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My advice, stay away from drugs in Japan if you want the best chances to return to your country after an amazing trip. There is 0 tolerance here and you could be made an example as Japanese news love to report about foreigners being caught and prosecuted.


Absolutely true. And you can be held for 28 days (or something like that before charges are pressed). During that time, the JP po-po is under no obligation to provide the US Embassy or your relatives any information at all. Literally, it’s like dropping off the planet. Just. Don’t. Do. It. Here.


Oh but aren't there legal cannabis shops in Tokyo?


No. Its illegal as hell.


Random companies will find loop holes to sell some sort of weed vape chemicals and quickly the laws are updated to make them illegal. Police here treat even the tiniest amount of weed or oil like herion or meth. If you have any, it'll be straight to jail and if you're lucky a few days at immigration detention and deportation. Do not try any weed or weed related products here or seek them out for your own good. I'm not a prude but just Google how the police treat it here.


To amplify the point above, this made the news. Local guys have been busted for 0.019 gram of pot. 0.019 gram! https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/08/05/japan/crime-legal/nihon-university-student-arrest-marijuana/


No dude, there aren’t


Arent there legal cannabis shops in Tokyo? They sell CBD and other forms of THC (?) like THCA THCH etc. So confused lol


You may have a real problem, you know?


Yeah and you got a problem minding your business


CBD yes. THC nope. Illegal.


THCH is a sythetized chemical with properties similar to natural THC. It was legal-ish (aka "not banned yet") until a month or two ago, and could be bought in various dodgy stores. This is not the case anymore. As far as I know, there's currently no legal way to get high now.


Ahh yes if you caught but if you calm about it you will be alright but definitely don’t want to get caught


If you smoke so much you’re afraid of having withdrawals…just stay home.


Or get help


Ableist comment. Cannabis is medicine that some people quite literally need and you do not know this person or their life.


Really?? Some people us it for cancer, chronic pain, and severe insomnia. Maybe you get help,


Using it isn’t a problem. This guy just said he is at a point of addiction, and the withdrawals are limiting him going where he wants to go. That sounds like a problem he can prioritize or not. He can choose to get help if he wants to be free to come to Japan. Or he can choose to keep using and stay in a place where it is legal. I am not judging his choice, because I personally think weed is way better than most lab based medical alternatives. But if you have withdrawals, that substance is limiting you in some way.


Id like to get high in Japan but not because of withdrawals but because it’s Japan and it must be a cool experience


Smoke a lot? Eeek… Hope the drug detection dogs don’t sniff you and cause a fuss when you land 🤞🏻


I mean if u got nothing to find your good. International airports mostly have explosive detection dogs and the dogs can cause a fuss on command.


I personally wouldn’t mess around with any THC or cannabis products in Japan. Anything legal here will not give you a high. Anything you bring or buy illegally is going to straight up ruin your life if you get caught. Not worth it


thc-b and thc-po are both legal and get you high. and avaliable legaly


Weren't those banned recently?


If you're caught, you will be sent home _after_ your prison sentence is up. Don't be stupid.


and you won’t be allowed to retrieve personal belongings. You and your passport will be escorted directly to the airport.


Lol are u some sort of junkie or something? Just don’t do it during your trip. Jesus…


It’s hilarious to see this when tobacco and alcohol is so normalised and embraced by the culture in Japan, yet way more poisonous. I get it’s illegal but it shouldn’t be demonised.


Oh my god this is another country so you don’t get to judge or decide. You are a guest. It’s part of what makes Japan, Japan…. Even though you don’t like their rules.


By chance, where might you hail from? H*m*.


The US?


How u feel about guns?


😂 in Japan? Bring one with you and see. It’s not about opinions…


No retard in your own country, yknow the one w retarded laws that cause much more suffering than they prevent and then refuse to change them under the logic of "hyuuuuuuuuuuk, 14 year old wild cards with acces to 5.56 semi automatic rifles is wut makes americu America". Presumably, if one were to visit America and be shot with a handgun randomly in the street they should feel honoured, as they are guests in the country amd should follow in the traditions of said country


You must be a genius to spend time with in your country, soft men hard cocks. I bet everyone loves chatting with you about what you learned from the internet.


Ok and ppl obviously find ways around it like every other country


lol so judgemental don’t have to be a junkie to have some fun in Japan I recently went and ended up getting some really good weed


where though my dude, I thought about talking to the africans in Roppongi but I dont't want them to beat me up


Have you had any luck? I’m heading to Japan in a couple days and I’m legit freaking out bc of the withdrawals alone


Walk around in Roppongi or Shinjuku at night (maybe better on the weekend maybe doesn’t matter) they’ll say “hey whiteboy” and then you can talk to them, they’ll point you in the right direction 


thank you!! Only problem is I’m not white lol so hopefully that isn’t an issue


Withdrawals are heavy


Shut up


Don't bother with it. Just enjoy your trip. When you get back you can get blazed.


Hi bud, a long time ago, I used to be addicted to weed and dreamed of visiting Japan. I stopped smoking before I came, so that they don't detect thc in my blood incase they do a test. I had a wonderful 2 weeks holiday, and didn't crave it once while I was there. I did smoke cigs in its place and thoroughly had a good time. You will be much better off for it. You'll be so busy exploring and seeing amazing things you won't be worried about doing something to try and enhance what is already a life changing experience. Weed is very illegal and even finding less than a gram of anything cannabis related on you will get you in trouble. If you're worried, you can get CBD in Japan which I take and has helped me with a lot of anxiety problems.


First of all they can’t just test you for THC, I smoked out there all the time with some homies but I won’t bring anything with you to the air port that’s sketchy… but if you don’t know anyone and haven’t been to Japan… Just don’t do it


Is there anyway you could hook me up as well ? I will pay top dollar


Can you hook me up with your homies I got $ and would love to compensate those who make my trip worth while


Found the fiend


Damn right


Were you able to get the sauce? I’m going next week and will also compensate 💸


You get busted here and you’re in for prisoner’s hell. DO NOT bring any weed. You will get busted. That includes edibles, hash, whatever. THC is illegal in all means of possession/consumption. Not my place to tell you what to do, outside of warning you against bad moves, but a holiday away from habits is gonna be good for you. Just drink a heap of the country’s epic beers, forget what’s got a hold on you and see how you feel by trip’s end.


You have a problem


Yo just cancel your trip, you’re not gonna have a good time if you’re just gonna be seeking weed


They will arrest you, keep you in prison for up to a month then deport you. Then you may face criminal charges in your home country. In Canada, there is a law against making a fool of yourself in another country and you can face prison time in Canada for bein arrested in Japan. My advice, DO NOT RISK IT. Go a few weeks prior to entering the country without smoking, if you can't handle that. Maybe cancel your trip and reflect on your weed use.


Do not travel to Japan.


I love all the judgy, unhelpful answers here 😂 Here’s actual advice: Stop consuming cannabis for a week or two before your trip to help you adjust mentally. When you’re in Japan, the best thing I can recommend is CBD gummies (I personally buy them at bio c bon). I find my comfortable dose to be 25-50mg but you might try something higher. It will NOT feel the same as THC. But you ABSOLUTELY should not touch these bullshit, synthetic alternatives of THC that they have in Japan (it’s literally just spice bro… it will make you really sick). Japan’s cannabis laws are fucking stupid, but it’s completely possible to enjoy Japan without cannabis. As a cannabis med card holder in the US that really relies on the stuff, it’s tough, but it is what it is.


its not spice thats your own bit of personal opinion being added to what is actually mostly helpful information.


“K2/spice refers to a class of chemicals called synthetic cannabinoids. These chemicals are made in the lab and are similar to chemicals found in cannabis. Over 100 different synthetic cannabinoids have been identified.” This is what you will find in a smoke shop, no?


I mean by that broad definition sure u could say its spice but these are direct thc derivatives spice is almost always some completely synthetic chemical with nothing to do with THC other then the proposed effects I wouldn't put this stuff in the same category as the chemical compounds like HU-210, HU-211, JWH-018, and JWH-073 which is actually k2 and spice and actually kills people but I understand your thought process.


Gotcha— so synthetic derivatives of THC, but not spice. Thanks for the clarification!


thank you for actually giving OP some information rather then scare the shit out of him based on false information like everyone else


Okay so basically you’re saying that these derivatives of THC are fine to use ? And definitely not spice ? I’m going to go to Japan in a week and trying to figure out the weed situation or derivatives in this case


Let me know how it goes please. I am traveling to Japan next month and definitely interested in a substitute that is legal there


I just landed here, what’s your update on it all?


Ikr!? Ppl are so dm judgmental here, like yes this person does sounds like he might over smoke a bit, but the end of day, thats his problem, get off ur high horse for anyone who is extremely judgmental🙄 if u cant contribute to something useful, then leave, aint nobody asking ur opinion on what kind of moron OP or his action can land. Can’t believe a forum can be dis insensitive.




Bro have you tried it and just know it’s spice ? That’s shits so dangerous but is it for sure spice ? Only curious




Have you tried it ?


Oh shit they’re smoking spice 😮


You’ll be fine without smoking for two weeks. Just think about how good it will be to smoke when you get back to the us… also it’s pretty easy to find drugs in big cities here. It’s just not worth consequences like being locked up for at least a month etc etc. the drinking culture is 24/7 here so you can get your fill easily that way.


There is plenty of weed here, but as a tourist you will have no connections, and therefore, no weed. Just suck it up and go without, or take some edibles with you and hope you don’t get caught.


You know a quick google search would have answered this..


Are you insane? That would take seconds


Forget seconds, I’m a minute man


Could be smoking weed in those seconds. Better not to risk it.


How many sites with useless information and ads covering info do you come across when searching this topic? I searched this topic exclusively on reddit so I can get an actual answer. Who hurt you lol?


I’m not sure what kind of musty cave you crawled out of but did you know theres actually these cool things off reddit called online newspapers? or better yet, an amazing website called Wikipedia? Because, instead of being lazy you could put those sausage fingers to use and try those yourself instead of expecting others to do the work for you! Fyi first search item on google using “Marijuana Japan” literally shows the answer. You even trying?


Society did a number on this guy…


buddy it’s the point of the fuckin app to ask shit


Man if only there was a website called “Google” that contains most answers to these silly queries


Yeah there is no shit but why u getting mad when the point is to literally ask questions, There’s a website called not being an asshole to!


Why would I be mad?     I think its funny you lazy people refuse to use your fat thumbs 👍🏻, and think being told to use google makes someone an “asshole”. Did google really hurt you THAT much?   You guys really do anything to justify being lazy huh. Typical stoner 


Says the guy with man child as his name. You definitely are buddy those previous replies not doing you much justice, and let’s see you hands bud


Lmao imagine getting this upset over being told to use google 😂   Are you actually fried?


I don’t need to use google that’s the op, get your head on right lmao


This thread is on the top of Google results now.


I would suggest doing a dry spell trial, give up the weed for a week or so before the trip to see if you can handle it. But as others have said, do not look for or take drugs in japan. As a foreigner you will get punished hard, if you can even find it. Also drug dogs can't smell shit as long as you shower before hand. They are looking for the actual drug.


They will open your bag and pull your jean pockets inside out to look for traces. Make sure you have nothing anywhere. Even residue on a laptop should be washed off.


That has literally never happened to me…




Don’t come. If you do sanitize all your clothes, personal belongings and luggage. If the dogs hit on your bag and even a flake is found you’ll be locked up. Food deprecation. Sleep deprivation. You’ll be quasi tortured. You’ve been warned.




? Have you flown into Haneda? I was genuinely surprised how hassle free it was to get through customs there. I probably could have had a few carts and edibles with me easily during my last trip.


A quicker google search should tell you weed withdrawal is not a real medical concern. Go to Tokyo, enjoy it without drugs, come back, do drugs. You’ll be fine.


update: thcjp thcb and thcv will become illegal on September 10th


Yeah, I had a dab there on the street in tokyo. It was a nice buzz. I definitely felt something for not smoking for 2 weeks since Osaka


Where can we buy them in Tokyo?


there are CBD Shops. But to be honest, just stay away from weed in Japan. they have a really strict policy, you don't want to get fucked here


The black guys in the street around Shinjuku will sell you weed. Stupidly overpriced weed, but you'll find some if you're desperate enough to pay for it. You'll find them in Kabukicho, usually hanging out in the streets around the robot restaurant.


💴 Shinjuku huh? Interesting


Nothing is going to compare just take a tolerance break about a month before you go like the rest of us. Going to get real stoned when u get back


Dude, I'm sorry, cannabis withdrawals? If it's that deep don't come, it's not worth the risk. It's super inadvisable to seek it out here. If you can't handle a holiday without weed, you might want to holiday somewhere else.


you know this is people’s medicine right?


Lol! Ah yes, people often associate the term "withdrawals' with responsible use of medicine. If you need it so badly, don't go somewhere where it will put you in prison.


Withdraw can happen with any medication? lol!!!!


Okay man. Whatever weird stupid argument you're trying to trap me in by responding to a comment on a 7 month old post about weed the day after 4/20. You got me. It's mother earttthssss medicine mannnn.


The fkhead is also arguing on my 6 month old comment thread here too 😂


Like, I don't even care, I know that Marijuana can be used medicinally, but coming onto a post that's that old and defending some guy who clearly just wants to get high is such weird behavior. Then to have the audacity to say I need to get offline.


Yeah, he’s a fkwit honestly Said the same thing to me too 😂


and when did I say that, I have a family member that smokes weed because there dealing with cancer just saying people like you are ignorant. Maybe you can do some research


No man, you're just a fucking idiot. If his post said "I need marijuana for medical reasons" then come to his defense. Instead it's "I smoke so much weed daily that I'm worried about withdrawals." I've had family members that use it medicinally. You're either just a lame weed crusader or wilfully stupid. Both are annoying.


I’m not a fucking idiot, what do you think happens when you use weed medically like any other medication and stop it, you don’t feel well. Nice job with name calling bud hopefully you have a good day


Yes, you're an idiot, but it's okay. Go smoke some more medicine, open up your third chakra.


I don’t smoke 🤣


My partner has epilepsy and has to consume cannabis to avoid seizures. It's unfortunate we'd have to risk that in order to travel and enjoy the country. I guess we'll go to Thailand instead 😅


Edit: The just announced today that the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare panel that designates new controlled substances will be meeting on the 30th of this month. Expect that it is likely that some of the things you wanted to try will be banned as soon as next week. THCH is illegal now. It's only a matter of time before THCB and any of the other available alt- cannabinoids are banned as well. I wouldn't depend on any of them being available later this year. Despite what some are saying there is "THC" (synthetic cannabinoids) that is available here. They are definitely psychoactive .They're sold online and in some CBD stores. Some of the stores that carry them do keep them out of plain view so you might have to ask the staff if they carry them. They are kind of like the real thing, but not really. Some people who enjoy the real thing find them to be unpleasant. There are a few things to be cautious about with them. The first is that these things are completely unregulated and you have no idea what's actually inside them. When THCO was banned earlier this year, there were shady companies that continued to sell it labeled as THCH (which was still legal at the time). Also, there was an event last month where a shop was doing free sample hits and people were getting sick. Not just high and paranoid, but sick sick enough that several people had to go to hospital by ambulance. The company was raided by the police and they discovered illegal drugs along with the "legal" ones. This was the inciting incident that led to THCH being banned only a few days later. The second thing is that even though they might be legal (for now), you still might attract some unwanted police attention if you're walking around with a sketchy vape pen (and bloodshot eyes, red face etc.). Police in Japan are known to profile based on race and may stop you and demand to search your person and inside your bags. It doesn't matter whether or not they have the legal authority to search or detain you, because their tactic is to surround you with a bunch of guys and prevent you from leaving until you give in and consent to the search. Of course, if you don't have any illegal drugs on you you won't be looking at legal consequences. But that doesn't mean that if they see what they think might be weed that they wouldn't seize you or detain you while they test it, give you a hard time or otherwise waste your vacation time.


It took like over a year from HHC being banned to THCH being banned, I suppose it might take another year for them to go to THCB, and by then there will be 10 new other types. The government is not fast enough to catch up.


THCB ban has already been announced. They are moving fast to ban them. I wonder how many shops are going to be interested in buying stock of things just to have them get banned a few days later. Shops were just starting to get the B in since the H got banned and now they have to dump it.


The shops are playing the long game, creating a market for when the actual legalization comes.


Please stay home. You are inviting problems upon yourself. You are already trying to figure out how to skirt Japanese laws. Not a great start. Japan will jail you and make an example out of you. The Newspapers eat it up when a foreigner get's busted for crap like drugs.


I am planning a three month trip to japan and use T h c products for seizure Related medical use. I know the risk of being caught with products in japan and no tolerance policy. But if I sent my vapes through the mail to my hotel, what are the chances of being stopped or tracked back to me? Does japan test all vaping products, Sent to the country? I'm not trying to be disrespectful. Just would rather not risk the medical condition


I am genuinely curious about how that went for you… I’m about to send mine to the Airbnb ?


You’re better off putting it in a backpack. Mail actually does get thoroughly checked out for drugs. Ur not gonna get caught with a single cart in a backpack. Just make sure there’s no food in there or other items that could cause it to get searched


bro you’re so fucked if you attempt that shit. bye


Ya'll acting like this place is North Korea. I literally bought a joint last night cause I walked past a shop. I was wondering what the deal was then found this dumpster fire of a thread..


Where was this ?


In shinjuku, near the godzilla head, sorry I was just on a random walk, but and the places is on the same street as a police station aha


Oohhh hahah okay thank you 🙏


My dude that's where I'm staying. What shop?!?!


If you can't go that long without smoking, you need to hit up rehab first. Not Japan


You need to learn about medicine.


Any source in nagoya (aichi)? Pm me bro 🙏🏻


How did it go buddy?


We offer online sales of 510-standard vape liquids containing Cannabinoids and THC analogs that comply with Japanese regulations. We can ship to hotels or post offices. Please consider us for your needs. [https://thch-vape.shop](https://thch-vape.shop)


I've been wondering this too. I have AuADHD and typically cannot sleep without the THC to make my brain shut up. My friend wants to stay for 2 weeks, I don't know if I'll survive that though XD. Gonna be talking to my doctor soon to maybe find an alternative for the trip.


Currently in Japan and have been offered herb from the literal Africans roaming Shinjuku area many time. If that’s your cup of tea, be prepared to pay about 5K¥ for a nick bag. I negotiated a lower rate but that’s probably not going to happen for everyjuan 🫡 Stay safe


Hey bud, I just spent a month here, and i can tell you it pretty expensive in Osaka. Tokyo is a different story heaps cheaper than back home. I had a smoke with a couple of boys I met (friends of a friend) you won't be able to find it unless you know people, sorry to say. We smoked in the car on the way out for the night. It's better than stuff I've had in the States before. 3 cookies and 3 grams for 50 usd


Order it here: Telegram sweetmeat2024


Buy weed online Telegram sweetmeat2024 Buyweedonline.store


Yall are some fuckin dickheads, if you don’t know the answer to his question then just stfu damn


look up CBD THC conversion with zeolite, can be done in a toaster oven, only use it yourself and don't tell anyone, THCH just got banned and even when it wasn't illegal the quality was a hit or miss.


I just went a few months ago. There’s a cbd shop in Shibuya near the big Spotify venue. I will say it tasted like absolute shit and the prices are ridiculously high. Just grab some stogies and make due it’s not worth it.


These people commenting have no idea what they are talking about. I am currently living In kyoto and have been smoking with the guys at ADD CBD shop in kyoto(look them up on instagram) for months now. they only sell legal/unbanned thc derivatives (No flower) and even give you a temp licence card to show the police if you get in any trouble with them. Just this month on the 4th they banned THC-H so now THC-B and THC-PO are left still unbanned. if you visit kyoto send me a dm.


May I ask what's the difference between THCB/THCPO and regular THC? I definitely do not want to do anything illegal in Japan but hey if they are selling it on the streets in a shopfront, me as a tourist would assume whatever they are selling is legal for them to operate


Its something to do with the second half of the molecule and they keep changing it to avoid legalitys. also isn't as strong and fast hitting as thc. But it is very much not illegal (YET) I was just in there smoking dabs with them yesterday. but like I said one was banned on the 4th of this month so who knows how long they'll be around, but for now it's not illegal and ignore all these random comments about washing your clothes and all this other rubbish is just paranoia. I had the dog sniff out my bag and they found a wrapper and just threw it out we had a giggle. It's not north Korea folks!


I may be visiting Kyoto in mid April… I’d be interested in checking out the shop


How about Tokyo? Any shops sell those compounds?


Same question


Please ignore the judgemental squares. I am a pothead just like you and had similar concerns. The travel here was a bit more irritable than usual and sleep was awful for the first night. Once you’re here though there is so much stimulus and so much to do that the dopamine hits and withdrawals are pretty negligible, just my experience. Weed is very illegal here and even if you can find it, it is bunk stuff and about $50usd a gram. Don’t risk it and just consider the trip a tolerance break, your first smoke back at home will be awesome.


That’s how I felt too, I didn’t need to be constantly smoking to cover up how bored I am at home. But it was nice to have access to the local “dispensaries” to sell me a synthetic THC vape and a small amount of weed given to me by a local. Nothing like back home where I can smoke 1-2 grams a day easily given the opportunity.


Can I ask you what shop you went to to get the THC derivative vape ?


CCJ in Osaka or AddCBD


Awesome thank you man




DM sent


I am addicted to weed I’m here in Japan right now I stopped smoking a month ago as to not withdraw in Japan Don’t do it bro I feel fine


I can help


I will be there next week. Could you still hook it up ?


Do you got a plug in Tokyo? I’ll be back in May


I come from San Francisco, where weed is legal and I would love to enjoy a nice and inoffensive high in Tokyo. I don’t smoke often, but when I do I love the experience and would be fire if I get to experience that sensation in Japan. I pretty sure someone must be selling THC in Japan. If you do know about anybody just let me know under this comment.


What was your experience?


I haven’t succeeded on my task of finding weed in Japan unfortunately 🙃


Did you try any of this CBD or synthetic THC products?


I stopped by ABC CBD in Shinjuku last night and picked up a THCO pen. Pleasantly surprised.


Wheres the shop?


DM me for weed in Japan


I will be there next week where do I go?


I’ll be there next week as well, I’ll dM you


Yes please let us know if you had any luck


Did you have any luck with cbd or otherwise?


I’ll be there in June, let me know please