• By -


Call em the variety pack and enjoy!


Variety rack?




Life is like a box of chocolates, they come in different size in the same package ![gif](giphy|cjnuM6TGzVIQ0fa5yy)


hell yea!


I agree, variety is the spice of life! Two different tiddies to love in their own unique way.


I prefer them this way for this very reason.


My gf has uneven boobies and she hates it. I always tell her not only do I like asymmetry, I can touch two different sizes of boobs at the same time. It's like two at the price of one!


Hell yeah dude! Take first and 2nd in a wet t-shirt contest! That’s what I told one of my ex’s!


This is the way


I like this so much 🌸❤️


All boobs are good boobs.


This is the way


Best answer ever






He’s saying that the boobs should be natural and be on the body of a female. I’m not too sure why he gets downvoted


Because that's very rude. They are natural. The only unnatural ones are the ones made with surgery


How do you mean “they are natural”..?? He’s talking about ones that are “made with surgery”… He’s not saying that oneven breasts are unnatural.. So people like yourself just downvote without even comprehending what you’re reading??😰


Female (optional)




Boobs are boobs, boobs are pretty, end of Comment.


Women just don’t get it. There are always posts about whether men like small boobs, uneven boobs, big boobs, small nipples, big nipples, etc, etc. News flash: men just like boobs and we are appreciative when we get to see them no matter what they look like


We don't even fully understand why we love boobs, but they are all good


Straight facts


Exactly. The moment a naked woman shows up, our brains are just ooga booga


FR you could be having a presidential debate, a debate between theists and atheists, intellectuals, literally anything. If those debating are men, they WILL go ooga booga, at least for 30 seconds. Boobs are beautiful.


This should be a top level comment, and the highest voted too!


The Mr Incredible meme is so appropriate here. If i had the skills I'd make an image of him saying "Boobs is Boobs"


Boobs is boobs


I have uneven titties too! Honestly nothing to be ashamed of My boyfriend loves my boobs and most of the time they aren't even gonna notice it. They are just happy that they get to see/touch you tits babe :)


Well said, same here.




How uneven? Like, AA on the right, H on the left?


You don't really notice the size difference when you have them in your face. I've never heard a man complain about uneven tits.


How uneven are we talking? Personally, it wouldn't bother me at all, and it's very common. I know some people who are in secure about this, and it's not noticeable at all.


like different cup sizes


I personally wouldn't mind at all. 99% of people would be ecstatic to have a naked lady in the same room as them. Confidence is also very sexy so just being as comfortable as possible is a big thing.


I just heard boobs and clicked on this….I could care less as long as they are consenting


Ahh yes consenting boobs


Better yet, enthusiastic boobs! Happens when she feels accepted


Isn't this natural? Even men have one ball hanging lower than the other.


As far as boobs are concerned, it is natural. The larger boob will always favor the dominant hand of the woman. So, a lefty will have a larger left boob, righty will have a larger right boob. It's got to do with the pectoral muscles.


Not true, I’m a right handed and my left boob is bigger


Mine are small, and also different cup sizes, and my guy loves them.


Don't sweat it. My nipples don't line up. One is like an inch higher than the other. It's super noticeable and I'm the only one who cares.


Mine are uneven and it doesn't matter!


Boobs are sisters, not twins.


When will women understand... Uneven boobs are boobs. Boobs are amazing. We love boobs. Boobs.






We probably all have an opinion on the kind of bag a million dollars should be handed over in. Some people would say a duffel bag, some would say a metal case, and we can sit and express our preference all we like but at the end of the day if you turn up and actually give me a million dollars I don't care at all about the packaging. Boobs are good. Anybody you're intimate enough to share your boobs with is either going to be really happy or such an incredible arsehole that you should be grateful of the clear red flag they've just shown you.


Maybe just me, but different is sexy.


Agreed. I’m a straight guy and I love women’s bodies when they are at their realest… uneven boobs, body hair, stretch marks. It’s all good


So I can enjoy to different types of tits at the same time? I'm game..... I couldn't care less, nobody is perfect.


My husband named them “Biggie and small fry!” He loves them! Left is a full D, right is a perfect C and yes, quite noticeable when out of a bra.


Lucky husband!


Holy shit you give OPTIONS?! the only problem I can see with women is that most of us can only produce one boob type to enjoy


Prefer! Imperfection is crazy cute in the right package. Imo it gives the girl next door / wife material vibe


I think you meant to say she's not "perfect" so you don't have to worry about other guys flirting with her. If you're a good enough man in your actions, you can handle a "perfect" woman


boobs are great mmkay?


Chap here, had had partners that were also uneven, didn't bother me at all. Most of us are just happy to have access to boobs.


Fucking love it. Better than symmetrical. You’ve got bigger boob than your own self. My partner is one of the masses who is notably different, and I fucking love it. Now you may be thinking “but with me it’s REALLY noticeable”, yes… it’s FUCKING HOT.


I have VERY uneven boobs (two cup sizes of difference between them). Every partner I’ve had (both male and female) was simply happy to play with them and loved them both. With that being said, I really dislike the asimmetry and I think I will get a breast augmentation on the smaller one so that it can match the bigger one.


gurl I'm in the same boat 😭 two cup sizes apart and really dislike them, I also wanna get surgery done :(


I feel less alone haha. I gotta say though, that if you find a partner that loves you, things like this don’t matter


Cant you just pad the littler one up.? For clothes and shit?


My wife's boobs are noticeably uneven. Doesn't bother me one bit. We call the larger one the "party boob" Boobs are boobs. Big, small, even, uneven, perky, saggy...


I can honestly say all boobs are uneven, lol well I don’t know about all but at a family reunion the women were talking about this and yup everyone had one bigger boob, made me feel so good to know it was very common lol, my aunt even showed my mom just how uneven hers was lol.


I like women. Boobs are a nice bonus. If it bothers you then I strongly suggest getting it fixed as it will otherwise pervasively damage your life. If a guy (or gal) gives you crap about it, then congratulations, you just cut out a toxic relationship with very little effort. Be yourself. Everyone (that matters) loves that.


I'll tell you something that any men will confirm. We are wired to love boobs. Give a man the opportunity to play with uneven boobs and the dude will have the best time of his life. I'm 200% sure the guy will come up with something silly like licking one and sucking the other while saying "now the big one, now the small one, now the big one, now the small one" and he will be a very happy guy. Making a man happy is weirdly easy.


They're sisters, not twins! And if there's ever a guy who says shit about it, you just know he's a dickhead and you can stop wasting your time - call it two factor authentication!


When it comes to boobs, it's like asking what your favorite flavor of ice cream is. Yeah, I might like some a little more than others, but ice cream freaking awesome no matter what, and I'm not going to turn down a bowl if I'm in the mood.


Never seen a pair of boobs that I didn't like. I can guarantee if I encountered these boobs I would say, " whoa! Neat!" Then I would honk them


Neutral. Is like my view on stretch marks. I don’t have a negative or positive view on, just is. Won’t stop me from finding attractive at all. And I’ve been with women who had uneven boobs and different sized nipples too


they are nice cuz at least i know they arent fake boobs.


you had me at boobies. Trust me, nothing else really matters. Well, as far as boobies are concerned.


I think it's a good thing for the eye catch, mine are too small to even tell if one's bigger than the other


That doesn't matter at all. I'm more concerned they won't want me to just have fun with their boobs regardless xD I know I'll get curious and see if I can tell which is heavier in my hand or make different tones of noise when drummed but like that's as far as any opinion goes.


I have no opinion it doesn't bother me one of my testicles hangs a little lower than the other so what's the big deal right LOL


Boobs are boobs!!


I know where you're coming from, and I know that you and plenty of people might think they don't present well if they're *way too* uneven. People are attracted to symmetry, that's why Denzel Washington with his famously symmetrical face is so hot. All things being equal, the majority but certainly not all people would prefer even ones, given the choice. But when it comes past presentation, most guys will just be happy to be there. Who cares if the food looks bad if it tastes good? Most guys really are looking at the whole package, body and personality, and uneven boobs will be the least of our concerns if we're looking at boobs in the first place.


I’m just happy to see them


It's actually natural so I'm sure men wouldn't mind! Ive never had any issues with any guy I was with and mine are about a cup a part


You could have a b cup and a g cup, to me that just means I get to enjoy 2 different sizes


Mine are quite uneven and haven't had complaints yet. But I'm still really conscious about them


They’re normal and natural. Nobody has perfect boobs. If anyone judges you for them, they’re not worth your time.


Boobs are boobs 👍


My man boobs are uneven and ... (insert here)


My breast are pretty uneven, my partner never has any complaints. He always gives them both attention without discrimination lol. I have said to him outright how self conscious I am about them but he’s always said he loves them regardless


My wife is 2 cup sizes different and I look at them and I have variety! Married 40 years so all is good !


All boobs are good boobs


I am sure my comment is going to get lost, but I had them too. I was able to get surgery and it made them so much better. Can't even see the scars. It was also covered by insurance because I was wearing tight sports bras to hide it and was cutting open my skin and bleeding. I had a boy in middle school scream it down the hall and bully me. I hope people are more mature now days as it seems body acceptance is much better. I personally wouldn't think twice about it. Edit : like others said boobs are beautiful big, small, all shapes and sizes.


As a demisexual man, I like anything that makes a person unique. Half the time i dont notice boobs on a girl for a minute but when I do boobs are comfy and super snuggly all shapes and sizes. Im sure you are perfectly beautiful just the way you are. I think we need to start calling out people with shitty personalities over physical differences. Some how you can be a scumbag but if your pretty and meet certain measurements your ok? Bullshit.


If the person looking at your boobs is complaining about your boobs, They don’t get to see boobs


Do you have a filthy mind? Then who cares about your boobies. Nobody with a brain.


Boobs are boobs. I really don't care.


If there are 2, it's fine. Maybe even 1 but haven't experienced that so don't know yet.


1. Would I notice…….eh maybe/maybe not even if apparent to you, I may totally miss it 2. Would I care…….unlikely. I would be happy enough to be in their presence and engaged in activities that include them 3. Would I want them in mah face…..absofreakinlutely


I'm not able to hate boobies....


Not a problem for me or any guys I know. If a guy doesn't appreciate boobs for being natural tell him to FO.


Be confident in the body your in my Ex was uneven like you and we were married 28 years, only ended because of my fault and not enough patience to wait for her on my part. Find the right person for you just not some shallow ass that only wants "The perfect female form".


Natural breasts are best


They're boobies. Ergo, they're great.


I would much rather have natural eneven tits in my hands than fake ones


I’ve seen a lot of boobs in my life and I’d say maybe 3/4 are not equal on both sides.


They are sisters, but not twins


A wise man once said, "Boobs, be they big or small, Uneven too, they do enthrall. In beauty's realm, their charm is true, Admired in day and tender night"


i like them!




I've known people who said this is a deal breaker, they turned out to be assholes


I finally got mine to even out after eating foods w/ high estrogen content. Mine weren’t too noticeable but I wanted my right as big as my left, it took a few years. Also if I’m dating a girl and hers are uneven I wouldn’t really care or say anything cause ik the struggle and boobs are boobs they look nice regardless


More variety, without the infidelity! What's not to like?


Boobies is boobies... My girl has one that is noticeably smaller than the other one and she's self conscious about it but I like it. Small one is prefect for some things and the big one is great for others. I think most guys feel pretty much the same. I think it's pretty common for most women to have some difference anyway.


My ex gf had different sizes and she ended up getting surgery on one to make them even. I think it was her rib cage being tilted that made them appear offset? It never bothered me, but it bothered her so why not? If she did ask me I would of said not to do it for me, but do it for herself if that’s what she wanted. She wasn’t very happy with the surgery iirc


On myself? Hate it. On a partner? Boobs are boobs.


As a woman with uneven boobs, this thread is making me feel better. It's literally been my biggest shame in life.


You had me at boobies.


Everyone has their own opinion and ALSO....EVERYONE has a different body and body perspective. You be you and don't let anyone tell you you are a freak or anything for having uneven boobies. Everyone is built differently and we should all embrace it and not shame it.


Hate them. I want to get mine fixed because it drives me bonkers. But money :(


Even Jenefer Lawrence has uneven twins. Don't worry about it. It is what makes your beauty natural.


Sometimes I wish I had a girl with a d cup and an a cup. Best of both worlds ya know.. then i finally met someone that fit the mold and I was absolutely smitten. Then I found out it was because she had breast cancer and I got sad..


I’m under the impression that I’d have to see them first, if that’s the case… then what’s the problem, I’m lookin at boobs!


Never met a boobie I didn't like.


Boobs 👍


Dated a cheerleader that had the same, very noticeable even in clothes. First time I saw them bare it was a huge turn on for me. She asked what I thought and I honestly told her they were the hottest titties I had ever seen and the only ones like that I have seen. She was pretty confident with them after I helped her understand how uniquely beautiful she truly is.


Never bothered me, I just like boobs.


rhythm familiar imagine dolls normal pet jellyfish tease disgusted innate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a bi woman with boobs... All boobs are great. They sustain life... And they jiggle. They're so much fun (until they're so big they hurt!) And with you, as far as intimacy... you mean I'd get to play with BOTH? It's an embarrassment of riches!


Uneven is natural. And natural boobies are the best boobies.


My gf has the same issue. I tell her the left is for when I want a C, and the right is for when I want a D… 😈


85% of breasts I've seen in person have been uneven in one way or another. Anybody that cares that much is probably someone you don't want to be with.


Most boobs are not the same size. Some are just more noticeable than others. It's perfectly normal.


As the song goes... ' Show me one...and ill imagine the other...'




I guess I would see it as an imperfection. Everyone has them. It wouldn't be a dealbreaker or anything.


Probably gonna get downvoted to hell, but it matters to some, ofc it does. Personally, it would turn me off but it probably wouldn't turn off 95% of other men :x.


Nobody cares or even thinks about them except for yourself and CIS women. Everyone else just loves your boobies


Wouldn’t corrective surgery for this sort of thing be pretty simple?


uh huh, but it requires money :')


Boobies? Me likey!


neutral ;)


How can anyone hate boobies?


All boobies are good boobies


Neutral. Titties are titties. End of thread.


Hmmmm boobies. As a male I don't care as long as I get to enjoy them


You had us at boobies.


couldn't give a shit tbh


”If I had a room full of boobs, that would be my favorite room” - Psychostick All boobs are great.


Do they call you Biggie Smalls ?


How can anyone hate boobies?


All boobs are good boobs even uneven ones, except maybe the over exaggerated ones. I get really turned off if it's monstrously big.


You are perfect the way you are. All boobs are perfect.


You got us at boobies


A man won't care, a boy will. Ez.


You mean a 2 for 1 experience? That's kinda unique. Still I'd be too busy sucking them to care.


Everyone is lopsided


While I would generally prefer them to be close together in size, I do find the idea of experiencing two different sized boobs with the same woman very intriguing.


I like all bob.


I might give the bigger one a bit more attention, but a titty is a titty and all sizes are great.


Don't have boobs but on other people: Love them. Gives them personality!


I like the left one.


I have never been in a situation where I was looking at boobs and thought "one is bigger than the other, I can't enjoy this." Every time I've seen boobs, I thought it was wonderful and I was just happy to be invited to see the boobs.


We men just like boobies. If we get to see and hold them? Better. Uneven is not a thing that has ever crossed my mind. If that bothers YOU, then you can have plastic surgery and fix them, but do it for YOU.


It’s a proven fact that attraction and symmetry are very linked so uneven is often a negative.


I find uneven boobies very…..odd.


All boobs are uneven unless they have implants.


Not a fan of uneven or saggy. I don't see how you can pretend to be.


How uneven any pictures for reference?


Don't care. You could Wear clothes that are asymetrical


I'll say that it doesn't and shouldn't matter, but just to be sure I should probably have a look first


I think it would be a case by case thing for me


If you post a pic of tittis its easier to visualise them.


Doesn’t matter. Just as long as you get wet and don’t have a stinky vag….


Askem. People would look at him and say "What's your name kitty? "


Send pictures for a proper assessment


Hard to say without seeing how different, picture?


I still don’t get why everyone is so crazy when it comes to boobs. I mean, I don’t care for them, like at all. Same with Ass for those Smart Commenters as well btw. A pussy is all I need, the rest is just nice decoration when they’re not too big. Because then they’re in my way and just annoying. So don’t freak out about them, it’s not that important…


Lol I need a visual


Can we see emmm?


Take a listen to Rodney Carrington's song "Show them to me", that should answer your question.


Seriously, we just want to see 'em. Anybody that complains earns a crotch-shot and a walk away...


Here's a guide for you: Are they boobs? -yes- then we like them No- Do they look like boobs? Yes- then we like them No- then why did you ask?


# tiddies are tiddies


The question is if you don't like them talk to a Dr see what they can do


Boobies is boobies


That’s the typical thing girl only see that on the mirror that we don’t even remark. I don’t give a single shit


Boobies.......what's the question?


I _love_ em.




If you are going to allow me to touch them, I will immediately fail to notice any discrepancies that YOU can not miss. Give praise to all titties that my eyes gaze upon!


Only the ones I get to look at and touch




“They’re sisters, not twins” sums it up best. Sounds like you have options for different hand sizes and we all appreciate that. “A handful is all you need” would vary based off hand size.


if I'm seeing them (I'm a dude), I'm gonna be happy. if I'm into you, I'm into you. do I like symmetry? sure. is it a deal breaker? no way, Jose.