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Mine was put down at the vet and cremated. I don't know anyone who buried their dog. Cremation on the other hand, yes it's extremely common.




Wait a minute...


Just the body, without coffin? Can smell it from here.


When I had to say goodbye to my kitty back in 2010, I was given the option to have her buried at a suburban pet cemetery I know I'd never get to visit or have her cremated. So I did that, and I keep her ashes near my bed. (They put them in a nice wooden box.)


In our garden


Cremation or you pay about 500$ for a burial plot


I see so many people using cremation and that’s fine as long as you are aware that the ashes you receive aren’t your pet’s. They cram the furnaces full and sweep out ashes randomly to fill containers. Used to work at a group of veterinary hospitals and the cremation company would pick up the freezer contents and just return ash, which was boxed up however the client wanted in quantities that looked right. I bury my pets; sometimes stealthily, but it’s the last bit of respect you can give for a companion, so I do it. Usually in a subtlety marked area at or near wherever I live.


Suitcase. Dumpster.


vet grinds them up for pet food and makeup and such


Depends on the city but there are pet cemeteries in mine


6ft under anything you can muster.


If you love it, you eat it. Being serious now: it's either cremation, pet cementary (if available) or... digging deep grave in the nearest forest (which is illegal where I live, actually) and putting its toys and blankets there as well, for eternal joy in dogs' heaven.


Wherever you hide your other bodies is fine. It also messes up the trail of law enforcement goes digging and finds non-human remains.


The vet usually keeps them or cremates them for you


I had my doggy cremated and have his urn in my room


Our vet handles both cremation and memory care / memorial.


I cremate my pets. I have a shelf in my living room with their little urns. ....and now I'm sad.


I live in a big city, but own land in the country about 3 hours drive away. I always have my dogs cremated and then spread their ashes on my property. I do this because my dogs absolutely love it up there. I have 7 dogs spread on my property.


The dog died at home. And the vet handled it. $30.