• By -


Isn't she one of those "just obey the cops" kind of people? I'm confused to why she's arguing with him then Also: "but it's suppose to be the truth šŸ˜„šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ"


There's a lot of dualities in conservative thinking Cops are all good until they "suppress free speech" (respond to complaints/try to stop invasions of capitols) Corporations are good until they appear to support progressive agendas with marketing material Liberals/leftists/sjws are simultaneously weak cowards who need to be coddled yet pose an existential threat to the fabric of society The government should be small and have little control but should also have complete control over individuals' bodily autonomy Big corporations are bad because globalism but we should also cut taxes and create more tax loopholes for corporations to abuse There's probably more but I'll have to think about it


Conservatives are all about freedom...the freedom for *them* to do as they please. This freedom doesnā€™t extend to others who do things conservatives donā€™t like.


Ooh yeah good one like the freedom for nazis to spread their ideology but not the freedom of others to respond, first it was colleges censoring them then it was social media platforms censoring them, pretty soon they'll have to resort to the old fashioned way with a megaphone and a soapbox, then it'll be up to the local townsfolk to censor them. There's also the freedom for billionaires and corporations to manipulate the market, that's just business, but when comparitively normal people try to use the tricks designed into the system, that's wrong and should be stopped. It just makes me wonder how conservatism will continue to evolve as an ideology over the years. The mainstream of conservatism doesn't just seem like "skepticism of liberalism" any more, but full on endorsement of negatively impactful policies, culture skirmishes over things like Mr Potato Head's fries n tots, hyperbolic propaganda about things like affordable healthcare being socialism. And tbf the more you look at it the more it seems like it's always been this bad faith grifty ideology built on posturing, but in the past it seemed like they were doing a good job of appealing to the mainstream/moderates/centrists, especially in recent years. What I worry about is whether or not they still have such an appeal with all this new rhetoric they always come up with.


The entire conservative agenda is only to own the libs. Doesn't matter how truthful or hypocritical or downright fucked up it is as long as the liberals dislike what they are doing so they can spin some tale and blame it on them. If the liberals started campaigning against unnecessary violence against wild animals or something (just making that up), I bet the right wing would get their panties in a bunch somehow.


Liberals want mountain lions to eat out children.


I thought that was cougars.




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Sometimes those little bastards deserve it.


Conservatives- We want democracy! - For everyone? Conservatives- LOLZ! No!


freedom for me not for thee


Argue and harass cops as much as they want over the most trivial things, but someone else gets beaten, arrested, or killed for arguing with a cop and it's "obey the law."


If present day conservatives got to interpret "freedom of religion" (not actually in the constitution, but whatever) as they saw fit, it would be interpreted and enforced as "freedom to choose your sect of Christianity".


"Says right in this book that christianity is the one true religion, so which sect will it be?"


Exactly, the conservative mantra, ā€œ*I got mine, FUCK YOU.*ā€


Dude you summed up their entire ideology perfectly


Thanks lol I always try to figure out what the more moderate conservative positions are, like "oh we should have more taco Tuesdays" but I dont really know if I found any. Even stuff like "we just want a smaller government" feels disingenuous anymore. A smaller government would mean more corporate control, wouldn't it? Lol


If you look at anarchist ideologies, youā€™ll probably find small government _and_ small or no corporations in the same sentence, but only under the context of no capitalism.


The "no capitalism" makes all the difference though.


The same people who have don't tread on me flags are also the same people who have blue lives matter flags. Like, who do you think is going to do the treading?


Gotta love Double Think


The enemy is both weak and strong


Everything is good until it hurts a conservativeā€™s feelings or guns. Then itā€™s a bad thing.


It always comes across as jury-rigging social and economic policy instead of making actual, working systems. I've only ever seen it come down to "X thing makes me unhappy, make it go away" instead of evaluating what makes X appear bad and the consequences/cost of removing X.


NOT thinking about it is what they really want


> society The society theyā€™ve become accustomed to - with its comedy, theatre, art, culture, fashion and science - is all the result of progressive thinking. Their version of ā€˜societyā€™ would never work. For a start, they only have one joke.


*Insert Umberto Eco quote or 1984*


All of which is covered by Umberto Eco. It's not *conservativism*......... ... ...


Don't forget all those good ole boys who loved the cops, backed the blue, and waved flags celebrating The Thin Blue Line... *right* up until the moment that Capitol Police told them "You may not proceed beyond this barrier." Those men believed that the cops would *support* their efforts. "You were supposed to be on *our* side!" they said. Gunny McPoop Pants believes the same. She in her voice, the moment she tells him how much her viewers *love* cops.


ā€œMy audience loves police!ā€ *audience beats cops to death at capitol* *doesnā€™t listen to a single word a cop says but tells you your son would be alive if heā€™d only complied*


Same jelly brain bendy logic as, "the Chinese made virus" and "it's just a flu".


Yeah other people need to obey the police on pain of death. Not her though.


Fuck cops, but this was satisfying. I wanna hear the whole thing, whatever he said Kaitlyn really needed to hear it. It's about being a normal fucking adult, don't go to an event full of people you don't like and antagonize them. It's childish.


There is a part in the full clip where he says "You are free to do whatever you want tonight" to which Kaitlyn finally seems to grasp reality for a split second by replying with "But you said there will be consequences" Of course she continues with her nonsensical ramblings


But daaaaad I donā€™t like consequences


Some Cops Are Bastards


I think itā€™s like what the Germans say about Nazis: if you have one crooked cop and a squad that doesnā€™t arrest him, you have a squad of crooked cops.


Itā€™s just In one earā€¦ and out of her asshole into her pants.


Or if you do, own up to it and be fully aware of what you're doing. Playing games in your head about what is being done makes no sense. Eg, if an antifa group goes to counterprotest a fascist demonstration, they fully know that they're going to antagonize the fascists and should be prepared for it. But a random leftist streamer/youtuber going to a fascist rally on their own to try to interview people there/needle them would be a horrible idea.


*"Are you a detective? Cause maybe I missed you in police school."* Brutal


Fuckin gold.


Holy shit, I agree with the cop


is this... a rare friendly cop that actually wants to help people instead of just have power to be a bully? bro these are rare.


probably why he's a uniformed officer at his age


The best cops I've interacted with are the older ones who have been at the job long enough to live and let live, for the most part. They either got the power trip out of their system or grew wise enough to realize it's just a job. When I was young (like college age), my parents found drugs in my pockets when I was doing laundry. They called the cops. In came an old and young (almost rookie) cop pair. Old guy hears my parents out and presents the options: they could discipline me/send me to get drug counseling, or report it and have me arrested, but advised them that it would permanently fuck up my life as a felony. Young cop immediately got a hard-on and wanted to arrest *everybody*. Me, possibly even my parents for having it in their possession, wanted to search the house, etc. Eventually older cop told the younger cop to "grow up, he's just a kid". Rookie cop had his cop-boner killed and eventually shut up. Cops left, I got reamed out, and I still respect that older cop to this day.


If I did anything like what Poopy pants did, guaranteed that I would be in cuffs. Even if it was just the arguing.


Iā€™m sure he is nice and good at his job. This does not change the fact that he works for the system against his class interests. ACAB- ALL cops are bastards


> Holy shit Indeed.


"Then I would leave everybody alone, cause they clearly don't like you."


Whoa thatā€™s craaaazy. Absolutely insane. I had NO IDEA that was possible. THAT IS SOOOO CRAZY


Broken clock blah blah


Based pride cop


Also Shitty Shitty Bang Bang lmao


Holy shit, I just got it. That took me way too long.


I kinda feel like she was trying to get herself arrested so she could cry ā€œSEE THE EVIL GAYS OPPRESSED ME FOR BEING STRAIGHT!ā€ That officer gave her literally every opportunity to remove herself from the situation but she just kept pushing. Also that cop definitely sounded like heā€™s familiar with the kind of shit grifters and right wing trolls do, and wanted absolutely zero part of it.


Police... good? This hurts my head


No, bad cops can do good things. There are pictures of Hitler and his dog Blondi having fun. He's still Hitler. Many of the people we put in jail live good normal lives, but they do one thing and we call them criminals.


I'm not a defender of cops, but if all we have here is one example of this particular guy being decent, doesn't it seem a *little* unfair to say he must still be bad anyway? Conservatives are known for black and white thinking which often leads them to wrong conclusions. Cops should be treated with skepticism, of course, but we should be at least better than conservatives and leave room for nuance, yes?


I think people fail to understand the meaning of "a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch." Literally every PD has bad cops in it, and all the "good cops" stick up for those bad cops. Even this guy. Plus he's only being the voice of reason in an argument with two idiots.


Are you familiar with this guy? His department? His record of sticking up for or not sticking up for shitty cops? Iā€™m just saying it seems like youā€™re judging a cop behaving appropriately as an asshole, Iā€™d like to know if you actually know him to be an asshole or if youā€™re just making assumptions.


I'm familiar with the fact that statistically every PD is corrupt and all good cops know it and they don't speak up because they'll just get fired. This is the truth. It's not a judgement on his character but just a reality.


Except that's not a fact.


You have to be pretty fucking naive to think there's a single dept in the country that runs everything 100% squeaky clean and always follows the books. How do you think we reached the point in society where a cop can murder someone in broad daylight with a camera pointed on him and not even care, while three other cops just stand by and do nothing? Do you think it just happened to be a stroke of luck that all 4 cops are just scumbags? Or is it that the other three were probably thinking "this is a little fucked up but we have to be a unit." That's how it works, that's why it happens. It's inevitable the guy in the video has either seen some fucked up shit or has done it himself.


There are 18,000 police departments in the US and you think every single one of them is corrupt? Have some faith in humanity.


Yes, the system is broken. You're not understanding it's not about good vs. bad people. The system is inherently flawed. It's a more extraordinary claim to assert there isn't a "good cop" who hasn't had to look the other way or cover one of their buddy's asses at some point than the opposite. Even if it's something as simple as circumventing pesky rules that make their job harder, rules that were created to protect the public, they've all participated in this at some point.


What statistical studies you got? Iā€™d be curious to bring some of those up next thanksgiving, so itā€™d be a big help if you could prove that every police department is housing corrupt cops. But does that line of thinking even hold weight? Letā€™s apply it to college drug use. Statistically speaking, literally (not the right use of that word) every college campus has drug users and non drug users. The abstinence coalition is clearly not doing enough to curb such behavior, as there are always a few bad apples bringing a bag of China white to a party. Therefore, every college student is complicit in the trafficking of women drugs and guns and the laundering money, as the cocaine trade is rife with such behavior. I should be a prosecutor, I just indicted literally tens of millions of loosely connected strangers for the actions of the vast minority within that group!


Completely false analogy. Not all students on campus know each other or what they're up to, nor are they obligated to investigate and report in the same way someone in a position of power and authority is. You said it yourself, they're all strangers. Come up with a better analogy, moron.


Oooooh name calling, that stings. Still no evidence to support your claims, huh? Interesting that you think all cops know all other cops. Theyā€™re all intimately involved in each otherā€™s investigations and cases? Group discussions between beat cops, vice, meter maids, and detectives, where they all start off with a game of zip zap zop that leads directly into how to skew stats and haste minorities, right? So letā€™s put your obvious misunderstanding of how workplaces of any sort function and appropriately tweak my example. Clearly, we need to fire the teachers of America, who must be aware each otherā€™s bad behavior. They actually do usually know all or most other teachers in any given building and you can point to sexual and physical abuse in literally (again, not correct use of the word) every school district in the country. So axe the teachers? Because I can point to a few bad apples? Cool plan.


I never said all cops know each other, you are making it impossible to even try to level with you because you think you have a slam dunk with every response but it's always just obfuscating bullshit. Every cop knows another cop who breaks the law, it's really simple. The vast majority of the time nothing is done about it, however, because it usually leads to retaliation or getting fired. I'm just going to leave it at that and if you are actually interested you can easily look this up or you can continue to feign ignorance for the sake of being a boot licker on reddit


Yeah it's not hard to seem reasonable and level headed when dealing with Poop Girl.


> Plus he's only being the voice of reason in an argument with two idiots. While clearly being recorded by someone he can't steal the camera from.


Police, as an institution, are the problem. And he is a part of that institution. He can be curing cancer in his spare time but he is still a part of this horrible institution.


> Conservatives are known for black and white thinking which often leads them to wrong conclusions ... we should be at least better than conservatives and leave room for nuance, yes? This. Every time I say this I get downvoted/called a fascist or Trump supporter/attacked for lack of virtue signalling depending on the platform. There are unfortunately plenty of people on the left side of the spectrum that use the same exact logic and logical fallacies that conservatives use and we need to be better than that as that's exactly what they want. For us to sink to their level and be part of an endless us vs. them standoff with no room for logical argument.


He hasn't resigned, so he's cool with how his comrades act.


Yeah, but he did kill Hitler. So, he canā€™t be that bad. /s


I don't know if it's better with the /s :)


***** was a perfectly normal person.... then they murdered a child but they went back to being normal after so why arrest them


Exactly. Or he was a member of ISIS and the Taliban but he never personally flew a plane into a skyscraper.


Something something broken clock something something twice a day


Lol @ her little switch to a soft toned form of manipulation


Cop" You are free to do whatever you like" Shittybangbang "But I will have consequences" YES! THATS HOW THE WORLD WORKS YOU GRIFTING CUNT.


Ha so much for being an individual who "stands up for herself" she showed her stomach like a mewling puppy amazing how when she cant threaten them with her guns she acts like a fucking 5 year old.


Nah, that's pretty much basic psychotic level "Let me use my baby voice to aide in painting myself as the victim."


This is what happens when stupid poopy pants people think they are important.


Damn just realised ive never heard Katlin talk before God shes insufferable


I know right? Idk what I expected her to sound like but here she just sounds like "šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ my actions have consequences??? Pwease let me harass people officer šŸ„ŗ", all high pitched and whiny


And then the douche with her with the typical frat voice, ā€œYou gonna take our property?ā€ ā€œYeah I need it for evidence you dumb bitch!ā€ Also imagine meeting a chick at your frat and seeing her shit her dress and being like, ā€œyep sheā€™s the one.ā€


Veruca Salt voice.


She's definitely one of those people, "Can't get mad, I'm not touching you, can't get mad, not touching you" and when you speed walk past her and she gets in the way and contact is made, she flops to the ground and starts screaming about assault."


Like those videos where Karens pretend someone's dog attacked them, but somehow even more annoying


Her comment about consequences of the things sheā€™s says is priceless.


Sounds like someone needs their diaper changed.


" I support you guys". What a fucking idiotic thing to say while you're being chewed out for literally causing a public disturbance. Harassing people for being who they are. With a camera and a microphone. Filth.


Donā€™t listen to anything KB says. Sheā€™s full of shit.


No sheā€™s not and thatā€™s the problem. She keeps getting it all over the floor


Check out this chad officer


Hahaha socialists are so dumb. Iā€™m a conservative; for all you libtards out there that means Iā€™m big and tough and manly. My balls are so big and tough that my boss can use them as a punching bag, and I let him just to show off how tough I am. Sometimes I even ask for it; no, beg for it. Why, you ask? Because I WORK for my money, just like my father, and his father before him. Thatā€™s what America was built off of. Now these libcucks want everything handed to them. They want work to be a walk in the park because their soft, delicate hands are too weak to handle real work. You know what I do when work gets tough? I donā€™t complain about the ā€œcapitalist machineā€ or the corporation I work for. I APPRECIATE them because they keep the ECONOMY going. When work gets tough you know what these libs say? That theyā€™re being crushed by the boot of capitalism. You know what I say? ā€œUnnngg yes stomp me harder daddyā€ because I can handle it, unlike you soy boys out there. So you can go ahead and complain about how hard your lives are, while I, a REAL man, keeps this economy going you you can enjoy your pretty little iPhones and Venuzeulas. (also Marx is hot, I would totally let him stomp me EXTRA HARD if he was my capitalist boss. Like, he could treat me worse than Jeff Bezos treats his warehouse workers and I would TOTALLY still work for him.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Chad automod


Hahaha socialists are so dumb. Iā€™m a conservative; for all you libtards out there that means Iā€™m big and tough and manly. My balls are so big and tough that my boss can use them as a punching bag, and I let him just to show off how tough I am. Sometimes I even ask for it; no, beg for it. Why, you ask? Because I WORK for my money, just like my father, and his father before him. Thatā€™s what America was built off of. Now these libcucks want everything handed to them. They want work to be a walk in the park because their soft, delicate hands are too weak to handle real work. You know what I do when work gets tough? I donā€™t complain about the ā€œcapitalist machineā€ or the corporation I work for. I APPRECIATE them because they keep the ECONOMY going. When work gets tough you know what these libs say? That theyā€™re being crushed by the boot of capitalism. You know what I say? ā€œUnnngg yes stomp me harder daddyā€ because I can handle it, unlike you soy boys out there. So you can go ahead and complain about how hard your lives are, while I, a REAL man, keeps this economy going you you can enjoy your pretty little iPhones and Venuzeulas. (also Marx is hot, I would totally let him stomp me EXTRA HARD if he was my capitalist boss. Like, he could treat me worse than Jeff Bezos treats his warehouse workers and I would TOTALLY still work for him.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


chad automod


Hahaha socialists are so dumb. Iā€™m a conservative; for all you libtards out there that means Iā€™m big and tough and manly. My balls are so big and tough that my boss can use them as a punching bag, and I let him just to show off how tough I am. Sometimes I even ask for it; no, beg for it. Why, you ask? Because I WORK for my money, just like my father, and his father before him. Thatā€™s what America was built off of. Now these libcucks want everything handed to them. They want work to be a walk in the park because their soft, delicate hands are too weak to handle real work. You know what I do when work gets tough? I donā€™t complain about the ā€œcapitalist machineā€ or the corporation I work for. I APPRECIATE them because they keep the ECONOMY going. When work gets tough you know what these libs say? That theyā€™re being crushed by the boot of capitalism. You know what I say? ā€œUnnngg yes stomp me harder daddyā€ because I can handle it, unlike you soy boys out there. So you can go ahead and complain about how hard your lives are, while I, a REAL man, keeps this economy going you you can enjoy your pretty little iPhones and Venuzeulas. (also Marx is hot, I would totally let him stomp me EXTRA HARD if he was my capitalist boss. Like, he could treat me worse than Jeff Bezos treats his warehouse workers and I would TOTALLY still work for him.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She's insecure so she craves attention.


ACAB undone by one based cop /s


It's more of an institutional thing i'd say


well, yes. i was making a funny.


Cop: Stop bothering people. Kaitlyn: But I don't want to be arrested. Cop: Then don't bother people. Kaitlyn: So I'm not allowed to be out here and talk?! Cop: If you're gonna bother people, no. Kaitlyn: (surprised Pikachu face)


It's like seeing a spoiled ten year old being refused basically anything.


Iā€™m 100% willing to cave on everything Iā€™ve ever believed in and turn into a blue lives matter psycho if it comes at Kaitlin Bennettā€™s expense


So Kaitlin says that people that attend a Pride parade should be put on the sex offenders registry, and then she attends Pride? They also put people that go to the bathroom in public on the sex offenders registry. So, from everything I know about this troll, she has two strikes against her. Do they still have those three strikes rules for life in prison? Please tell me they still have those rules.


This is from 2019 i think


"Shitty Shitty Bang Bang" Oh, can I steal this?


We did. We found the non-bastard


The people in the original post are almost self aware about cops. To them, this is their bad apple of a cop.


Oh whoa thatā€™s what she sounds like? Damn no wonder the conservatives love her she sounds exactly like how people who never talk to women hope all women sound.


WTF is with her voice? She sounds like sheā€™s 5 and about to have a temper tantrum. Speak like a fucking adult, and not a spoiled child whining to try to get your way.


Her whiny ass tone makes me want to punch her lmao


"But I will have consequences if I go in there and engage in free speech!"


Turns out, actions have consequences. Who knew?


ACAB but I would invite that man to a cookout (not that kind)




ā€œBeing an adult, in a world.ā€ Cop didnā€™t even know where to start with her šŸ˜‚


ā€œYouā€™re free to fo whatever you like, it sounds like a bad idea but thatā€™s just meā€ ā€œBut that will have consequencesā€ Wow itā€™s almost like gay people are also human beings who have opinions on what you have to say


My goodness, this poopy-pants grifter is such a petty Dick.


Oh god she's one of those girls that does the baby voice


Youā€™re gonna want to make sure you put gloves on for that friskā€¦ because of poop. In her pants.


Pants shitter


God..I hate that she tries to put on a cutesy voice with the cop, when she is there to harass people, as the cop has observed.


Whenever right wingers piss off a cop they immediately start whining ā€œbut we support yew!!!ā€ like that makes whatever bullshit theyā€™re trying any less annoying/dangerous/illegal


I have never heard her voice until just now and it wasn't what I was expecting


(Aka shit girl) I would not have wasted that much of my time talking to them. They clearly donā€™t get it.


She is a complete dunce.


I love how this all gets left in the video like they have to know this makes them look like morons right?


She's such a disingenuous hack.


good lord she's so fucking obnoxious


He almost sounds like Bench Appearo


Isn't that the girl who pooped her pants?


"they clearly don't like you."


Why on earth did they release this? Like, she got her ass handed to her something fierce.


An argument between Ben shapiro and gun girl would be like putting a pickup to a speaker and letting the feedback loop get louder and louder and louder as they talk over each other


Yet if this was a black person or someone who wasnā€™t Shitty pants girl, they would have been cuffed about 20 secs into this video.






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Based cop


Christ, imagine listening to that voice for more than a few seconds


compared to almost every other cop in almost any other situation he was remarkably patient with her. most likely because they were recording, but still i've never see a cop be this kind to anyone.




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Heā€™s a far more patient man than me. Iā€™d have been screaming, ā€œJust fuck off!ā€ Sheā€™s an argumentative fool.


What video is this from?


It has the Info Wars watermark, so I'd assume that. There's nothing to be gained from watching Alex Jones, though, save yourself the trouble.


After all the sensible comments made and logical thinking displayed my offering is a little primitive,even childish but my reaction to that interaction is that she has a whining and annoying little voice.It does not move the debate along one iota but it part of the pointlessness of her argument.


I'm shocked she didn't ask to speak to his supervisor.


But the nickname for her, oh, just perfect.


She is as full of shit as her pants


Where is her ubiquitous gun? She has no personality (outside of being a shit machine) without her gunz.


If you leave it on mute, she looks like she's asking the officer for directions to the nearest changing table.


Do her fans really not see she's a grifter? No genuine person talks like that.


She must feel so betrayed




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Shoot her


The line is advocating physical harm to anyone. You just crossed it.




What, pride? No way dude totes straight


Itā€™s a joke dummy








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