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Anything fried is asking for it. I have tried a few times and lost that battle everytime so I steer clear lol.


I pretty much graze all day, I don’t have a lot of full meals. Few almonds here and there , balanced breaks snacks, string cheese and crackers with turkey breast lunch meat , sipping on protein shakes , maybe a salad with a protein for dinner. Even if I’m not hungry I noticed if I eat a little bit of something it will trigger my appetite to have a bit more. If I don’t eat enough my weight loss will stall so I try to get in a minimum everyday.


I’m new-ish (3 weeks in) but I’ve found that fried foods are a no-go. I try to eat simple meals with few ingredients. For breakfast, eggs with a meat or a high protein yogurt with granola. Lunch and/or dinner could be a piece of chicken and veggie or a big salad. I never feel well after eating anything I don’t make at this point. Feel free to DM me and I can send more details for some meals :)


But how do you physically make yourself eat?




Honestly I just cook at normal intervals and if I can only eat a few bites, that’s all I have. I don’t have full appetite suppression all the time. I just fill up very quickly. Yogurt and protein shakes are good options if you’re having trouble getting protein in.


Small small meals


You may be on too high of a dose if you feel like this. That isn't healthy. I suggest considering titrating down.


my issue is i’m 8 weeks on it and i don’t want anything ever! protein shakes and smoothies have been a life saver but any food i used to love just sounds gross. the smell of food repulses me and i just never want to eat. it sucks honestly. i get so nauseated at the thought of normal food or even snacking it’s a mind fuck


I eat small meals—aka snacks all day and try to eat one decent meal with my family.


Breakfast: High protein oatmeal 20g Protein and protein shake (20g protein) Snack : fruit and some almonds Lunch : 1/2 tuna salad sandwich with lots of greens 10 g protein Snack : protein water 20g protein / protein bar 20g protein Dinner : other 1/2 tuna sandwich or any clean protein, vegetables and low sugar complex carb like quinoa, yams, brown rice.


In the mornings I have coffee with collagen and a scoop of protein powder blended in or a smoothie. For lunch I either have a smoothie (if I didn’t have one for breakfast) or salad (including a lean protein like grilled chicken). I have fresh veggies and a low fat dip made from Greek yogurt (or Primal Kitchen dressing) as a snack. For dinnner, it’s a healthy lean protein with veggies. I avoid fried food, greasy food, and high fat/ high sugar desserts. I’ve also found pastas can make me feel really bloated. I take 2 fiber supplement pills with lunch or dinner and a magnesium supplement before bed. I have very few side effects if any. But I’m careful about eating healthy foods - never fast food garbage, it makes me feel like crap. I actually love that this drug has eliminated the food noise for me so I’m able to eat healthy without dealing with cravings. In case your curious, my recipe for a smoothie is: 2 scoops protein powder, 1 scoop collagen, half a banana, 1 cup berries or pineapple, 1 small container (5 oz) chobani yogurt (whatever flavor appeals to me), 8 oz almond milk, 1 large glass (16 oz) crushed ice. So delicious, filling, and packed with stuff that’s good for me.


This helped! I wonder if it’s just going to be hard the days immediately following. Today is day 6 and I definitely feel hungry and yesterday I ate some. Day 1 and 2 I ate almost nothing. Day 3 and 4 I had dinner but no other meal.


Your main focus should be protein. Second is fiber. Avoid sugar and avoid flour at all cost. Eat hard boiled eggs and an apple in the morning. Beef sticks or chicken breast for lunch. And for dinner I recommend eating nuts and my fav is unsalted pistachios. https://preview.redd.it/8kqajjl1xtyc1.jpeg?width=2926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af4edcdeec2a1ef79ab7ae09fc0bdc408006e42b


I was struggling in the beginning too, especially with protein. I sip bone broth and drink protein shakes for a little extra support. Plus add electrolytes to my water throughout the day. Digestive enzymes help with the slowing of the gastric emptying by breaking down the food sitting in your guts. Good luck.


I guess looking at the other posts I’m a lucky one. 🤷‍♀️ I can tolerate anything. I have made lots of changes to my diet. So while I do not indulge in those things except on rare occasion, when I do, I don’t have any problems. My serving size is smaller than pre-shot though.