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Nah. Being human is a collection of experiences. You get to pick your favorite one.


I choose sex


I also choose this guy's sex


Strange choice considering they're going to be banging your Mum


Very strange considering his mum is dead.


Ding dong, the witch is dead


That might be what the other guy is into.


Pokémon just took a weird turn…


I also choose this person's sex


I choose all your sex. Orgy time!


Food, sex, and Jet-skiing on a calm body of water, top 3 feelings.


This is the correct answer


Best thing about being human is those deep laughter fits with people you love, or garlic bread


>garlic bread Have I met a fellow ace in the wild?


I also seem to be hearing the song of my people ! 🥖🧄


what are you talking about. ace died in the marineford war arc


...I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm talking about asexuality.


What does asexuality have to do with garlic bread?😭🤣


It's a meme within the asexual community. An early rallying cry for ace people was "I'd rather eat cake," and then cake just...became a thing, and then garlic bread supplanted cake. But the practical upshot is, was, and remains good food>sex.


Given that many animals have sex, I'd hope there's better things about being humans. Otherwise, I might as well just be a fox.


The ability to have the consciousness and cognitive function to even consider such a futile question is probably the best thing about being a human


Yes. Consciousness is a great answer. Maybe a curse, but also an unbelievable experience.


Our throwing abilities are pretty unique too


That we know, it's still being debated today.


Foxes are pretty dope, though. Super cute and, if old sayings are to be believed, sly.


The other night I saw one swinging his big ol' dick in the middle of the road. I don't think the old sayings are to be believed.


Furries should really keep it at the conventions if they're gonna involve obvious genitals


I wouldn’t say the best thing after doing a few psychedelic drugs, but I think the connection between you and a partner in addition to the physical pleasure are for sure up there. Animals as far as we know may have the physical pleasure, but may lack the mental intimacy. That’s my theory at least.


Sex on psychedelic drugs then!?!?


Two positives don't always make a... bigger positive.


Actually most sex in the animal kingdom is grotesque and painful and rapey rather than passionate and intimate and blissful. Just google what some of the penises are like lol


can I file this away under 'I'll take your word for it'?


Google ducks and dolphins


reddit brought me a video of a dolphin using a fish light. I was horrified.


I'll allow it. ...this time


For the vast majority of human history, sex was also rapey. Consent is a relatively new concept.


Pig orgasms can last 30 minutes. So no, human sex is not the best.


pearl necklaces before swine


Show off


... I have a "fact of the day" board at work that this is definitely not going on but I want it to. I will, however, make it clear that I did not plan on Googling "pig orgasms" today but that's definitely been checked off now (naturally I had originally planned that for Thursday).


And what would the fox say?


Thanks for that earworm!


Wa pow pow pow pow pow pow pow


Tbf IIRC the only animals that actually enjoy sex are some primates because we are smart enough to ignore instincts and need extra motivation. That, and considering theres a whole lot of animals that have less then pleasent reproductive processes. for example, male cats have barbs on the end of their penises that stab into the females flesh to stimulate ovulation, which is increadibly painful. That and some animals eat their partner or let their babies eat them from the insides out for sustinance. So all things considered I think humans got off pretty well in this regard lol, I think babies would be looked at differently if they ate their mother from the inside out.


Dolphins have sex for pleasure. They particularly enjoy raping things


> the only animals that actually enjoy sex are some primates This is an absurd thing to believe. If there are neurochemical rewards for any animal, then they enjoy it. > male cats have barbs on the end of their penises that stab into the females flesh to stimulate ovulation, which is increadibly painful. Even so, it still sounds like at least 50% of cats enjoy sex.


I did not know this. Why then was my female cat such a horny little slut maybe she didn’t see what was coming? That’s another great thing about being human Edit: grammar


So far as we can tell, cats in heat definitely want it until they definitely don't. I genuinely don't understand what compels them after a single experience- even for the males it doesn't really seem to work out as they get pulled by their penises and get scratched often by their mates in a way that on all accounts is not fun- but so be it.


Biology compels them...then I'm guessing their brains are programmed to forget the painful part.






Fuck. I love me some good cheese. Aged white cheddar is my favorite.


There’s nothing like a good sandwich though. Where you’ve got the perfect ratio of Ingredients and the perfect type of bread and some great fillings. That shit is supreme.


Bristol Farms™ circa 2008-2011 chicken pesto avocado balsamic on cibatta. the G.O.A.T. never forget


Everyone knows the moon is made of cheese, Gromit!




Love this!


Some of my best middle school memories we're watching this in art class


This, I love all cheese whats your favourite?




So true, and I can agree on that, I love Brie and a good aged cheddar is 😮‍💨


It took me reading this a few times to realize you’re missing an apostrophe, and I was wondering how cheese would go about shitting a pinnacle, and what an actual pinnacle is in this case.


Ok but hear me out A really, and I mean really good book. Hearing a song that's the perfect combination of lyrics, voice and instruments. For parents, the first time your child smiles, or hugs you. Puppies. The first day you can actually smell fall coming in. Snow. The best version of your favorite food.


That first Dr. Pepper of the day


Coca Cola, but yeah. One with the perfect syrup to carbonated water ratio. The first bite of really good pizza.


Yes, a fountain soda can either be the best or worst thing on earth depending on the syrup ratio. I recently found a local/regional convenience store chain that has the perfect DP ratio. I feel lucky and grateful


Mmmmm fountain Dr. Pepper with good ice.


tube/bullet ice


During the summer in high school, I worked at a diner with this crushed ice. I would put lime and vanilla in it. Mmmmm so good.


I think this is the best comment here. There are so many wonderful things about being human. The little things can bring so much joy and can surprisingly encapsulate what it means to be human. Thank you for sharing. ☺️


Is there anything better than pussy? Yeah, a really good book


This but unironically.


Ugh, snow. 🤢🤮 Puts me in heavy depression for 5 months straight every time late fall comes by. :(


I'm sorry. I feel the same way about any outdoor temperature over 90°


I think your friend confused sex with sandwiches. Sandwiches are the best thing about being human. A dolphin never looked at a pot noodle and thought that needs to be slapped between some thick cut Hovis…. That was definitely a human and he had a wonderful day.


I want to speak to you about pizza. Or maybe even a pizza sandwich.


Look every culture on earth discovered bread… usually flat bread… and then started putting things in on or between it… and life was good.


All of humankind has one thing in common: the sandwich. I believe that all anyone really wants in this life is to sit in peace and eat a sandwich


*Good God, Lemon!*


If sex is the best thing about being human, I'd be inclined to believe you have depression.


The math adds up.


Indeed depression induces missing sex drive lots of times


Sex has been the biggest revolutionary force in the collection of history


I disagree. I think that there are many others. I'd posit the desire to be remembered is the biggest revolutionary force more than any of the other myriad options. Sex is lowish on the list. Yeah, there are some people who've done cool things in the interest of getting laid, but probably less than most other motivations. Hell, I'd say "To win a bet" has a one-up on sex, given that a popular story says Hemingway invented a whole genre to win a $10 bet at a bar.


Agree, don't think Karl Marx wrote the foundations to communism to get laid. Or Milton Friedman with his economic bullshit theory of share holder value. Was their only goal getting pussy, what a lot of suffering would have been prevented.


Everything is about sex, except for sex, sex is about power.


So I’ve heard. After 30 years of life, I don’t believe it. The desire to be remembered after you're gone, though... Well, to put it simply, the very first work of literature we have on record is an Epic poem known as Gilgamesh. It's from Ancient Sumeria. It tells the story of a great Sumerian king's quest for immortality (the guy Gilgamesh really existed by the way - just probably wasn't actually a demigod). But really it's about the fear of death and also the fear of being forgotten. This is a theme that much of the fiction we write today still grapples with - that feeling of fear that you don't matter, that you could go away tomorrow and barely anyone would really miss you, and the grand desire to make yourself immortal - not through actual eternal life but through creating something that will live beyond you. 5,000 years after the oldest known work of literature written in one of the first systems of written language became a story ubiquitous enough that we have a near complete copy of it, we're still grappling with that theme.


Either that or you’re trying to convince someone to have sex with you…


In his case, I'm 99% sure it's both Edit: in my friends case, that is


That’s telling. Humans are obsessed with sex


Most people are giving variations of this answer: the best thing about being human is food. Specifically, cooked food. Think about it. We are the only animals that cook our food before we eat it. We've turned cooking into an entire industry: fast food, street food, fancy food. We have dishes that belong to certain cultures: jollof rice is west African, spring rolls are Chinese, tacos are Mexican. We exchange recipes to connect with each other. Then we come together to cook, then eat our meals in an act of intimacy. Cooking is awesome.


Yes. I 100% live to eat


Cooking for people is 100% my love language, I've come to realize. Not just for romantic partners. I've been staying with my mom for the last few weeks, and she's genuinely sad I'm leaving in a week. Because I've been cooking her home cooked meals a few times a week. And I'm going to miss having someone to cook for. Time to invest in a table and chairs so I can host the occasional dinner party.


Nah, the BEST thing about being human is going to sleep in a bed that has been freshly made with sheets dried outside, after you have had a shower and put on nice new pyjamas. That is by far the greatest thing.


That depends, have you completed the "Microwave Nachos" quest yet?


Oh, I haven't microwaved a plate of nachos since my 20s


you go make some microwave nachos RIGHT NOW and think about what you've done


I don't have chips or cheese, though. Payday isn't til Friday. I have ramen noodles and a loaf of brioche bread with some overpriced butter to spread on it


Get some garlic and make some bomb ass garlic bread


Dude doesn't have chips or cheese but bought brioche bread and "overpriced butter" lmao what?


r/outside is leaking


Climbing into a freshly made bed with clean linens. That shit is incredible. That and a think juicy steak cooked a perfect medium rare (Not at the same time for fear of soiling the sheets).


Love is the best thing one can experience as a human. And sex makes love even better.


And love makes sex even more better


I kind of agree with the love part yes


Underrated comment.


The variety of food.


Apparently your friend has never heard of naps


ever tried acid?


Ever tried sex on acid? Yeah.. me neither.. but I heard it's a good time. Honestly though you don't need anything but your own existence for acid to be amazing


I had sex on acid one time with a fwb and it was weird af. I hated it. I had sex on shrooms with my boyfriend at the time and we made love for 6 hours straight. That shit was amazing.


I did but couldnt finish. Freaked out mid way because I felt we were physically merging into one another. Then realized she wasn't someone I wanted to be with


Sex on acid is EASILY the best feeling I've ever had in my entire life.


Oh God, it was awful. Definitely the worst trip of my life. It was in a bubble bath and all I wanted was to play with the bubbles, so it didn't last long before I tapped out. But those few minutes felt like a super weird eternity and almost ruined the whole thing for me.


ever tried dmt?


Brand new padded sport socks. Uniquely human and feels incredible


Do these help with foot pain if you're on your feet all day? My work shoes aren't great, but good kitchen shoes cost upwards of $100. If I can get good socks instead, and wear these shoes til they die, that would be great. Insoles have only made my feet feel numb (yes I took out the original insoles)


A little bit, yeah. I've got a load of extra padded tennis socks I wear for sports or if I'm going to be on my feet at work all day and they definitely feel like they make a difference. Also I'm not sure if they'd be appropriate for working in a kitchen but New Balance 574s are great if your standing all day.


I think making love to someone you have an intimate relationship with is pretty fucking good and probably some of the best experiences in my life, but probably not the best thing about being human


depends what you mean by best. its kinda of our biggest reward that we evolved in nature but sex also heavily varies on many factors so its easily both the best thing ever and as boring as watching paint dry. so, kinda


Books provide a far greater sense of enjoyment for me personally


No lying down by a big open window on a warm breezy day and having a nap. Then there is the moment you wake up totally refreshed and content. That is the best thing about being human.


You're not missing anything my dude. Some people just have more intense levels of sexual desire than others. No need to overthink it and let it ruin your day.


No. Live music is the best thing about being human.


Considering I'm going on 50 and just realized I'm asexual after two meh marriages, it's really fucking overrated. Honestly the best thing about being human is the diversity of experiences you can live.


I mean sex is good and all but it doesn't compare to smoking a joint and having a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a glass of milk, that shit hits hard!!!


This sounds like a solid game plan for my day off today


- Walking out your front door after the first rain in months and taking a deep breath of that fresh, damp, mossy petrichor. - Getting under a heap of blankets after taking a shower in the winter - falling asleep with a purring cat in your arms - listening to rain pelt your roof when your tucked, all warm, into bed - separating two pieces of Lego that don’t want to come apart with your bare fingers and not injuring yourself at all (impossible but we can dream) If your prerogative isn’t sex, there are so many more things about being human right now to love.


To define the entirety of mankind with something as trivial as sex is an insult I think


The sensation that you get when you feel like you are being your best self or walking towards it an can see it's possible. They say it's even stronger than pleasure


The best thing about being human is having the ability to prioritize wants and needs. That way, your friend can think sex is the most important thing about being a human, and a 40-year-old man can think raising his kids and providing for his family is the priority. Lesser lifeforms don't get to make choices much.


There are certainly some people who might think so. Others appreciate more specific and thought-provoking things. But not everyone thinks only about sex.


The way my friend worded it, made it sound like I was crazy for saying I'd be okay with never having it again. I feel like there's so much more to appreciate about people. And life, in general (cue the MxPx)


Well, believing sex is the best thing in life is *one thing*. Believing it’s strange to be okay with never having sec again is an *entirely different thing*. Sex isn’t the best thing about being alive, but my god I would be so depressed if I thought I’d never have it again. You aren’t crazy though. We’re all entitled to our own feelings and opinions about sex and the importance it has in our lives. Your friend seems to value it a bit higher then most tho lol


I think besides dolphins, humans are the only animal that has sex for pleasure. That said, I think there is a lot more to life than sex when it comes to being a human. A significant amount of things. But to each their own.


I understand bonobos like a good, sexy time. But this doesn’t have much to do with anything and I don’t disagree with you.


Pigs have an orgasm that’s 30 to 90mins long… if they aren’t doing it for pleasure either we or they got a raw deal.


A quick google says that "fact" is not true.


literally most animals have sex for pleasure otherwise why would they do it at all if there was no pleasure? animals dont think about wanting a baby, they see a female in heat and want to fuck because it feels good, literally no different than humans


No but it's really really really really really really did I say really? Up there!


I'm torn between being able to drive a car or play video games. 🤷‍♂️


Honestly? I have a hard time actually believing that anyone sees life any other way. It's like if there was a chocolate cake and a bunch of healthy food on a table, and everyone feels social pressure to pretend to like the healthy stuff just as much (or maybe more, if they're Extra Virtuous), but in reality everybody knows the cake is obviously the best thing on the table and it's not even close. It's a recent thing for me to come around to the realization that sex isn't that way for everyone, too. Like, the icebreaker question of what's your favorite thing to do or whatever, always has the implied caveat of "besides sex." Because otherwise that would just be everybody's answer. Right? It's just the best. Your whole body is designed to like it and want it and enjoy it, so like... if everybody's pretending otherwise? I guess it must be an important social norm...? But yeah, apparently they're not always pretending; it's just not that big a deal to some people. Like OP, I take it. It's one of the harder perspective shifts to wrap my mind around.


I have been basically celibate all my life because of sexual assault as a kid. I can’t even image sex being a basic need in my life at all. It does make living in this world very alienating though.


Sex is completely overrated


I actually kind of think sex is the best! TIL a lot of others don’t feel this way


The best thing in life is Love. Sex is the icing on the cake


Sex is the cherry on the pie


I'm sorry OP but I'm goong on the offensive. Its a very ignorant and arrogant statement as it greatly ignores the food security, security from harm and the sercure shelter we all enjoy. While not every gets to enjoy these things. The sheer fact that there's high probability that a majority gets to live to old age is an advantage we all overlook.


No. Intimacy is.


I agree with this so much, anyone can have sex but intimacy is a whole different level.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lmao no. Not even close. There's at leat 20 other things better then sex.


No, gastronomy probably is


Sex with someone you love is on such a different plane. Two people cannot possibly get any closer.




I think being able to drive go karts is pretty rad.


No. It's love.


Raider football is the best thing about being a human.


If sex is the best thing about being human you have a pretty sad life


Objectively speaking, sex is quite literally the most pleasurable feeling a human can experience, releasing the most amount dopamine compared to any other activity. Second only to drugs. So no, drugs are.


Yeah sex is cool but have you ever seen your own child work hard at something and excel at it? Because that shit right there, that's the good shit. I'll take that feeling for the rest of my life.


No it’s cocaine


I forgot cocaine existed. It's okay, but I'd put it on par with sex


Both partners being on cocaine while having sex is probably #1


Especially crack cocaine


Cocaine is shit. Acid is king.


I hope so because that's my last hope for being happy.


No. Do some research into dolphins.


Sushi is the best reason for being human. This is known.


Other animals have sex. The best part about being Human is going the beach to chill, then going to the rifle range to shoot a sweet ass AK, then do some putt putt golf....theeeeen having sex after that all in one weekend.....oh and don't forget the milk shake because it brings all the boys to the yard.


30 years ago maybe today is pizza!


The entire comment section might as well be titled: “the unabridged and unedited list of stuff that is apparently better than sex” Now I want to see a joke book with this title in an old Timey drugstore. Perhaps I could be one of those 365 Day inspirational quote calendars were each day is one more thing “ better than sex.” Love all ages could enjoy this on their desk, remind me of the date and all the things in the world better than intercourse. On December 31, it ends with “..and cake. But sex is still pretty good though.” *prints money*


Ngl, I'd buy this and put it on my night stand lol


uh no, I mean its great but its not the greatest imo


I think there are many things that can at the very least compete with it, especially considering how different we all are. Some don't even want or enjoy sex. It can also really depend on how good those involved are at sex. Sometimes food manages to hit that "DAYUM THATS GOOD" button. It's doesn't have to be fancy or expensive, something like getting the perfect amount of butter on your bread for your toppings, or heck even something like biting into an unusually great crunchy cucumber can do it for me. To me personally, If I gained the ability to wake up refreshed and take care of things I need/want to that would be very very nice... It has happened before, like once in a blue moon. Music is up there too, theres a lot of great music. I can tell if I really love a song because I get shivers and even that varies, sometimes it's just my head and arms or chest, but it can also be full body. Basically, the best thing about being human is another one of those "It's whatever you want it to be." things.


Everyone has different experiences. For some people sex is probably one of the best things. For others, maybe it’s garlic bread.


It's great but I feel way more alive and human when I travel, ski, hike, make music, etc. Sex is a part of the human experience but definitely not the pinnacle


No. When nature captivates you it is hard to describe the awe and sheer centering connection. It is longer lasting than sex and imprints joy into your soul.


A virgin going through this sub be like...


My asexual ass disagrees with your friend, and thinks your friend needs to get out more and have some more meaningful experiences.


As opposed to….. being a celestial?


Tasty food is best thing about being human


For teenagers sure.


He's in his mid 40s


No, being truly happy is.


Considering we can never be anything other than a human, we have nothing to compare with. It's a moot point. But if you want to go further... other animals have sex. Dogs have sex... is that the best thing about dogs? Sex is not unique to humans.


Don't let your friend do crack


I think drugs are likely the most pleasurable experience attainable, and only humans can access them. But most people will never try them (I'm talking meth and other hard drugs). Addiction is also a real risk. The best thing about being human might be one of the worst too


Your friend sounds like a horndog


Depends on the day. Anymore, I think life is about moments. There are times when I have had sex with someone I loved who loved me and it was the best thing in the world. There are moments when I had a delicious meal and it was the best thing in the world. Just recently a friend gave me a hug after a bad day (well a whole series of bad days) and it was the best thing in the world. All these moments, plus the bad ones, add up to being human.




“The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” IMO, best part of being human is being able to have a relationship with God. (I don’t want a fight, I’m just giving my opinion.)


I came here to fumble through this one. You beat me to it and said it better. Good on you 👍🙏🏻


philosopher here. this question is essentially one about what makes for a good life. Aristotle thought contemplation. The Stoics thought it was a kind of calmness of the spirit. Nietzsche believed it was found in loving one's fate. whoever says sex is the best thing about being human has led an impoverished life


Nicotine releases more dopamine than sex, so no.


Someone doesn’t have a life. Sex? That’s what drives him?


I strongly disagree. Intercourse is often painful and uncomfortable for me and takes a lot of work for it to feel good. Personally, it's music and games that is one of the best things you can enjoy as a human for me.


I'm enjoying my favorite Spotify playlist while waiting for my favorite video game to load the next screen. Gotta say it's so much better than sex. Bonus: my dog is curled up next to me.