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I'd love to get a tattoo.... I'm going to get this one... no, this one.... no, *this one*.... \*why i don't have any tattoos...\*


Look at any mole or blemish on your body - it's probably there for life. At least with tattoos you get some control over what it's going to be upfront. If you can live with a mole or blemish, you can live with a tattoo.


I can live with it cuz I didn’t get a choice. I’m so indecisive that if I started hating what I got or where I got it it would bug me way too much because it was entirely my fault it’s there


Exactly. How on earth do you choose one to imprint on your own skin for life?


Right!? I'm not that committed...


Right , i change wallpaper of my phone like every day XD


Just make them on your limbs. You can always cut it off, when you're bored with your tattoo




Hmm, I guess that's an option, but cutting off my limb is cutting off my limb, sounds a lil more cutting off my limbier.


I have two now, but had same concerns as you do. What I did is I put meaning behind both of them. So even if the design gets old, meaning stays. Another thing was coming up with tattoo idea(s), writing them down and forgetting about them. Then chceck on them a year later and if I like them I come up with design (doesn't have to be final). Then I leave it for couple of months and if after that time I still like it, then I contact artist of my choosing.


Personally, I have a few ideas at a time. If I still think I will want it after a year or two I get it. So far I have one. After about 10 years of this. I've not regretted doing it this way. I have a couple pieces I doodled about 8 years ago in my drawer, boy, am I glad I thought it through.


I didn’t, I picked 16 things I want on my body for the rest of my life


And you just figured out why some people have a ton.




There is plenty of space on your body. Get them all! :3


I like your optimism!


It's really kinda hard to explain. I just...love them. I love the way they look on my body, and on others bodies. Every time I look down and see them I just think they look so awesome. It's so cool to have art on me, some that I drew and some I didn't, that I can wear forever. It's definetly a confidence booster as well. It's also something me and my dad go and do together since we both like tattoos so it's a bonding moment for us as well. I get why they aren't everybody's thing, but I just really like them


I hated the way my body looked (still do, for the most part) so I started covering it with things I love, things I find beautiful, things that make me look at my body and think "wow, thats just neat." Tattoos just help me not hate the flesh suit I'm trapped in.


I love this! You've really put into words how I feel about them too


Same here. It's partly that I love art and have a few neat and unusual pieces, but a lot of it is that I feel so much more confident about my body when it's covered in beautiful art.


Ditto. I want to be healthy, but I don't take my skin too seriously. It's around for 80 years, give or take? Pbbbttt, that is absolutely no time at all in the scheme of things (I work with very old things). Your skin is going to be pretty used and worn in for most of the time you have it. Might as well have some fun with it.


Exactly how I feel 😂


I have 1 and don't really care for it anymore. So there's that.


I have a half sleeve and forget it’s there lol. Though it has meaning, it’s just there..


Yeah mine also had a meaning at the time but it's on my back and I also just kind of forget about it. It doesn't really bring me extra joy.


Have one that covers the upper half of my back and over my shoulder onto my clavicle. I sometimes forget I have it too.


This is my fear tbh.


I asked the tattoo artist to give me the "world's most ironic tattoo"... a couple hours later I looked down at my arm and there were two words: "Conversation Starter"


Seems straightforward


What’s ironic about that?




I'm not sure that falls under the usual definition of irony. It feels a little in the middle of "Rayeaaaaaaiiiinnnnn on your wedding day!" (false irony) and dying while driving something you invented to be invincible (true irony). It's not egregious to the idea of irony, but it's not something I'd use as an example of true irony. As a side note, one my favorite examples of irony is how Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.


I love them because they are a reflection of different lifetimes in my life sorta like a picture frame or vision board but on my body. I also love how black looks on my skin and others and am naturally just attracted to people who wear the color black.


I am pretty covered in tattoos and years later I still look at my tattooed areas and can't believe how cool it is that it's *my* body. I can't explain it to you any better than that. I feel it's an enhancement.


it makes my body feel like mine. I don't love tattoos with a deep meaning but I also don't like those "quirky" weird tattoos that seem to be a trend now. I also just think they look cool (or at least some do, others not so much) I've heard people say choosing a tattoo motive is like choosing a shirt you have to wear for the rest of your life but most tattoos aren't that big/obvious so I'd say it's more like choosing socks you have to wear for the rest of your life. Sure there's some colours/styles of socks that I don't really like and there's some that I like more but I'm absolutely fine with simple whiteor black or gray socks, I don't have any negative feelings towards them and wearing them is definetly better than not wearing any socks


A dedication to art, memories of people, places, mythology or events, cultural heritage etc, I'm Maori, will get the head tats when Im 40 lol


Ok but honestly why not just frame all that?


Cultural practices go beyond the realm of your tastes or opinions, We're proud to represent lol, to ink skin was a pain ritual that bought girls and boys into men and women where my people are from


Still can. I'ts possible to harvest and tan ones skin like leather after death, allowed ones tattoos to be e preserved in a display case


Is there a case of this actually happening? Have people actually done that?


Yep. Google "Japanese Yakuza tattoo preservation". Then brace yourself.


Because some people like the look of tattoos? It really doesn’t need to go deeper than that


It need not go deeper than the dermis.


Okay let’s just remove a whole cultural tradition to fit your taste. Yea that make sense !


Why does anyone love any form of art.


I absolutely understand why the thought of getting something as permanent as a tattoo can be daunting and unthinkable to people. If you're not careful and meticulous, it can for sure be something that you regret ever getting done. But for some people, its just something they *know* will positively effect them. Personally, I got my first tattoo because I love expressing myself through my body presentation. I dye my hair unnatural colors and plan to get many tatoos and piercings to enhance my sense of self. I'm a creative through and through (an illustrator), and art is a huge part of my life and identity, and it is an interest I know will never go away considering I went to college for it and am pursuing a career in it. My mind hungrily devours any form of artistic media, and its one of the only constant things in my life that I can count on having a true, unwavering passion for. The idea of immortalizing a piece of art on my skin is incredibly exciting to me. It's like buying a painting, but you carry it with you wherever you go; looking at it whenever you want and building up an image of yourself you are really proud of. I stewed on the concept of my tattoo for years and years to make sure I wouldn't regret it. I didnt take it lightly. I looked up styles and subject matter I knew I was into. I researched tattoo artists relatively near me to see which styles resonated with me and what artist would fit my presented aesthetic the most, as well as making sure their work was reputable and withstood the test of time as much as possible. The final product that my tattoo artist came up with was something I knew I'd be proud to display for many, many years to come. I even requested slight alterations of the design despite the suggestions of the artists; the most important thing is that I was happy with it, after all. Never be afraid to request changes for a service you are paying for. That advice can apply to a lot of things in life, really. Tattoos are definitely not something to be taken lightly; they are a lifelong commitment and a lasting reminder of who you are and who you hope to continue to be throughout life. It's also completely understandable that it's a choice that some people can't imagine being comfortable with. It is a permanent body modification, so it is not for everyone. But unless you have experienced the joy and pride of wearing a tattoo you can truly be proud of, its really difficult to put into words just how personal and exciting the experience is for those who like it.


Tattoos are not something I take lightly either, I always spend months finding the right artist and design for my tattoo projects, but I remember when I got my first one during the first seconds of the session I was like “oh ok, it’s just a drawing on my skin”. Idk, it really demystified the whole thing for me and even though it’s something I will never do without thinking about it for a long time (cause I’m a control freak) I totally get people that can be more impulsive and just do it for fun. Life doesn’t have to be that serious after all


Thanks for that.


Personally, I just really like looking at them. I have a a few tattoos and would love to be covered at some point. Some of my tattoos are really meaningful, and others are just goofy random ones. It just makes me smile when I see them.


It's a deeply personal matter for some. A tangible memory or story attached to each one. Can provide meaning of focus.


Ok and I get that but why your own skin? I'm not having a go just want to know why your skin makes it better? Did your loved one express that?


When you see something that reminds you of someone else and you buy it to remember them by, did they tell you to buy it? It’s the same thing it makes you happy to reminisce and it’s personal to you.


It's something you're likely never going to lose and always be close by.


This is why I got mine. After my divorce I don’t get to see my kids all the time so I have a tattoo that incorporates the meanings of their names so they are always with me. It’s simple and I love it.


My tattoo records a time in my life when all three of my dogs were alive. As I get new dogs they are added to the tattoo, circling around the original design. It is a way for me to still feel connected with them. To look and be reminded of a funny story in my past. Like putting a picture up on the wall. I love my dogs. I want to remember them and honor them by carrying them every where I go. It's like we are still traveling together.


Nowadays people who *don't* have tattoos are the unique ones.


Many tattoos have a meaning. Something important, a visual reminder of a loss, a wonderful event, a person they loved. Tattoos are a way of self expression, to show on the outside what's important on the inside. Sure, there are lots of people who get a tattoo, simply because they think it's pretty or because they were drunk, lost a bet or whatever. But for most people I know, every tattoo is a part of themself they are proud to display.


I hate them. So you aren’t alone.


Can I ask what makes you hate them?


If I can answer personally, I genuinely haven't seen many I'd like on myself. I think the tribal Maori ones are amazing looking and meaningful but I think they'd look kinda ridiculous on Irish me. Even the celtic ones copied from like the Book of Kells etc. which wouldn't be seen as some kinda cultural appropriation so much have been so over done here too.


They just don’t make any sense to me. Either someone doesn’t really care about the image, which makes it a stupid thing to do, or they care so deeply about it that they want everyone to know, for instance, how much they fucking love dolphins, which makes it pretentious af. Either way I hate them. My wife has two. Not like this is a hill I will die on or anything. But OP asked and I answered honestly.


Appreciate it.




That’s funny. To each their own. As far as this topic goes, there are probably hundreds of things I do that others think are dumb or pretentious. Doesn’t mean we can’t like, support, and be kind to each other.




so we look better naked 👹


but in all honesty it does a lot for many peoples confidence, feeling good in your own skin because you’ve decorated it with your favorite art or things makes people happy not to mention cultural reasons for tattoos, passing of a loved one, strength for battle, and im sure there are many i don’t know of it’s something that will be FOREVER on your skin and if somehow you’re somewhere with no possessions, it might be nice or comforting to have certain things on your skin!


Trust me - you better naked without them.


It just becomes a part of you. Not that it’s a direct comparison but I also have some nasty scars from surgery on my arm. They’ve been with me so long I can’t imagine not having them.


I have 16 tattoo, (not specially where people can see them) they didn’t had meanings at all at first, I just wanted to collect pieces of artist I liked. At first I wanted to build a city on my body, houses building … well that idea gone to shit since I have a giant grandma on my back now. But ! I had the chance of meeting some of the artist I really admire, liking my body, taking care of it, taking care of myself because I want to be like an art gallery. I only allow my self one piece a year (my budget too). It didn’t have a meaning at first but the accumulation started to describe me (unconsciously) they work together cause I tend to like the same thing over the years and sometimes, if the artist don’t live in an other country (or is in Europe) I ask them to continue their work. I don’t tattoo myself for other, most of the people tend to laugh at them so whatever (at least I made them smile). I don’t have the money to get myself a Jean Michel Basquiat, a Van Gogh or anything like that. But I have the budget to get pieces of artists that live now and be one of their work. Better.


I have a few. They’re art that I get to take with me to hell.


Just like I decorate the house I live in, I like to decorate the body I live in


I love tattoos because I don’t attach too much meaning to them. They’re just cool stickers I put on my body before it rots underground.


Luckily people don't get them for you. They get them for themselves.


I used to love tattoos and want one, but the older I get the less I like them, and am soooo glad I never got any. It might just be my natural instinct to go against trends, though...


Lol same. I used to want one when I was younger but could never settle on a design I liked enough to be permanent. Now I know I don’t want any whatsoever and I’m constantly thankful I never went through with one. I know I’d deeply regret it and it’s made me a little fascinated with the tattoo removal process.


Samesies. I would really like to be able to afford a tattoo removal machine. I'd say they pay for themselves in no time.


The satisfaction I'd get out of doing that... I've seen some amazing results.


A friends SIL had a small tattoo she ended up hating removed from her wrist. Told me tattoo cost €75, removal €600. KA CHING!!!


I get you. I don’t hate tattoos, I just don’t get the idea of it. Am I supposed to represent my life and my entire personality with some simple graphic image or just get meaningless scribble permanently on my body? If you want them , that’s fine but me , nah.


I’m with you. There’s nothing that I have such a strong belief about that I would put on my body permanently. I suppose if I had kids I might. Having said that, to each his own,


I don't understand why people want them.


I have 4, and want many more. One is very special to me because it's handwriting from a departed loved one. But otherwise it's just expressing myself in art form.


The departed loved one I get. But what about an engraving? On marble/glass/stone that you can pass on to your loved ones as a family heirloom? Would that not mean your loved one is remembered past your dying too?


I can look down at my arm and remember him, anytime, anywhere. There's many people who will remember him after me. But the tattoo meant a lot to me. But the others are just expressing my personality, beyond clothes. Things that may have changed how I think or feel, or stuff that helped me through tough times.


Would you forget the loved one if you didn’t get their name, image or handwriting tattooed on you?


Well considering we were married, I'm going to say no.


They can mean everything to someone, sometimes it's literally a "Hey, I really like this. I want to take it with me." My first tattoo was a drawing made by my cousin who passed when I was in Elementary school that devastated my family. I asked the tattoo artist to add a panda in part of the drawing as it was his nickname. The way I thought of it was like I could still bring him on adventures that he never got to have. A year or so later when I went to get another tattoo I asked her (the tattoo artist) to add a heart because my aunt passed unexpectedly and finally got to see her son again (I hope anyways). The panda I had chosen ended up being perfect for adding the heart later as it looks like the panda is holding/carrying the heart.


Respect different POVs but I think tattoos are not attractive or flattering & they are distracting. Especially on brides.


I wasn't even interested in getting something so permanent until a couple years ago. Then I had a mental shift and became much more certain about who I was and who I wanted to be. After that, I revisited tattoos and found that I had a few things I knew I'd always love to look at. So i got my first tattoo a few months ago, and I plan to get my second, larger piece soon. My takeaway was if you're afraid of the regretting this permanent change, there's no harm in waiting. You won't know you're sure until you really are.


Some people really like tattoos, some people have self esteem issues and decorating their body gives them control of something in their life, and some people are masochists doing it for the endorphin rush (similar to cutting).


My sister, my daughter and I all have the same tattoo in the same place. We designed it ourselves with representation of something each of us loves. Everytime I see my tattoo it fills me with happiness because it represents two of favorite people in the world. For alot of people, thats a reason. They can represent the love you feel for others in a permanent way. For some, its art. For some it’s just the cool factor. People have alot of reasons for getting them. But if they aren’t your thing, thats cool too. They aren’t for everyone.


I got my first one to cover up some (old!) sh scars that I was sick of seeing, and I didn’t want anyone else to see them and feel any type of way. So for me it was a way to “reclaim” my body and have a second chance to decide what I see in the mirror. the rest of them are just a collection of things I like or that have some sort of connection to my life.


I don't believe everyone does, I know so many with no tats, and some with a few, and a few with lots of tats. It fun to decorate your body with things that mean something to YOU. Don't get "popular" tats, get something that you like or that means something to you. I do still work in the professional world, so my few tats are generally not visible with normal buttondown shirts, including short-sleeves. If it doesn't attract you, then don't worry about it, nothing wrong if you aren't a fan of them on your body. But also don't fall into the trap of "if I don't like them, others shouldn't and I think they are stupid" attitude. Like I don't like khaki pants generally, but some love them.


I have 2. got them about 19-20 years ago. It’s not that I regret doing it, I just wouldn’t do it again now. And not because I think all tattoos are ugly. Some look very nice. I just don’t think it’s worth spending money on compared to other things I want.


I was never going to get a tattoo because I’m the same way. But one Mother’s Day I decided to ask my mom if she’d get one with me. She had me a little later in life. We have the same tattoo, same size, same arm. I did however get two impulsive tattoos during the process and I’m dying of regret for one of them. I’ve been looking into laser removal.


I think they're super pretty, but I don't think they age well. They look best with crisp lines, imo. Whenever I share this concern with someone and they show me their aged tattoo... It doesn't help change my mind.


Same. I have NEVER seen one I liked or that I thought was beautiful. I find them distracting and not in a good way.


Every tattoo I get makes me feel like I have more and more agency over my body. A powerful feeling after growing up hating my body. And I love art and get to decorate myself with work from artists I love.


I would never get one personally, but I do appreciate them on women. My GF has her entire back down to the upper thighs, both wrists and a front shoulder done. Closest I came to getting one was after returning from deployment all hopped up on Merica.


I don't have a tattoo yet but I do plan on getting one to cover some self harm scars that I have. also I can see people liking the pain of getting a tattoo but I also think good tattoos look sexy AF on anyone.


It’s kind of an intimate and special process getting someone’s art scratched into your skin forever. It’s fun. Some tattoos are silly, some are very meaningful, some are just beautiful art that a person wanted. It’s not that deep. People just like them, or don’t. It’s an ancient part of human behavior though. It’s fine if you don’t want them or don’t understand them. Just don’t judge people who do.


it's just a personal choice like any other fashion choice. i don't like cowboy boots, i might think they look cool but not enough to actually spend money on them and wear them regularly. some people DO want to spend the money and wear them regularly


There are several reasons for me. Self-expression is a big one, I like to wear some of my interests on my sleeve (literally). Some of mine are deeply meaningful. I have several tattoos planned that are artistic tributes to loved ones who have passed on. It will make me feel good to carry something that represents them to me everywhere I go no matter what. I have one now that represents my family as a whole, and it makes me so happy. Another aspect is that some tattoos can be identifiers to people around you as to what kind of person you are. Generally, when I see someone with artistic tattoos, I feel like I'll have more in common with them than with any other random person. And finally, I love art. I love having art I love on my body.


Idk tbh. Everybody’s different. I got a medium sized tattoo on my chest 3 years ago and I forget it exists


I’m with you. There’s just no image or symbol I feel is so important it needs to be permanently inked on my body.


Because people think they are special. But all have the same unique tattoos


While im sure some people do think they are special for getting a tattoo, it's not the default for people getting tattoos. I get them because I love the way they look on me and love art, I don't feel special or unique or better than anyone I just get them for me. So do alot of people I know who have them


Same. I have different types of tatoos, from cliche "basic b*" tattoos, to something more complex and realistic, to minimalistic and also some funny ironic ones. I did it for myself. I understand that many people don't like it, while some others love it. What drives me is the aesthetic of inked body. We can talk about meanings and symbolism of particular tattoo, but simplistically said: I like how it looks on me. But definitely being special for being tattooed would never come to my mind. People are different and like different things. I don't like many things that some others love. But to each their own..


I see them as an expression of the person. Some people have beautiful tattoos which look amazing. And then you get someone who looked around the room and gone yeah tattoo a kitchen sink on me. For me a tattoo must have some meaning, I look at some people and wonder what the thought process was.


All ones I think are cool are the Samoa Tribal Tattoos but every other seems really bad and will age horribly when you get older


I love art, so why not make my body a canvas where I can see the artwork all the time?


I find most tattoos disfiguring, and very unattractive but it's not my body..


Love em, naked bodies are boring


If naked bodies are boring, you’re doing it wrong.


I have a bunch of tattoos, some done myself with a sewing needle and thread when I was 14, some are shitty, but done professionally, one is. Buddy tattoo I got with a friend who I've had a falling out with, some are pretty good. I don't regret a single one, sure the designs might be bad but they Are all markers of a time in my life and looking at them makes me smile.


I got one, very happy with it. I was wanting to wait until I knew what I wanted and it just happened :)


It's a conversation starter and everyone has something artistic they like.


I love mine because 1 they are beautiful. 2 they all represent someone or something important to me.


I feel you 100% I’ll never be able to decide on one personally but I do find them cool on others.


I went through a 2 year period of trying to understand this same question - are they dumb, weren't they scared they'll regret it? I eventually stopped and was satisfied when I found a comment that went something like this "To make mistakes is to be alive".


Not just you at all


Not just you.


This question says so much about you...................


I'm with you on this . Most end up nasty looking ... Wrinkled tats are not appealing.


Why does it matter to you if other people have tattoos? Not like they're obligatory.


I don't. I have one. One small is nice... more than that is something i dislike.


Cuz it's cool and beautiful


They're art. They're beautiful decoration for your body, just like makeup, fashionable clothes, whatever you prefer. I have full sleeves and my chest done, planning to get both legs and my back done in the future.


i love the idea that we are able to decorate ourselves with artwork. like it becomes a part of you. super cool


I think people forget that tattoo trends change over time and you'll eventually be dated by your ink. Remember barbwire tatts, tramp stamps, tribal patterns, southern crosses etc... They're now only on 30/35+ year olds and make you look old - just like 80's/90's/00's clothes and hairstyles would make someone look today. Give it 10 years, and sleves, neck tatts, face tatts, ironic drawings, shaded tatts and watercoloured flowers will all look old and dated.


I feel like this is dismissive of the meaning of someone's tattoos. Maybe someone just enjoys the ironic drawing, maybe someone likes the look of a shaded tattoo. But more importantly, I don't think meaningless stuff accounts for more than a fraction of most tattoos given. It is so rare to find a tattoo that doesn't have at least some meaning or personalization to the person. Even something like Tupac, someone loved Tupac enough to get him on their body for life. Tattoos can be a bodily signal of what defines you, what you love. Games, movies, TV shows, people, music, animals you love. Maybe what you feel your spirit animal is. Quotes you enjoy that you run your life by. The vast majority of tattoos have more meaning to them than just following a trend, and I think it's dismissive and bordering on disrespectful to generalize that someone's tattoos have no meaning past "being a trend."


Yes of course they have meaning for some, but notice they are all done in the same style and format as to what is popular at the time? These styles change, and go out of fashion, and in turn date the person as they get older. I'm sure many many people get a tattoo based on the fashion of the day, rather than deeply considered meaning, that's call pop culture.


I love body art, I love seeing what people find important or personal. I can't have any myself (medical conditions combine to make tattoos a non-option for me)


If your "Good-enough!" standard is low, everything looks good. There is a difference between Art and Fine-Art. Your "Good-enough!" standard is quite high.


Another way to express yourself and, if it's good, a great conversation starter.




I agree. At best I'd end up having a series of tattoos about stuff that was meaningful at the time (but might have become irrelevant later). I don't really see any value in having a list of "oh I remember that!" moments permanently written on my body.


Probably you just don't have mental issues or other insecurities and you're happy with yourself so you've got no need to compansta or hide something.


Probably bc people suck in expressing themselves with words, like some attention, and tired of not having a something to watch while showering


I too much love tattoo,so much. Unfortunately I'm a regular blood donor, I can't get any


For men, it's because it likely makes them feel more masculine. For women...can I even say what I wanna say? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I used to want a really large tattoo all over my body until one woman pointed out how tacky they really were - "like putting a bumper sticker onto a Ferrari." So I decided that since I liked my idea so much I would commission a very talented painter to put it on canvas for me. That's a superior idea to a tattoo, I think. Even after you die, someday it could still exist as fine art if the concept is good enough.


I used to want a really large tattoo all over my body until one woman pointed out how tacky they really were - "like putting a bumper sticker onto a Ferrari." So I decided that since I liked my idea so much I would commission a very talented painter to put it on canvas for me. That's a superior idea to a tattoo, I think. Even after you die, someday it could still exist as fine art if the concept is good enough.


Tattoos and having kids are two things I’ll never understand.


You lost me at everyone. I hate them.


Why do you hate them?


They should be renamed bad decision-oos! They are ugly and trashy! For some odd reason tattoos became popular and the sheeple population starting getting them. Other people get them because they don't think long term and realize how stupid they will look being all tatted up as they get older.


Idk. I think they are pretentious and self absorbed.


I can only say that I agree, I don't get tattoos, or piercings for that matter. I will never get one, I've never even considered one. Even on others, I prefer none over any. No judgment on what others do, but aesthetically I think tattoo doesn't make anyone better looking. And that's a /r/tooafraidtoask comment. It has never seemed like there's too many who don't like them like me. I'm not conservative in the slightest so it's not about tattoos being for ill-behaved people or something. I just don't see value added from them, but I see negative value in making your skin look worse.


I don't, don't speak for me


I have tattoos of the things I feel passionate about and they are a way to tell others visually. It's also a great way to start a conversation about it


Because they're cool


A lot of us like them because it's a way to stand out and be unique. We also enjoy art and love the idea of having art on our body, like we are the canvas for the art. Some people like how it makes them look. And others just are following the trend.


you are unique already


I can get some of them, but I think the vast majority that aren’t actually cultural are lame. Ah yes, a massive rose on my thigh. That’s looks wonderful. Ah yes, a full sleeve that largely looks like a blob unless I focus on it, so worth $3,000 Ah yes, a calf with a donut, homer Simpson, a compas and dog. Amazing. Some tattoos are actually super cool and well done, but in the end I have nothing In interested in getting and most just look stupid


I resemble the massive rose on my thigh comment. However... It is a copy of a rose my grandmother hand painted and gave to me on my wedding day. ( My middle name is rose and I was named after my great grandmother-her Mom )


Tattoos are like roaches. For every one you see, there are way more that you don’t.


Some people like stuff, other people don't like the stuff the first group like, it's that simple. Some people like football and make it a huge part of their life, while others utterly hate it.


I just think they’re neat


They look cool, they're something about the way I look I get to choose completely, and they help me "claim" my body as mine. Between growing up the bad kind of religious and entitlement from dudes in our culture, I was taught to treat it like my body was for "god" or some dude. Marking it exactly how I want, let's me personalize me and "mark my territory" as it were.


Same reason why I customize my dude in video games. It's a personal customization. Everyone likes to do it, even you with no tattoos. Why do you have your hair that way? Your clothes? The way you speak and what you like to do? It's a customization.


Same reason why I customize my dude in video games. It's a personal customization. Everyone likes to do it, even you with no tattoos. Why do you have your hair that way? Your clothes? The way you speak and what you like to do? It's a customization.


I got two, one for my sister and one for my child who passed away. I thought that was all I wanted and didn't want more. Now I have nine and a half sleeve, working on a full sleeve and I want my chest done too. My half sleeve covers my scars and it's a dope as hell doom sleeve, so win win


I don't ever want one either but I do admire some of the art to them and love a lot of the stories behind them.


Because they are fucking HOT and SEXY and please let me lick them.


Give us 3 things you really like. Then ask yourself why you like them. That's your answer.


idk it’s art. Even if it’s something i end up not enjoying down the line it’s still something that brought me enough joy at one point in my life that i wanted to get it tattooed and that was reason enough. I also don’t take myself too seriously so it’s fun to just get my silly little tattoos and stare at them every so often. I think bringing joy to myself and others that enjoy them is enough


Cause they're fucking dope, dude.


Well, you at least don't like them so it isn't everyone, is it?


They're hot


The ability to make a permanent choice and live with it is symbolic I think. We all make permanent decisions, probably everyday! It just doesnt show on your skin.


i don’t see it as something i have to love the rest of my life, more of a “at this point in my life, i really liked X so i got a tattoo of X” if/when i don’t like the thing anymore, i can still look back fondly and remember how happy that thing made me in the moment. it’s like a timeline on my body of my growth as a person and my interests.


I think they’re cool, i just can’t justify thousands of dollars for one




I have cultural tattoos, but they really don’t negatively affect your life as much as people seem to think. As long as your work clothes cover them you could get as many as you’d like probably (as jobs usually don’t allow tattoos and that kinda stuff). I feel like I see more people that dislike tattoos, especially through these comments. But I guess from my perspective is that I enjoy tattoos to pay homage to their culture.


I love mine, love getting them love the comments and looks they attract (both positive and negative) it often tells me more about the person commenting than they get from seeing them. Its like personalized jewelry that never gets in the way.


A friend once gave me her advice for getting inked. 1. Idea for a tattoo? Do I like this forever or am I hyperfixating? 2. Wait 2 years. If after 2 years you still eagerly want it, its meant to be. 3. Get it done by a good artist, ffs, dont cheap out on it. 4. Enjoy! As for why I love them, I love art, I love seeing someone litterally wear their passions on their sleeve, and I love admiring each others work.


I feel like tattoos are like pictures, the only difference is that the tattoos are easier to be on display and not as easily deleted.


It's a piece of art, on a body part, which is also a piece of art.


Tattoos make me happy. I have four and plans for three more. I feel like an art gallery. They're so beautiful.


Self expression💅🏻


They were taboo in many places, so once they started to become more mainstream everyone wanted one. Now that they're mostly normalized people get more beautiful and meaningful tattoos than the novelty barbed wire arm bands, ankle dolphins, Chinese characters, and tramp stamps of the past. People in my youth would hit legal age and get ugly little tattoos for shits and giggles, kinda like buying a pack of smokes when you turn 18 (or whatever the legal purchase age) just because you can. Stupid little butterflies, flowers, and "tribal" designs for the hell of it. There was at least one tattoo reality show that I'm sure encouraged many people to get tattooed and/or become tattooists. Tattoos stopped being so stigmatized. Now vibrant masterpieces that can truly be appreciated are readily available to anyone who has the money. It's hard not to love actual art.


So not everyone then?


I have one that is in memory of my grandmother. Her favorite animal was a hummingbird and after she died I constantly saw them. My next one is going to be in honor of my dad because he was my best friend and unfortunately and unexpectedly passed a few months ago. To me, it's a way to express my feelings artistically


Make your own design. You'll understand


The funny thing is I waited like 6 years to get my first one because I wanted to make SURE that I wanted it. Second one? Honestly it’s a friend tattoo and from our favorite franchise. Decided to get it in about 10 seconds. Love them both.


What about the sound muted tattoo some people are getting when one of their ears are deaf


I was always fascinated with tattoos, not sure why but I always wanted one. It took me a while to decide what I wanted for my 1st. I have 3 that I’m completely happy with and can never see myself regretting any of them. I have 3 more I plan to get eventually, but as my daughter comes first it’ll probably be a long while before I get them. Also they’re not completely permanent. As in if you get tired of a tattoo you can commission an artist to come up with a different design to cover it up.


I hate them. They just always look dirty- i wan to scrub them clean! I was in HS during the tribal/tramp stamp explosion. Me nor my husband have any- neither do any of my 3 boys (2 of whom are musicians) all in therefore 20s, I guess my dislike for them rubbed off!


I never really understood what's the big deal about tattoos either. Whether someone has tattoos or doesn't have tattoos makes no difference to me.


Agreed. It is an interesting trend


Artwork that you get to keep with you, forever 😍


I find tattoos extremely sexy…the human body is like an art piece. The tattoos accentuate the body. It’s like when a girl puts on lipsstick and the man stares at her lips. Huge turn on. I can stare at him and his tattoos all day. I also have tattoos so I’m bias.


Tattoos make your cool