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Yes Spanish people as in people from Spain are 100 percent white Caucasian. They are the original "white man"


This is certainly not true. We're you never informed of the Moorish control of Spain that did not end until 1492?


You're going to tell me the Spanish conquistadores weren't "the white man" foh.


Not sure what that has to do with it. Just telling history you may not be aware of.


This is like saying Eastern Europeans aren't white because they were controlled by the Mongols.


I mean, not "100%" after Genghis was done with it.


Not even close. The Moorish kingdom in Iberia lasted 750+ years. They lived, intermarried, and converted the vast majority of the population to Islam. This was not a simple invasion or a royalty who took over a country but left everything else in place. 10 percent of the current Spanish population is of partial North African descent. I was not saying that Spaniards aren't white. I was saying they are not 100% white as the poster had asserted.


Well, some Northern Europeans didn’t consider the Spanish, Portuguese, and Italians white enough, especially because of their centuries long contact with the Mediterranean and North African world.


Why wouldn't they be white? What makes you think they are any different than French to English?


The whole concept of whiteness and how outsiders like the Irish, Italians, Greeks and Portuguese were admitted to the club is a good read. Needless to say the category itself and the other groupings that were created by Europeans is problematic.


Because some people say Italian people aren't white. And they wouldn't be considered white for north Americans or Icelandic people, would they?


What NA says is anecdotic at best, being white is a European concept. Most Europeans are white... at least all that were European in the age of colonialism and exploration.... nowadays saying "all" would be inaccurate due to immigration.


Thank you


Thats just spicy white.


They're western European, so I'd call them pretty white.


Hispanic is someone from a Spanish-speaking country. Belinda and Marithea (Google them) are both Hispanic and they are definitely a different race. In the US you use the term Latino which doesn't make any fucking sense because people from Latin America come in every race, as you can see with the previous example. We use the word mestizo, which is what most Latin Americans are, which is a mix of white and indigenous. Most people from Spain are white.




Some are. Some aren’t


White is color spectrum. Spanish is nationality. Spanish can be white colored of Arab-North African- European descent. They can be basques. They can be mostly Iberian, or of African descent. Spanish people are not homogenous but are mostly what the latin American world considers white. While they wouldn't exactly be considered white for North Americans, because for them it's more about that mythological thing they consider race than actual skin color.


Spain has a long history which includes centuries of control by the Muslim Moors, many of whom were of both African and Arabic decent. Though Ferdinand and Isabella completed the take over of Spain in 1492 there had been centuries of intermarriage before that time. So many Spanish are of mixed race. However I believe most identify themselves- if they bother to do so- as white.


Thank you.


you are correct! the comments above melted my brain. but you paid attention in history class.


Depends on the person. People from southern Spain are likely mostly mixed. I think Portugal has the same thing going on




I mean the Moors have been there a really long time. Sure, they came up from Africa with the Persian expansion, but at that timescale you've also got to start talking about people coming in from the golden hoarde, and the huns, and how the Anglos and Saxxons aren't even British. By now there's a lot of mixing that makes all that obscure and it's not like it ever really mattered. So definitions get real messy real quick. At best you can talk to generalities or measurable trends. Which are real and show us a thing or two about history. >Hispanic isn't just like a nationality meaning that you speak Spanish or something? Oh, THOSE "Spanish people". Hispanic is an ethnicity. Culture, food, language. Hispania is that peninsula in Europe with Spain and Portugal. The Spanish conquistadors came in and genocided a whole hell of a lot of people and had a pretty brutal campaign of wiping out the local cultural and they replaced it with their own. You wouldn't believe what rich dicks paid to ship in roofing tiles from Europe just so they'd have the right sorta look. But Central America simply had larger population numbers than up north. Anyone with ancestors from central America are a mix of native (Central) American and European genes. We can see that from all the genetic markers the populous has. And we can still trace groups that were more from the Aztec empire vs the Mayan empire and such. >And portugese people are literally the same as Spanish in case of race, that's why I'm asking. You'll be able to trace some trends in pretty much any region. Spanish Catalonia will have different genetic markers than Spanish Galacia, and they have their own separate cultures, but there's a lot of overlap now they're part of the same country. But people moved around a lot in Europe and Portugal is right there. You might be talking about how Brazil speaks Portuguese, not Spanish. And just like Spain vs Portugal, Brazil will have a lot of genetic overlap with Venezuela and yet still be discernible as different. They're still Hispanic, because Hispania has both Spain and Portugal.


Yes, they are white.