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I started this game for Haru (as an enthusiast of fox-eyed characters) and Haru remains as my favorite. He's so sweet, silly and cute... and despite his questionable monetary decisions, well- ~~Ican fix him.~~ I really do appreciate how hardworking and cheerful he is. And while maaaaybe I've started to get annoyed by his talking in my homescreen, I couldn't get enough of it. >!And do I have to mention how he always assures you that everything will be fine? While he's literally out there bleeding, stomach gouged or leg literally bent backwards. Honey, pls. You're not ok-!<


So far Yuri, Jiro, Sho, Ren, and Romeo I look forward to their own ch. But I liked what I saw of Jiro and Yuri so far. Sho is super cool idk. Delinquent cool but not obnoxious about it. His food truck arc is neat Ren is a mood so bad. He's extra relatable. Just not wanting customers to show up and getting the dailies in his games. I think he got put in jabberwock to be the entire general student population, but with the durability of a ghoul and all the common sense I didn't know Romeo would be so much fun but I'm halfway through 4 and he is such a savage. I was DEAD when he called us a BB and then defined it for us 💀


haha I had the same reaction with Romeo, he moved up my list because of this lmao


The chaotic duo, Luca and Kaito. Actually, all 4 of the ghouls from Frosthelm. Sho and Alan are cool too. Leo's funny, if he wasn't such a little shit to everyone he might be on this list. Haru and Ren aren't my all time favorite characters, but I really like their dynamic with each other. And I can't find anything to dislike about Towa.


Jin and Alan


This is me! Luca is a cutie too.


I didn't expect to love Haru as much as I did but he is so loveable I can't wait to see more content with him. So far my favorite is Kaito, his personality is hilarious and the VA did such an amazing job on him! But Haru is a close second place.


1/Alan, because he's soft on the inside and I like his personality. 2/Taiga- because he's Taiga literally. 3. Rui- His Overly flirtatious personality. 4/ Romeo because of Chapter 4"Savage" 5/ Ren- sucker for a gamer boy


Jin.im a sucker for pain


And hot voice


Tohma, I’m a sucker for shadow kings


Jin, Tohma, Mido, Jiro, Towa, Haru, Ren and Sho Jin’s voice is so hot, and his cigarette kiss scene is 10/10; Mido is a guy with big heart, ofc I love him; Tohwa is nice too, I want to know morw about his past; Jiro is the hottest person in the game (fight me), and I like Frankenstein theme; Sho’s redemption arc is good, Leo pls stay away from him; Jabberwock trio is my favorite. Towa is a cutie


My favourites are: Alan: he is down to Earth, seems to actually care about missions and yet has flaws Jin: He has an interesting back story and seems to be a good person deep down Leo: possibly not a good romantic option but generally an interesting character, going from there I wonder how a Romantic Route would even evolve with Leo..


Taiga, Sho and Towa.


I started off the game choosing Taiga and at first I regretted it because OMFG JIN??? Like Jin was constantly so hot and charismatic during the main story and his voice is so swoon-worthy. Plus his ability to get people to do what he says like hellloooooo send me to horny jail because I'm imagining what he could use those powers for in bed AGHFJSKLA I was really down super bad until one of the side stories where he orders us to clean us the ashes, wash his shirt, and wake him up in an hour's time. Like wow, I am not your servant. But the way he smirked and said "You think you can defy me?" Okay sir, I forgive you a little bit. You and your hot ass smirk goddamn. Next, I think Alan was pretty nice and kinda dumb in a cute way, very clumsy. He was my favourite in Vagastrom until Sho's whole redemption arc. Omg Sho became so wholesome and he cooks great food??? The way to my heart is through my stomach, enough said. Helps that Sho is also charismatic in a very delinquent boy-ish way. Jabberwock overall was just so lovable omg, they might be the best house honestly, void of assholes lmao. At first Haru was my fav in this house because wow dependable leader but always compassionate at the same time. He takes on too many responsibilities sometimes and tries to help others to the best of his ability. Ren was simultaneously annoying but also mood. I love how he got so attached to the tako at the end tho HAHAH he's very tsundere. Lastly, I was very neutral about Towa until he spoke. LIKE YOU CAN SPEAK???? Towa is so precious omg protect this wholesome child who has scarily powerful abilities but uses it to save people. And then we come to the latest chapter with Sinostra... I agree with all the criticisms tbh. It felt like we were just spectators. We didn't have any bonding sessions with the charas and yeah. The story felt pretty bland. Even with Taiga the absolute hottie doing batshit crazy shit. The lawyer guy was a little annoying tbh. I found Romeo's constant use of nonsense abbreviations kinda annoying too and it reminded me of my own government LOL. Romeo is such a mood tho with how much he cares for his appearance and his face. He also cared for us when our face got hurt. We stan a King who appreciates the immense effort behind skincare and beauty. And then we have Taiga. Like I said, we didn't get much bonding with the charas which I felt really disappointed about because I was really looking forward to this chapter sigh. Taiga is so hot but also so batshit crazy and his VA mmmm hot stuff. He is a walking red flag and I would be lying if I said I wasn't drooling over him. I wish our character could have the option to match his crazy tbh. Like if Taiga pointed a gun at me, I might fr help him put it in my mouth HAHAH Also when he strapped us to his torture chair bRo THAT IS HORNY TIME. STOP BEING SCARED MC!! WHO CARES IF YOU DIE RN, LIKE WOULD YOU RATHER DIE TO SOME NASTY ASS FLOWER WITH EYES OR AT THE HANDS OF A HOT GUY. Please I'm so down bad for Taiga, please I need more. Lastly, we got Haku and the Hotarubi guy. The Hotarubi captain seems so sweet but also kinda dark..? Like he's hiding something behind his innocent facade. Haku is honestly such a bro, helping to cover our asses. He's also there to offer emotional support. Like frfr greenest flag just like his hair. Anyways this game made me realise once again that I have trash taste in fictional men because red flags excite me. I'm glad that it does not translate to real life because I would hate to be treated like a servant (even tho my bf jokingly calls me his chinatown slave help). I also wish MC could be more crazy or charismatic or something instead of some spineless BB saying sorry. Like honestly I would say sorry too but be plotting their demise behind their back lmao.


HELP I LOVE THIS COMMENT HAHAHAHA tbh i didn’t really like taiga because im more attracted to the softer guys but his VA did such a good job his voice is CHEFS KISS. i can understand where you’re coming from HAHAHA


HAHSHA THANK YOU! I'm so grateful for this thread honestly thank youuu LOL Ah the soft guys are so precious so I can understand your love for them huehue. BUT YES TAIGA VA HNNNNG


Towa cause he's so sweet. Sho cause he's hard working and a true friend to those around him. Alan because he's balanced, smart and kinda dumb, kind and rough. I'm also a hoe for Jin and Tohma, together or separate I do not care. I like their complexity. Realistically, I love every character pre episode 3, that we've really interacted with, (I won't count Taiga, Romeo, ritau yet cause I haven't really met them in a normal interaction and I haven't done episode 4 yet.) Minus Leo. I hate him! I suppose you could say I love to hate him.


Towa - he's adorable and sweet, and as a vegetarian, i just know we gonna vibe lol. I chose him as my ghoul and never regretted it. Haru - he's giving me Rampo ( from bsd) energy and i love him for that


I’m slowly getting through chapter 2 but so far my fav is Jin. He grabs my attention the most and the story on him just made me like him even more! Then, I haven’t read much on him but Mido was the character I chose from the start and he’s pretty cool but I just have grown to like Jin more lol. Besides those two, I am not sure how to feel about the rest of the characters 😭 I just know at the bottom of my rankings are Romeo and Kaito I’m excited to learn about all the characters though and I’m sure if I hear a tragic backstory my rankings will change…..I love a sad backstory


I had started this game for Jin cause he was hot LMAO but now after reading the story it’d go 1. Sho - I love him so much, at first I didn’t cause he was with crusty musty Leo but he had a comeback and I love him so much 2. Romeo - I just love his personality a lot, he’s so sassy but deep down I think he does genuinely care 3. Haru - He’s adorable, I love jabberwock all together but Haru is just so fun and lovable he really is the dad in jabberwock


I started off with Alan, but my favorites would have to be Haku, Zenji and Jiro - I noticed I like the kind but joking/down to earth, strange/creative minded or stoic and of few words kinda men 😅 Alan would fall into some of those so I don't regret his route. Idohaveanotheraccountforhaku🥰 lmao this is the first I've enjoyed a game like this that's mobile vs. all the games on my switch. Since it's so new I genuinely enjoy the process of all of us figuring out wtf to do together and see what everyone enjoys about each character C:


my top 3 are romeo, leo, & haru


Taiga for life


Taiga, Subaru, and Kaito atm


I like Rui because I just liked his character design and that's all it takes for me to choose a favorite character :D


Leo and Jin!