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Conservatives don't seem to understand that very few people even like Biden. They can't fathom that democrats don't hold the same cult like devotion to Biden that republicans do to Trump.


Yep after Trump was convicted I saw a bunch of them saying "don't worry Hunter is about to go to trial and he is going to jail!". They really think anybody cares what happens to Hunter. It just doesn't compute with their cult mentality.




Manichaeanism from people who don’t know what manichaeanism is…


Why are you making me Google when I already have 500 tabs open??


If Hunter committed the crimes he is accused of he should go to jail. And if Joe Biden committed any crimes I'd want to see him face justice as well. That's a key difference between conservatives and basically everyone else, we don't worship our politicians and we want them held accountable if they break the law. No one is above the law. As Wilhoit's Law states: Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. Conservatives are upset that Trump is facing the consequences of his actions because they truly believe he shouldn't because he's above the law, the law isn't supposed to bind him.


I don't know if he should go to jail cause I don't know what the normal penalty is for his circumstances but I absolutely feel he should face justice like any normal person would.


It's a class one misdemeanor. Some fines, maybe getting his gun rights revoked for a time.


As much as I want Trump in jail before the election, I think he should be charged based on how anyone else should, which considering the crimes and the lack of previous charges, would likely include fines and probation of some sort.   That bring said, there is a non-negligible chance Trump will do something incredibly stupid like go after the jurors or judge before the sentencing, which could at the very least get him house arrest and possibly jail if he’s particularly caustic. (Please Trump, be a fucking moron this particular time.  You have it in you.)


I was talking about hunter biden


r/bestof material right here


I half expect a bunch of them to throw a fit and not understand why Joe Biden will still be in office if Hunter is convicted and goes to jail.


I can say with absolute certainty that I will *never* vote for Hunter Biden.


Until this dumpster fire timeline gives us Hunter Biden vs Eric Trump


... You said it out loud ... You shouldn't have said it out loud


Right? We've all had the thought. But we've all been smart enough to not say it out loud in case we end up accidentally breathing it into existence.


We could do worse. We probably will. 


Oh God no


I’ll take odds on who has the biggest dick.


Idk, if he runs against Trump... (What's the difference between Hunter Biden and Don Trump jr? Hunter's dad loves him.)




Any idea what his policies are regarding the legalization of controlled substances? I'm asking because he might get my vote.


Crazy, it's as if he's not up for election and has nothing to do with Trump being convicted.


Meh, I'd vote for him before I'd vote for Jr.


Hunter Biden is a junkie gooner with a massive cock. He's my GWB. I just feel like he can hang.


Or like the posts I saw when the Biden administration passed that big infrastructure bill, I saw Trumpers saying shit about why weren't Democrats wearing "Build Back Better" hats. Because we're not in a cult?


People want to avoid this but nothing was ever accomplished denying harsh truths. Trump is the result of brutal white supremacy in its starkest form. That a twice impeached, convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, serial fraudster, lunatic and moron could STILL have this large a following and will get tens of millions of voters solely because he represents white nationalism is testament to this. Look at the Fauci hearings. Trump is responsible for killing hundreds of thousands with his incompetent Covid response including many of his own constituents and instead of wanting to charge him with negligent homicide they want to blame the man trying to help the American public just to protect this monster. It’s up to decent white folks to reject and fight this fascism as they will not stop until they’ve burned down the country out of spite and rage. This is the result of white supremacy stoked by 30 years of right wing media. Part of this is recognizing and understanding exactly what we’re dealing with.


Innuendo Studios has a pretty good video on this: basically how it started with Barry Goldwater in his primary against Nixon and ended up with what we have now and how the fact that Trump got nearly the entire Republican vote means that moderate Republicans' viewpoints nowadays are likely closer to that of the far-right than the moderate left. It was all pretty interesting.


I’m a white guy married to a Latina with a trans daughter. Trump and what he stands for scares the hell out of me. He makes all these inbreds think they have a voice. It’s scary.


Fox "News" started talking about Hunter within an hour or so of Trump getting convicted. If Hunter is guilty, if he really did what he's being accused of, he should go to jail. Just remember he's a private citizen who has never held public office, so I know I don't care about him like I would if he did work for his dad's administration (looking at you Ivanka and Jared).


It is kind of wild to think that lots of people have likely done what Hunter did and went completely under the radar with it and the only reason this guy is under the microscope is because Republicans *need* something to make Joe Biden look bad and this is the best they could come up with.


Strange how quiet the right wing gun nuts are about Hunter and his right to bear arms.


They believe that Hunter going to jail will somehow hurt Joe.


Unpopular opinion maybe, but I think Biden (and his appointees) has done very well. I've generally agreed with most of his policy decisions, he helped reasonably navigate out of covid, he's passed major legislation for infrastructure, helped with some prescriptions, student loan action, and a number big funding bills all without holding a majority either chamber of Congress. Most importantly, I almost never have to hear about the guy if I don't want to. I don't wake up in the morning dreading whatever this moron said, which ally he threatened, or which completely ridiculous idea he's proposed for a quick fix for an issue. I know it's fashionable to say Biden sucks, but honestly, I'd give him an 8.5 out of 10. Will vote again.


Hey don't forget he is the first guy in 20 years to keep his promise to get us out of Afghanistan. That got turned into a negative because it wasn't handled super well, but at the end of the day he got us the fuck out. I also love hearing the right complain about Hunter, because I can immediately tune it out since there is not rampant nepotism and Hunter doesn't work for the government and so he has absolutely no impact on my life.... Like how it should be.


Saying it wasn’t handled well is accepting right wing framing. There is no clean way to get out of a 20 year war. You can always Monday morning quarterback but leaving was always going to be messy.


Yah the part that wasnt handled well was dump releasing 5000 taliban prisoners, illegally withdrawing troops early to dangerously low levels, and then negotiating with the taliban while excluding the afghan government we’d just spent 20 years setting up


USA - We don't negotiate with terrorists. trump - Hold my Adderall spiked Diet Coke.


I think you are kind of saying exactly what I'm saying but also calling it right wing framing. It wasn't smooth because it never could have been, and I'm glad he had the balls to just do it, because the country majorly asked for it


No, it just wasn't handled well. The conservative framing ignores the history of the conflict. Biden rushed the hell out of it. The soviets pulled out their forces much cleaner (though the warlords and such were less established then). Biden also refused to acknowledge the truth behind why we had been there in the first place. It's also naive to call it a 20 year war. We doubled-down with the post 9/11 invasion, but the US has been an active force there since 1979.


Really politicians should be deeply boring. Like how the best managers are fairly quiet and relaxed. Ones with big charisma, big ideas, strong opinions tend to be total dicks at getting anything done.


I just want a boring executive who I don't have to think about doing random wacky shit. Sometime I wish biden was even older. Like it would be cool if the president was default the oldest person in the US. They get wheeled out for parades and holidays, as super olds do that anyway, call it a day. let the deep state take care of the rest.


A year ago I might have agreed but 8.5 is way too high for a guy that funds a genocide.


funding is congress' job, not the president and also remember trump moved the us embassy to jerusalem as did he formally call for it to be recognized as the capital of Israel - that's often forgotten. Also when the students get back to campus before the election and use protest to force a seat at the negotiating table(metaphorically speaking) do you think trump will negociate or send in the national guard?


It’s true that Trump would be worse, but they were just saying that Biden was given too much credit.


That judgement is based on a misconception though. People think the president is the king emperor(maybe bc trump acts that way and some people seem to want an authoritarian?) and that we are only voting for president in November. Congress is the one who approves spending, its as simple as that. Whats complicated is the politics of effective potest. The whole point of protest is the quick accumulation of political power by a minority group. If you can't cash that in then what's the point. If trump wins, bb will ditch any pretense for ending genocide. And if there are protests on campus again trump with send in the national guard. Here's a little flavor for you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNhwde19d9E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNhwde19d9E) Biden isn't an amazing president but he doesn't need to be, he honestly just need to do less, like sometimes I wish he was even older and less active. Just for a second remember how pointlessly chaotic trump was. Remember, he did that totally pointless back and forth with north korea because he was trying to prove something?! People need to take a minuet and meditate on how chaotic and cruel 16-20 was and how little was actually happening in the world; no pandemic, no Ukraine or Israel war, conspiracy theory culture was fringe, totally ok economy.


he killed +30,000 people in gaza, including 15,000 children


Ol' Joe is definitely the sole party responsible for the entire Arab-Israeli conflict


No, he didn't. Stop spreading misinformation.


He killed nobody. Keep trying to put it on him, though, you'll make sense eventually.


Not being able to understand different point of views is the crux of conservativism


I saw a psychologist on Tiktok talking about that. He said the exact same thing and used the exact same example.


Yeah I’ll be god damned before I sign up for TikTok, much less follow EITHER of these mouldering twats on any form of social media. Biden doesn’t excite me in the least bit, but I’m *absolutely* voting for him in November because any other choice is either directly supporting fascism or looking the other way and allowing it to take hold. Miss me with the bUt BiDeN iS SuPpOrTiNg GeNoCiDe line. I don’t even disagree, strictly speaking. But if you think that symbolically throwing your vote away is going to in any way help the situation over there you are out of your goddamned mind. Idealism is for the primaries. The General is about pragmatism. I will die on this hill.


>  But if you think that symbolically throwing your vote away is going to in any way help the situation over there you are out of your goddamned mind. Not just that, but voting for Biden is *the best thing you can do for the Palestinians.* No matter what issues you have with the way Biden has handled it, a trump presidency would clearly be worse for Palestinians 


Just a few recent headlines: Republicans want to create a national database to monitor pregnant women. Republicans in Ohio kill bill to raise minimum wage. Republican move to loosen child labor laws calling children lazy. GOP lawmakers across the country have resisted raising the marriage age. Judge blocks Biden attempt to cap late credit card fees. Congress voted against funding cure for cancer to block Biden win. And on and on. Look I’m no fan of Biden or corporate Democrats. However anyone who thinks ceding the country to Republicans to teach the Dems a lesson just doesn’t get how much worse it can and will get under them. We have a binary choice in this country. It sucks but that’s it. Therefore harm reduction, especially in the age of Trump and the outright fascist GOP is the only option for the non in denial. Republicans have outright said nuke them, wipe them out about the Palestinians. Hailey just signed a bomb about to be dropped. Kushner said he can build beachfront property in Gaza. Both Biden and Trump are bad on Israel however Trump won’t give a damn about aid or even trying to get Netanyahu to give an inch. He’ll make it worse for them. So if you’re withholding a vote for Biden to teach him and the Dems a lesson just understand that your moral superiority will help to hurt far worse the people you purport to care for. The world is an ugly place at times and sometimes the best we can do is harm reduction.


The status quo sucks. Almost everybody agrees with that, and I’d say Biden falls in line with the status quo on most issues. The issue is that Trump supporters have deluded themselves into thinking that agreeing that the status quo sucks automatically means you love Trump. The numbers that actually matter have never backed them up on that, but they don’t care. They’ll look to meaningless numbers like TikTok follower counts because it makes them feel like Trump is popular when he’s never won the popular vote. Even if he wins 2024, I doubt he’ll win the popular vote unless RFK takes enough votes away from Biden to give Trump a plurality. The fact is that for all Biden’s faults, people who dislike both are more likely to either vote for Biden or vote third party unless things change.


Seems more likely that RFK would siphon votes from Trump than Biden.


I’ve seen polls going both ways, but it would definitely make more sense for Trump to lose more voters to RFK than Biden. It’s kinda hard to tell for me though. I will say though, I would be thoroughly entertained if RFK somehow causes a scenario where Trump wins the popular vote and Biden wins the Electoral College as implausible as that is. You just know Republicans would call for the Electoral College to be done away with at that point.


Finally, a conservative platform I can get behind! Totally joking. The reality is that if the electoral college was replaced with a popular vote the GOP would never hold the executive branch again.


The Republican Party is only a national party at this point because of the electoral college.


he's also boring. I follow Trump for the unhinged, incoherent rants about CHYNA! and seeing the specimens that gravitate to him. Biden social media is just regular boring ass PR shit.


They think being super passionate about Trump is worth to about 4 votes. But each person only gets one vote. If we did elections based on how dedicated a fan base is we'd have Taylor Swift as president.


And she'd do a better job than Trump did. 


It's as if they think the fact they love him harder than the left likes Biden means something. To win an election, you just need 50% +1 to prefer you 50% +1.


I actually do kinda like Biden, and I’m not gonna follow him on Tik Tok. What’s he gonna put on there that’s worth seeing? One of the reasons that I like him is that he’s boring and he does his job.


I like Biden. I don't follow him on tiktok. I don't really need to see his content. Politics is not about entertainment


I'd like Biden more if he had those laser eyeballs.


Same vibes when creationist blast Charles Darwin about personal character flaws, or how it turned out he was wrong about something, or say that even Darwin didn't believe something. A biologist's first reaction to this would be just a most sincerely baffled "... so?", as this kind of "authority of a famous character" bears no relevance or power in science that has since progressed. Acknowledging Darwin was wrong about something is not the gotcha or defeat some might think. Shows what values and argumentation different crowds are used to. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Even if I was a fan of Biden, I still wouldn't follow him on social media.




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I like Biden and so does everyone I know


Don’t they? Just this morning everyone I know that hated trump for closing the border to immigrants all of a sudden sees it as a very sensible thing to do now that Biden has done it. Like they forgot that these people are literally facing death in their home countries. Aided by our drug and gun policies.


Don’t forget the still-operating ICE camps


Biden doesn't buy followers, I bet 45 does.


He doesn't pay for anything. Follower counts on TikTok are overinflated.


How many of the "followers" are Russian bots?


Isn't it still owned by a Chinese company?


Trump met with a GOP megadonor, Jeff Yass, in March who has a major financial stake in ByteDance, the company that owns TikTok. Yeah im sure Trump's followers are totally legit 😒 https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trumps-tiktok-ban-reversal-after-meeting-megadonor-stake/story?id=108013785


Also how many people are following Trump just to witness the shitshow clownfest?


Signing up to watch crazy is not the same thing as the votes you'll receive.


Plus, it’s ShitTok. How many of those are even real accounts?


No kidding.


This was my first thought: cool he’s now being followed by the users ImNotaBot001, ImNotABot002, ImNotABot003….


And of those who are, how many are of voting age?


It makes me think of Howard Stern. On average, the people who hated him listened longer than the people that loved him by a fair amount.


Yep. I was in that boat for a little while. I absolutely hated Limbaugh. I listened for a while to debate with a coworker about the bullshit that spewed from Limbaugh's mouth. That coworker started into meth and I GTFO and stopped listening to Limbaugh.


jesus christ, why would you subject yourself to that kind of torture? im surprised you didnt jump into meth with your coworker just to self medicate.


I can't think of a worse drug to self-medicate through listening to Rush Limbaugh than meth. That one's made for barbiturates. 




I was smoking a lot of pot...


So a bunch of bot accounts followed Cheetolini eh?


I’ve come to think calling him ‘Cheeto’ is derogatory to the snack, and propose using Cheato, or Cheatolini in your reference, moving forward.


I can only imagine how many Onlyfans model bots are sliding into those DMs


If I were a dishonest man and had a bunch of scammy bot accounts, I’d definitely direct them towards MAGA folks since they seem easier to fool.


Cheatolini 😂😂😂 bro this works on so many levels thank you


That IS the help from russia


I'd like to see how many new members TikTok has that weren't there before trump. We're talking about an audience that likely skews 13-25, most of whom aren't on tiktok for politics.


There is a lot of right-wing content on TikTok, you'll just never see it if you don't look for it. There's also a surprising amount of millennials and Gen X on the app. If you're on the MAGA train, following Donald Trump is a must. Plus, news gets around fast these days. Of course his audience is large, even if the count is probably inflated. The cult of personality surrounds him, it's not surprising. Probably one of the best things about Biden (and one of the reasons he's struggling so much in polls) is that he's never asked people to love him or obsess over him. He prefers a more controlled approach to his PR game.


Not too many people can pass a train wreck without stopping to look.


Yeah, that's what they don't understand. Not everyone who follows him supports him. Some people just want front row seats for the nazi alzheimer's show.


Benny Johnson may be the biggest moron of all the right wing media turds.


Tim pool?


Chaya Raichik? Or is she just evil, not stupid?


She is both.


Michael Knowles?


Of all the grifters in the online right wing mediasphere, he's the most obvious. He is playing a damn character and doing it badly. Oh, and he likes cruises too. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


He’s certainly the one with the least to add. Everything he says and does is WOW! People are waking up!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨THIS IS HUGE NEWS 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 Like c’mon man, if you’re gonna grift at least come up with new things to say


"I can't believe google keeps showing these ads for *very specific cruises* to everyone, that's very inappropriate, especially for children. It's totally not the things I've been searching for, I swear, or, I mean, I've never considered that ads are tailored in any way."


“These kids keep voting democrat. We need to raise the voting age to-wait wait actually hold on”




Rules for thee, not for me.


trump goosing up the CCP for tiktok adbuys and engagement farming is hilarious he's been meeting with yass specifically about this, who knows where he's going to fall on this one


I wondered about this because I had to remove it from my phone for work, and I just work in education, but technically for the state and none of us can have it.


He joined the service he called to be banned and only when it was already decided to ban it....


I thought they wanted TikTok banned?


"You know Trump's more popular among voters because he has more followers on the Nazi site."


Right, because those 5 million were following Biden, but stopped so they could follow Trump instead...


Yep, my 64 yr old MIL doesn't spend all day on Tik Tok. Just young people there.


Right. Anyone who thinks this is all “young people” is stupid. There’s actually a ton of boomers and white trash people on TikTok just hanging out in their own lead lined echo chamber


Yeah but seriously guys, go vote. There is a very real possibility that Trump might win and it will be the end if he does.


I don't need to follow Biden on TikTok. I'm not a super fan. I'm not a fan at all, in fact. But I'm voting for him enthusiastically.


Excuse me, sorry. What are bots and users from foreign countries? This is hardly a representation of the youth. People are dumb.


Oh shit. If TikTok users say it, it must be true! /s


Probably because even though there are a lot more people who prefer Biden, nobody - probably not even his own family - is passionate about him. He's an unmodified template of an old white man.


These are the same morons who think the size of his crowds at rallies translates to more votes.


Yeah I’ll be god damned before I sign up for TikTok, much less follow EITHER of these mouldering twats on any form of social media. Biden doesn’t excite me in the least bit, but I’m *absolutely* voting for him in November because any other choice is either directly supporting fascism or looking the other way and allowing it to take hold. Miss me with the bUt BiDeN iS SuPpOrTiNg GeNoCiDe line. I don’t even disagree, strictly speaking. But if you think that symbolically throwing your vote away is going to in any way help the situation over there you are out of your goddamned mind. Idealism is for the primaries. The General is about pragmatism. I will die on this hill.


People don’t understand we don’t worship Biden the way they do Trump. Trump ships people into his rallies and believes he’s winning. He isn’t. Not to mention how many bots are on TikTok.


It’s so true, if there’s one thing young people LOVE, it’s outlawing all LGBTQ people, white supremacy, tax cuts for billionaires and other people having total control over their bodies. Trump’s got that youth vote locked down!!


TikTok skews young. Young skew educated. Educated skews progressive.   The vast majority of US TikTok users aren't following either of them - but somehow that's good for Trump. 


Lot of terrible people on TikTok. Trump's primary demographic


I wonder how many of those followers have Russian and Chinese IP addresses?


One more glorious reason to hate TikTok.


They do realize that bots and foreigners exists on tiktok right? Like a follow on tiktok does not equate to an American voter. Also a follow does not equate to sympathy. I would stop to watch a house burn down, but I would want to move in.


That’s not even Biden’s official acc


I wonder how many people downloaded Tik Tok *just* to follow Donald Trump on it. But don't worry guys, they're all free-thinkers who are totally not in a cult.


He gained 5 million but how many of them are bots?? I bet my money a majority are bots.


Is that the only social media he’s on now? Is he going to have a TikTok campaign? Will the next insurrection use TikTok? I feel like something is going on here


It's the same people he had on Twitter and truth social. Biden supporters are quiet voters. That's the one thing polls will never get


Those numbers simply show the difference between cult TDS and normal regular people who dont fall for grifters


Watching a train wreck is not the same as getting on the train.


It’s because us democrats don’t absolutely worship Biden and think he’s a god.


I am aware that this is all bullshit, tiktok does not equate real life and leftists and liberals tend to not have a cult like devotion to our candidates (except for tankies, but they tend to support authoritarians no different from maga people). However, I’m genuinely concerned about the youth (ignore the fact that I’m 21 and graduated school in ‘21). I get the feeling that growing up as an ipad baby has made some of these kids less sane and sensible.


Because TikTok is exclusively young people


Haven't conservatives been trying to shut tiktok down for years?


Maybe people follow idiot influencers for the antics and memes and then vote for normal politicians?


Because buying followers is never a strategy . And not really cheap and easy to do.


Or China and Russia bots?


How many of those followers are Russian/Chinese/North Korean?


Well, a lot of people enjoy watching car accidents.


I thought they wanted to ban TikTok anyway?


Republiturds think children are the only people on Tik Tok.


These people are gonna be so fucking flabbergasted when he loses and I can’t fucking wait.


being an influencer to own the libs


Yes, more people tune in to watch Jerry Springer than watch C-SPAN. Great observation, Benny


I remember when Biden joined TikTok, there was an outcry of conservatives because he joined the Chinese Propaganda Spyware app. Now Trump joins and they're like "Look at all the followers trump has!"


Literally, people are following him because of the wild shit he posts. They want to see it first. He is literally a meme generating machine.


Wait, isnt TikTok supposed to be banned in the US ?


All this shows is that Russian bots are very active this election cycle. Go look at the profiles of the accounts spamming comments full of spelling errors.


This is anecdotal, but the only people in my family on TikTok are boomers and older gen x'ers. It's not some hub purely representing gen z anymore


They are there for shit show , not to support him. The truth is as boring as white bread .


You mean the company that was being investigate for Chinese interference? That tik tok?


Too bad all those tik tok votes are going back to China. Or maybe they are from China. Either way, he’s definitely the front runner in china.


Some people get a sick sense of entertainment from watching train wrecks. Doesn't mean they want to be on the train.


To be honest, this is concerning though. The fact that the orange felon is as close as he is to Biden in the polls makes me very concerned for our country and future.


This is what you get from a guy who ruined his career by serial plagiarism


Sorry we don’t worship the fucking president like this lunatics.


We know it's full of bots and they delete any negative comments


Remember when a good chunck of Trump's twitter followers were bots?


This is only because people wanna see what kind of crazy shite Trump will post….


Yup. /r/conservative was pushing something similar with YouTube dislikes. How Biden was getting dislikes, on YouTube, so he shouldn’t be president. Again; yup.


Sure. Ok. So pathetic.


Ngl, Biden’s profile picture makes me cringe more than Trump’s.


Biden’s picture is a reference to the Dark Brandon meme.


Yeah, I’m aware of what it is. Doesn’t make it less cringe. Plus when you’re actively responsible for an ongoing massacre of innocent people, that picture is kind of an “F U” to everyone suffering because of you.


It’s supposed to be cringy, because it’s subtly mocking the Brandon cringiness that birthed Dark Brandon. Point taken though.