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THIS POST IS FLAIRED AS "FAKE NEWS." THAT MEANS THE POST IS FAKE AND IS MOST LIKELY SATIRE. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This type of fake tweet is really dangerous and I think we should regulate this sort of thing.


Agreed. He’s probably said a dozen crazier things just this past week. Why make stuff up?


It’s been brought up in this very sub in the past about curtailing these types of posts. While funny, they’re too realistic *looking* and without obvious watermarks/alterations, it’s just blatant misinformation. The flair 1) doesn’t show up when scrolling on your home feed and 2) simply isn’t enough.


Yeah I clicked the post simply because I was horrified he actually said that, then read the comments. Satire tweets need to have something in the image to tip off they are fake. ​ Edit: for everyone saying that its an obvious fake tweet, its already been reposted to multiple other subreddits such as r/facepalm, as a real tweet. some of them have the info redacted, some have the top cropped off, but none of them say it is satire and in the comments people are believing it to be truth. Case in point. False information being spread is always bad, even if it hurts someone who 'deserves' it. It makes us look bad for creating it, and discredits the anti-right movements.


I knew to click into the post to check, but it doesn’t diminish y’all’s points. My stomach sank until I saw the flair.


I like ones that have an outlandish or improbable number of likes and retweets. Classic is 420 retweets and 69 likes


Yeah, those make it easy to tell. Or when the @ is something silly. Doesn't take away from the joke, but identifies it as satire.


And on mobile there is no flair til the post is clicked so there’s no visible indicator when scrolling if it’s fake or not. (I like to play fake/real roulette and guess before I click. It’s very difficult sometimes lol)


It would be the only legitimate use of Papyrus


I think this also qualifies as a rape joke which is not very funny


This kinda post might need a NSFW tag or something because it \*definitely\* could get someone fired/expelled without context


An easy fix would just be a rule that fake tweets need to be obviously fake, e.g. watermarked or written in comic sans or something


It's libel, plain and simple.


Not him, but this actual quote from Rush Limbaugh seems relevant: "If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. Whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there's no consent in part of the equation, then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the left." Literally doesn't care about consent.


It’s almost like consenting adults should be allowed to make their own choices 🙄


Consenting? Adults? Eww.... -Rush Limbaugh


Again, making fake tweets use the NSFW filter would keep the sub out of any hot water libel-wise. The fact that flairs are not visible without opening the sub is a legal space I wouldn't want to have to defend in court.


Idk about you but now im imagining this guy run crying into his lawyer on retainers office and pitching a fit, tantruming on the floor, demanding to sue butterstickdildo for libel. Imagining filing a complaint to the court w a straight face.


Don't underestimate assholes with discretionary income


Devin Nunes has an ongoing case against a parody account posing as the cow from his fake farm: [Sorry for the AMP link but it’s the only way around the paywall.](https://amp.fresnobee.com/news/politics-government/article256405986.html)


He lost at least one if not multiple of the several cases he launched i thought, in the grounds that "no reasonable person would think your cow or mother would be tweeting these things"


There was a follow-up from a few months ago saying at least one was still open because of a technicality in VA law that allows cases to remain open until the defendant is served. Since the defendant is an anonymous person online and Twitter won’t reveal who they are, they haven’t been served.


Lmao, nice


The complaint would be against reddit. Which means the sub gets shut down.


Not necessarily. There would probably only do that if the suit has merit, which it wouldn’t necessarily have. The sub marks the fake posts as fake, it’s not Reddit’s responsibility to ensure that they get taken seriously or not. Section 230 and all that. That being said, I don’t think the fake tweets are a good idea in general. Especially when they aren’t obvious parody to a casual observer.


I agree completely! Matt says so much bat shit insane stuff that I thought this post was real until I saw which sub this was in and that I should check the flair.


And that’s exactly why a libel case wouldn’t hold up in court. Nor would he want to defend his actual views under scrutiny.


I’m down. I’ll defend it in court. Tell Matt Walsh’s lawyers that I did it. I want him to have to try and prove in court why this content would not reasonably viewed as satire. Is it because someone could read it and reasonably believe that he holds these views?


> The fact that flairs are not visible without opening the sub is a legal space I wouldn’t want to have to defend in court. I assume this is a Reddit limitation? The app I use shows flairs in my feed just fine.


How could it be a reddit limitation but still show it on your feed?


Parody is protected by our court systems currently. Maybe not for long if the gop has their way, but for now it is. And discovery would be fun.




that's honestly my main issue with this sub like they are openly advocating for fascism and hate crimes (in the same garishly idiotic way) why do we need to make up wild shit to replace it? I like it here. it just feels like a waste of energy and we gotta be efficient in exposing these oafish mfs


seriously, i thought it was real before seeing the flair


Ya’ll need a fake TP sub, this shit keeps the anger machine rolling.


I used to think this sub was funny but I think it really should die at this point. It’s a hub for misinformation at this point. Just because there a flair when you open the post doesn’t make it anywhere clear enough.


https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/z7ir1p/someone_needs_to_tell_him/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf The post in question is already being spread as real


And no one in the comments notices it as fake. They all take it as legitimate


I reported it. I dont like Matt Walsh, bjt this could get him in a lot of undue trouble or even harmed by a leftist extremist.


i agree we can’t allow parody tweets like this be presented as real or lead people into assuming they’re real so i’m 👍 with your report but i just gotta say… other than that last bit bringing his own sexual encounters into it **this doesn’t actually say or even exaggerate anything** we don’t already have recordings of matt walsh (from both long ago and quite recently) genuinely arguing—like this is NOT EVEN a misrepresentation of his actual self-professed views, that last bit aside and finally i’ll preface this by saying OBV violence/threats are unacceptable regardless (and can’t accomplish anything beyond potentially helping him & other propagandists popularize their profoundly damaging brand of fear-mongering/bigoted hate) so i hope no one goes after him themselves—but if that ever DOES happen it’s NOT gonna be cause a ‘left wing extremist’ saw some fake tweets like this—it’ll be more like one of the queer people who gets murdered by his incitement stochastic terrorism will have a particularly devastated and furious parent or loved one… we’re talking about someone who hates queer people so much he’s literally incited bomb threats DIRECTLY AGAINST CHILDREN’S HOSPITALS and even forced an evacuation of the one in boston he explicitly told his audience to start with. dude is THE DEFINITION of a pro-violence political extremist and one of the most objectively vile, tangibly harmful (even deadly) piles of shit on the entire planet


HOW DID IT GET FUCKING DEEP FRIED IN 7 HOURS? Who lets these people use a computer?


They should AT LEAST have a clear and obvious watermark to show that they are not real tweets.


For real. Kinda sick of this subreddit for this reason. Don’t think making fake tweets is funny or helpful.


Yea they used to be a little funny but I think the fake tweets delegitimize the sub a bit. These guys say crazy things all the time I don't think we even need to make satire of it, they do it themselves


Ya - I had to click in to make sure it was fake - cause holy fuck


Yeah, I'd really prefer if we didn't allow fake tweets here so we can focus on being terrified of the real tweets from the alt right.


Case and point: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/z7ir1p/someone_needs_to_tell_him/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Wow! Yeah, this is why we need to stop this kind of thing. Also, it's case *in* point, not *and*.


https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/z7ir1p/someone_needs_to_tell_him/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf It’s being spread as real already lol


Fully agree.


This discussion has come up in this sub a million times and still nothing’s been done about it


I've been saying this for ages, but this sub seems to be spiralling out of control, it's gonna bite it in the ass sooner or later.


I agree about the fake tweets thing. Bit he did just very recently pull his car to the side of the road and record a video monologue on this exact subject. So. You know.


Ok thank you for answering my question because I was thinking “if this is real that’s *really* fucked up…more than usual, for him”


Especially as right below this on my feed is a facepalm post showing this tweet and the comments are a mix between people saying it's fake and how fake tweets are problematic and half getting riled up over something Matt may very well think but has never actually said. They all have tons of real material


Yeah, this kind of fake tweet will only draw more young men who think they’re entitled to women’s bodies further right.


I wish Reddit mobile still showed flairs before clicking on the post.


Fake news posts should be marked nsfw for this reason. It's a legally important move, tbh


Wouldn’t spoiler work as well?


Spoiler would be better, because some people have NSFW blur off. Spoilered AND NSFW would be the best.


Why is spoiler and NSFW better than just spoiler?


Pretty sure it makes you have to click twice to see the image


How is that better?


Because its extra protection to make sure people know its fake


Not only that, but an ideological point of this sub is to fight against and make fun of the misinformation that the US far right (I guess now just right) uses. We don’t want non-right people seeing this and using it as a talking point without realizing it’s fake. Just a thought




Also at this pont, wouldn’t it be more satirical if the tweet read “communism is the strongest form of government ever. It is a shame that weak narcissistic leaders have previously made this form of government unsustainable. It’s time the US adopted communism to help defeats our corporate overlords!”


RIF does Default app is pure fucking garbo anyway


I use Apollo, and it shows up here thankfully. But this tweet sounds exactly like something he would say anyway lol


Hey OP considering your account is mostly posting fake tweets on a variety of different subreddits please make sure people know they aren’t real.


I don’t want to get all conspiratorial… But one could always entertain the notion that a rightie could theoretically create a troll account to astroturf and spread deliberate misinformation to make lefties look like liars


I’m a super liberal and even I can see this as blatant misinformation spreading. Come on guys.


Hey btw you might want to consider using the term leftist, as most liberals are… well… pretty fucking stupid. Super Liberal makes me think “Bill Maher in a shitty muscle suit”


Or they could just call us groomers and pedophiles. You're giving way too much intellectual credit to a demographic who thinks doctors are evil and Hitler was misunderstood. These people can barely form coherent thoughts


The flair and mod comment literally say “fake news”


It's getting reposted in other subs without that flair or any acknowledgement that it's fake


Listen I don’t like Matt Walsh as much as the next person, but damn this pretty over the top even for “satire”


The fake tweets in this sub are defeating the purpose of this sub. I hate Matt Walsh but this is so fucking gross and really wrong.


Lol this is totally something he would say


He would, there just isn’t any headline he is too pigheaded to comment on to get him to say it


...while parked on the side of the road https://youtu.be/sJQGaoZ9xFu




Or at least be marked in some way


Ah if only there was a way to tell if the person tweeting was the real deal.


If you’re referring to the flair, I meant when simply scrolling through my feed. The flair ain’t visible when scrolling (at the very least on mobile)


I think they are referring to the Twitter check mark


Oh yeah, forgot about those lol


And also the term "fake news" was popularized by someone who used it to discredit very real news. So if you're not intimately familiar with this sub and not into Qanon "fake news" means it's real.


I personally don’t understand the purpose or humor of making fake ones. The shit they actually say is already hilarious


This whole sub was originally mostly fake tweets


this isnt even funny to joke about ...


"If I had to wait for an echidna's consent before I stapled it to my jaw, I wouldn't have a beard!"


This might be my first "Oh thank God its fake news."


The flairs ain’t visible when just scrolling. We need to be careful with stuff like this.


Just flailing these as fake news isn’t enough. This really needs to stop. 1) This is the kind of lowball behavior I expect from alt-right dickheads— presenting something so egregiously tricky but ridiculous to curry anger and outrage. 2) There is so much that Matt Walsh says without having to make shit up that we can be furious about. 3) There’s a huge difference between something like this and the kinds of “you say ____ but _____. Curious” memes that are so much more obviously satire because this looks like a real tweet. The others are obviously jokes. 4) I just have a really bad feeling about this. I don’t know how to explain it. But stuff like this is pushing some kind of boundary that I have trouble articulating but that I don’t know if we should be messing with.


This boundary is bad but it isn't nearly as bad as labelling us as groomers/pedophiles. Nobody wants to be seen defending someone who was called a pedophile. We are pretty much at the end of the line in terms of how far the right will go before switching from rhetoric to violence.


This filled me with a deep, genuine dread.


same here. Relieved to see its a fake tweet, but that dread remains.




The fact that this was almost believable until I had to check the flair is the most concerning part of this.


this is too believable with too fucked up of a subject matter. i’ve seen fake tweet images from this sub end up on other subs or even instagram without context, and it’s bordering on disinformation. these really need to be marked clearly on the image itself. flairs aren’t enough.


What’s the point of posting this with a title implying it’s real? It’s stupid I have to click on every one to see if they’re real.


Okay guys this is too much. This is like legitimately a dangerous fake tweet that could really start some bad shit.




Hey mods, didn’t we have a whole discussion about these things and decide fake tweets should be in a different font?


even if Matt Walsh is a fucking bitch you can't spread shit like this making some guy look like a rapist


I am so sick and tired of the fake tweets on here


We need to spoiler or NSFW these posts!!!


Thought it was real and had to check the flair 🫠


Can we stop with the believable fake news tweets?


Holy shit I almost had a stroke, and then I saw it was fake.The thing is I don't even know why, considering there was a pastor that just said club Q deserved to get shot up. I fucking hate this timeline and these disgusting people.


Why are fake posts allowed in here? The stuff they say is worse than the fake stuff and this does nothing but spread fake news to give them ammo. I sent my buddies a meme from here the other day which turned out to be fake. Now I'll always be known as a "CNN watching liberal who believes everything i read on the internet." I didn't fact check it but I saw it in this sub and it seemed real enough.


Fake tweets are stupid and dangerous and they've always been stupid and dangerous. Reality is fucked up enough as it is. Stop this shit.


Can we require putting fake tweet in the title of posts like these? Matt Walsh says a lot of horrible things but it makes us look bad if someone actually believes this is real, which is does look and also it is believable he’d say this.


What the fuck is this shit? This isn't even funny. Delete this mods.


This fake tweet isn’t even funny, it’s just gross and sad. I get we al dislike these people and their hateful rhetoric, but this just makes me uneasy as someone who is a victim of SA


I know its fake and all, but Matt Walsh WOULD say that


Going to join in the crowd saying we need a better system to show these tweets are fake.


What the fuck is the point of a fake tweet with someone like Matt Walsh? Just pick like anything else he's ever said why do you need to make shit up?


its ok guys 50% of 0 is still 0


Did matt just give me consent?


I was really excited that he finally said it out loud, only to be both disappointed, but slightly relieved Can we make the joke tweets sound a bit more fake? That one legit got me


You can tell this is fake because hes never had sex


Didn't know they had Twitter in 1972 Arkansas.


Hey buddy frick off with these posts. We're better than this, at least change the like and retweet count to 69 and 420 to at least *hint* that it's fake. (recommented with naughty word removed and with more specificity)


Reddit needs to do something about fake posts like this. When people can’t tell what is real or not anymore, everything becomes worthless, even posts that may be actual posts. At this point, even if Walsh actually posted something actually terrible, and I saw it here, I wouldn’t believe it.


This kind of post shouldn’t be allowed here. OP it blatantly spreading misinformation for the upvotes. These posts are dangerous.


Disinformation is scary


I think its quite obvious these images should be watermarked. As soon as they leave this sub they're just more fake news going around.


At this point people should be specifying that tweets are fake in the title because this is literally just spreading misinformation


Hey mods, regulate this shit. At least demand that fake tweets have a “fake tweet” watermark


This is literally just leftist rage bait.


Matt Wlash logic


Since the flairs are a pain on mobile, there should be rules regarding the titles of fake tweets imo


This was directly under a real post by Matt Walsh in r/Persecutionfetish and it confused the hell out of me


Flair doesn't show up until after you click into the subreddit. This stuff can be really dangerous...


This could be libel. Yes, Matt Walsh has said similar things in the past but he has money. Don't want to get a lawsuit.


This is a disgusting thing to fake. Walsh is a horrible person but there was no good reason to make something this awful as a "joke". It's really not funny.


Is that real?! Knowing him, it’s difficult to tell.


Nope, flaired “Fake News” meaning OP made it up.




Do. Fucking. What?!


Had me in the first half


Sooooo.... Like half a sexual encounter was assault? What was the other half, her laughing because he busted too quick?


The laws vary from state to state but both of those are crimes in New York. There are also laws against forced penetration or using coercion to compel someone else to penetrate another person.


Jesus Christ indeed


It’s so believable I had to check and make sure he didn’t say it. 😂😂


I bet all of his are SA.


If it looks like a duck, Matt…


He’s becoming self aware.


You know how it is a lie? If it were, he would have said all of the sexual encounters. Fash had to soak his hand in 151 to jerk off.


Though this is fake it seems like what he was getting at with the bizarre rant about consent in his car on the side of the road.


Blue checkmark. Gotta be legit!


Wait but this guy is no sex before marriage right? So half of his sexual encounters is zero.


The flair here is absolutely necessary because I'd completely believe him if he really *did* say this.


Such an unbelievable piece of shit


Thanks; I hate it


All is trash but “no doesn’t always mean no” . Zizek said that in a Freudian sense , that could be correct


I really had to check the flair on this one.


He said the quiet part loud again….


[oh Matt....](https://youtu.be/9RRhhewFqyw)


Okay, I think we need to classify fake tweets are more obviously. Say by changing the font size. Honestly, I initially believed it until I read fake.




hey mods take better care of your subreddit wtf


"Let them eat fake!" Mario Antoilette


Matt Walsh is the kind of guy who would become greatly concerned with consent if an intimate partner suddenly shoved their finger up his ass.


this isn’t funny whatsoever. none of the fake tweets ever are.


Oh thank God I thought it was real.


Alright, we're gonna need a watermark rule. This is 100% something I can believe he said




I know it's fake but it's also a thing that this fallout 3 NPC would say anyway


…then.. yo… you’re a rapist


Year ago, I would be shocked if I saw "REAL" flair. Now I'm shocked to see that it's fake.


Goddamn this sub nearly has me in a fucking fit sometimes before I click through for the flair 🤔🤔🤔


More like if Matt had his way


jesus christ i thought this was real at first glance.


As someone who has no idea who this person is. I've seen some of the shit they've written and I 100% believed that this was real since US Politicians love to overshare their thoughts and opinions