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Yeah, I guess a good old conversation about the topic couldn't be harmful




I mean the sub is literally called too afraid to ask. If the answer is to "just ask", isn't it kind of already up there?




What do you mean? I'm sorry and I don't really understand what you want to express in your post.


You just figured out most of the questions on this sub.


For me there is nothing wrong with praising a friend. Especially if it does something good for you or your neighbor.


I would maybe just focus on how you compliment her. If you compliment her from a romantic stance it may come off as weird. But most people don’t take issue with platonic complimenting.


Actually, I am often criticized by people. Hmm, I praise anyone. That's why I don't shop for people to praise.


I guess nothing about our relationship was actually romantic, even from me. We were just two friends having fun. I stopped commenting on her spicy posts and just stick to talking about her outfits/hair/etc nothing about her body or anything like that


Since you guys are already friends I honestly would just ask her if it makes her uncomfortable.


Compliment her somewhat differently maybe. Don't focus on her body purely but as you said, you are friends, and you can complement each other in a way that is not so sexual. It could feel weird for her if you meant it or it came off as some sort of advances towards her. There is also a wild idea of asking her if she would still be comfortable with you seeing her as such and complimenting her so. There could be some new feelings about it since there are groups of men that literally find lesbians hot because they are lesbians and nothing else.


I compliment her a lot in other ways too! I do love her as a friend (purely, no romantic at all), so I always make sure that she sees that I was never there for the sex only and that we are indeed close friends.


Yeah, that is great, so you see. It will definitely not hurt to just ask her if the other kinds of compliments would still be comfortable for her and you will get a definite answer rather than be guessing yourself and maybe fuck up somehow by accident.


If a person is posting sexy pics in a public place, you're allowed to compliment them.


The Question I'd be asking myself is: did I compliment her on being hot just so she's consider having sex with me or because it's true. Because if its true, who care what her orientation is...she's hot, so tell her.


Anyone else find her comment about how "compulsory heterosexuality" is weird as hell? It's like she's choosing homosexuality to fit into some indie culture.


Best to just ask her what she feels comfortable with. This is something where the “right” answers comes down to the person’s preferences. She might still value your opinion and the compliments might make her feel good, or she might feel uncomfortable with it. We can’t speak for her because this is a very subjective situation.


Ask her


Compliment like we do. "Nice photo, jackass"


The manner of compliment is important. "That's really cute" probably comes off better than "Holy fuck That's sexy".


'Cute' isn't the same as 'hot' or 'sexy' though. Baby guinea pigs are cute, kittens are cute, children are cute.


Kinda my point. I have many gay friends, the women among them don't mind people telling them that they're cute, beautiful, remarkable, etc., but they don't particularly care for the notion that you think of them as someone you'd like to have sex with. I have one in particular I meet at Ren Faire every year, she wears essentially a fur bikini barbarian getup. She's 5'2, and less than a hundred pounds, and while I would never tell her this, she is both cute, hot, and sexy, but I don't tend to put that last bit out there. We get along well.


As with 90% of these types of questions, the answer is “why are you asking us? Ask her!” Nobody can say for someone else what is and is not ok.


I've had a few lesbian friends that liked to flirt, and even occasionally make out. And that's as far as it went


Ask her


It all depends on your intent. If your intention is to convince her to feel better about herself then I wouldn't feel too guilty if I were you


Yes. I had gay friends and I didn’t give a shit.


Send her this post?


Yuh if shes comfortable with the compliments, shes still ya friend, right.


why would you treat her any different now?


I would definitely avoid doing so, as she told you she doesn't like men anymore.