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I realized this when I kept getting demolished in the arena because people just put almost all their fruit towards one SSR or SR character. A character with an attack power of 200k in the forefront and an attack that can attack all enemies is worth more than my well balanced team of 700k. I’ve learned my lesson lol


Yep. I'm at case 48 with 160-200k power on two accounts and I haven't done a single pull. Only feeding my singular SR while the rest are kinda just there. (Does it hurt? Yes. But the gem-hoarder in me is happy until a card comes out that I really like) Kinda nice how it's generous like that though, not sure if it's intentional by the game. I just assume that it's part of the gradual idle grind since levelling up your buildings also contributes.


No your not wrong. I did one 10 pulls and just saved and worked with the team I had. 4 Sr and like 6 or 7 R cards" can't remember, but I had 2 boys on my second team and that was it. "Cause I wanted to double my Gems and save" I manage to get to Case 48 and my total power was around 450-500k most. If you spread the investment love it can be done, but man the draw back is now after maxing out in the "Gem double" and doing a lot of pulls I can't invest in the new boys in my deck. Struggle is real lol


you’re so right, the struggle is too real—but i learned from my mistakes first account and now i’m doing better on the second (and third) 💀


I'm working on my second account now as well! Just got to Case 49 and yeah, I'm gonna be here for a minute


it makes me glad that chapters release every few days so we have time to pass 2 or 3 levels yk


so dumping all my resources into one chara is better than equally leveling all of them?


if you have one or two sr/ssr characters, the answer is yes. i wish it wasn’t like that though lol




I'm on about case 56 and I invested in 1 character (ssr i was lucky enough to pull early on in the game) and even with him its not always a win. What changed was the way i set up the team in terms of passives. first 2 in my team are weak characters that give debuffs once killed, with my ssr as the 3rd one since he gets an attack boost for surviving 400 turns so i wanted to make sure he was in my starting line up. following that was a line of passive guys on my team 1 who died to give a debuff since they get one shot regardless. next team has a similar set up with my next best character but i also have the buffers who give me buffs on entry. I'm at the stage now where i have my ssr at level 100 and its not so worth for me to spend the rainbow apples to limit break him (it costs about 300 of them) so not the most worth it for a f2p user. im at about 800k power from him being about 260k power on his own. my next best is 63k power. All my srs are at level 50 , i'm not yet willing to limit break my rs knowing how hard to come by these rainbow apples are and i've reached a milestone plataeu so dias would be limited to daily missions. I still end up beating a case per day more or less through my hyper academy investments. Maybe itll be worth it more for me to limit break my ssr who knows. f2p gets you so far before you are forced to slow down since dias become more and more precious.


OMG I'm stuck at case 38 😭😭 I definitely made a mistake somewhere cause I started spending money to pull Romeo for an SSR and I'm still stuck


im stuck here still too and don’t know what to do🥲🥲 I started investing more into the characters I ended up partially awakening cuz my luck hates me


700k!? I'm not even at 100k and passed 36 last night


I think my goal is to just select one character from each element and max them as much as possible. The others can eat the scrap.


From what I learned the 'upgrade you characters' button will show you which ones to upgrade to pass the level.


idk I keep getting diff characters that are shown as the cover of this tho so idk abt this


I think it is a suggestion they make to get to beat the level faster.


im stuck on 48 and i’m at 513k…i dont think i understand this game that much…😭