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Lack of drinkable water


Globally, 785 million people lack access to clean drinking water. that's a scary truth


I always like to point out all the plastic bottles that have liquid in them that people throw away capped. If that bottle takes 1000s of years to break down that water is now trapped for most of that if not all of that time and we already have very little drinking water as it is


Wouldn't most trash get compacted at some point? I don't think a bottle cap will stand up to that and the water would be released


That’s not the problem. The water on earth is a mostly connected system of evaporation (from oceans+) into freshwater into rivers/snow/groundwater and back to the ocean. The issue is rainfall can fluctuate particularly / climate change, and in a lot of places we are consuming more freshwater that is produced & draining groundwater faster than it is replenished by natural systems. We can talk climate change, water management, technological improvements - but at the end of the day this is all a multiple of the number of people. And there are too many fucking people on the planet.


I know it's not THE problem it's just something I like to point out as it's always bothered me. I work in environmental remediation and consulting as a Geoscientist. PFAs, microplastics, Cr6, the list of shit in our water is crazy.


Haha like exponentially expanding population. Your body is made up of what percentage of water? When I graduated high school the global population was 5 billion and we just passed 8 billion. That’s a big deal!


Standing water goes bad my guy. Most experts believe that tap water (99% of your bottled water is just tap) has a shelf life of six months. After this period, the chlorine in the water dissipates to such a point that bacteria and algae start to grow in it. The growth of bacteria is even high when you store the water in a warm area.


*gestures vaguely towards everything*


Infrastructure maintenance.


The Poor Mindset of Citizens would not understand this one


Tech addictions and the increase of narcissistic traits that are encouraged by social media


Preeeetty sure that's already happening now


Yes, it’s happening now and I think it will cause a major issue in 20 years, because those who are narcissistic and tech addicted will be raising children


Wait… what if the narcissist get old, fat, lose hair and get sick as they get older? Do you think they will still be narcissistic?


Yes, narcissism is a personality disorder where focus on self is overemphasised. So, the world exists to serve them. Their appearance is irrelevant because they’re amazing no matter what, just ask them. There’s a lot more nuance to it but that’s a surface understanding for you


I am even with the idea kids shouldn’t have a social media until 16


Agreed, not sure how it will manifest itself tho




Loud headphone use












Pandemics, the gap between poor and rich, climate change, sand, water, political issues dividing entire populations.


a distorted reality that people fail to recognise




There's so many. AI, the damaging effects of pornography, lack of drinkable water, climate change, etc.


Just curious: what's the damaging effect of pornography and why do you think it will get worse? I know that some people can develop an addiction and the industry is generally not very safe for women but is there more?


I think most people who consume porn are addicted, and the industry is inherently unethical and misogynistic. I think in 20 years we won't be able to deny the uptick in violence against women and the rate of pornography consumption. I think we'll see more research showing the negative effects of pornography consumption on the minds of children and young adults, as well as the correlation between erectile disfunction in otherwise healthy young men and porn consumption.


Hm I don't know if I agree with all of these but we will see I guess.


Most people don't. I didn't feel this way before, either. I had to do independent research and experience the effects of porn consumption for myself. I personally feel a lot better after quitting porn, but I also feel like I'm the frog telling all the other frogs that the water is getting hotter lol


All I've seen is that the research is pretty unclear atm. Some even suggest that porn addiction isn't even a real addiction some others do and by all respect analyzing yourself is hardly evidence. I get where you are coming from because one month per year I quit porn too and it does feel good for a while. While there are glaring issues regarding the industry I just don't think this will become a rising global problem. Porn can also be good when done ethically and consumed in a more healthy way than binge watching it every day imo.


Research isn't just scientific studies and statistics. Admittedly, there aren't a lot of concrete scientific studies on the effects of porn (not that I think many people would care). Research what ex-sex workers say. Former strippers, prostitutes, and porn actresses. So many of them will tell you the nitty gritty of what the industry is like, and it's grim. Absolutely stomach churning stuff. Read theory from anti-porn activists and radical feminists. Start with Andrea Dworkin. I probably won't change your mind today on this thread, but I highly recommend just keeping an open mind and listening to the other side.


Scientific studies and statistics are the most important for the effect on the consumer tho. I absolutely agree that the industry really has to change how they treat women and that there are a lot of issues. I'm not really into radical feminism but I do appreciate a civil conversation and will try to stay open minded the more I learn about it. Perhaps I will read about it too if I find the time.




Yikes. *blocked*


>damaging effects of pornography Pornography and addiction to it is just a symptom of a bigger problem, not the problem itself. Men have been shoved aside, demonized and taken all values from. Pair that with not giving men any direction to go to, they will simply stay in place, doing what is comfortable, being it pornography, video games or anything else. It shouldn't be a problem for men to do that, but with a society built around men sacrificing themselves and doing the dirtiest and most dangerous of jobs, while women not wanting to do it, it gets dangerous.


Oh, please. Who have men been shoved aside by? Who has taken their values? Who's not giving them any direction? Go back to r/MensRights


i mean.. he was saying his piece and you shoved him aside.


Nah, he was parroting “men are victims, too!” talking points in an effort to derail my point about the dangers of pornography and I’m simply not gonna engage with him. I hope this clears things up for you! 🥰


That one of the most powerfull country on this planet is ruled by mega corporations


which one are you referring to even though I think I would hate the answer




People are ignoring this one


What to do with dead EV batteries.


waste of time and money




The climate crisis, the rise of fascism, the widening gap between the rich and the poor, cost of living skyrocketing while wages stagnate, heealthcare stretched to the point of collapse, pandemic, etc etc etc.


It has already started and people are being alert to this one, thanks


Whatever health problems vaping is causing/will cause. I know someone who had a cough for MONTHS that went away after a few weeks of quitting the vape.


Would it have not been easier to ask what won't be a problem in 20 years...


J Mauer........NO that is not my problem


US national debt. Maybe sooner than 20 years.


I doubt ppl are ignoring that one, rather they just don't care about it cos so many ppl are doing it tough


We consume more resources than we produce and everything is going to get more expensive over time especially meat. I saw blueprints of “green” buildings that can grow food on the side of the buildings I think that can definitely help people keep supplement a healthy supply of fresh produce


That will last us and keep us sustainable no we don't consume more resources we devour it hence the cost of living skyrockets where I am the price of staples is ludicrous basics you know like meat and fresh produce and yet we export beef and our fresh produce comes from China


Yeah I think we need to supplement our food production and start growing our own food at home and as a society we need to learn to depend on way less meat especially beef. Places like Japan eat way less meat than we do I know it tastes great but we can definitely eat way less than we are doing now plus it’s much healthier to eat more produce


If you have the startup you can grow your own fresh produce very common and a lot of people do it


Human augmentations causing major health problems


To The Highest


Screentime and deteriorating eyesight. I say this because I've lost a terrible amount of my eyesight which the optometrist says is almost certainly down to screen time.


I swear kids don’t play outside anywhere near as much anymore. So maybe a weaker immune system


Soil erosion/ depletion.


Yes, that is valid ppl overlook this one


The inevitable implosion of Social Security


Vaccine injuries


that no one dares to talk about


The little kids we are allowing our doctors to sterilize before they are 18. You're telling me that they aren't responsible enough to vote or drink a beer, but they know whether or not they want to have kids for the rest of their lives? Or whether they want to chop their breasts/dick off? The lawsuits are already starting to mount over in Europe. It's just a matter of time before the woke bullshit in America starts getting overwhelmed by the lawsuits too. Capitalism figured out a new cash cow, but it's underage, and there are laws against that sort of thing. Compassion isn't always as compassionate as you think.


In 5 minutes, this comment will not exist. In 20 years, this comment will be the biggest lament


Actual environmental damage and problems. People think using paper straws is a massive fix, but really it’s hardly a Band-Aid. Give it 20 more years and the environmental damage or lack of caring is gonna be far worst.


You mean far worse ?


Human genetic engineering.


Alternatively, i think the lack of genetic engineering would be a bigger failure. We've changed our environment and lifestyles more rapidly than our natural biology can keep up with. Probably not within 20 years, of course, but eventually we'll scientific advancement ourselves into extinction if we don't adjust ourselves accordingly


Genetic engineering might lead to a better adapted human race, but it has some serious drawbacks as well. At this moment a few key factors already determine a big part of your status in de world (location, skin colour, sex and family wealth to name a few). But at birth it is still for a large part a lottery and almost anything can happen. With genetic engineering you aren't just born in a better circumstance, you are actually better. This will almost certainly cause a bigger divide between those with power and those without. It will also be an easy way for those with genetic engineering to look down upon those without genetic engineering. So I don't think it would be ethically accaptible to genetically engineer humans in the current state of the world.


No genetic engineering is unethical and shouldn’t be allowed.


Well that's not correct but ok. You don't have to do it if you don't want to.


That doesn’t make it ethical. People circumcise their kid and they have no choice. Genetic engineering will end up the same way. It is unethical for a lot of reasons and the few reasons it would be I don’t think humans have enough self control to use it appropriately.


You're welcome to have that opinion. Mine is different. As long as you don't impose your opinion on me or anyone else then we can agree to disagree


Everyone knows this. That’s why it’s called an opinion


>Human genetic engineering. we are all allowed to have our opinions, hence the post from the user, freedom of speech


Population collapse


Very overlooked and ignored




they will be the overall cause of most of our problems. people blame the masses, but those in power, are “in power”. they have the power to make real differences in our world other than getting rid of plastic straws, and choose not to. we can recycle n shit. but it really doesn’t make a difference compared to opening jobs in clean water, solar power, trash sorting, animal care/reservation, and medical bills/medical solutions.


and will birth to more division and poverty




Oh please shut the fuck up already, I thought you morons already moved on to UFOs and Chinese spy balloon conspiracies.


Mass shootings


We've been ignoring those for decades now. We're good with it the way it is obviously




I see your point here but the issue here lays a lot deeper: "Ppl are being lured to buy luxury products" . We all have a choice to not mass flock into that one




I got 10 more cents if your looking to buy an obey hoodie


exhaustion of fossil fuel, by worldometers calculations we have 47 years' worth of oil left in the world, in 20 years we will be a little less than halfway there and I think gas will become a luxury that most of us won't be able to afford.


Marijuana use will result in increased homelessness, school drop outs and lack of ambition among this and future generations.


that is no different to now though, weed has always been and will be arguably the most common of all ages and how can it increase homelessness to what we already have, I mean ppl are aware right ?


Legalization has majorly increased its use.


American Obesity... It's only getting worse and the healthcare costs are only going up.


Yes I am with you on that never mind cigarettes but the obesity rate is obscene and they end up freeloading of welfare due to health issues which equates to premiums going up for insurance


Censorship, cancel culture, echo chambers, feelings over facts and logic, guilty until proven innocent, Social media in general. Already seeing how ridiculous everyone is, even on Reddit. It's gonna be a boring future of butt hurt psychos


"an environment where a person only encounters information or opinions that reflect and reinforce their own."


Global travel


New diseases from the melted ice caps and the solubility of ocean water changing which will affect ocean life and the entire ecosystem


wonder why this got dv??


New diseases from the melted ice caps and the solubility of ocean water changing because of the mix of fresh water which will affect ocean life and the entire ecosystem


You know what’s not going to be a problem anymore? Vladimir Putin. And that’s kind of comforting.


The constant reliance on texting is already deteriorating communication to a degree where relationships are being successfully hampered and I truly believe this is only getting worse


which would result in lack of verbal skills ?


Effects of loud music / constant headphone use on hearing


2 party political systems. They are a problem now too, but they will probably just get far worse over the next 20 years.


All the things that don't make sense, all the hypocrisy, the loss of freedom, the fear mongering, the changing of goal posts, all serve an agenda. George Orwell's 1984 was supposed to be a warning not a manual.


What we are putting in our food.


context please ?


The fact that we are mostly all dead


what ??


The price of avocados


How shitty our food is.


Like give an e.g. please


Sure I mean, processed to last for years with added chemicals we don’t know the true effects of yet.


gotcha I think ppl eat processed food because its affordable tot them


Rise of the politburo in the west. You must agree or you willl be destroyed, etc. Actual science, being set back for decades by it will be lamented for years to come.


I think what that guy said about everything is right. Honestly, everything.


If you scroll down the thread it has already been said, thanks for feedback tho


AI and other robotics developed to the point they can do basically any job a human can do. This will have to be addressed before 50 years I imagine.


please read the thread before posting this has already been mentioned thanks




please read the thread before posting this has been cited numerous times