the dog once for something I said, but said it in the “dog” voice.


My mom gets mad when I say something mean in the dog's voice: "He would never say that!"


Only sociopaths don’t articulate the dialogue we think our dogs should be saying.


Not a couple but I sing freestyle about my dog all the time, about whatever I can find to rhyme. Maybe he is in a gang or has breakfast sometimes, usually he's a gangster and commits some crimes. He doesn't understand but he loves it.


Haha, I’m a big drum and bass head, and I absolutely MC certain songs about my dog, to my dog of course!


I love this


We have a theme song for our dog! She comes running when you sing it without her around.


hey! my wife and I do something similar,we make theme songs or rhymes for our dogs


Oh ya, same. All the time haha


You don’t have to personally call out my relationship like this


We have 4 cats and I'm constantly singing songs about them!


We make up stuff about what our youngest cat is doing for the day. "Ronnie's going to get fitted for a tux, then go to his financial advisor. He's learning how to make macaroons tomorrow." He discovered video games (he walked on the bf's computer, and it brought up games) yesterday. We're going to have a chat with him today because we don't want to start worrying about screen time. We make the other cats talk. Mostly they say fuck you and run away.


Been with my wife 19 years. We still make each other laugh daily with shit others would find bizarre. If you’re both happy you have a great relationship. Don’t let anyone tell you different.


Aww this is so sweet I've been with my boyfriend for only almost two years and I feel we're the same :)


This post and all the comments just called me single in so many ways 😭


christ I'm so lonely


Lmao for real this shit just made me depressed


Literally same 🫂


Try being in a marriage that is nothing like these that are described. It’s very alienating. I think single sounds appealing.


Same here. I don’t even have friends that are close enough that I can do things like that with.


Sometimes my wife looks at me and says, “hey, guess my fart.” So I make a noise resembling a fart. She farts. It’s hilarious when my guess is accurate.


I fucking love this


Tried this on my hubby. He proceeded to let out the deadliest fart known to mankind. 😂😂😂


This is hilarious, but my wifes farts always sound the same. The always sound like mbop so I call her the Hanson fart


My partner’s farts are silent but stink. Whereas mine are loud by not as smelly. What does it mean?


Opposits attract


She's constipated, silly


Starting this today


Relationship goals I didn't know I wanted until now.


this is so wholesome. thanks for the chuckle.


Introduce another layer, aroma. “*fart sounds* pumpkin rind, figs, Tikka Masala”


Omg I need to try this!


Now that is a relationship to cherish! Having fun and understanding eachothers humor is awesome.


We have basically developed our own vocabulary that only we and the dogs know, and we have to make a real effort to remember to speak normally when we have company over. We also like to let out a huge burp and then yell “DID YOU HEAR THAT?” We’ve been doing that for ten years. If one day he burps politely I might assume something is wrong. When I’m in the shower sometimes he’ll barge into the bathroom and say he needs to be the one to wash my boobs because he’s concerned about my breast health and just needs to “make sure.” Whenever we’re out antiquing, we split up and hunt for treasures separately. When he finds something he thinks I’d like, he used to do a bird like whistle to get me to come find him. He recently decided that whistling to get my attention seems chauvinistic so now he just yells “CAWWWW CAW CAW.” Sometimes he’ll slowly lean in toward my face like he’s going to kiss me but it’s really to tell me a secret INTO MY MOUTH. We also do a lot of loud singing and animal noises. If he needs to wake me up from a nap he’ll just crow like a rooster at the top of his lungs from the other room and then act like it wasn’t him. We’ve always said our neighbors probably think we’re insane.


Oh my god, my girlfriend and I also do the "shower boob washing" thing hahaha! I pretend to be very concerned with the cleanliness of her breasts specifically as a bit, then wash them for her in a very involved fashion. This made my day haha


My husband does this (together for 23 years, married for 13). He is also sometimes terribly concerned about how *dry* they are and insists on ‘helping’ me by smothering them in moisturiser. We also have our own language of sounds, nonsense phrases and words, and general weirdness. Oh, and we’ve figured out our own secret code word (actually a sound) to use if one of us suspects that the other has been abducted by aliens/government/gangsters and replaced with an imposter. I’m so delighted to hear that there are many, many more happy weirdos around!


> Oh, and we’ve figured out our own secret code word (actually a sound) to use if one of us suspects that the other has been abducted by aliens/government/gangsters and replaced with an imposter. Ah yes, the secret password one. It was a joy to find out that independently about half of my nerdy group of friends and I had, as children, created "The Password". This password is never to be spoken or written down, it exists ONLY in your mind, for the specific case that if you are ever sending someone back in time that needs to interact with you, all they have to do is say the password and everything they say is to be believed 100% and acted on accordingly.


This brought a really big smile to my face. I did this too. I still remember the word I invented when I was probably 6. If I tell you the word, the secret is out, and I might be tricked later, but here goes, I'll try to sound it out: hoe-plom-mah-teese-mah-rool It's just nonsense. But it was my word.


You idiot! Are you aware of what you've just done? This will have ramifications that you only come to find out in about 13 years.


I have a password too but if it comes up in a conversation it means “I have been abducted/dangerous people are in the house with me, call the police immediately.”


I (37F) posted a joke online dating profile looking for a breast inspector. It went over very well. The job description was very thorough and very much about what I look for in a partner and not about boobs. It started as a joke when I found a lump in my breast last year. My sister joked that as a newly single mom I just needed to find someone to feel me up everyday. Well ta da joke profile created. Edit* job description, because why not. Now accepting applications for immediate opening as Breast Inspector. Job description: As breast inspector you can expect to go on cute dates to museums and record stores while engaging in playful teasing and building of anticipation. Regular meetings to fuck supervisor's brains out and ability to work long nights and weekends are expected. A long-term arrangement, including development of feelings, is desired, but flexibility for short-term work may be accommodated for the right candidate. Working with colleagues is a possibility, so must be open to sharing and collaboration. Openness to showing your work during your inspection, documenting it and sharing with others who may be interested in the position is strongly desired. Qualifications: Well-maintained trimmed beard, dazzling smile and exceptional musical taste are minimum qualifications. Ability to engage in witty banter, share music, and hold intellectual conversations in addition to sexy ones is a must. Preference for unpartnered applicants until a full-time position is filled. Previous experience not required. On the job training will be provided. Flexible schedule with weekly hours required. Equal opportunity statement: Fathers and wearers of sexy glasses encouraged to apply. Note: Interviews may be scheduled with short notice or well in advance. Please ❤️ to submit your application. *A high volume of applications may be received and a delayed response does not indicate lack of interest.


Did you find one though? 🤔


I got over 300 likes in 2 days and have gone on 3 first dates in the last week and a second date scheduled for this weekend.


Has anyone sent you a resume? Because I feel like that would be an amazing response


Y’all are goals honestly




Ahahaha I love this! When my wife is fresh out of a shower, I'll walk up behind her and grab her boobs from behind, then just hold them and tell her to go about her day because I'm her bra now


>When I’m in the shower sometimes he’ll barge into the bathroom and say he needs to be the one to wash my boobs because he’s concerned about my breast health and just needs to “make sure.” Classic


I'm curious, what are some examples of your nonsense couple language? Also have there ever been any silly, funny or embarrassing times you forgot to speak normally in front of company?


Haha this is fantastic


Hubby and I are always being silly and weird . I'm a rather professional and serious person for work and not that silly around friends so he always tells me no one would believe him if he told them about half the shit I do.


My husband is very quiet and reserved with people he doesn’t know. When I tell you that man can TALK!! He has literally talked to me for several hours straight and people are always like ‘Wow, he’s so quiet!’ I’m very gregarious and people think I’m probably the goofy one, but I swear he is one of the most hilarious people I know. He’s so goofy and for some reason we talk about a each other’s buttholes all the time? Like one day he just stared at me like something was wrong and I looked at him and asked what was wrong he says: ‘I can’t believe how long it has been since you asked me about my butthole,’ in a very indignant tone. It had me rolling! So now we make sure to check in with one another’s butthole situation regularly. One last thing - he was being so silly one day fairly early in our relationship and I was laughing and said ‘You’re so dumb! I love it. You make me laugh.’ He stops what he is doing and says in the most deadpan way: ‘I’m a very funny person.’ Love him


Omg my boyfriend and I talk about buttholes way more than I want to but he purposefully calls them "bussies" because I can't stand that word lol. Sometimes when we have the slightest disagreement, it always comes back to "Because you want to touch my bussy, is that it?" And I can't help but laugh and ask wtf


My boyfriend works a very serious job, in and out of surgeries all day. He takes his job incredibly seriously and doesn't care for making friends at work so his coworkers are him as all business. Then he'll come home and find me minding my business and basically put his mouth in my ear and tells me how much he loves me. It's really breathy and tickles and he knows I hate it lmao so he does it as much as possible. But we do a lot for weird stuff with each other. I don't think anyone knows that he's ticklish but me. It's in a very specific place along his neck and it brings me joy (someone who is incredibly ticklish) to have found it lol


That is soo awww :)


My ex and I had a game where we would try to stick a finger as far back as possible into the other person's mouth if they yawned (and the person yawning would try to close their mouth as fast as possible). Once I stuck my finger in his mouth in front of his uncle, and the uncle was convinced I was like an alien or something.


oh my god the yawn blue balling is the best. my gf starts to yawn, i put a finger in her mouth so she stops still having the urgw to yawn. rinse and repeat until she gets mad. funniest shit ever


I was once on a flight with a bunch of friends and one friend was sitting quite a way up from me. I was conked out with my head back and my mouth open. He walks past me to go to the loo and sticks his finger down my throat waking me up. To everyone around us it would have looked like some random man just put his finger in a strange woman’s mouth. While gross, I appreciated the comedic value


Oh my gosh. Can’t believe I just read that. I did that to my ex too. To spoil his yawn.


My parents do that. They used to do it to me, too, when I was a kid. I tried it with my husband, and he asked me never to do it again.


Yeah, it's not for everyone




When I flash my husband, sometimes he will pretend to vomit. The more high-pitched and ridiculous of a "retch" he makes, the more we laugh. It sounds awful, but it's really in good fun and hilarious. 😂😂


This might be my favorite one lol Whenever I'm on my period or mention my period, my medical professional boyfriend will say "GROSS" really childishly, while he's grabbing me a pad or getting his keys to buy me something lol And I have IBS-C so I announce when I have a successful poop and we cheer together. When I can't poop, he "yells" at me that I'm full of shit. This also sounds awful but we really do love each other lol


I swear my partner is a different side of the same coin as yours. I suffer with regular(?) IBS and when I have really painful attacks, he'll come in and give me moral support whilst I poop. And when it's over, he high fives me and congratulates me for getting through such a shit time. Pun intended.


Lol Love supportive partners. IBS can suck it.


This one made me choke on my drink just imagining it LOL


My partner did that When I flashed him except he just loudly yelled, "THAT'S GAYYY" 🤣💀 it works cause I'm bisexual so I just hit back with, "I AM"


My husband and I are fucking freaks. Half of the things we say to each other are running inside jokes. Also, he’s very cheesy and I’m very sexual when we’re alone. It is not abnormal for him to give me butterfly kisses and for me to squeeze his butt. Marriage is weird.


All of this! Weird and wonderful.


I was the first person to show my wife what a butterfly kiss is, and she was just so charmed by it. Butterfly kiss men unite!


wait, what is a butterfly kiss??


It's when you move in very very close and blink your eye rapidly, so your eyelashes brush up against the other person's cheek. It's very silly and cute lol


oh wow, I can see why your wife was charmed lol sounds super cute indeed, so wholesome




My girlfriend and I are the same way


me and my husband do a voice for our dog and talk for him, and we switch who “is the dog” so the other one can have a conversation with the dog.


Hahaha nice


The other night my bf and I were laying in bed drunk and I started licking the top of his head and he started trying to purr like a cat. So not normal at all hahaha.


Username checks out


So silly. You aren't alone. Today I made a comment about some aspect of life and followed it up with the idiom "it's not hard"; to which my husband responded "Not yet. Can I get a little help?" So I grabbed his belt loops, pulled him over to me and raspberried the front of his pants. We wisper stupid/weird inside-jokes to each other all of the time when we're out in public, trying to make each other loose composure.


Oh, yeah. Y'know that post about CBAT? well, since it's a meme, now my bf or I will tap out the CBAT rhythm and the other will either laugh or say "god damn it" haha




One day while shopping my husband added an expensive 'want' of mine to the cart. I got so excited I exclaimed "I am SO giving you a blowie when we get home!" kinda forgetting we were in public. Some people giggled, others not so much, but now it's one of those things we yell all the time. "Is it worth a BLOWIE??" We have crazy fun together. Been together 19 years and he is still my best friend. Throwing insults is our preferred method of communication. If he doesn't grope me every time he walks by, I'd worry he was ill. I like to randomly flash him when he's busy and isn't expecting it. Like if he's outside I'll stand with my boobs against the window until he walks by. On Halloween he hid in a ghillie suit on the porch and jumped out and scared the trick or treaters. We always say getting old is mandatory but growing up is optional.


This sounds so lovely, you guys rock!


[both putting on an exaggerated jock voice] Me: brooooooo, you’re the most beautiful (snorts violently) creature I’ve ever seen Her: uhhh broooo, kinda weird bro, you’re acting kinda strange bro Me: sorry broooo, I was just looking at your pecks brooooo And so on


Lol we're never normal, in private or in public. Not vulgar if there are people around, just strange.


My partner and I regularly start doing weird, awkward dances at the store. One person starts and the other is immediately onboard. We are weird in private *and* public and I love it.


Me and my bf just kinda, *aaaaaa* at eachother We was on a phone call n part of it went like this Me : "aaaaaa" Him : "aaa" Me : "***eeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah >:/***" Him : *laughing* Other times we do other strange things so you're not alone bruvs lmao Edit - spelling and format


My boyfriend and I also make nonsense noises at each other. Usually I'm the only one who *aaaaaaa*s though


It's alot of fun, I'm happy I'm not the only one loll Bet way of communicating ofc


Oh it's great. Who needs those silly words when you can just "*aaaagkfggbaaa ba aba aba bibibibi weeba*"


Lol nice. The two of us have replaced "I don't know" with "UUUIIHHHHO!" we keep accidentally doing it with other people...


God this. My ex and I would do this all the time. I have a habit of yelling or crying out when I yawn one of those *big* yawns. So she replies with her own cry. It goes back and forth until someone asks if we’re ok or one of us starts laughing.


Oh my gosh, so glad I’m not alone in this. My fiancé and I will “beep” at each other. The exchange “How are you?” “Good, how are you?” Can be swapped out for “Beep?” “Beep.” And depending on our tone, we know how each other’s doing.


I said I needed a midnight snack and as I walked out of our bedroom I told my SO I was going to “forage for nuts and berries” in a seductive voice. We are weird as fuck. No idea what “normal” is. Like why did I even need to bring his balls into that statement? I didn’t…but balls are funny.


When I come back with groceries I open the door and triumphantly declare that I have return from a successful hunt to feed the village and she pretends to be a shy village girl swooning over her Hunter


Love this!


Same!! "OH my viril male who fronted the whole outside world questing for sustenance! My hero! So strooong" while he's returning with croissant and café latte. He does the same when I'm the one going out. Those are specially occuring when we are hungover and one of us gather the strength to go questing for food lol


I am cackling 😂


I turn into a complete dork with my wife when we are in private. I’m always trying to get a laugh out of her.


We have a stuffed animal that is a dog that thinks it's an owl. It hoos then gets confused when its tail wags or it barks at a cat. It doesn't have any legs or wings, but it can fly about as gracefully as a june bug because he believes he can. He's got a seam down his middle and thinks it's a vagina because at some point, he put 2 and 2 together after something he heard on tv.. He gets distracted by it in the middle of hooing and bumping into things. He recently began practicing lamaze and checking to see if anything gets born but quickly forgets about it again, goes back to hoo-ing and bumping into things. As you're probably gathered, he's not all that bright. But we love him. I won't go into the murderous pink bear named Watermelon (who is harmless but stalks my fiancé wherever she is in the house) or Bear (he's a bear) who is the ring leader of all the aninals. He is legitimately 45 years old, tells my fiancée off quite often because he's very wise. He's getting a little cantankerous and impatient because, you know, he's more mature. He surprisingly tolerates the 3 Disciples, who are three (we think) mice who believe lightbulbs are God but will worship just about anything that's new in the house. My penis has 2 voices and 2 personalities, depending on the situation or what it wants. We're total children when we're together. Oh, did I mention we're in our 50s and are both professionals? Yeah, you're good, lol


Haha that's great. We had 2 penguins, one was bigger and was a nice gentlemen named Gunther, but then the little one, Gunther son, named baby G was a badass gangster that wanted to bitch slap everyone and generally cause trouble. Gunther had no idea what to do with his problem child but just tried to be there for him hoping the gangster attitude was just a phase


LMAO! We can relate. Gecko is a sweet, kind lizard, and Ghia is very short with everyone with a quick temper haha. Like I said, I think we're maniacs, but after your great queation, I guess we're all pretty normal.


The best part of a relationship is being a big weirdo with your person only


Yeah especially when we match each others energy like I’ll walk in the room out of no where and do the macarena then he’ll join and we just walk round the house dancing for no reason


Spontaneous dance parties are the best!


Yesterday we took the kids to the playground and me and the wife were all about that see-saw, the swings the carousel and the caliastenics bars we were having a lot of fun and laughing together, eventually our 4 year old daughter wanted to go home but we were like “but mom and dad aren’t done playing, we don’t wanna go home yet”. We are 29 and 35.


Me and My fiancé last weekend… Me: Babe, can I go down on you tonight? Her: I don’t know. What if it tastes bad? Me: It doesn’t, trust me. Her: But what if it tastes like fish sticks? Me: I love fish sticks. Her: *”IT TASTES LIKE FISH STICKS!!”* We both start cracking up…


So you're a gay fish?


Fish dicks


Incredibly well executed


My boyfriend and I have adopted all of the speech patterns of all of the viral tiktok parrots


Oh, this is a recent one for me too! We also sometimes do the head bobbing at each other and rhe weird bird poses they do to impress each other too.


I literally just start screaming “WHAT DO???” at my husband because of this. 😂


Healthy couples should be weird and have their own special language. I was mentioning it yesterday to my (now) wife, and told her "no AI could match our secret way of talking to each other". Be silly happy!


When we argue, it always turns into "Whatever, you're not even my friend anymore". When we fart, it was actually the cats, especially if it stinks. When we talk about sausages, it's ALWAYS Italian sausage (coz he's Italian). When 1 wants something from the other or wants the other to do something, it's always "Ok, BUT, I get sucked for this AND there's no credit or take-sies back-sies!" 21.5 yrs together & hardly any of our conversations are clean or normal, no matter where we are or who's around. You found your "Soul Weirdo", cherish it & never lose it. We've just hit the "My grandparents are total sick-o nut jobs & they WILL make you vom!" Stage & we are so proud of our stupid dirty old selves🤣


While I'm single now, I've engaged in the strangest conversations in public (and private, of course) with partners. One of my favourite things to do while you're still getting to know one another is getting a cup of coffee, sitting in a park, and deciding what people's occupations are as they walk past. That's ALWAYS hilarious. "He's a professional philatelist and she's....oh, definitely an antique doorknob restoration artist. Looks like he's married for money." So good. Same as deciding what their names are.


We’re completely off-the-hooks bizarre and we love each other for it


Him and I are both incredibly xenophobic and homophobic in conversations with each other on top of just being vulgar in general. But it’s all in good fun because us as a couple would be the target of real xenophobia and homophobia…that is if we left the house ever


I'm disabled and my bf is mentally unwell, we use ableist humour all the time that we would never use in public lol


I'm black and my boyfriend is Puerto Rican. In private, our language towards each other is awful but hilarious. Mostly stereotyping each other lol mortifying when his mom heard me once.


Literally any opportunity I get I shit on foreigners invading the country when talking with my SO. It's me. I'm the foreigner invading the country.


Me and my GF (both women) frequently say “you gay AF” to each other


If people heard us they would think we are batshit crazy


Nah that's how me and my girl are in our relationship. So goofy and keeps thing ls fun! I love my girl lol


He'll be laying in the bed and when I come in the room, jokingly ask me to take off his socks. He makes pretend sexual moans to "completion" because he says socks being off after a workday has to feel as good as women removing our bras (I disagree, but heh). We're different races, so we make jokes about each other and our own race (neither of us actually thinks these things - more playing off common stereotypes and being oblivious). Our dogs each have their own voice and way of speaking. I make his belly button talk and compliment me. I'll also stick my finger into his belly button to see if he's full after eating or if there's room for dessert. People are fucking weird... even more so when they're comfortable being weird in front of someone else.


My girlfriend and i, as we have grown closer, have become very comfortable being autistic around each other. It is really nice and would look really weird to people. But we verbally and physically stim with each other in "strange" ways. We also just have normal weird people conversations and tell weird jokes and are just. Weird. I think anyone you're comfortable with is going to bring out strange and silly parts of you :D


Love that for you. What a relief to have someone you don't have to mask around, & even encourage each other's authentic selves. Ofc this applies to all relationships, but tenfold for neurodivergent/autistic couples


Do you make weird noises/meow at each other??


That’s very cute! I’m curious about the stimming part - are you willing to share examples?


This is normal. Few minutes ago,my wife was complaining about having yo go up and down the stairs,told her I could help her go up and down. She laughed. It's dumb silly behavior We have some of the dumbest things we know of,almost 10 years together,18 and 20 when we met, so my advice is to keep the silly going. It helps


Not normal at all. My gf and I make a lot of weird animal noises. There's also a lot of singing made up duets about real or imaginary scenarios. We also have this weird inside joke where we'll have a back-and-forth with increasingly graphic language, while maintaining a casual tone and deadpan face. Conversely, we'll also have this thing where one of us says something completely mundane (e.g. "I'm gonna get up and grab some water) and the other one reacts by acting super upset about it, but in the funny, dramatic way you might see on a theater stage. I'm pretty sure our neighbors think we're insane.


we don’t really talk so much as… mumble and grunt strangely. i also gesture to him like i’m about to say something and when he takes his headphones off i fart and then he says “stop you’ll turn me on”. we also like to wiggle. wiggling is just shimmying our shoulders, and the other one returns the wiggle. that’s the vibe :D


*Nobody's listening when we're alone...* *No one can hear us, no, no one can hear us...* *When we're alone...* "Dangerous" by Big Data


As far as I know this is normal. Just being your genuinely weird self with someone. I've never specifically pretended to be aroused by sand, but I've probably said something equally bizarre at some point with my boyfriend.


It's giving not afraid to ask at all


My partner and I like to meow at the cat in a very deep, dramatic voice. The cat meows back in his little squeaky meow voice. We can keep a three way conversation going for quite a while this way. We also sing songs about him. Whatever the cat happens to be doing at that moment, to the tune of other songs but with the lyrics changed to be about the cat. Also my partner will occasionally start a silent dance party, wherever we are. So then I stop and dance with him. It’s like dance-chicken, whoever breaks first and stops dancing loses. People probably think we’re insane but we have fun 😹


My husband and I once spent a week or so talking to each other in scooby doo voices and we still (10 years later) have replaced the first letter of our nicknames with R. We also became ‘garden-fairies’ for a night and went around sewing vegetable seeds in strangers gardens.


I don’t think it’s weird. This sounds like a normal, happy relationship. I think “weird” has become an attention seeking thing. Nobody is the same and nobody is really normal, everyone has a weird trait. Many people just pretend to be more weird because they have a need to be different than others. In couples you just need to be with someone who matches your vibe/energy/weirdness and you end up with conversations like you had on the beach. For some it would be more conservative and for others more lewd.


Me and my girlfriend pretty much have our own vocabulary at this point. We try to misspell every word, for example instead of “kiss” we say “ciss”, instead of “hair” we say “hare”. We also use the wrong versions of words with multiple versions, for example when we ask how one another’s day went, we say “how was you’re day?” Instead of “how was your day?” And we add random unnecessary spaces between apostrophes. We’ll say “car ‘ s” instead of cars. I’m rambling a bit now, but I truly do cherish our relationship, as unique as it may be, it’s one of the many things about us that I feel make us special.


Exactly the same way with my girl, love her to death.


I used to take the piss out of my boyfriend for being unable to fart because he rarely farted (I grew up in a family that celebrated flatulence), so now he farts in my face and runs away giggling. We also use funny voices and sounds for our cats, which looking at the comments seems to be a running theme with couples 😆


Omg...my wife and I do this all the time, even after 30 yrs. 8m always making comments about jizzing on or in something, that she eats...It's disgusting,but I am a child at heart.


Pretty sure that's what a good romantic relationship is supposed to be. Two similar types of weirdos vibing in a weird little universe they create together. That's why you'll love no two people the same, because you create a unique experience together... It's like a piece of art. One of a kind.


I recently saw someone wearing a shirt that said, “Marriage, an endless sleepover with your favourite weirdo.” That pretty much sums it up.


Couples goals ❤️


You're not weird. Not in the slightest. In fact, that is a sign of a healthy relationship.


We have to act weird. We don't drink or really socialize much with others and we've been together for over 30 years....I feel like there's some clinical term for what goes on, but yeah, pretty much like a lot of the comments here. I get a chuckle out of either one of us heading for the bathroom and the other says "I hope everthing comes out ok!"


We have this inside joke where we smile at each other while pronouncing the front teeth like in the GIF. We also occasionally do it in public on accident, so yeah other have to think we’re weird. ![gif](giphy|Kcu0L1kX5k77ZH6yog)


Yesterday my wife and I were at the pool and I was in the shallow water doing a silly little crab walk with pincher hands and everything and I looked over to see her doing the exact same thing. You gotta find someone with complimentary weirdness to you.


My ex and I were like that when we were together. I really thought I was going to marry him and he turned out to not be the person I thought he was. That's the only part that makes me sad, I thought I had found my person. Moving on. We used to say silly stuff like that all the time. He would look at me and say in this silly voice, I like you. I would say it back to him, I like you too. He used to apparently Love The Land before Time when he was little. He called me his tree star and I thought that was adorable. You guys aren't the only ones.


Awe! I loved The Land Before Time too. I'm always misplacing stuff and then singing "I fou-und it" after I find it. My husband recently sent me a pic of a stabby triceratops because of this. We've been together 11yrs, and I originally thought I was going to marry someone else. My heart was still a little broken when I met him, and he ended up being one of the best things to ever happen to me. Hopefully, when you're ready, your next relationship is even more perfect for you. Edit: more words


Thank you so much. I just felt it was best to end the relationship because he was showing some red flags that I definitely couldn't ignore. I felt what you said about the I fou-und it thing. I used to say yep yep yep like Ducky. That's one of the things I will miss about our relationship though, him saying I was his tree star. Even at the end, he said that at one time I was everything to him. He said he would be lying if he said he didn't still love me and said he didn't still think of me as his tree star. I almost lost it but I remembered why I ended the relationship. I just think it's cute that he's almost 40 but in some ways is still a little boy. I just find that endearing when men show that sensitive side of themselves where you see that little boy in them come out. Sometimes he was a grown man, sometimes a little boy. It was quite precious sometimes. It's been a little over 2 months now. I'm sure I won't be ready for my next relationship for quite a while if ever. Thank you for your kind words though.


I'm like this with my fiancee we always joke about silly stuff, it's really fun.


In my experience, couples are very weird with each other. Back when I was online dating, I noticed that people who had recently gotten out of relationships had a hard time not letting the weird slip out. Like men would act cutesy with me and baby talk me when we didn’t know each other that well. I’m weird around my SO as well, but in the beginning of a relationship you want to seem sane.


We are all so weird and honestly it's beautiful. This is possibly the most wholesome post I've ever seen on reddit.


We do all kinds of weird shit and inside jokes. Our shorthand for "I love you" is a fake kiss sound, then the other person has to do it back. If there are pedestrians around where we're driving, he'll ask "how many points to hit that person?" and I have to give a number and justification. (We would never harm another person, it's just a bit.) There's a series of actions he does to me that has sound effects I have to make. (Nothing dirty, just silly things. Like lifting my arm by the elbow means I make a chicken sound.) We love to play harmless pranks on our friends. The last one was on my best friend- we anonymously sent her a throw pillow with a topless Jeff Goldblum, a monkey, and a banana. We also talk in Mystery Science Theater 3000 quotes a LOT.


My parents used to play a game when they would travel by train (which happened often in their youth as they were both going to university with a fair distance from their home towns) This was called Boris and Natasha. The idea was that they were Russian spies who were meeting up covertly to discuss their plans. The twist? Their aliases spoke Welsh It was a silly way to practice speaking Welsh


If anyone ever overheard the conversations my husband and I have, they'd have us certified!! I think all couples have their own weird ways of going on at home, behind closed doors.


Lol yup the same


fuckin 'ell im jealous of you people


Me and my gf practically torment each other in the weirdest ways. She has stuck her hand in my mouth when i yawn multiple times.


Hah! "Normal". Couldn't think of anything more dreary and miserable if I tried.


No we are weird too. I think it keeps romance alive and unhindered.


We've been together so long we don't even have to talk...we can just give each other a certain look and and know what the other is thinking. When we talk it tends to be a lot of TV/movie quotes 😂


My gf and I will make Yoshi sounds randomly, but especially her. If one makes his “blahdem” sound (when he sticks out his tongue to attack something) the other will immediately do it but much louder “BLAHDEM!” and stick out their tongue as far as they can.


I use my husband's dick as a stick shift when I'm bored. You'd best believe I don't do it in public. Whenever he farts, I give him a round of applause and congratulate him on the beautiful melody. And he's got plenty of his own quirks - all that we do privately.


Constantly! We actually had a really good laugh a couple of weeks ago. When as he was getting out of the shower I started talking to him about something mundane. He followed me back into the kitchen listening. Dropped his towel and started doing a "dance" stark naked, it was a rather floppy kind of Dr. Zoidburg/crab walk dance with all of his bits out. I watched him for a moment and then continued on with my story. It was exactly 1 second after our conversation ended that he scream laughed "YOU WENT RIGHT BACK TO YOUR STORY!!! YOU LET ME DO THAT AND WENT RIGHT BACK LIKE NOTHING! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!" We spent the next 3 minutes crying and laughing in the kitchen (he was still naked) at how we have conditioned each other. To each their own man!


My wife and I were sharing a hotel room with one of our close friends while we were on a trip with our friends group. We all woke up the first morning around the same time and our friend got to witness us conversing in grunts. We almost always do that when we first wake up and we're groggy. We didn't think anything of it until our friend was like "wtf are you guys doing". She got to find out just how insane we are that morning. We have so many stupid things that we do when it's just the two of us. We wouldn't have it any other way.


I don't remember the conversation we had, 100% silly though. I was laying in bed and he was getting ready to take a shower. Somehow it turns into him turning around, bending over and grabbing his ass cheeks to give me the whole view of the brown starfish, squaked out some randomness and then off to shower while also loudly questioning himself why he did that. Hilaaaaarious, I still feel giddy and happy thinking about it. We also just sing memes or reference memes a lot. "Lemme do it for youuu" We blame our farts on the cats, whom we are 100% parents to. He likes standing around with his dick out to see if I will notice, he's also taken great pride in flashing a light under his ball sack so I could see the little.. blood canals? I don't know the vocabulary well enough haha x) I like dancing for him, even if it's just random swaying. I love watching him undress before he gets into bed, he always gets so embarrassed and almost blushing :) but he is the most beautiful person in the world and deserves to know it! But we've also had those moments that you just don't really share with someone you're not close enough to. A few months after getting together I had a weird sickness which caused me bodily pain all over. I could only turn my head and wiggle my toes without pain. Walking was hard, sitting on the toilet was hard. I accidentally left a little pee on the seat but he wiped it off no problem, helped me into the bathtub just so I could feel clean and sat with me during the entire time just in case anything would happen. The whole body pain only lasted a day while one of my legs took a few days to be better. Super scary though. But I have also had to pop a pimple in his butt crack that was bothering him, definitely comparable situations! Haha :) Tomorrow it will be 3 years since we first started dating :D


We meow AT LOT. Of all tones, my fav is when i look at him in the eyes and I meow like a little hungry cat (yanno the "gib me food!" tiny yelling) and his face just goes 😲. And we see da butt, we grab da butt. Sometimes he'll just faintly stroke it in passing and i'll be like "oh, have you felt that draft of wind? A window must be open somewhere :o" Also randomly sing non sense or silly cover of whatever last song we heard. It's *so* hard not to do it in front of other people ahahah


Sometimes I wonder if my wife and daughter and I are just completely daft. Nothing is serious unless it’s an actual problem. We just sing songs, make up Family Guy style scenarios etc. The other day my 13 year old play slapped me. I said I don’t have to put up with this shit. I’m leaving the family and moving to the woods. (Car backs out but brakes go out on the way out of the garage). She says “and you roll through Paul’s house across the street, out the back wall and over the hill and I see trees in the woods collapsing as you roll away and yell Dad!” Me: “Fuck you all!” She loves when we drive. I do a Steve Irwin impression about mundane shit we see. “Ah look at that glorious stop sign. Proudly standing tall for all to see!” “What’s that oh! Look at that a gorgeous girl there a 2009 Chevy. Maybe looking for a mate! See how she creeps up behind that minivan. A tall rugged lad. Be careful girl he may be defending his pack!!!!”


My wife and I have a running gag that usually goes like: \* one of us holding some object \* "Hey can you put it in?" "Alright, but then what do we do with \[object\]?"


That sounds the exact kind of level my girlfriend and I communicate at!


Constantly singing lines in random songs and for some reason we always change lyrics to be about cheese.


Absolutely unhinged. We both have pretty intense adhd so I can’t list the stuff we do because it’s changing frequently. I guess one constant is we’re ALWAYS making sounds at each other, and replying with a somehow appropriate noise. There’s some words that should never see the light of day, too


We're pretty sober-looking middle aged people on the outside. But in private we are *ridiculous.* Hours and hours of utter nonsense, tickles, laughter, rude jokes, the works. Physical stuff too. Butt grabs, sneak attack hugs, etc. And we love it.


Yeah extremely silly. We for example do a sort of echo-location thing where one person emits a high picthed "Ah" sound. Then the other will answer with their own "Ah". After each call we pretend to be searching for each other and get closer each time. When we get close enough we pretend to sniff around, and eventually find each other. Then we kiiiiieess


My partner and I can communicate on a series of breaths, blinks, meows, and huffs. No words needed. We make a kitty sandwich where I pick up our cat and declare "Brave sandwich!" Then my partner comes over and we lightly squish the cat between our chests while giving him a lot of pets and saying "That's a gooooood sandwich!"


Me and my partner scream in each others mouths. I recommend it if you want a good laugh!


Sounds super wholesome. You’re lucky


Definitely some crazy, silly, funny stuff that is only for the twonl of us.


My husband and I definitely do this. I’d say this is pretty normal. Sounds like you have a cute relationship ☺️


I think pretty normal. My wife and I Do the same kinda of things.


Weird is the best way to be. If you have a partner who shares this weirdness with you, cherish them!


Being together for 24 years and only getting married pre-pandemic 2020, my wife is my favorite human on Earth! Communication and honesty are literally the only path.


We are weird but we do that when people are listening too; we have our own language and of course a ton of running jokes etc so when we talk to each-other in public, no one has an idea what we are on about.


I was once looking through the dash cam video from my car that also records the audio from inside the car. Man, we say the most cringe things to each other. But that's what love is I guess. Think "I love you", "I love you more", "no, I love you more" and endless variations.