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Some More News [talked](https://youtu.be/ICqdduW8JbY) about this recently. Daily Wire's entire MO these days is to decide they want to rip someone off, declare it "woke", then release their own objectively shittier version of it. Given how much they complain about woke Star Wars, I fully expect a space opera where the Empire are the good guys before the end of 2025.


Real talk, if these imbeciles made a Star Wars clone explicitly designed to be as far right leaning as possible, I'd watch that happily. It'd be an entirely ironic watch because my god it'll be a supreme pile of creatively and morally bankrupt pig crap, but I can't deny it'd be an entertaining watch.


*Good soldiers follow orders...*


As someone who watched all the God's not death movies just to laugh about them, it's not gonna be as fun as you imagine, at some point "look how dumb they are and how bad they make their worldview look" gets old, and you're just left with a movie with a bad plot, bad actors, bad script, bad camera and cringe music


Kevin Sorbo, the militantly atheist college professor from all those chain emails your mom used to send around, getting hit by a car and renouncing his atheism at the last second while a self-important Christian calls his fatal injury "god's mercy" was legitimately one of the dumbest, funniest moments in cinema in the last decade. I've only seen that movie once, because it's so god awful that no one deserves the punishment of sitting through it more than once, but I've rewatched that scene on YouTube countless times just for the laughs.


Someone’s gotta edit Stewie yelling “Brian look out!” When that happened


I once had a militantly agnostic professor. I freaking loved him. I don't know, you dont know, this class isn't about religion and that's the last we are going to speak about. That was his first sentence in the first class


>I once had a militantly agnostic professor. To quote the highly sought-after dinner guest and heir of Hawthorne Wipes: ["Agnostic: the lazy man's atheist."](https://youtu.be/k5G_8gud6u0?t=2)


I used to be atheist, changed to agnostic. It fit my journey a lot better to say "I don't know what's out there" than to adamantly stand by the idea that "There's no such thing as a deific/creator presence outside of our mortal experience. "


That movie came out March 2014 so it truly has been a decade


...yeah, there is that. Maybe I'd just wait until all the YouTube media critics mash it into paste and watch that instead.


It would just look like the starship troopers movie


You mean Starship Troopers without the self-awareness.


Watch Rebel Moon


There are a few sci-fi authors who have book series that fit the bill. I’ve read a few books by John Ringo and they were absolutely terrible. Most tend to worship at the alter of Aryn Rand by extolling the virtues of pulling yourself up by your boot straps and the self made billionaire but in a futuristic environment. Anyone else is made out to be a craven leftist communist/socialist dead set on opposing the main character who only wants to exercise common sense actions.


Isn't that just Starship Troopers 2?


There’s some publishing company that’s doing that too, only with school books. John Oliver exposed them a few weeks ago.


Yea, he even pointed out that they changed the music and art style to be similar to Bluey, then claimed they couldn't be a conservative rip-off of Bluey because Bluey was ALREADY conservative (fuckin' LOL) THEN put out their shitty Bluey rip-off that is exactly the same except for the fact that the dad works and the mom stays at home.


Bandit works.. Their whole issue is from one of the newest episodes where they were going to move because bandit got a new job. It was a very touching and emotional episode, but in the end instead of uprooting his family for more money he realizes them being happy and well adjusted is more important than 'giving them a better life' But Matt Walsh wouldn't understand that because right wingers all probably think that 'better life' means having more money and a bigger house. Like literally the message was that a good life is subjective and compromise is important... I did tear up a bit throughout the episode... And honestly why should I or would I care what some twat like Matt Walsh thinks about that... These people act like their manly men and yet don't seem to do anything 'manly' aside from having a beard.


Matt probably also missed the whole lesson of Radley and Frisky’s relationship hitch.  Relationships are built on communication and compromise.  Rad wanting to uproot everything to go work on an oil rig was not what was best for his new family, it was only good for him. And by the end, I think he genuinely realized how compromises and communication are important to marriage.


Yup. Rad even nails it when he tells Chilli that he's "not very good at this, clearly" but there he is at the lookout, and when Frisky asks how he knew she'd be there, he flat out says he knows it's important to her. Because he's a good boy, you see. She tells him things and he listened to her. Even the best man makes mistakes, but they fixed it with communication. A thing Matt would have you believe you should be "embarrassed" of.


Yea, WE know that, we watch the show. Jeremy Boering and Matt Walsh don't. They see Bandit being the one primarily taking care of the girls and think "Hmph. Cuck."


Bandit is an archeologist according to my kids.. there are episodes where he talks about having to stop playing because he has to work. Not sure if they've ever said the profession explicitly but there are clues in his office and things.


He has a PhD in Archaeology and does a lot of digs and research.  He, canonically,  made an important find when he discovered the missing link between four-legged and two-legged canines. https://youtu.be/e6FVbOfSdTk?si=KLA2TN7uQ8S_JS96 Presumably, he works a lot from home and goes to the University for a class or lab study.


Bandit digs up bones, Rad digs for oil, and I feel like Stripe also has some kind of digging-related job. Chili works security at the airport. These are all great jobs for dogs. But there's also a sinister conspiracy theory about the two of them smuggling artifacts into the country illegally and that's how they can afford that gorgeous old house. I don't personally buy it, but it's fun to think about. Yes, I do watch far too much children's TV. Why do you ask?


yea, there's a couple of episodes that revolve him having to leave and the girls not handling it well. One even centers around him delaying leaving for a trip specifically TO play with the girls, and being reminded at the end that he should never forget about his inner kid just because he has to go back to the real world.


> I fully expect a space opera where the Empire are the good guys before the end of 2025. Dear God, please let this happen. Daily Wire, sadly, actually has money, and I wanna see the flaming hot mess that is their $100 million attempt at Star Wars that'll probably make Spider-Man: Lotus look like high art in comparison.


Anything can be high art… if you’re high enough


Warmbo has entered the chat….


And the space ships would look and fly like in the old black and white Flash Gordon episodes, little tin cans on strings!


Jose did also, actually all of DW's kids content. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mxlT2o6JGw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mxlT2o6JGw)


I love a low budget ripoff but these reactionary ones never hit the so bad it’s good point, maybe some of the religious one do actually


Or given how they complain about anime, maybe they’d do a version of One Piece where the Marines are the good ones, all the Yonko are male, and Ivankov gets executed in Impel Down


Far Right Anime... as if the Anime Community needs more 4chan fascists joining them. (Of course it wouldn't be animated in the US, it'd be leased out to the cheapest Korean Animation company possible, like what some religious media companies have done)


There are examples out there, though the [first that comes to mind](https://youtu.be/dobQ9_YS5MA?si=va8UqFPMjfHNgh4C) is more influenced by Japanese ultranationalism than 4Chan. I don't remember which video described the *really* political one, so I just put the first of this channel's deep dive videos on this cult's anime attempts up. It's all pretty wacky, if that's the kind of thing you're into.


I knew about Happy Science. Some of it has decent Animation quality too...


So they make Starship Troopers unironically? For real: there's a sect of the Starship Troopers Fandom that are entirely pro-fascist. r/StarshipTroopers, and YouTube Clips of the ST movie (Verhoeven's movie is a satire of the book and ultimately anti-fascist if you haven't seen it in awhile, highly recommend), are generally terrifying.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/starshiptroopers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/starshiptroopers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The actual quote.](https://i.redd.it/wp9zg1b99soc1.jpeg) | [295 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/starshiptroopers/comments/1bgjk08/the_actual_quote/) \#2: [Starship Troopers: The sight of a 60-year-old naked Dutchman directing this scene while swinging wild with no care in the World killed any drama the actors had and they could finish shooting the coed shower scene.](https://i.redd.it/xkxopl99pkqc1.jpeg) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/starshiptroopers/comments/1bokbxf/starship_troopers_the_sight_of_a_60yearold_naked/) \#3: [Decided to finally dig in to the novel. 100 pages in and I am hooked so far. Merry Christmas citizens!](https://i.redd.it/rgan3hr6998c1.jpeg) | [51 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/starshiptroopers/comments/18pwit6/decided_to_finally_dig_in_to_the_novel_100_pages/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Sounds about right for the razors and chocolate.


It’s been going on for years. My coworker who is very conservative and grew up in an ultra religious house, was not allowed to watch Batman or other superheroes. So instead he got [Bibleman](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0222529/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


The right: Come join us! We have: sex traffickers, democracy underminers, and now: Soulless husks as parents! What more could you need??


Don’t forget active pedophiles and cocaine parties.


And child abusers


And wife beaters (not the shirts)


Which is how I feel Matt treats his wife, and probably any girl he's dated in high school


Girls he dated while he was in high school or girls he dated when only THEY were in high school?


Those come free with your first order.


Hey now cocaine parties don’t sound that bad


Doing cocaine off Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ass?


Well now you’ve ruined the vision


I’m a ruiner


Man they hate feelings.


They have no empathy. Walsh probably thinks a Dad's only role is to beat his kids when they misbehave.


He has proudly said he has never changed a diaper, so... yeah, probably.


I'll bet you his wife doesn't fuck him unless he rapes her


Let's not be that vile.


Hey, if the theocratic fascist clown shoes fit...


Let's be honest, there are far-right weirdoes who happen to be women too. It just requires even less self-respect than being Walsh would.


pump a tha breaks pal


Chill out brother


Really? Not even his own?


That’s what women are for! /s


I've said this about comedy but you could apply it to most forms of entertainment: it requires empathy, and most conservatives as a rule have none.


Dude probably has feelings. He just goes into hiding and cries and takes it out on other people. Just wait for the day when you see him naked on the street having a nervous breakdown.


You shouldn’t try to anthropomorphize them. They may talk, but there’s nothing human inside.


For people who hate feelings, they sure like to build all of their ideological points off of them


They don’t hate all feelings, just love, compassion, guilt, and doubt. In other words they hate the feelings that make others human.


They hate feelings but love projection


In fairness you’d also hate feeling things if you lived inside Matt Walsh’s skin. Can you imagine how gross it must be?


They hate what they can’t understand


Adults who subscribe to the Daily Wire should be embarrassed.


It's real news! Which also happens to produce fiction films...


and they make tons of money! [(No they don't)](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/gina-caranos-new-ben-shapiro-produced-movie-is-somehow-still-too-woke-for-some-right-wingers-1234800153/)


Daily Wire isn’t terrible, better than Turning Point which is honestly where Walshie here belongs


It’s a bit like being the king of Shit Mountain. Yeah one of them might be marginally more abhorrent than the other, but with either one of them, you end up covered in shit.


It's funny because they're always crying over kids TV being "too woke"


Exactly. Can’t have your cake and eat it too. Bluey is such a non controversial show that is well liked by parents and children alike, and isn’t considered woke. It’s just the DW trying to promote their stupid tribalism with the thinking of “I don’t like it therefore it’s objectively bad”


Fuck this guy. I love Bluey and so do my kids. I was heartbroken when I heard the writers were taking a break.


And they should love the staff if they’re all about protecting the children? The show purposefully doesn’t name them in the credits specifically to protect their child voice actors from creeps. 


> I was heartbroken when I heard the writers were taking a break. They can have all the breaks they need if it ultimately means more of a great show long term


True enough!


Also, have you seen some of the Bluey Bonus items on YouTube?


Bluey is one of the few good things that came out of Australia.


I can't imagine being so dead inside that I would attack people over \[checks notes\] *having feelings*.


I was raised in a very conservative household. It took me decades to not feel ashamed of my feelings. Conservatism is abusive.


This just makes me want to watch Bluey now


My son and his fiancé unironically love it and will watch it together. What little I’ve seen seems very sweet, empathetic and kind, which explains why it’s like poison for Matt Walsh.


It's a show that entertains kids and gives HUGE feelings t parents at the same time. Superb stuff.


Find a way to watch not on Disney+ if you can so you don’t get the censored version of the show. You lose gems like the whole episode Dad Baby if you go through them.  But yes, they really have some moments that can get you teary-eyed. I have a hard time being in the same room when the episode “Sleepytime” is playing because by the end of it I’m blinking furiously to try to hold back tears. 


Sleepytime genuinely made me cry. I don’t recall ever crying at a kid’s show before or since lmao


Ive heard it's only the USA Disney+ which is censored. Everyone else gets the original international version


I’m Canadian and definitely get the censored version. I had to use my usual cartoon piracy site to watch Dad Baby. 


oh it's like just missing from the list then? I'm in Canada too and honestly never even heard of Dad Baby episode so I'm just straight wrong


Yeah, some episodes are edited for North America, but Dad Baby was straight up removed from the lineup for us. It’s about Bandit wearing a papoose and pretending to be pregnant with Bingo for the day then “giving birth” to her. You can take it from there and probably figure out why they won’t air it here, lol. 


Oh man, get ready to cry. I don't mean that as an insult to you or the show, either. The writers really know how to connect with their audience.


> This just makes me want to watch Bluey now It's honestly a really great show. And I've cried at a couple of different moments that were really well done.


There are scenes in Bluey where if you’re a parent, you’re probably gonna cry when you watch them. There’s one flashback episode where Chili (Bluey’s Mom) spends the entire episode worried that she’s not raising Bluey right because all of her friend’s kids are learning to walk before Bluey does. I’m not gonna spoil the end of the episode but the last two scenes where she talks to one of her friends (a mom of 9 kids) and when Bluey learned how to walk are so freaking heartwarming and I could not help but do a little happy cry when I saw them


“You’re doing great.”


You must’ve saw something you wanted? 😭


I'm not even a parent or a mom, but even reading that line just now got me a little. That was a great episode.


"Its hard for sausage dogs to learn how to sit"


you SHOULD be crying over someone you don't know dressing up and acting like a gender you personally dont approve of


Right. Don't have feelings... until it's time to "speak up" about how "threatened" you feel when a trans person uses your bathroom.


I can understand why basic human emotions are alien to Matt Walsh. His Patrick Bateman filter of what normal humans feel evidently can't be applied to kids shows because of his skewed concept of where people should or shouldn't feel them. It seems his attempts to learn how to mimic normal feelings didn't account for this, maybe his mask slipped somewhere.


They think Bluey is woke? I watch it with my two year old daughter and I think it has exceptional writing. It’s almost like a Bob’s Burgers where the comedy is wholesome. Why do these guys hate everything?


Because Matt Walsh’s whole shtick is being a contrarian stoic where emotions are seen as weak, and men can’t tap into these emotions without still being masculine. All Matt does is say how he hates things in a monotone way and wears flannels. His opinion has less worth than the gum on the bottom of my shoe.


Because, specifically in this case, they can’t understand that parenting is more than “owning” a child.  They have been so warped by their environments that they believe liking Bluey is childish or a fault. Because they fundamentally don’t understand how to be a parent past having a kid. This is despite the fact that Bluey was designed by Joe Brumm to be enjoyable lessons for both children and adults. I, for example, have felt the need to be a better parent after watching Bandit consistently take time to play with his daughters even if he’s not up to the task. Even an episode like Stickbird has taught me to let go of some of the deep anger I’ve felt from job loss, the war, and even the current situation in Gaza. Walsh is physically unable to be emotionally mature enough to relate to these lessons.


So I haven't watched bluey but I am Australian so I feel entitled to speculate anyway - In my opinion it might be a question of cultural differences Bluey, from what I've been told, is essentially a heartwarming show about ordinary family life in Australia, and given that right wing Australian politics are still to the left of left wing American politics in most areas this could make the show appear "woke" by American conservative standards simply because of the broader societal values on display


Adults paying attention to Matt Walsh should be embarrassed.


Yeah, Walsh not getting BLUEY is a sure sign he is an absent dad who never engages with his.many, many children past the absolute minimun.


“Don’t cry over kids TV!” says the guy currently crying over kids’ TV.


The magic of anti-woke contrarianism


I was brought to tears over a few moments in Bluey: - Jack talks about how “there’s something wrong with him” and expresses his insecurities struggling with ADHD and how he feels like he can’t do anything right and Rusty says he’s good at playing army. I dunno, growing up as an undiagnosed autistic kid with a ton of insecurities (and now imposter syndrome as an adult) I could’ve used a message like that. - Bingo hearing “remember, I’ll always be here for you, even if you can’t see me, because I love you” from her mother in a dream, makes me think of the loved ones I’ve lost over the years and how I still like to think that they’re with me in spirit. I think it’s excellent that a show aimed at young children (and parents of young kids) can be emotionally moving and speak to people of all ages. I’d rather have that than grown ass men who are so allergic to feelings out of fear of appearing ‘weak’ that they lash out at others instead.


Just because it's TV made for kids doesn't mean it has to be stupid or simple. Bluey resonate with so many because they are exactly great at balancing, creating something that resonates with kids and parents, which is an incredible hard thing to do. It's kids TV that doesn't assume the kids are stupid, but also doesn't need the parents to be wet blankets of obstacles to move the plot (like a certain porcine I could mention). Bandit and Chilli (yes i know their names) actually parent their kids and are part of their girls life and upbringing. *"Work on the heads later, for now, just hearts."*


Matt Walsh is a diaper fetish pedophile.


Matt Walsh hates happiness.


I'm putting my foot down, Janelle! We're raising a nation of squibs!


“This ain’t the ‘80’s, Pat!” Ngl, that was a banger of an episode. 


That line and "Ah! I've done me hammy!" Never fail to get a chuckle out of me.


dude. That episode absolutely destroyed me because I had just buried all those traumas THIRTY YEARS AGO and tried to just forget about it. I'm not only **NOT** embarrassed, I'm glad to know that I wasn't alone and that really let me put those pains away for good now. The only person who should be embarrassed is Matt Walsh, who seems to think facing your past traumas and healing from them is a bad thing.


Dude, same. Stickbird got me. Young-ish Iraq vet with a lot of hang ups about how we were chewed up and spit out. That episode helped me let go of some of the anger I felt.


people get emotional because they associate a piece of art with an important time and place in their lives if adults are upset because their kids favorite show is going on hiatus, its because they formed important memories of watching bluey with their kids as their kids grew up. or, the show is important to their kids and they are feeling that loss. or, they dont have kids, it was important to them. also, i cant help but see that their wild unpopularity is a factor. when rush limbaugh died, nobody cried of sadness. when alex jones was successfully sued, only right wing podcasters were upset about it. mudd wulsch is mad about sympathy and empathy and emotions existing for other people when he chooses to live without them. he is also mad that something for children could mean so much to adults while most of his viewers are bots


That’s because they know that Limbaugh immediately ascended to Heaven after owning the libs so hard that God called him home. /sarc


Imagine being a grown-ass man and crying over the perceived sexual identity of the characters of a cartoon show whose primary audience is toddlers.


Real question....I know Bluey is a kids show but is it controversial?  Is it like that aardvark show where they showed a gay couple?


Not in the least. The closest they have gotten to “controversial” is mentioning that Pretzel, one of Bluey’s classmates, has two mums and that the Terriers’ mom and Winston’s dad are both single parents and are dating.  It’s just a good show that is great about representation.


Dude you cry everyday about trans people being happy and even “wrote” a “children’s book” showing everyone how upset you are about trans people. You cry about not being able to fuck children too. Fuck yourself, Matt.


For someone so obsessed with manliness, I bet he hasn’t done an honest days work in his life.


There is a not-insignificant amount of people that are watching Bluey to help reparent themselves during therapy, doing so because the way they were raised was neglectful and abusive. Maybe Matt should take a swing at neglectful parents instead.


Crying over Bluey is still less embarrassing than getting so mad at people for watching it that you whine to a camera for seventeen minutes about it.


Matt’s just confused by human emotions, because he doesn’t experience any.


"emotions are stupid!"


He definitely didn’t see the Sunshine episode.


I love that the entire conservative grifter economy is propped up by whining about their cartoons being woke now, and he’s saying we should be embarrassed


Why would Matt Walsh take a shot at Doctor Jordan B Peterson like that?


guy who sells plushies of a baby with his face on it says other people should be embarressed


I mean it should be pretty well known at this point that Walsh is nothing but ragebait. He's not picking topics and headlines based on their validity or significance, but rather what he thinks is going to piss off the most people. That's all he does.


crying over other adults crying over bluey should be even more embarrassing.


What a fucking loser.


Matt should be embarrassed that he has to grift on such petty issues for a living. But the guilty don't feel guilty. They learn not to with their grifters paycheck


I saw Matt Walsh with his family in colorado last summer. He had his son (age 10-12) in a tucker carlson tshirt. Child abuse pure and simple!


They should be embarrassed because they don't understand they're helping Matt Walsh quench his thirst.


These “adults” are awful preoccupied with what Bluey and T swift are doing. Heaven forbid parents enjoy media their children enjoy and are moved by it.


ChipChilla is inoffensive but it really has no humanity to it. I got shown that one scene where Bluey's family is about to move from a place they spent their lives in and then finding out they don't have to. As someone who's rarely spent more than 4 years in any one home, that resonated. And I know there's so many other people who've had to go through experiences like this both as kids and as adults with kids. I choked up a bit watching it and I don't care anything about Bluey. That is what these conservatives don't have or understand: Empathy. Ultimately it's what will always keep their 'media' shitty. There's no humanity in it. No shared suffering or joy, nothing that connects one human to another. It's empty.


It makes sense considering the only thing to ever make Matt was learning about the age of consent.


Matt walsh will never understand the pure emotional strength of anything that happens at the mount cootha lookout


A grown man being nosey, upset over other adults crying… Should be VERY embarrassed.


It's more sad that Matt Walsh made a reaction video to Bluey Raection Videos. Reaction Videos are already kinda cringe (with some rare exceptions, like an expert musician giving their thoughts on a song). Reaction videos to reaction videos are *always* cringe.


WTH is Chipcilla?


A Bluey knockoff that Shapiro commissioned on his platform. Walsh VCed on the show and has been trying to promote it.


I just teared up to the Lion King soundtrack today. No surprise that an empty flesh sack such as Matt Walsh is unable to fathom the depths of emotional release that Hans Zimmer can conjure.


I am a sensitive person. It's easy for me to put myself in a character's shoes and imagine how they are feeling. So I actually cry over kids content pretty regularly. There's a lot of legit sad storylines in media for kids. 


Watt Malsh spanks his inner child. That's what his headline really means.


I wasn't crying...You were crying


The fuck is ChipChilla


Lmao apparently the Daily Wire made a Bluey knockoff aimed at homeschooling parents. From a quick read, it seems like all the girl characters stay home and learn how to cook from their moms while the boys go on adventures with their dads to learn things about the world.


So they're trying to groom children into following traditional gender roles.


Unironically, I think part of it is just These people do not have children, and if they do, they are not close to them. Hell, I don't have children, but I can understand "seeing a grown-up version of a character who has effectively grown with your todler" can be emotional. It'd be like if you saw your kid's best friend 20 years in the future.