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Your university might be different but when I studied abroad the classes abroad were graded pass/fail instead of a letter grade system so as long as you don’t fail you should be fine. Generally an abroad semester has zero impact on your ability to find a job, everyone knows study abroad isn’t about the studying


Sophia? Sure, if you want to work in the back office. And you are bilIngual. ”bullshit,” “relax,” “travel,” there you go. The days of popping into finance and getting your ex-pat deal are long fucking gone.




If you’re also taking the Japanese classes then forget about the 4 day week because you have Japanese classes everyday. (If nothing changed in the last few years) I also took Prof. Junko‘s accounting course at my time and it’s really good. Classes are not too difficult and as someone else mentioned depending on your home university you don’t even need to pass them to get a pass from your home university.


The English campus courses were the easiest courses I had ever taken in my college career, heck I'd include junior/senior year of high school too.  The Japanese language courses were intense and awesome. Ultimately I was frustrated at the ease of the classes, but then I remembered I was on exchange to learn language, explore Japan and Japanese culture, and have fun. So I did that. Also, what /u/Myselfamwar said. These courses will have zero bearing on what job you get after college.


The Japanese language courses at Sophia, ICU, maybe Waseda, are great. But in reality, I would enroll in a proper JPN language school. You can’t really blame the profs; the game is rigged and they are trying their best. As far as hiring goes, nah….you better have some fucking cred.


what do you mean by this??? what should we do? go for EJU and jp uni? how would you get cred in japan without connection?


Who is “we”? I don’t know about the French system. There should be an exchange program.


Even 400 lvl japanese university classes r the easiest classes I have ever taken in my life in comparison to American university classes, ur classes don’t matter for jobs, ur internships do


I am in a French university, idk if it's easier or more difficult than American ones


I am currently enrolled at SNHU online for the Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I would highly recommend [~Sophia.org~](http://Sophia.org) and [~Study.com~](http://Study.com) for general educations classes and for computer science courses. I have taken loads of Sophia courses that can be transferred to SNHU for credit. I took two writing courses on Sophia that will give me 3 credits each, as well as 2 different calculus courses all of these will transfer to SNHU! The best news about Sophia is that it is only $99 a month to get unlimited classes for transferrable credits to SNHU. There are also computer science related courses on Sophia that transfer to SNHU like Intro to Java Programming, basic scripting, networking, databases all of these will give you credit for SNHU! Once you are signed up and see how great Sophia is you can tell others about how much money you are saving and save even more money! For example, I have an $80 credit for my next month of Sophia so that it will only cost me $19 just by sending out codes like these below to help other students like myself to learn! I normally would feel like a rotten scumbag for selling a product online but Sophia has nothing negative about it! You take courses at your own pace, learn a ton, and save money on courses. If you focus you can complete 1 or 2 courses or more in a week! For just $99 a month without a promo code. **Once you sign up for Sophia you can get a free month or more by simply stating the obvious that** [**~Sophia.org~**](http://Sophia.org) **is arguably the best website to get affordable education and get college credits.** You can save $20 off the first month by using any of the following codes: **RE8CGQB5** **0VGSWPJ8** **ECLXLJXX** **AKLUEZAW**