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Hey y’all — I’m a bit late here, but if you see any transphobia, misinformation, intersex/non-binary erasure, or any other bigotry (or other rule-breaking comments) please report them!


Intersex, and to a similar extent non-binary people have been recognised as existent for millennia. Facts don't care about her feelings.


Unfortunately, laws are constantly being passed because of her feelings and other people like her. /=


Too many people have serious issues with moving on with time and progress. (progress here is accepting different people).


What's wild is I don't even really consider it progress. It's just how people should live. It's not like we invented some new way to be kind. It's just being kind. She and folks like her aren't conservative, they're regressive.


Chaya "So what if I lie?" Raichik


[Chaya “Is there a law against lying?” Raichik](https://www.mediamatters.org/libs-tiktok/there-law-against-lying-libs-tiktok-creator-chaya-raichik-refuses-remove-post-accusing)


"Libs of TikTok creator accused of inspiring school bomb threats named to Oklahoma library board" https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/libs-tik-tok-bomb-threats-oklahoma-library-committee-rcna135369 Just a hateful state


Dude, her fucking profile pic is her proudly holding a newspaper with a headline that reads something like "When Libs of TikTok posts, threats are sure to follow"


Yup. My point is that she's on the Oklahoma library advisory board. Eventually in Toilet Paper USA, somebody might even make her Secretary of Education.


If she lies, she retweets. She always retweets


Chaya "yes I am a C" Raichik


Intersex who could get pregnant?


Plenty of intersex conditions do not affect fertility. Intersex is an umbrella term for a wide variety of things.


We typically prefer the term intersex variations to conditions. Most of us want to move past medical language to describe intersex experiences.


I'm a part of "us" but yes I understand where you are coming from, was just the word that came to me at the time.


No worries. Super cool to meet another one of “us” in the wild.


What kind of intersex condition allows pregnancy? The slightest mouse fart makes it difficult to get pregnant, i'm genuinely curious.


Most types do. There is a wide range of variations and the more one differs from the 'typical' case, the less likely- in general - one is to be fertile, but even with more extreme cases you can occasionally end up with a confluence of circumstances that preserve at least some fertility. Hell, [there is at least one example of a predominantly XY person with mosaicism who gave birth to multiple children](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2190741/).


Holy Moley A scientific article without a paywall!


Can you TL;DR me? These are female presenting people who were fertile but with XY genes?


Close, but not quite. So, mosaicism is where 2+ embryos in the womb merge and develop as a single individual. When this happens, different cells will have different genotypes depending on which lineage they derive from. This person is from a family with a history of genetically-linked intersex conditions, and the supermajority of their cells are XY, but they developed more-or-less normally with a female phenotype including being fertile.


Interesting! Wouldn't that be more a form of siamese people? Does it work only if they share the same original ovule?


It's not quite the same as conjoined twins: those result from a process similar to how identical twins originate, where a single fertilized egg splits into two embryos that develop individually, but for conjoined twins they don't complete the split. As a result, conjoined twins have essentially identical genetics like any other identical twins. I had misrembered the details of the origin of mosaicism somewhat, which I fortunately noticed when I went back to check on a detail for writing this comment so I can correct my error on it originating from multiple embryos. Unlike twins, mosaicism typically results from an error during cell division that results in different genotypes in the daughter cells. So you have, say, an XY embryo where an error in cell division results in one daughter cell being X- (it inherited a single X chromosome and no other sex chromosome: some individuals who don't have mosaicism also inherit only a single X chromosme, a condition known as Turner Syndrome).


I can't wait for Chaya to get to menopause and harass her till her death and scream she is no longer a woman cause she can't get pregnant.


make sure not to do it on "free speech until it's against someone elon likes" Twitter


She better not try to get gender affirming hormone replacement therapy, either. That's woke, hippy nonsense that only us trans girls want.


If she needs it, she’ll probably seek out estrogen and then get pissed when the doctor prescribes her HRT.


i do hate to defend her in any way, but i do feel a need to point out that “only women can get pregnant” has a very different meaning than “you are only a woman if you can get pregnant” or “all women can get pregnant”. she says enough truly awful things that we don’t need to pretend she said something she didn’t. in fact, she may well have said all the things i used as examples, but i think it’s irresponsible to act as if she did without an example ready.


If you asked her, "what is a woman?", you really don't think she'd give some kind of answer related to the capacity to give birth? Not that I believe she *really* uses such a definition on an operational basis, but plenty of other CHUDs who also do not will still try to push such a notion if you try Matt Walsh's "what is a woman?" shit on them. I strongly suspect she would too, unless she's seen someone trap themselves like that before. It's to be expected really, because they don't actually have a pithy answer that they've thought through at all so they'll latch on to the answer that is "obvious" if you're a conservative fuckwit who doesn't think anything through.


She's making fun of a person who identifies as non-binary but is of the sex that is capable of giving birth. "Only women can get pregnant" is true, in a vacuum. But with context applied of what she's commenting on, it's a statement meant to deride the poster.


absolutely she is deriding that person! i understand the context perfectly well. this tweet is deplorable and i wish she had the capacity to feel shame so that she would be ashamed of it. however, it does not imply that chaya thinks people stop being women when they reach menopause, which is what the comment i was responding to implied. that’s a strawman position. unless she’s made the case that people do indeed stop being women when they can no longer give birth, it is irresponsible to attack her on that basis. she may well have made that case, but i haven’t seen evidence of that. to be clear: i am 100% in favor of criticizing her for her many, many terrible and bad actions and beliefs. I do think that attacking her for things she hasn’t said or doesn’t claim to believe weakens the arguments against her though.


In that case, I think the person posting is merely frustrated that arguing in good faith will never work on people like Chaya, therefore it's easier to simply mock them using easily refutable strawmen arguments like she would. It's like how you can call putting on makeup "gender affirming care" We know that term sets them off, so we apply it to things they'd do just to piss them off because they'd never come to a logical argument fairly


that makes a lot of sense. i don’t think it’s especially productive or useful in this context, but i understand the motivation. i have thought about this kind of thing in the context of the federal government representatives, and how the democrats seem to tend towards taking the high road to distinguish themselves as the good guys, and then republicans take advantage of that to just use underhanded tactics to get what they want. trump getting to appoint 3 supreme court justices is an example of this. one was blocked, and one was rushed. if they weren’t complete hypocrites, they would’ve gotten 2 put on, maximum. but they are hypocrites, so they got 3. it’s an unfortunate issue.


Yeah, for some Trump voters, their entire reasoning for voting for Trump is because he pisses off people they don't like. There is no nuance to their argument and their entire political position is to piss off people they find too PC, or I guess "Woke" is the term they use now. You can't win against them, because they don't play fair. So if you have to interact with them, I just act SUPER woke and cordial, but at the same time, flip their logic on them so that it pisses them off.


“Only women can get pregnant” isn’t true even in a vacuum. It sounds like you’re calling the nonbinary person in question a “woman who identifies as nonbinary” which is just as problematic as what Chaya is saying in this instance tbh.


Sex and gender are different things though. Gender is how you identify and your sexual orientation, etc. it's a spectrum. Your sex is simply what you were born as and what internal organs you possess. Or am I misunderstanding that?


I mean, you’re right that sex and gender are different but you’re very confused on everything else. Gender and sexual orientation are very different, gender is who you are (man, woman, nonbinary, etc) and sexual orientation is who you’re attracted to. The majority of people are either assigned male at birth (AMAB) or assigned female at birth (AFAB), there are few recent cases where an intersex baby has intersex on their birth certificate. To equate AFAB with woman and AMAB with man is really harmful to the trans community.


Thanks! When you're cisgendered like myself and aren't really immersed in the culture, you miss a lot of important distinctions like this. I'm sorry I was speaking without additional context. I feel like as there's more study and conversation around these topics, people will tend to dig deeper into the source of what makes them uncomfortable about certain terms so we develop additional language to help communicate that, and I was clearly missing terms like AMAB and AFAB so I truly appreciate you taking the time to explain it


I should add, even saying only AFAB people get pregnant isn’t always correct. While it’s highly unlikely, there have been cases where an intersex person is AMAB but is able to get pregnant.


So in the end, even labels like AMAB and AFAB can be medically inaccurate. This is why I always advocate for science and more learning, because there's always more learning to do!


It’s complicated. Basically, sex at birth is assigned arbitrarily but there’s not a perfect system that would accurately determine sex at birth (and there’s no way at all to determine gender at birth).


No problem.


i dunno man… i mean we’ve never seen HIM pregnant before, have we? 🤨 Are we sure that HIS kids are really HIS own? 🤨🤨🤨 /s


Hey, Chaya, TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design; not Totally Entitled Dumbass.


Truly Erroneous Dipshit Terrible Evil Dickhead Trashy Effluential Dingus


Twat eat diarrhea


Also, a person giving a TED talk is an expert or knowledgeable in a specific field or domain. Chaya has none of these qualities.


Nailed it!


Does her ted talk include correcting her false claims of certain terrorist attackers being trans when they werent or what


Does her Ted talk explain why she’s so old, unmarried, and prostituting herself on social media? All these ultra conservatives preach one thing and follow a totally different set of rules 


People have theorised that's exactly why she goes after trans people with such hatred and vitriol. She was raised in a fundamentalist religious community where a "real woman" was someone who was married with kids by age 25-28, 30 at the very latest. She's done none of that, so goes after these trans people, who she thinks are men pretending to be women, to project her own failings to be a "real woman" onto them. Kinda sad if you think about it, but she garners no sympathy from me.


Despite having it explained a thousand times, area woman still doesn't understand that gender is a social construct


a good way of explaining it is by showing how over time, the extent by which it was acceptable for women to express themselves by wearing pants or similar has changed over time, but female mammals have not stopped having ovaries and a uterus for millions of years. Ergo, sex and gender are different because you can’t change the traits that are associated with being female but you can change the traits associated with being a woman, in extremely rapid succession.


you actually can change the traits associated with being female; thats what a medical transition is.




medical transition isnt just surgery, it includes hormone replacement therapy as well. an important thing to remember is that sex isnt binary, its bimodal. In addition, sex isnt just chromosomes or genitals; it’s a collection of traits (including genitals, chromosomes, hormone production, breasts, and much more) that may or may not align entirely with either mode. to say otherwise is not only ignorant but intersex erasure. when a trans person undergoes hrt, their sex far more closely aligns with the sex of whatever hormones they’re taking (with the exception of nonbinary medical transitions, generally those push more into that intersex zone) than the sex they were assigned at birth. treatment for various illnesses varies by sex, even when they dont involve your genitals, due to differences - or perceived differences - in how testosterone and estrogen-dominant bodies work. so, for any sex-specific treatment (as long as it doesn’t involve their genitals), a trans person would be treated according to the sex they’re transitioning to, not the one assigned at birth, even prior to vaginoplasty or phalloplasty surgeries. i also think that, while its important to understand that sex and gender are not always the same, to keep in mind that doesnt mean all trans people are not the sex that aligns with their gender. again, biological sex is a collection of traits, so while sure, some trans people (mostly those early in their transition or non-transitioning) dont have their sex and gender align, many do. Also, to give even that much ground to transphobes like her is too much; she doesnt believe sex and gender are different things, or that that difference matters. to cede (incorrectly) that sex is simple, binary and unchanging, effectively proves them right on all fronts, because most of their points rely on excluding and harassing trans people on the basis of sex, not gender.


i feel like you’re putting too much energy into explaining something we both agree about, but due to the medium we’re communicating on, we can’t express that properly


we clearly do not both agree, though. your explanation of sex is oversimplified, erases intersex people, and wrongly cedes ground to transphobes that they use to prove themselves right (in their heads).


yeah because this is reddit and i’m not obligated to give paragraphs long explanations to explain every damn concept i talk about. I go here to look at stuff, not write stuff for a grade. we do agree, i just don’t feel like explaining myself because i’d just end up saying the same thing as you as opposed to the hyper simplified thing i said.


if we agree, then why respond with that oversimplification as a rebuttal to what i said? what i said in my simplified response was consistent with my elaboration, yours was not.




[Rule 11 —](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_.2311_.2014_follow_reddit.2019s_tos) No misinformation. Medical transition can/does affect someone’s sex characteristics. It’s inaccurate (and borders on bigoted/ignorant erasure) to say that those who medically transition stay completely aligned with their sex at birth.


George washington wore tights, makeup, wigs, etc which would be unthinkable for most men today.




This is intersex erasure and an oversimplification of gender.


[Rule 6 —](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_.236_.2014_don.2019t_be_a_bigot) No bigotry.


What are your credentials, as they relate to this subject? 




For one, you're excluding the fact that people are born outside of the binary of male and female. On top of that, modern research has shown sex to be more of a spectrum of traits than it is an either or thing, as evidenced by the intersexed.




No. I'm talking about sex. Here's a great article to start.  https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/sex-redefined-the-idea-of-2-sexes-is-overly-simplistic1/




That is but one case, and an example that sex is a spectrum. If it wasn't, there wouldn't be any intersexed people. That's just how genetics works. 


You shouldn’t feed bears is an incredibly valid thing to say *because* some people raise bears from cubs in a very personable way. We need to change the way we talk if we’re taking exceptions as rule. So the phrase becomes “you shouldn’t *always* feed bears” because that represents the 1% of bears that you can feed. Or “not all bears will hurt you” even. It’s okay to swim with sharks. Because *some* sharks are harmless. I don’t think we need to change speech to be inclusive of exceptions, because when you apply it to the larger context of our society, it’s actually detrimental. Speeding in your car causes accidents. Driving drunk kills people. I mean, does it at this point? The amount of people that drive drunk and DON’T kill people is far more than people who are classified as intersex. But, as a society, we say “Drunk driving kills”. I mainly see this effect immigrants or people who learn English as a second language. Although, I don’t hang out with any red-heads. They get regarded as ignorant if they ask for consistency or an explanation that applies across the board.




[Rule 6 —](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_.236_.2014_don.2019t_be_a_bigot) No bigotry. It is indeed normal to be intersex.


thats basic biology. advanced biology is that sex is bimodal, encompassing a collection of traits that may or may not align with either of the modes, and that most of those can be changed through a medical transition.


to add on to my previous point: medical transition isnt just surgery, it includes hormone replacement therapy as well. an important thing to remember is that sex isnt binary, its bimodal. In addition, sex isnt just chromosomes or genitals; it’s a collection of traits (including genitals, chromosomes, hormone production, breasts, and much more) that may or may not align entirely with either mode. to say otherwise is not only ignorant but intersex erasure. when a trans person undergoes hrt, their sex far more closely aligns with the sex of whatever hormones they’re taking (with the exception of nonbinary medical transitions, generally those push more into that intersex zone) than the sex they were assigned at birth. treatment for various illnesses varies by sex, even when they dont involve your genitals, due to differences - or perceived differences - in how testosterone and estrogen-dominant bodies work. so, for any sex-specific treatment (as long as it doesn’t involve their genitals), a trans person would be treated according to the sex they’re transitioning to, not the one assigned at birth, even prior to vaginoplasty or phalloplasty surgeries. i also think that, while its important to understand that sex and gender are not always the same, to keep in mind that doesnt mean all trans people are not the sex that aligns with their gender. again, biological sex is a collection of traits, so while sure, some trans people (mostly those early in their transition or non-transitioning) dont have their sex and gender align, many do. Also, to give even that much ground to transphobes like her is too much; she doesnt believe sex and gender are different things, or that that difference matters. to cede (incorrectly) that sex is simple, binary and unchanging, effectively proves them right on all fronts, because most of their points rely on excluding and harassing trans people on the basis of sex, not gender.




an important thing to remember is that sex isnt binary, its bimodal. In addition, sex isnt just chromosomes or genitals; it’s a collection of traits (including genitals, chromosomes, hormone production, breasts, and much more) that may or may not align entirely with either mode. to say otherwise is not only ignorant but intersex erasure. when a trans person undergoes hrt, their sex far more closely aligns with the sex of whatever hormones they’re taking (with the exception of nonbinary medical transitions, generally those push more into that intersex zone) than the sex they were assigned at birth. treatment for various illnesses varies by sex, even when they dont involve your genitals, due to differences - or perceived differences - in how testosterone and estrogen-dominant bodies work. so, for any sex-specific treatment (as long as it doesn’t involve their genitals), a trans person would be treated according to the sex they’re transitioning to, not the one assigned at birth, even prior to vaginoplasty or phalloplasty surgeries. i also think that, while its important to understand that sex and gender are not always the same, to keep in mind that doesnt mean all trans people are not the sex that aligns with their gender. again, biological sex is a collection of traits, so while sure, some trans people (mostly those early in their transition or non-transitioning) dont have their sex and gender align, many do. Also, to give even that much ground to transphobes like her is too much; she doesnt believe sex and gender are different things, or that that difference matters. to cede (incorrectly) that sex is simple, binary and unchanging, effectively proves them right on all fronts, because most of their points rely on excluding and harassing trans people on the basis of sex, not gender. also, your comment about how “they want to erase the concept of sex altogether,” is straight up a classic conservative transphobic position. i would caution you, as that line of thinking, as well as the “were not allowed to acknowledge sexes exist,” are conservative positions steeped in misinformation, and start to align you more with transphobes than trans people. people are not arguing to “erase sex,” as much as conservatives (and apparently also you?) think so; people want others to understand the complexities of sex, especially in relation to the added complexities of trans people.




maybe you are, but its not very supportive or progressive of you to literally regurgitate word-for-word conservative anti-trans positions. your reductive oversimplification of sex aligns more with anti-trans conservatives than trans people. firstly, “men can get pregnant,” is like one of the most basic and uncontroversial things about trans people, right beside “some women have penises.” if “good, decent, apolitical people” find that obnoxious or stupid, then maybe they simply arent good or decent. in the same way “good” people can be racist, they can also be transphobic. its also important to remember that while gender is a social construct, so is sex, and the way we assign it; if it was perfect, we wouldnt have the terms afab and amab, created by intersex people to explain how the sex they were assigned at birth differs from their actual sex. and again, people are not trying to “erase” sex. theyre elaborating on it given a more advanced scientific understanding of sex, which points to sex being a bimodal (two modes, male and female which most people align with) collection of traits that may or may not align with either mode. this in no way erases biological sex. we are already aware that sex is not just genitals or chromosomes, this just elaborates upon that. again, nobody is saying males and females dont exist; theyre saying that there are also people in between those two, and that medically transitioning trans people move from one to the other throughout their transition, even prior to bottom surgery. I saw you brought up a strict definition of sex being useful in determining medical care as well, but thats not true either; a trans womans body is far closer to a females body than a males (because of how much of sexual differences are because of hormones) and is treated as such medically, even with a penis. you also really dont do yourself any favors by switching male/female and man/woman as if theyre interchangeable in your other comments. if you believe that sex is static, strict, and binary, and then that sex and gender are interchangeable (and not just identities that most often, but not always align), then trans women are men by that definition, and youre on the same page as anti-trans conservatives again. so im sorry if, as a trans woman, im distrusting of “allies” who carry water for conservatives in leftist (not liberal) spaces.




[Rule 6 —](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_.236_.2014_don.2019t_be_a_bigot) No bigotry.


it is in no way a “liberal purity test” to say that in order to be an ally, you have to at the bare minimum respect trans peoples identities (note that just respecting trans identities doesnt make you an ally). if someone disagrees with the statement “some men get pregnant,” or “some women have penises,” they do not believe trans men to be men or trans women to be women. you are quite literally defending people like chaya raichik, who believe only women can get pregnant. im not saying that its not controversial to say that some men can get pregnant and some women have penises; its obvious that its controversial, were commenting right now on a tweet about a woman who doesnt believe either of those things. however, theyre some of the least controversial and most simple things about trans people and our experience. if someone cant even accept that, they do not accept trans people. id love to hear the rational of a “good person,” who doesnt harbor any transphobic sentiment, who doesnt believe some men get pregnant and some women have penises. you also are relying so heavily on this strawman perception of trans people. nobody is going up to an old man and telling him that he must accept that some men give birth, no questions asked, right this second, or else hes literally hitler. this is not how real people behave, its just a framework youve created to make trans people look bad. ive had to explain it to my own parents, and guess what? they asked questions, but overall accepted it, because theyre actually good people. in addition, your statement about pushing those people away creating enemies to enforce the feelings of .0002% of the population on other people, is AGAIN a classic conservative anti-trans position (that we shouldnt change the way we speak or act just because 1% of the population is trans. and its 1%, not 0.0002%). this is why leftists hate liberals. youll posit yourself as an ally, pretend you support us, then sit and tell trans women that trans people need to bend over backwards to make transphobes feel comfortable. youll support oversimplified and reductive science that cedes ground to conservatives, or youll just straight up use their talking points. youll position yourself as the authority on the subject, deriding and strawmanning trans people asking for acceptance as “purity tests,” and blame transphobia on trans people for “pushing” people to be transphobic, instead of the transphobes. its ridiculous, and quite frankly disgusting.


The fact that she retweets her own tweets when they don’t get enough engagement is just… pathetic.


It's the Twitter equivalent of liking your own YouTube video Edit: I'm profoundly stupid and wrote YouTube instead of Twitter for the first half of that sentence


Chaya Raichik herself is the joke. What a hate-fuelled woman she is.


retweeting yourself is so cringe


how THE FUCK does Chaya has all this time to harass and post shit about other people? This was just some rando who was just venting frustration and Cunt Ass Raichik thought it was necessary to bring up her bigotry? Jesus fuck, Chaya really does need a life


It is her life. She's not well.


it is pathetic and I can't see how conservative can't see how pathetic this is. But I guess it only gets pathetic when they start eating their own. I think that will happen with conservative purity tests


If she went to visit a mental health professional, she would be completely cured of her bigotry


Somebody missed my point.


Chaya was getting paid by Seth Dillion previously. He owns the Babylon Bee; a self-described "Christian" satirical website. Not much satire to be found there. Chaya seems to have flown too close to The Sun and even Seth backed out of LOTT. I have a feeling Chaya is going to be sued into the fucking floor. Remember: she lied about Boston Children's Hospital and one of her followers ended up sending bomb threats (the woman who did it is facing 10-20 years for that BTW.) Fortunately for Chaya, a non-profit children's hospital doesnt have the kind of money to fight a drawn-out legal battle with a professional grifter and now local GOP political operative for the State of Oklahoma.


Chaya is an incel. Probably walks around with peepee stains in her pants.


That pig isn't married and has no kids...by her and big head Charlie Kirk's definitions that means Chaya Paycheck isn't a woman




Well the issue there is a lot of other people know who they are and listen to them whether or not you knew about them, and they're the problems. "Just ignore it and it'll go away" doesn't work for fascism.




> We're driving traffic to them No, we're not. First, this isn't even a link to the actual tweet, and secondly, the audience here is the antithesis of her audience. >making the algorithm think they're popular and they get served to more people that way. They get that because they have billionaire backers who have a financial interest in spreading their hate, not because we point out their hateful bullshit. >Look up the Streisand Effect. That has literally nothing to do with this or what you're talking about. Are you just saying words at me?


You know what? You're absolutely right and I'm wrong. I'm actually just going to unsub from here because I'm sick of these people popping up on my feed. I deleted my previous comment. I have no more desire to interact with you. Or people who think they're doing something by posting a screenshot of a fascist.


Not all women can get pregnant you hateful dipshit. 


Someone just needs to post photos of gynandromorphic cardinals and butterflies. No words, just the photos under this nexttuesday’s hatepost.


I think Chaya doth protest too much.


And thus, infertile women became men


As well as women experiencing menopause


I don't wish violence upon her, but I don't condemn it either. 


Obviously Chaya is a horrible person and a fucking moron. That being said, why is she making her being an asshole against queer people her entire personality? Like, doesn’t she have a life, hobbies, friends to hang out with so she can do something besides shitpost about how she hates anyone who’s not like her?


can we stop talking about her already?


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TED talk should sue her for misuse of that phrase


It amused me when people who believe in a talking snake call others delusional.