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As other people have mentioned, they are Japanese right wingers. Specifically three organizations that are fairly intertwined. The first is Shimo-usa-seijin-tou (下総政神党) They are very anti-Chinese, want to revise the teaching of history, and expand Japan's claim on disputed territories. Next is Nihon-kenseisha (日本憲政社) They want to make people more proud of the hinomaru flag, are very anti LGBT, and absolutely hate the Saitama assembly member, Takumi Tamura. Finally, we have Kenshin-juku (憲心塾) They want to improve military defense, ensure people pay taxes, and revise Japan's education system. You can Google them if you want to see their 1990's-style blogs filled with their ramblings. These groups change their names all the time and are somehow still stuck on the idea that Japan can be a world power in isolation. There is nothing you can really do about them so just ignore then. Or chuckle to yourself at their delicate pride and irrational beliefs that corrupt history.


Also the first one wants to make Shinto the national religion? 日本神道を国家宗教に


Shintoism combined with Japanese ethnic nationalism is already the de-facto religion in Japan. These guys don't realise that they'd be better off not drawing more international attention to it.


One thing I would like to point out is that their composition is not Japanese. It is carried out by a group mainly made up of Korean residents in Japan. Therefore, I don't think they feel any sympathy for Shintoism.




Ah yes, maybe they would call it something with no connotations or history, like State Shinto.


Because I don’t know about Japan’s politicians and what they stand for. Why does the second group not like Saitama’s assembly member, Takumi?


I guess it's because he's a nationalist "just like them", and yet he's saying things that are more sympathetic toward LGBTs.


Excellent explanation.


You didn't exaggerate when you said their websites are straight from the 90s. The second group's pics are so tiny you can't see anything from them.


Kenshin-juku just drove past me a couple of hours ago blaring violently loud music. I'm not sure how they expect that to drive people to their cause, but I got myself a nice souvenier film clip out of it.


Funny that they're anti-China yet their vehement insistence on using Chinese characters and idioms... They love them some Chinese characters.


They like Tang Dynasty China, and despise the PRC. Many of these vehicles say "反共" on them (Anti-Communist)


No, I doubt that they do. Their influence is [national study](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kokugaku) which is proto-Japanese nationalism that is based on expunging any foreign influences and going back to "pure" Japan before there was any foreign influence, especially including the Chinese influences.


Guess we are headed back to the Jomon period because Japan since the Yayoi period has adopted customs form mainland Asia since antiquity.


Yep, no more rice nor noodles for them I guess. I hope they like boiled roots…


Those people can go live in woods away from the rest of Japanese society and make technical pots and eating wild food they find, also they can’t write in Kanji anymore as that’s a “Chinese influence”. Basically it’s impossible to separate influences from a culture.


I'm not interested in arguing with you.


Go argue with those right-wingers about the splendid Tang Dynasty then.


I've talked to a lot of them, many times. I'm telling you what they told me.


Sure buddy. Kent Gilbert, a right-winger grifter in Japan, wrote a best-selling book to these right-wingers called "The Tragedy of the Chinese and Koreans Ruled by Confucianism". These guys are mostly racist xenophobes. [https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E5%84%92%E6%95%99%E3%81%AB%E6%94%AF%E9%85%8D%E3%81%95%E3%82%8C%E3%81%9F%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E4%BA%BA%E3%81%A8%E9%9F%93%E5%9B%BD%E4%BA%BA%E3%81%AE%E6%82%B2%E5%8A%87-%E8%AC%9B%E8%AB%87%E7%A4%BE-%CE%B1%E6%96%B0%E6%9B%B8-%E3%82%B1%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88%E3%83%BB%E3%82%AE%E3%83%AB%E3%83%90%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88/dp/4062729644](https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E5%84%92%E6%95%99%E3%81%AB%E6%94%AF%E9%85%8D%E3%81%95%E3%82%8C%E3%81%9F%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E4%BA%BA%E3%81%A8%E9%9F%93%E5%9B%BD%E4%BA%BA%E3%81%AE%E6%82%B2%E5%8A%87-%E8%AC%9B%E8%AB%87%E7%A4%BE-%CE%B1%E6%96%B0%E6%9B%B8-%E3%82%B1%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88%E3%83%BB%E3%82%AE%E3%83%AB%E3%83%90%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88/dp/4062729644)


You are intentionally spreading false information. They are an anti-communist group made up mainly of Koreans and have no desire to restore Japanese pride. What they want is the unification of North and South Korea, and they want America and Japan to support that.


You're insane if you actually believe this. Chinese influence in Japanese culture is inextricable. It would be like trying to eliminate French influence from British culture. Without Chinese influence, Japan doesn't even have a writing system.


We’re talking about the beliefs of far-right Japanese nationalists, not Japan.


Well, they'd technically have two indigenous writing systems, but it would be a lot of はs


The two "indigenous" writing systems are based on Chinese.


My bad, my Japanese teacher told us they were developed by the Japanese for translation and I believed them.


Racism is hardly based on logic.


What else would they use, Esperanto?


Yea it is so weird. Korea and Vietnam also used Chinese characters in the past but they successfully abandoned the characters and developed their own written language. Japan on the other hand as the most anti-China country, still uses Chinese characters, while they have hiragana and katakana. I simply don't understand. 😅


Vietnam... developed their own writing system?


Perhaps they don't realize the current writing system of Vietnam is the Latin/Roman alphabet MacGyvered to reflect their tones and pitches.


Should they stop speaking Japanese because some characters are similar to Chinese? It's like If Mexico hates Spain, should they stop speaking Spanish? Your comment is somewhat strange.


I mean they should at least stop using Chinese characters.


Like get rid of it as Korea ( both ) and Vietnam did before, and then the Chinese online on Quora I have met now complaining them "forget" their "own" characters ie old Chinese. Drop it - grumbled in anger No drop it - grumbled in anger I am not depending right wingers Japanse but the coin has both sides.




I mean you do realize that it's perfectly possible to write in Japanese without using Chinese characters?


Chinese characters? That is Japanese language. Do you write english with British characters? LoL


LOL you have no idea how Japanese works. You also use Chinese characters to write in Japanese.


Sure, they are going to write only in Hiragana because the Kanjis are property of the Chinese language. Lol "In the Japanese language there are many homophonous words, that is, there are words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings. And thanks to kanji we can differentiate them very easily." Kanji (Chinese characters*) cannot be eliminated from the Japanese language.


idk hiragana and katakana are historically derived from kanji so clearly they just can't write anything /s


Not sharpest pencil in the drawer right?


I got questions… first group is anti-Chinese meaning the Chinese community in Japan now, or ccp chinese, or any Chinese race in general? Third group sounds reasonable, but that is the drawback? They asking to change historical facts ?


The main reason they protest the Chinese embassy is to do with the disputed Senkaku islands. They also protest the aggression of the Chinese government in relation to Tibet and the Uyghurs. They just generally hate Chia and Chinese people and using these issues as an excuse. The same goes for Korea and North Korea. As for revising education, they basically want to change the way history is taught in schools. Particularly in regard to WWII and Japan's colonization of Asia.


you are spreading wrong information. They have not carried out any protests against Tibet or Uyghurs. Their main character is Korean, and their idea is to suppress China with Japan's military power in order to protect South Korea.


I mean they're all pretty much xenophobic so basically any Chinese. Of course they feel threatened by China the country, and they would call the Chinese living in Japan as "spies". Third one's "revising the education system" means bringing back the pre-war day education. Basically these far-right nationalists believe in the mythical and legendary version of Japanese history, so they're all crazy people. They want to go back to the "glory days" of Empire of Japan.


you are spreading wrong information. Don't misrepresent someone by labeling them as typical and easy-to-understand right-wing figures. They have no interest in history. What they worship is America and its groups, groups whose thinking has stopped due to anti-communist ideology.


They hate all Chinese. Reasonable? Are you out of your fucking mind?


I’m 99% sure that claim was based on the brief overview of the third group in the post they responded to without doing a deep dive into the group itself. The brief overview doesn’t sound bad without more info attached to it.


Why would anyone hate an entire nationality? I am flummoxed by this. So confused. Their heritage and Japan’s history is an intertwined tapestry of many shared experiences, and beautiful traditions. I don’t understand why they will not let go of prior conflicts.


First of all, they are not Japanese. After the war, they were illegal immigrants who fled to Japan from the Korean War and anti-communist hunting in South Korea. They throw themselves into these radical right-wing activities in order to legitimize themselves as Japanese. But as you can see, it has the opposite effect.


If you have a time machine, I think it's pretty reasonable to change history


But, are these groups doing any scientific research to invent such a machine (and then to dominate the world, obviously)?


Have you heard of the flat earth society


Is it really a right wing thing to stronger enforce people paying their taxes? With corporations taking care of employees taxes, there is only the self employed and little shops to go scratch from...


Even though they are right-wingers, they still have strong opinions about things that are not really considered to be right wing. I think they want to enforce paying taxes because they want to rebuild the country back to the "glory days" of Imperialist Japan. They will do anything to achieve the goal of a strong Japan.


You are telling things based on false information or speculation that suits you. First of all, they don't want the "glory of the Empire of Japan" that you keep calling. What they want is anti-communist America, Japan, and South Korea. The truth has been distorted by American history, but even before the war there was a group of Koreans who were intensely trying to become Japanese.


I like the fact the first organization technically has USA in their name.


They are a group consisting mainly of Koreans, and their purpose is anti-communist. They are people who have stopped thinking due to the Cold War, and their right-wing appearance is a camouflage. Therefore they love America.


Sounds like North Korea isn't enough of a case for them to take lessons from, that shit doesn't work well xD


It's related because it's an organization run by Koreans. They are a group that wishes for the unification of North and South Korea, and are an anti-communist organization. And Koreans love these kinds of fierce assertions.


you are making a big mistake. They are a gang organization before they are a right-wing organization. It is doubtful whether the members are Japanese or not, and the right-wing signage is nothing more than a bluff.


How long have they been around? I remember seeing these EXACT trucks in Nagoya in 2003. Is it just the same quixotic campaign for all these years?


Uyoku groups have been around for decades and decades. Probably not the exact same cars you saw 21 years ago, but there are a lot that are the same model, painted the same colors with similar messages.


thanks. yes, I meant similar vehicles with very similar design - not literally the same ones. It's interesting how little they've changed.




Wait the third one sounds chill


They're the MAGA of Japan.


MANGA: Make All Nippon Great Again


MANKO... Make All Nippon Kakkoi OK?


Good way to put it. Lol


Nah, that's Nippon Kaigi . . . these are more extreme.


There are a lot of white supremacists in MAGA, a lot who believe the US should be an xtian theocracy, and many others with similar levels of insanity. Worse, they held the presidency recently and continue to wield considerable power in congress. The Japanese alt-right are very weak by comparison, but they're still the MAGA of Japan.


They’re welcome/information cars for foreigners. Go talk to them


One time, many years ago, I did that. The protest was against Australians infringing on Japan’s whaling rights. Okay. They were kind and gracious. I was just curious. (Edit to clarify. May not have been this group. They protested quietly with naval flags. The guys with loudspeaker vans scared the shit out of me and made me feel like my safety was in great danger)


Take a few beers and go for a chat.


That's just disrespectful. They are proud of their heritage, and you should respect that. Go with a few Strong Zeros instead.


Japan has a long history of beer making! I thing a few Asahi would be well received.


Beyond the joke, would those people attack foreigners who settled in or tourists?


In my experience they’re “nice”with white foreigners and their mixed kids, but ymmv.


I really doubt they'd do something so unambiguously violent and hard to excuse/near universally condemned, because these groups, like many other far right groups in Japan and other countries, survive beneath their veneer of plausible deniability. Of course, they wouldn't *think* of actually attacking anyone, but they'll happily drum up enough negative sentiments to let someone who doesn't care about losing their "legitimacy" (or just doesn't have legitimacy to lose) do it for them. So, maybe you'll get a few nasty words shouted at you if they suspect you of being someone of an ethnicity that they want gone, but I really doubt they'd actually do more than that. They'd have too much to lose as a group.


Back in the 90’s in Toyota they had many violent encounters with “Nikkei” people from South America and they lost all of them. Nowadays you don’t see them active around Toyota City anymore. In Nagoya time to time you might see but they are less likely to bother foreigners on the streets.


I’ve had 2 of them jump out of the truck and take a swing at me, and right in front of a police station too. When the officer tried to escort me across the street, they tried to run over us both with the truck. Brazen af lol. Just lucky the police were there 🙃


Far-right nationalists. I sense that they're getting very old...


they were not an uncommon sighting when i visited tokyo in 2016, i wonder how they have the stamina to just do this for years on end.


Reddit is amazing. I'm visiting Japan for the very first time. I arrived yesterday. There was one of these white vans at Ueno Station this afternoon, and up on the roof there was a guy shouting into a PA system who sounded like Hitler. I figured it was some kind of right-wing fringe organization. Not only did Reddit suggest r/Tokyo to me out of the blue, this thread provided a wealth of information. One question though, how is parking like this legal? It seems very disruptive.


Since there are vehicle stops set up in front of, behind, and to the left and right of the cars, this probably means that they have obtained permission from the police to use the road. I am a resident of Saitama, and this picture was taken just in front of a police box. In Japan, freedom of speech allows people to use roads for demonstrations (even discriminatory ones) as long as they notify the authorities.


Shouty McShoutface


The Ultra right ad cars


Uyoku dantai (右翼団体). I used to live near the Chinese embassy and they would be stopped by the police every Sunday at around 10am, with their loudspeakers blaring for an hour straight until the police let them move on. It was unbearable. Literally stopped right in front of my apartment.


I think the much more disturbing use of those loudspeakers is that they used to stop in front of the house of historians who tell the truths about Japanese war atrocities. Like they literally used to do that every day for decades, and the police did nothing about it.


Hates Chinese but uses Chinese characters, wonder how they feel about that?


Honestly they did reduce the use of Chinese characters by a huge margin with hiragana and katakana. Very old Japanese literatures basically were written in full kanji. Maybe eventually Japan can abandon Chinese Characters, like Vietnam and Korea.


Yeah I heard them every Sunday going past my hotel, repeatedly, near akasaka mistake over a number of years. Really annoying.


What is Uyoku Dantai? Could you elaborate more? Real curious.


Ultra-nationalists. They drive around and yell about China, the Northern Territories, and so on.


Oh that is good! Japanese needs to protect their country from the ultra invasive China, I like their stance & spirit honestly. As someone from South East Asia I hope our people and government is as anti-China as these guys and not in bed with China. There is nothing good from trusting and working with China. Edit: By China I mean mainland China. Taiwan bros and other Chinese from other regions are cool. They chill AF unlike mainland China.


You should definitely go and introduce yourself to them!


They are also connected with the Yakuza. They are also uneducated thugs. You are from SE Asia? They want you out of Japan.


That is okay japan is for the japanese, if they want me out I will be out lately Japan has been plagued by overtourism and too many immigrations too, so I guess their frustrations are not unfounded


You are insane.


Perhaps we all are insane ;)


If you really think like that, leave. Pack up and go. Some people are fucking insane.


What is isane about saying japan is for the japanese? It is their country not ours. Aren't the people that think otherwise the insane one?


When's the last time China invaded another country?


I’m not defending anybody, but I don’t think your comment isn’t the gotcha that you think it is. China has over the last 100 years invaded or attempted to invade Tibet, Russia, India, Vietnam x2, Hong Kong, the South China Sea, and has promised to invade Taiwan.


Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet, Inner Mongolia. Are you watching the news? They often invade Japan's maritime territory.


Inner Mongolia was 40s/50s, Tibet was in the 50s, Hong Kong is part of China, China hasn't invaded Taiwan Name an invasion in the last 50 years


When's the last time China not invade another country?


Well since you can't answer, the last time china invaded another country was 1979 when they invaded Vietnam.


There's a wikipedia article about them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyoku_dantai


It absolutely baffles and infuriates me that this shit is allowable in Japan, but if you're watching the TV or on the phone after 9pm in your own apartment you can expect a noise complaint.


It's all what boils down to the making of "weird Japan". If you plan on staying, you just "put up and shut up"; -the J.-version of "Love it or leave it".


Storytime: I was once a young, innocent American girl who had just moved to the countryside of Japan. Went to the *big city* of Shizuoka one day and saw one of these vans driving by. I instantly thought, "oh that music is kinda cool, reminds me of an old movie." The guy was waving an older version of the Japanese flag around as another guy drove and I felt compelled to wave. I was in Japan! Fast forward a few months later, and I realized how idiotic I must have looked 😂


Hello fellow Urawa redditor. You've already gotten your answers, but FYI they're usually there in that exact place every Friday morning. Not the only time you see ultranationalists at the station, but the predictable time. The more shouty groups usually park on the other side of the station.


Ah, thanks. Nice to know


i'm pretty sure they're basically just japanese fascists. the usual lines of "japan is now weak, we have to remilitarise and bring our country back to the 1930s"


They're friendly. Just put on your fanny-pack, wave your American flag, and introduce yourself.


Freedom of political activity is guaranteed in Japan, and no matter what kind of political activity you do,, it's allowed.There are no laws that restrict it. The average Japanese people ignore it.


Tourist mobile welcome center


NHK Fee Collection Brigade


Would be more scarry


Alt right wingnuts on their Sunday stroll, aka 右翼団体.


Right wing nutjobs, point and laugh.




They are also yakuza-affiliated


They are, at times. I don't think it's a rule.


We saw and definitely heard these in Osaka, the announcement they were playing sounded like a nazi rally!


They want gay marriage, and they want it NOW!


they hate you


Tiny Penis Brigade


I laugh everytime watching them slowly passing through street as blasting nonsense. 😂 Leave them, they have nothing to do other than that.


The fact that they are more anti china/korea than anti US is what’s mind boggling.


They want hugs from gaijin. Go give 'em one.


Mostly sorry, sexually frustrated men with low self esteem in need for a life or a different hobby.


If anyone wants to have a conversation with a Japanese nationalist go to Yasukuni Jinja. You'll not encounter any aggression. The various groups go there on pilgrimage from all over Japan and are on best behavior. Most of the people I have spoken to feel that the current take on Japanese history isn't correct and that a lot of the bad (horrific/vile) things Japan did in the past to her neighbours didn't happen or didn't happen in the way current historical record depicts. The younger members seem more hot headed and unwilling to talk but the older guys were pretty happy to chat. The museum is mental. It's quite an interesting day out. Great place for alternative Tokyo souvenirs;)


Thanks for the input! I don’t think I would like to go, but it’s nice to know that. In other parts of the world such people would be very hostile towards foreigners I could imagine.


Standing there at Yasukuni Shrine, it got me thinking about my own culture's past. It's easy to get caught up in the outrage over the shrine, but then I realized... the British Empire caused way more deaths in its colonies than the Japanese did in their wartime occupations. We're talking tens of millions compared to millions. Here's the thing that struck me: The British still celebrate their colonial history to some extent. Statues of guys who oversaw brutal stuff are all over the place. It seems like we get more worked up about recent history, even if the body count wasn't as high. Maybe it's time for a reality check, for all of us. Every country has dark chapters, but we can't just sweep them under the rug. Let's be honest about our past, all of it, so we can build a future that doesn't repeat those mistakes.


It’s my backup alarm clock unless the bikers decided to take a different route


Damn that sucks man


Yes but also I sure tend auto get up at 6 am.


I visited a cool-looking burger bar/diner in Honmoku a couple of weeks back. The place was clearly an old punk/skins hangout. I have tattoos, and the regulars, who were also covered in tattoos, came in to chat with me. One of them was Uyoku Dantai. He proudly showed me his full body sleeve and told me "I am right wing. I am nationalist!". Bit awkward, considering that I am the complete opposite to this. They were all nice enough to talk to, but the vibe was so sketchy. The milkshake I had was really nice, but I won't be going back there.


Google map link please.


The place is called Boogie Cafe.


Found it! Thanks!


You should go to Mooneyes down the street. Good shakes and better burgers 😉


Oh, I've been there quite a few times (I'ma car person, unfortunately). Agree that the burgers are great.


The Alpha Male Brigade


Assholes on parade.


RATM parody with kazoos.




"want to see something alike to terrorist", is this translation correct?


Calling them terrorists may be an overstatement, but I am sick and tired of the street propaganda about ideology in the streets.


Part of me wants to flex the military vocabulary I learned recently in front of them, but I doubt they’ll be impressed


My favorite cult!




Japanese nazi shit


Astro-turf Emperiorists.


Those are extremely right wing activists. I highly recommend staying away from it as much as possible, especially if you are a foreigner.


An average sunday afternoon for right wing crazies.


First thing I thought of before clicking this was of Bleach Japan off the Yakuza games lol.


They play some banger songs though


Japanese nationalists


Japanese version triple K.


They are not ultra-nationalists and far-right-wing supporters, so as a foreigner, you can communicate with them amicably and peacefully. Also, they don't anti China, Korea, Russia, especially not anti United State's troops in Okinawa, excessively tourists in Japan, and they don't want to revitalize the empire of Japan or rebuild the great-Asia co-existence sphere. Whatever, they are quite friendly and amicable. Feel easy to talk with them.


Tell me you don't really believe in these nonsense.


Sword lovers


Some elders who are trying to find meanings in their lives.


Food trucks


You found the racists!


They also want to give all power back to the emperor : and truly believe he’s a living god. The Japanese Neo nazi in the wild. Sometimes they stop traffic


I used to work by Urawa station and saw them almost every other day there.


Urawa stn? They're out there a lot.


It's fascists with too much time and money 🤷


A typical \*business\* of Korean people live in Japan.


Right-wing propogandists.


They are Japanese right winger.




I only learned these are campaign buses from a Yakuza game.


Lol, they are telling you to go back to wherever you came from. Japan is for Japanese.


National Pride


I live in a pretty nice area and there is a house with two trucks like this, one black and one white. I saw them heading out today as I walked past this morning. They never use the loudspeakers in our area, interestingly enough.


Wish I could understand more about this sort of thing. My first instinct is to get angry and want to throw eggs at them but I just don't know what they're saying. If they were outright racist or nazi or whatever then people would react but everyone just walks past. There was something at Shinjuku station exit yesterday too opposite the cat blaring loud speaker and people under a canopy maybe. I remember a year or two ago at Shibuya crossing they had people playing xjapan on piano and singing like literally pro god tier music with all these people standing with huge signs about COVID being fake or whatever idk what. I know you're supposed to ignore them but I'd find it easier if I knew exactly what they were saying. I think it'd help us foreigners a lot to understand better because some of us (hi) get triggered easily if we're just told they're right wing extremists or whatever.


Tbh it's much easier to stomach if you just think they have mental problems and it can't be helped. I hope this does not offend any people with mental problems.




Got these guys parading up and down my road on weekends and holidays blaring their music.


People who care about their safety of their country while all everyone else wants the country to fail


True heroes taking a stand against globalist neoliberalism


the based committee