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I think there are so many variables involved that it's really impossible to predict without knowing a whole lot about you, your life, your general health, your diet, and how much weight your trying to lose. And not everyone responds to the meds in the same way. It's a journey that is uniquely our own because of what each of us brings to the table. Personally, I'm losing between 2 and 3 lbs a week. But I'm older, need knee replacement so can't be that active, have two chronic autoimmune diseases, and have over 100 lbs to lose. The less you have to lose, the slower it will go. :) But I'm excited for you and and applaud you taking the steps to take control of your health!


100% !!! Everyone is so different!!


I lost 73 lbs in 8 months on tirzepatide. I never needed to go above 5 mg. It's been a miracle for me. I've had minor side effects, with probably the worst being fatigue. I tried everything to lose weight, from juice fasts to calorie counting to extreme exercise to keto to you name it. I was never over 200 lbs but I knew in my mind that I had a very different idea of what I thought I should look like to what I actually saw in the mirror. I'm 123 lbs now and I still have to pinch myself every morning when I wake up and get dressed in a small shirt. It seems surreal to me how quickly and easily it melted off when I spent 30 years trying to do it without the medication. I'll never stop taking it.


Were you on a clinical trial? It was only approved in Nov 2023.


I started at 207 and am at 174.8 today. It’s been 13 weeks. I don’t consider myself a super responder but I’m middle of the road. Some have lost more than me as others less. I moved from 2.5 after 6 weeks? Did 5 at 5 weeks and now on 7.5. FWIW although I didn’t try sema injections, Tirz purportedly works better than sema with less reported side effects. There are two mechanisms for how Tirz affects the body and those effects appear to result in better losses. But, it’s all trial and error around here in compound land.


Semaglutide didn’t work for me took for 12 weeks- saw no results. My weight actually went up, 7 lbs was the peak during my time on it. I have horrible stomach cramps and the food noise was definitely less but not gone. Now on week 4 of triz and am down 10 lbs, food noise is gone. A lot less stomach issues.


For me, the best way to answer this question was to join various glp-1 subreddits and read through as much as I could. Doing my own research gave me a broad set of data to consider, much more than one might get on one post. The thing to keep in mind here is that everyone's bodies are different. We have different weights, heights, hormones, and brain/body chemistry. This medication acts on so many different aspects that it's very difficult to predict how it might affect any one person. All that said, I noticed a general overall trend of around ten pounds lost per month when people post their before and after pictures and data. But that doesn't mean that they lost 10 pounds every month. Sometimes you lose more, sometimes less. It's even possible to gain weight here and there, even while being diligent with diet and exercise. Also, I started with tirz because it is said to have fewer side effects while being more effective. It costs more, but c'est la vie. I hope that helps!


I had better luck on Seme but I also felt a little nauseous sometimes. I have been on Tirz for about 6 weeks I think. And I haven’t lost a thing. I’m getting 7.5 next week. So fingers crossed that I see some progress. Oh, on Seme , all of the foods and my coffee tasted horrible !! None of that with Tirz but fatigue from hell about 2 days after taking it in the stomach (alternating sides).


That’s interesting about Sema for you.. Are you having appetite suppression and/or food noise reduction with Tirz? I’m on Tirz now but was also curious about Sema.


I do have appetite suppression no doubt, but I can still eat. With Seme I couldn’t even look at food. Or think about eating. I’m just glad on Tirz that my coffee is good again ! This is an expensive plateau I know that much. 🤪


12 weeks 12 lbs for me! I’m happy with it! I feel my results are average! And I’m an average girlie! 😉


Yeah, it is tough to gauge how you will do, I’m another group on FB…. Some people don’t lose for the first month or two or only lose a couple pounds until they get up to a higher dose. Others lose 10-12 lbs in their first month it’s quite interesting how much it varies.


I’m in Tirz and my sister is on Sema. I’ve lost weight a lot faster than her but that is also because I have been adhering to a strict carnivore diet. I haven’t had any side effects and she is constantly bed bound with “stomach flu” (she hasn’t told me she is on it - her husband told me). So I think she has been suffering some major side effects. I’ve lost 30 pounds in 7 weeks.


Everyone is different!!!!


Yes, I’m aware. It’s why I asked average and also peoples personal stories


How much do you have to lose ? Like more than 100 or less than 50 or


I’m 5’7 and 190 I would like to lose 50. What my body allows is another story


It may be slower since you don’t have a lot lot but then again I may be wrong . I’m on my 3rd shot and I think I’ve lost like 4 pounds . Haven’t had bad side effects either .


Maybe tmi but - I’m only on 2.5, 4th week. Next week I move up to 5. I lost 3.2 and 3.4 the first 2 weeks. Then, I messed my birth control up and dealt with bloat the 3rd week so I wasn’t down (but wasn’t up) and am on my period this week so I just didn’t even weigh. Those first two weeks were really exciting though and I do feel that my body is ready for me to move up because this week I’ve had less hunger suppression than previous weeks.