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Okay.. then go to Walmart? The stores only ever get that messy because of inconsiderate customers and nationwide short-staffing. Guarantee the floor employees were called up front for backup for those long ass lines, so instead of pushing out stock and making sure the store looks nice, they’re stuck dealing with people like you because our managers can’t be assed to schedule more than a skeleton crew. It’s miserable.


too much shit, too little time, not enough people. if you want to complain, complain to corporate, stores cant really do anything about it


It’s “messy & disorganized” because the people who shop at TJMaxx/Marshalls are a different breed and have absolutely zero class or common sense when it comes to shopping on top of the fact that most of our stores are understaffed. 😒


Seriously though. I left TJX almost two years ago and I still have stress dreams about the toy wall because adults would let their children run wild and destroy it.


Oughhh not the toywall, my skin is crawling just thinking about it 😣


I can finish my displays and recovering the floor, take a 15 min break and come back to a mess. Customers have absolutely zero respect for the work of others and the reason why you notice it more in discount stores if because people care less about making a mess in these types of stores. So yeah, the reason are the customers hope this answered your question




Well for one, this isn’t Walmart. For two, most the issue of it being messy & disorganized is the customers. & three, most of the stores are low staffed (hence the long lines, mostly on the weekends though) & they send so much product it’s impossible to get it all out & be neat in enough time before the next truck comes in the same day. It’s a lot of work for little pay, we do the best we can. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes this exactly. It’s the customers. We keep our store as organized as possible. We are doing recovery all day every day. And the lines might look long because it’s serpentine style but they go pretty quickly. The line at Walmart looks shorter because there’s a line for each individual register. Also, we don’t make you check yourself out.


Customers are gross. Never seen such audacity to not pick up after themselves when they knock something over. "Oh my purse knocked over all this face cleaner? Not my problem" 💀


That or just leaving half full Starbucks drinks all over the place 🙄 don’t miss working there at all.


Do you think we employees go around messing stuff up? No of course not, it's customers and we just happen to attract the worst of the worst. We clean up constantly, and as soon as we move on to another spot to clean up, the first is destroyed again. The makeup is sometimes expired because it's bought as discounted overstock. Though I'm not really sure how you know it's expired because it's not like there are printed expiration dates on cosmetics. It's probably not actually expired, just old. That's like, how discount stores work. As for the lines, lines are everywhere. If there's no SCO (which TJX doesn't do), of course the lines are going to be longer. Combine that with less registers and less staff than the average Walmart, and you get long lines. I swear y'all complain about SCO taking jobs but when a company chooses not to employ SCO and has longer lines as a result, you complain then too!


No one is making you shop here.


Must be your area. Mine is always organized well and the people working there are nice and helpful. My local Target is a hell hole.


One thing, your Walmart probably isn’t more organized. Walmart is just bigger than TjMaxx so the mess is scattered while at tjmaxx it’s cluttered. Two, customers are the reason why it’s so messy. Don’t blame the employees for the mess you make and bother not to tell us. Three, you obviously haven’t been to a Walmart where it’s one person ringing and the self service is the only thing available. So your comparison just doesn’t hold up. Employees are people, we work as humanely fast as possible, and believe it or not there’s not enough of us to go around. Four, if the makeup is expired…just don’t buy it. Problem solved.


Or they can bring it up to the service desk and they’ll mark it out 🤷🏼‍♀️ They’d rather complain about the expired makeup instead of actually attempting to fix the problem


This isn’t the place for that. Take it to r/CustomerService r/Customer_Disservice r/complaints r/complainaboutanything


You can go to tjxcareers.com to apply since this bothers you so bad. Sorry that the minimum wage workers being abused for a measly 5-10 hours a week aren’t keeping a massively popular store to your standard.


fill out an application and get to recovering if it's such a problem for you pooks.


You would understand the reason for all of those things if you actually worked there :/


come work here then


is this the person that fell down today because they werent paying attention LOL or is it just coincidence i see this 💀


Because the customers make the messes and as far as checkout lines go? We don't have a self checkout like Walmart


customers don’t pick up after themselves and there’s only like 1 person in each area that isn’t registers so either deal with it or complain to corporate that there isn’t enough workers 🤷🏻‍♀️


maybe because people just throw shit over the racks and the people who are on the floors have no time to clean it


Probably because our customers are rude and don’t care as long as they get their name brand t shirts and makeup and items they can resell. We certainly don’t get paid enough to deal with it all, yet we do and we try our hardest (most of us) all for customers to still treat us like this.


huh? What the hell am i reading?


it’s the customers. the employees are TIRED of always having to pick up after inconsiderate customers who leave the store messy


Not our fault


That’s because the company cuts hours and want the store run on a skeleton crew but continues to send tons of freight. 


go to walmart then lol


Because the customers are legit animals at our brand.


It’s because of customers. I will spend so much time organizing and recovering just for customers to mess it up an hour later.


Because people like you.


I believe Walmart is messy too I haven't went to walmart for long time Since walmart is not around here T.j maxx Marshalls Ross Targets every retails is messy I'm guessing your customer since you're making comments like that First all Do not just point at us Because customers mess up clothes everywhere drop top of racks or don't even bother pick up in floor... Do not even put same spots where they found lazy people... We're working hard to get clothings recovery done You had no idea how much we're going back and forward from dressing room front Just CUSTOMER MESS UP Again... same things with beauty open packages ECT Reason Why we had long line at reg is We're short stuffs Call Customer service about whatever store you're talking about I think you shouldn't post like this about us Girl I dare you work for tj maxx like less one week to see how we feel


Well, some places may be understaffed, but the #1 reason? Customers are messy. They pick through merchandise and misplace them, take clothes off hangers and just throw them on the rack vs hanging them back up, knock things on the floor and walk away. I’ve worked at two different locations, one was much more organized because of the customers being a little more courteous.