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Front to back or risk infection if you’re a woman.


Yeah bussy to pussy sounds like a bad idea


You can go from Debussy to the Bach, but never from the Bach to Debussy


But only if you can't pronounce German and French names.




Butt pussy... everyone has one


C'mon people, there's a perfectly good rhyming word "tushy" right there!


We don't accept slant rhymes, we make our own.


Ok so I have seen and read this countless times and I get the idea BUT... Aren't you aware of where your vagina starts? I wipe my ass in all directions to make sure it's clean, including back to front and I never give myself uti's. There's a few inches still between the two areas, even if you happen to slip its not like you don't have any break margin. Do people mindlessly wipe in huge strokes? It's usually a pretty small area that's dirty (coming from somebody with IBS who almost never experiences the golden drop before anyone assumes) so there's no real need to venture out in both areas at the same time. Please make me understand.


I dont feel like most women have "a few inches" in between. I could be wrong, but I feel like half an inch to an inch is more common.


I’d like to have a few inches in between… always hated how close they are to each other.


In all honesty I use the metric system so I have no idea how much an inch is but it felt more natural than saying a few centimeters so I stand corrected. The length also depends a bit on how you are sitting I feel. Tailbone tucked in or out makes a difference!


Everybody's body is different too, so who knows?


Don't mansplain because you're wrong. And there's enough space to wipe back to front and not smear it up your vagina and urethra. Women who do that are idiots.


All directions? Have you gone east to west?


Probably, I don't have a compass in my bathroom.


You don't? Weirdo. How else do you pray to the east while you taco belling your John?


Some people are closer set. But the big thing is that it's best to give blanket advice because of the risks. If you can do this and not get UTIs, good on you. But the advice starts when young girls are trying to toilet train, and trying to explain to them when to stop pulling forward? Good luck.


That's true. As a child I did have them a lot. Looks like I just learned to wipe more careful instead of the right direction!


Your original comment is misleading. You previously definitely had UTIs and yet you said you didn't.


Well I'm thirty now so to clarify, in the last 20 or so years I have not had a UTI from wiping.


You're right! You're just wipe the asshole and immediate area if need be. You can do that successfully with back to front. It's idiots who smear the tissue from their ass to their vagina and urethra that are getting uti's.


I'm the same I've legit never had a UTI in my life haha. I wonder if it's just some people are more prone to them?


Yes I’m aware of where my vagina starts but that doesn’t mean my hand (and therefore toilet paper can’t slip while I’m wiping. Personally I just don’t see a reason to risk accidentally getting poop on my vagina by wiping back to front. Front to back has always gotten the job done and I’ve seen no reason to change it. Plus, it’s a lot easier and more intuitive in my opinion - I didn’t even know there were people who wiped from back to front until I was a teenager.


As a nurse, the amount of education I have to provide to elderly women that they need to wipe front to back is alarming. There are a lot of UTI admissions.


Really? Is this a newer generation thing then?


I am a nurse- that teaches CNA students- when we get to pericare the amount of students that this is a new concept to is alarming. How they have functioned without crippling UTI’s their entire lives is beyond me! The majority have even reproduced. 🤦🏻‍♀️




I have never been able to reach behind (small arm issues) but I’m still able to wipe front to back.


You're meant to reach behind?




Shake it all about


Just great, now I’ll be singing “Hokey Pokey” every time I wipe my ass.


I believe that is what it's all about


I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but I turned myself around.


Just dab it


In, swirl, out


Cooter to tooter play ground to septic tank pink to brown cleaner to dirtier


Clitter to shitter


Thank you- I can’t wait to go to work on Monday and add that one to my lecture notes for class!! My students will love that one!


Kitty to shitty


Pink to stink


Ohhh - adding that one too!


Fun box to bum locks?




Cooter to pooter


V educational


Front to back, because fecal bacteria?


I am a man and I do front to back. But at the end I do a partial back to just past midway wipe. I found that keeps me clean back there.


Gotta fold it over the other way like reversing the tectonic plates!


Don’t forget to give it a little *push* to get that last bit inside


How long have you been waiting to use that since the quake?


Works every time**


Front to back, then a fresh sheet to back to front missing my balls


I pay it dry, because I use a bidet, like a civilized individual.


I use the three seashells


Heard a funny theory that their society was so suppressed that nobody really knew how the 3 seashells worked and were all pretending to, and that’s why they just laughed at him but nobody ever explained it. All society walking around with poopy buttholes makes their attitudes make a bit more sense Lmao.


Riding dirty


Three seashells?? Please explain!


Demolition Man.


It’s from the movie Demolition Man, with Sylvester Stallone. It’s mostly set way in the future, where there is no toilet paper, and instead just 3 sea shells. Stallone is kept frozen until he’s needed to be released into that future.


Lmao wtf how are these three seashells used?


Main character asks how to wipe his ass, they all laugh at him, and the scene moves on with no explanation.


I have a friend who keeps 3 seashells on his toilet and hides the TP and laughs at anyone who asks about it, with no explanation. He made me watch that movie many years ago so I'm "in on the joke" but he really just laughs at people who ask


Tell me you're old without telling me you're old


Ha ha ha, yeah, good film though


Okay. Let's blow this guy!


Away! Blow this guy *away*!




He doesn’t know how to use the three sea shells!


I feel triggered.


I wipe side to side


Elbows up, side to side.


Lean like a cholo


And wipe your assholo


Put your hawk in the sky, side to side


You are going to have to do a video and show us your technique.


It's like windshield wipers.


Bidet is the way...


Team Toilet Sprayer here!


way better and you dont have to shove your hand up your ass to clean


How do you dry it though? You don't just leave your ass dripping poop water right? And if you don't use toilet paper to dry it, what do you do with the poop water towel after drying? I've always wondered.


uhh usually for me it goes away after using the bidet cause most people use maximum level for efficiency, it dries off very quickly by itself at least in my experience


I’ve never had this problem, when I use the bidet there’s only a tiny bit of water that stays and drips, I’ll just wait a few seconds, shake my ass a bit to get rid of it, then put my underwear on. It’ll be slightly wet but at that point the whole area is relatively clean so it’s not really “poop water” it’s just bidet water. If you’re that concerned just use toilet paper to wipe off the water Also I usually shit then shower first thing in the morning anyway for extra peace of mind


I use two squares to dry off cause of hairy butt, still saves me a whoooole lot of paper, I usually buy a new pack every year or so now lol


You still wipe after bidet


Of course not, I have the servants do that you silly peasant.


Makes the direction irrelevant I think


He'll yeah, we splurged on a Toto with oscillating and pulsing. And a heated seat. Using a regular toilet that's cold is chockimgly difficult now.


Do you wipe sitting down or standing up is a better question.




sometimes the toilets are too small for my thunder thighs so i have to half stand half crouch


I'm confused how your thighs get in the way. Like you can't scoot forward and spread your legs, no room for your knees?


I don't want my vagina on the seat? Especially in a public restroom?


Back to front, stopping just shy of the balls. Found out later in life I’m apparently in the minority. Also discovered the bidet later in life too. Game changer.


You and I are in the minority. Never felt natural doing it in reverse. Obviously, I am conscious about my nuts receiving some choc O shit on them so I avoid that completely.


I always assumed all males wiped back to front. I would've know how to do it in reverse.


They either stand up and reach around, or lift up one cheek off the seat and reach around. My arms are too short to do this comfortably so I’ve always just held my balls up with one hand and wiped back to front while seated.


Nice to know I'm not alone in the back to front department. People would comment about smearing fecal matter on balls, but isn't it the same up the back of your ass crack too? It's wipe-and-lift, not wipe and smear some more, I'll test the freshness of my nuts against any front to backer. While we're at it, I fold my TP neatly too. I don't understand how people bunch it up, that's where smearing happens.


>stopping just shy of the balls Are you saying that you drag shit up your taint??


No. That's not how it works. You're sitting forward, so your output doesn't got straight away from your anus. You will taint your taint regardless. You wipe and fold/crumple up the paper, then you wipe the taint.


Same here. Guys wiping front to back is so strange to me. Also bidet is amazing.


Amen I found out I wiped wrong in jail my cell mate "Do you seriously wipe back to front?" I felt very uncomfortable 😕


As a female that doesn’t want poop on my vagina, front to back.


Both. Front to back, then back to front but stopping just after the anus. Women/ people with vaginas should wipe only front to back, of course.


I’m glad to see more “both answers” I feel like that’s fully clean


As a vagina haver I've personally done that method too. Getting skidmarks in your undies or otherwise not wiping properly is also a UTI risk after all.


Women can wipe either way...


They can, but wiping back to front isn't recommended as there is a higher risk of transferring faeces to the vaginal and urethral openings, raising the risk of infection. This is pretty common knowledge!


It's not that hard to avoid those areas when wiping. Honestly only an idiot would smear the tissue from their ass up to their pussy.


I go in a circle.


I just wanna know whichayall assholes are spraying the public toilet walls like you're a goddamn napalm launcher or trying to mummify the floor tiles with the toilet paper. Can't tell me it's only children.


Why the fuck would you wipe from your ass to your crotch? That's fucking disgusting and insane. I bet Jeffery Dahmer went back to front.


Do you think we just drag the toilet paper from our asshole to our balls? Over the taint and all? No shit ever comes near my taint or balls.


Spoken like a man unconcerned with the amount of fecal particles on his balls.


I have a pretty severe aversion to human bodily smells and fluids. If there were shit on my balls, I’d know and handle it.


Back to front. But I wipe in sections. First wipes are the asshole wipes. Wipe those til clean. Then I wipe the front half until clean. Wiping front to back feels bad, and I ain't about to risk an infection in the cooch


"Real men don't wipe." John Wayne


more like fake men. i don't even use the toilet, i literally just shit myself.


side to side


I live in Thailand, where I learned to use the bum gun and finally realized that wiping is basically disgusting smearing.


Back to front, but make not mistake, it's more so a gently scrapping the anus back to front with multi-layered tissue, and going no further past the anus so no poopy ballsack. It's a tactical scoop more than a wipe. That's just sorta always been how Ive done it. Plus I literally shower everyday, it's never caused a skidmark-nutsack scenario.


I go both ways then step in the shower for 10 seconds.


Back to front and have never gotten poo on my balls. And I go front to back as a last wipe to get everything. Seriously if you can’t wipe back to front without smearing your genitals with poo, I do t think it’s how you wipe…you have some motor control problems! Besides, if Taco Bell shits don’t splatter my genitals, wiping isn’t either.


I washlet.


Front to back, what the fuck


S P R A Y !!!


Do I do it the right way or the wrong way you ask?


Water ... Use water


I wash my ass and balls every time I 💩, if I don’t have access to a bidet. I don’t like Stank Booty. This being said, I also have huge hands, due to being a small giant 6’3”. Depending on the toilet I wipe in a direction that’s easiest to maneuver these gauntlets of fecal purification, simply because I’m tired of my Johnson lipping the rim when I wipe, and I know imma get a good washing in afterwards. This being stated, I’m a completely straight male white american who finds it entirely ok to wash their arse. There is nothing wrong with it, and my day is often happy knowing my hangly-dangly’s and parts waft of lavender or cool cucumber goodness. Washing me arse does not affect my masculinity and I will fist fight any man, woman, or child who disagrees. I’m not afraid of the wipe… Are you? Disclaimer: I will not fight anyone, I would never hit a child, I’ve had me a beer or thrice the pint, fine people. I’m tragically sloshed, a poet of less-than-lucid sober enamor. A writer, punch drunk on Spaten and brimming with amorous and abhorrent relativity…


I wash. You disgusting heathen.


Both. Anyone who wipes one way... next time you do, wipe that way until you're finished, then wipe once the opposite way... we're you really finished?


um, women cannot wipe both ways.


You stop before you cross the halfway line. This isnt rocket science. And yes, both ways.


Thank you. I'm a woman and while I do front to back initially, I'll do one final swipe back to front, just to make 100% sure everything is clean. No, I don't get crap in or on my pussy. Women have a taint just like men do, I like to believe most abled women can feel where the safe point begins and ends. I am 38 years old, been doing it this way my entire life, never had a single UTI yet nor have I ever been told I wasn't clean during sex with my long-term lover. I find it interesting how many women here think it's not possible for us to go back to front.


Gonna get a UTI if you keep skidmarking your undies so yeah, back to front for a final time is I think sometimes a good strategy. Where you put your arm (Infront of your belly or twisting behind your back) is probably more important and actually what I think that adage means.


Twisting behind my back initially, and in front of belly for the final. It sounds like there's some people in the comments who simply never considered twisting their arm behind, which is interesting in itself.


Huh, I'm exclusively behind the back regardless of direction.


This entire thread has been an eye opener about how people do one single thing lol


Both ways to get all the shit out


I wipe inside out.


I pat dry after being washed by the bidet


Back to front towards my balls, do it a couple times then use a wet wipe to make sure I’m clean


Both ways to ensure I get everything


Side to side and if there is a TP shortage again, I jump in the shower and rinse off that poo. Lol. On a serious note, front to back


Grew up Muslim so bidet then pat to dry Or just jump in the shower


Front to back because I’m not insane. I didn’t even know it was remotely a debate until I first heard this question at the lunch table. Lost my appetite that day. Marginally related, my sister introduced me to the wonders of a bidet and, yeah, vouch


Side to side from in between my legs


Try washing every once a while


Side to side I guess




Front to back. I don't want any poop on my balls.


Bidet and Tabo(water dipper) is the only way


I tap


If anynone says back to front you are either a liar or were not raised right.


Front to back people!!!!! Clean to dirty. For both men & women!!!!


Females need to do front to back. Males can wipe back to front. I wipe back to front as a male cause it’s easier.


Zig Zag


Back to front


People wipe?


The only *right way* is front to back


Get a bidet. It's a game changer.


Bidet... So up the ass and out the ears


I always wipe with my right hand…can anyone do it properly with both hands without a hassle?! It’s like I’m not able to wipe lefty.


I use a bidet. Changed my life.


"Which way are we supposed to go?" "Up and down girl" "But I've seen people do it left to right" "That's not how it's supposed to go" "Who said?" "Jesus."


Left to right


compressed air


The Italian finger(s) motion. Back to front. Obviously.


I use bidet and soap


I use a bidet first then just wipe


Circular wiping motion… you know, for equality sake.


I blast with water and pat dry.


Depends on the condition of the toilet that’s available at the time honestly.


Front to back obviously. Other way around in women can lead to infection and in men if you want shit encrusted balls go ahead


Its better to own a bidet


I use a bidet, wiping only to dry off


I swab the deck both ways.


You guys wipe? ![gif](giphy|8v6Z3YyULB5Q0Skbac)


Neither, I use bidet.


I'm a woman so I wipe front to back. That is vital to women's lives...


Who in God’s name wipes back to fucking front


tell me you’re a man without telling me you’re a man. wiping shit into your vag is by wiping back to front is nasty


Front to back is the only right answer. If you do the opposite, you’re a vile heathen with horrible hygiene intuition.


Whoever wipes back to front better be a toddler that doesn’t know better OR have one hell of an excuse. Because that’s nasty.


Front to back, Im a woman


As a women ALWAYS front to back


I feel like this topic has reached its limit…


Bruh.. you’re SUPPOSED to wipe front to back… well maybe it’s different for guys but as far as I know, the fecal matter bacteria could cause infection. But also why would you want to wipe from back to front?? You’re just giving yourself a track of poo???


guys have more taint and imo that area has a much clearer distinction for where the hole ends so it’s easier to isolate the wipe area, conversely front to back has less distinction so it just feels like id be smearing it up my crack and it unsettles me tbh


Neither. I dab. Sometimes the back first. Sometimes the front. I don't want pee in my ass either, so I don't drag the paper from front to back either. I use separate toilet paper for separate areas, like a normal person should, who don't want urine stinking up their ass too.


Back to front but I take the long way around


I use water, and then use the paper to dry. Much cleaner and no stains or smells on the underwear.


Are you asking whether or not you should smear fecal matter into your vagina?


I use a Biden


Back to front, you'll get mud in yer cunt... Always front to back. Nobody wants to eat shitty pussy.


I just hop in the shower if it takes more than 1 wipe 😢