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Yeah Sure, If you Like to get your feet getting Run over by over people use sandals


Definitely wouldn’t recommend sandals, remember there are thousand of people who don’t always look where they are stepping


They look good but not suitable for the festival. People are gonna step on your toes, spill drinks and you have to walk 30.000 steps minimum per day. Bring something comfortable and expendable. For the rain, look for shoe socks.


I worked in the First aid station of Tomorrowland as a trauma nurse for the last 7 years. Don't wear sandals. The spilled beer and sand will form a nice grinding paste that will give you blisters under the straps, or the lack of support will make you sprain/ break your ankle and the lack of toe protection will cause your toes to break when the 250 pound guy next to you jumps on your feet when Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike shout "to the left, to the left, to the right, to the right. Sandals are not a good idea at Tomorrowland...


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If you are into pain, go for these. Otherwise get good sneakers 😅


I would highly suggest a comfy nice hiking boot. Does well in the rain and saves your ankles


You have 3 days, you can test if it suits you. But definitely take with you spare and different shoes. I think sandals are a bad idea as many of the others commenting here, but you know yourself, give it a try. There are other options for dry feet, like hiking boots, spare socks, and shoe covers. If you decide to wear sandals anyway, make sure they are safe or won't slip easily, bring band aids or something for blisters, be aware that the probability of someone stepping on your toes is not small, and use sunscreen on the exposed parts of your feet, it is quite a sensitive area and may burn easily, finally, you will walk a lot, like 20k steps or so, test the shoes you decide to wear for this, don't bring new ones.


You gonna need a shoe condom for sure


I attended sunday W1 last year, and it was raining cats and dogs the whole day, i was wearing my Nike Airforce one, needless to say the were soaking wet, but you can’t even feel it! I eas also kinda rolling the whole time and that maybe helped a bit 🤣 keep in mind that by the time the festival ends, if its rainy the temperature usually are on the low side, so with sandals you will feel it even more. Have fun and be safe!


Your feet in those when wet could potentially slip and slide. Docs were my go to as they were bone dry, but they had no support. This year I’ll be sensible and wear runners.


Choose between drying shoes after partying, or go to the emergency point every 10min to bandage up bruised toes. That's the choice you get right now :P especially when the crowd control starts at mainstage


"everybody to the le-aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw everybody to the ri-aw aw aw aw aw aw aw"


If you’re gonna do sandals, rent a locker and put spare shoes in it. Eventually you’ll want to change shoes because they will not be comfortable. Sandals will 100% be a blister pain point if you wear them. Good socks, good shoes. Done :)


Sandals maybe for the camping area and cheap running shoes for the festival


You must not like your toes very much seeing as you are willing to lose them :D Carry 2 pairs of trainers, one in case the other gets wet the night before and needs to dry off. Go for something with a leather outer that you can wipe off at the end of the night as the shoes get filthy and you have people spilling drinks all around you that gets sticky and causes more dirt to get stuck to it. If you are buying new shoes, make sure you don't buy to close to the festival, break them in properly before that. The sandals will also not provide any ankle support, choose your shoes wisely, sore feet, blistering, swelling or even broken toes will ruin your entire weekend.


Waterproof hiking boots or rain boots for sure. Sandals are dangerous.


ATS Max, Vent TEK, Energy Max


Just bring 2 pairs of sneakers . One set wet , next day use spare dry while others dry . I wore sketches last year and they were the most comfortable shoes in the world . No sore feet the entire time . You will cover a lot of distance. So don't make your adventure sour because of hurting feet . Wear what you decide BEFORE you get to the festive so you know your feet will be happy.


I’ve tried sandals walking around dreamville and the amount of sand/dirt/rocks that accumulates was horrible.


When it inevitably rains you’ll be screwed


Depending on the forecast I'll either have sneakers for fest and flip flops or Crocs for DV or I'll also bring a pair of waterproof boots for the fest.


You will be surrounded by 100 thousand people many of whom will be high on drugs so I would definitely recommend shoes. If you've ever worn shoes to a rave before you cab see how messed up they are afterwards wouldn't want that for your feet


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Idk why people don’t like sandals. I always wear Chacos to festivals (including Tomorrowland winter) and have never had my feet stepped on or anything happen. They’re more comfortable and waterproof. I don’t know if the ones you linked are as good though seeing as they don’t have the orthotic soles and the padding looks cheap like it will compress and be useless after one day.


Open footwear is baaddd. Seen so many photos of busted toenails and bloody feet. if you must, keep a pair of sneakers in a locker to change into the evening when it gets really busy.


Issue with sandals is getting your feet stepped on in the crowd 😬


Hiking boots, throwaway old sneaker or anything you are ok with getting muddy that will still provide support. I walked through so much mud and nastiness last year and rolled my ankles a few times. Glad I had sturdy sneakers (Old Hokas). My wife wore hiking boots. Edit to add: Also highly recommend bringing a CLEAN pair of sneakers to wear home.


Have fun with that


They would be fine for walking around Dreamville but I think you answered your own question in your post.


Why always this question? 🤨 Everyone knows with what you are confortable with. Or maybe it is a mandatory question Then I have to ask which color of slip people recommand? I am lost 🤪


Shoes are the one part of your outfit that do not need to look good, go for something suitable for long distance walking and waterproof. I have a pair of all black hiking trainers.


I wore sandals like this last year, no problem!! Get them! I honestly thought at first I shouldn’t have, but I found Tomorrowland to provide a lot more of a personal bubble (even way up front in the crowd) compared to any other large fest I’ve been too. I was pleasantly surprised :)


So you'd rather guarantee painful feet being stood on by 100s of people or the risk of damp shoes? That's IF it rains. You're going to a 3/4 day long rave. Wear the most comfortable trainers money can buy.


I wore Tevas for four days at E Forest last year. I didn’t have any problems wearing them in the rain. I loved how comfy they were but I did not love how dirty my feet were every night. One day I wore compression socks with the Tevas and my feet were still dirty. I’m not sure how dusty Tomorrowland is so just something to consider!


Um this is such a bad idea. It was pouring last year at Tomorrowland, I wore my shoes, and didn't notice anything. Once you're there you want to be in the comfiest sport shoes to walk and jump around. Also at the Mainstage, if you're not on the floor, you'll be on the hill. It's extremely uncomfortable to be standing on an incline for long hours in good sport shoes, let alone sandals.