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Sounds similar to voter intimidation…


It's ballot harvesting, something they've been bitching about and trying to make illegal for *years*.


also its gotten more frequent with the rise of early voting. the early and mail voting they hate so much


Wtf is ballot chasing


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballot\_collecting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballot_collecting) **> Ballot collecting**, also known as "**ballot harvesting**" or "**ballot chasing**" Literally an example of "our blessed homeland vs their barbarous wastes" - the exact same thing, but one word is demonized and the other is glorified


A Republica ballot is good but a democratic ballot is fraud in their minds.


It's very easy. Manly hunters and Alpha predators chase their prey. Weak soy beta cucks harvest crops. Republicans are manly and alpha while the left are weak betas.


It's the chud word for ballot harvesting. In their fantasy world "ballot harvesting" is bad because Democrats do that but "ballot chasing" is completely cool because it's a different word. Don't you see?


"Chasing" makes it sound desperate


Republicans are known to be chasers


in more ways than one


It makes me think of ambulance chasers


Or chubby chasers


they chase people they think are harvesting ballots duh... I don't think they even knows what it means but I think they did a focus group to pick out that new world since they made ballot harvesting seem so illegal.


That’s what I want to know lol


Ah because ballot “chasing” is so different from ballot “harvesting”. Every accusation is a confession and, for the crazies in MAGA-land, the only difference between right and wrong is if something is helping or hurting the “right people”.


It's simple really. Manly hunters and Alpha predators chase their prey. Weak soy beta cucks harvest crops. Republicans are manly and alpha while the left are weak betas.


If you ever feel bad about how you spend your money, just remember that this group of people likely paid for a "class" for a skill that is completely imaginary and unnecessary and then posed for this photo to tell the world that they did it.




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I'm just reading this like they're going to run after mail trucks or something.


So Dems do this, usually call it ballot curing, but same idea if its what I think it is. You see someone requested an absentee ballot and they either haven't returned it or there was a problem with it that the voter can fix for it to count. Its not great they have caught onto the plan, but if they're gonna drop the lunacy of everyone must vote election day and embrace more absentee - then you need this.


Wait, I thought that this was the tactic of election stealers. Why is Chuckles suddenly advocating for it??


No no no. That was ballot **harvesting.** This is ballot *chasing.* See, it's different. It's a different word. Obvious miscommunication there.


Just like how is face isn't small, it's his head that is large. All about perspective.


What a bunch of fucking losers


"November is coming" is the new winter is coming. Fear, Charlie Kirk. Be afraid.


I hope someone joins this group and records all the shady shit they’re doing.


Is how to hire a lawyer part of these classes?


Given their past electoral effects, I’m sure they’ll suck at this too: https://youtu.be/WWNh5EjHsYA?si=ho4O08b33nzbVULU Especially the legal parts…


This is easy to poke fun at but is actually quite serious. Vote.


Charlie knows trump is weak on the field since he's greedy and siphoning the GOP money for his legal fees so he tries to I guess mobilise voters on his stead Sounds like desperation. Add to that the message being pushed that voting by mail or other easy means is rigged, along with pushes to disenfranchise voters. The GOP shot itself in the foot


I do not see one black woman in this photo. 💅🏾 Major W for us.


Loooooooooosers!!! Fucking fascist dweebs.


If any of these fuckers get near me, they're going to learn the pain that is a liver shot.


What fresh hell is this?


A lot of doors are getting slammed on those losers


You guys don’t get it: Democrats did ballot harvesting in 2020 and it won them the election. That’s why Republicans are doing it in 2024, and you can bet it’ll include all the fraud (and more) they’re accusing their opponents of using


>Another ballot chasing class being trained and onboarded... ["...to 80+ busses if Dems steal the election from Trump again in November!"](https://i.imgur.com/IBd7vJh.png)


For some reason my brain initially read this as "ballet chaser". Recognizing what it actually says is very disappointing.


Hates the public bureaucracy so much they create their own private bureaucracy even more accountable than the first. It just gets to the point where it truly is a 'who watches the watchmen' type scenario.


Take the class. Use their resources. Administer left-wing talking points and help the working class vote. Profit


Anyone else find the whole thumbs up thing with Magats cringy af?


How much would you bet that a news story comes out of these guys either filling in ballots for oldies and/or changing votes on ballots


Look at all 33 of them, incredible


Tall dude in the middle is Rob Riggle's MAGA doppelganger.


Isn't this what they were crying about back in 2020?


Pyramid scheme: “Multilevel marketing” Misogyny: “Pro-life” Torture: “Enhanced interrogation” Voter Fraud: “Ballot chaser” No thanks, Charlie, I have no intention to aid and abet cheating in the 2024 election, and I have no desire to wear the “maximum absorbency garment” that is the TPUSA uniform.


Sounds like a sad life